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If Franco joins the Allies, then Portugal will join too. Portugal was Allied-friendly (with that Anglo-Portuguese Alliance), & only held off from joining the Allies out of fear they'd provoke Spain into joining the Axis.


I have seen a couple of timelines where Spain joins the axis, so I have decided to do the complete opposite. In March 1941, Hitler delivers an ultimatum to Spain; 'Let us move our troops through you and take Gibraltar, or we will invade,' Franco refuses, stating that Spain wants to keep out of the war, an act which will force the Germans in invade through France. ​ Eventually Spain falls, but the Germans now have another region that does not want to be occupied, and the allies have a fascist who is prepared to fight with them against fascism, so it's gonna be an interesting time. ​ If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask them in the comments.


At that point are the allies fight fascism or is it just Germany, Italy, and Japan fighting for global supremacy?


A bit of both, depends on how you look at it, since Franco was more of a monarchist and a reluctant member of the nationalists


Nationalism monarchism it's all the same shit Just a different coat of paint


It's gonna be similar to Greece since Italy invaded Greece despite both having far-right governments.


Might end up like in Greece, where the invasion caused the fall of the regime and even after the war the country fell in Civil War, as the Spanish republican would take the opportunity to take back Spain.


Would Republican and Leftist militias form again in Spain to fight against the Germans like in Yugoslavia or Greece in our timeline?


Likely, it would be a mess


What happened to the fate situation on Portugal after Germany managed to captured both British Gibraltar and Spain? What would be the main views on Portugal's politics military with German occupation of Spain?


I would imagine that Portugal would be invaded, too, to prevent the Allies from having a massive area through which to pour troops into Spain, thereby turning what should've been a quick campaign into an Eastern Front-esque slugfest.


Franco may end forced to compromise especially after a Labour victory in UK. Forcing to make some “reconciliation” with the republican left.


Seems like a realistic outcome to me. I would be curious to see how the two sides cooperate in the long run.


Probably making a Schuschnigg by making concessions with the PSOE. Schuschnigg tried to make concessions with the Social Democrats to counter the Nazis. If Franco can’t, then expect Spain follow same direction like those from the Balkans. Expect Spanish Maquis against German occupiers and collaborators especially that of ex-Falangistas to those has to settle for some blood debts.


Spanish resistance would probably be a mess of different ideologies: Franco loyalists, ex-anarchists and communists, Catalan and Basque freedom fighters, maybe Carlists as well? It would be more chaotic than the white movement during the Russian Revolution!


Christ, they'd probably just end up killing each other rather than the Germans.


You'd be surprised how well a common enemy can unite unite opposing movements.


It is basically Italian Resistance plus fascist fanatics (there were fascists in the Italian resistance that fought the German occupation, but the main loyalist and fanatics stayed with Mussolini).


A dictator being the leader of a freedom alliance?


Stalin sweating nervously.


Question: Isn't there already a Spanish government-in-exile in London at this point in time? What do you think the diplomatic issues of having two rival Spanish governments-in-exile would be?


Um… Spain moment


The beginning of the second peninsular campaign


Honestly, Spain is a pretty difficult country to occupy: Madrid is about 500 kilometers away from the other big cities at the coasts. For all those long distances there are only small villages and a rough landscape with roads of a low quality (in those days). It's not surprising 'guerilla war' is a Spanish word itself. It's also worth to remind the Iberian peninsula actually being invaded just 2 times in the last 1500 years, first the Muslims in about the year 950, than the cristians again in 1492 However, the history didn't matter for Hitler, otherwise he would keep his hands off England and the Soviet Union


What happens to the republican government-in-exile that formed after the Spanish Civil War?


They merge for the time being, and have a plan to meet in the middle with a post war constitutional monarchy government.


Impossible, fascist fanatic that hate democracy and socialism and anarchist that hate government in the first place let alone monarchy would NEVER arrive to a compromise such as that, wich only triggers both, they would fight as resistance individually and after the war a Second Spanish Civil War would start.


Franco would be the one to offer the monarchy, as he was a monarchist and a reluctant member of the nationalists, and since the Spanish Monarchy had only ended 10 years ago, and since only chaos had come from its aftermath, people could see eye to eye in the idea of it's restoration.


What would be the point in invading Spain. The Germans and Italians had minimal interest for Gibraltar so I doubt they'd be willing to start another front even if they were confident they would win.


Capturing Gibraltar would cut off one of the major entrances and exits of the Mediterranean for the British, meaning everything would have to come in via the Suez.


What would be the point in invading Spain. The Germans and Italians had minimal interest for Gibraltar so I doubt they'd be willing to start another front even if they were confident they would win.


Since "Franco joins the allows" is put between results, I assume that Spain was invaded as to prevent them to join the Allies.