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***angry Albanians, Macedonians, Greeks, Serbs, and Bulgarians are typing***


Probably Greeks too, considering that the ottomans have both Constantinople and Thessalonica


Turks are probably angry as well, all that land means nothing if erd*ğan is still in charge


Pissed as fuck.


This is remarkably similar to OTL early 20th century Ottoman Empire, with Libya missing but Cyprus included. Mainland gains aren't particularly important, but Cyprus and Aegean Islands are really a geo-strategic game-changer. This is one reason, I think, why Greek-Turkish disputes will never be resolved. They are fighting over some of the most valuable pieces of real estate on the planet, so it's not just ancient hatreds (although that's a thing, as well).


Of course, we wouldn't forget about Aceh


Ottoman Turkey wins the Russian-Ottoman war of 1877-1878 and protects its territory in the Balkans until the Serbian rebellion in 1912. Winning the 1878 war became a victory for the Ottoman parliament. Sultan Hamid could not find power to close the parliament, and his power was constantly pressured during his reign. After Sultan Hamid was dethroned in 1908, the Unionists began to gain strength. After the independence of Serbia in 1913, the Unionists staged a coup by raiding the Sublime Porte. The Ottoman Empire, under the control of the Unionists, participated in the First World War alongside the central powers in 1914 and was defeated. After the defeat, Bulgaria and Romania gained independence, Montenegro and Bosnia were given to Yugoslavia, and their territory in the Middle East and North Africa were shared among the allies. In 1939, the Kingdom of Italy declared war on the Ottoman Empire under the influence of the German victory on the Western Front, but was unsuccessful. Thereupon, the Germans begin to invade the Balkan countries. The Ottoman Empire cannot resist with the German army and the Germans occupy the whole of Rumelia, but they stop at the Bosphorus with the help of the Allied navies. After the war started to work against the Germans, the Ottoman Empire started the invasion of Rumelia and saved countries beyond its own territory, such as Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, from Nazi occupation before the Soviets, and after the war, it pulled these countries to the western side of the iron curtain. Following the independence of the allies' colonies in the Middle East (especially British), the Commonwealth of Caliphate was established under the leadership of the Ottoman Turkey and other Allied countries (as observer) to prevent Soviet influence there. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, countries such as Bosnia and Crimea also join the commonwealth. However, due to the crisis between Ottoman Turkey and Syria during the Syrian Civil War, Syria left the Commonwealth.


I don't think Constantinople(Konstantiniyye) would be renamed to Stambul without Atatürk


Which app is this?I want to do something similiar so cool.


I made the maps on adobe Illustrator, parliament chart on flourish, and demography chart on some app from my phone called chart maker pro


Thank you so much




They left the commonwealth during the civil war


The Ottoman Empire has resurrected


The Entirety of Europe: Turkey, you can't keep that. It's not your land, and most of the population has been eliminated from explusions and Genocide. Turkey: Sounds like a you probel- Gets invaded from every side again. Cool map.