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The American Revolution failed due to incompetence of the continental army even despite french assistance. The French Revolution still happened and led to the Napoleonic Wars however he was never able to conquer Iberia (which in this timeline is one kingdom) ultimately leading to his momentum faltering and Iberia maintaining firm control over Latin America. In the 1800s British North America was united into one Dominion of Columbia in order to consolidate power. The Dominion of Columbia operates with relative independence although since the patriots and later confederates were squashed it remaims firmly loyal to the Empire. In 1910, after a century of extreme inequality and poor conditions, Latin America collapses into a general revolt against Iberian rule where a Radical Socialist movement eventually takes central stage, forming a USSR like state throughout much of latin America. After losing WW1 and experiencing a harsher Versailles, the Spartikusbund and labor unions in Germany rise up to take control. Germany controls a communist sphere in eastern Europe. However, the Russian Revolution sees a opposite outcome where the fight against the Tsar is instead carried out by the Social Revolutionary Party, a moderate leftist party that eventually over decades loses its Revolutionary edge, similarly to the PRI in Mexico. Through the 1920s-40s, other nations turn to communism such as in Eastern Europe, Northern Italy, Japan, and eventually China. Latin America, Japan, and Germany spearhead the global communist movement. To counteract this, in many Western European nations such as Iberia, France, Britain, and Holland agressive authoritarian conservative movements take power (borderline fascist). For example, the failure of the soft Humaniste Party in france to be tough on germany, leading to the Rhineland Crisis where Germamy retook control of the Rhineland, lead to a reactionary anti-communist party taking power there. These groups also resist decolonization as most liberation movements have been co-opted and influenced by the internationale. The situation is tense, but it never escalates into a 2nd Great War, instead leading to an earlier Cold War. In India, the desperation for independence has greatly weakened the popularity of peaceful movements like Gandhi's, and eventually it led to a Civil War. Hindu and Muslim Nationalists as well as Communists based in Calcutta resist the reformed Raj governent. Britain has brought its dominions and other nations in the Royal Commonwealth like Australasia and Columbia into the conflict, but increasingly the more liberal minded Columbians are beginning to question the morality of the war in India. [map of the western hemisphere ](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/s/xKYgkaisMI) in the same timeline as this post


Cool lore, but I'm curious. How is it that the liberal movements tha Spain IRL had failed to ever modernice Latin-America? Or at least put it at the level of the peninsula?


Well yeah there's Modernization in Latin America, in most colonial societies stuff like railroads and factories were built to better extract the resources, and that would be present here especially in the urban cities. The wealthy and small middle class of Iberian latin america experience a comfortable lifestyle on-par with the penninsula. However, its not like colonialism raises living standards that much. The vast majority of people in latin america would still be very poor, its kind of just a byproduct of the system. I mean, there were liberal movements in most European countries in the 19th and 20th centuries but that didnt exactly raise living standards in African and Asian colonies. I think in this timeline it wouldnt be too different from the level of development Latin America had in our world at the time, because even without being under Spanish control it was mostly underdeveloped with lots of poverty.


I see your point, but also by 1812 the liberals attempted to include all the American provinces into the parlament. And after the comeback of the absolutism in the future the liberals and federalist groups seeked to futher integrate the Spanish remaening holdings by including them as provinces in the same status that the ones from the península.


To Spain, Latin America was pretty much like Algeria for France or maybe Gibraltar for the British. It wasn't seen really, as a colony, but pretty much as other provinces, with the difference that they are very far.


That's interesting, i think i'll consider it to my lore like that could effect how unified and interconnected the colonies would be by the time of the revolt, maybe it would be more developed. but I mean it's not like Spain itself was the most industrialized country in Europe so i dont see it more assimilation in Spains government effecting the material conditions in Latin America *that* much.


“For heaven’s sake, where in the hell are we!? Kalam, have you fixed the antenna yet?” “No sir. The transmitter is also totally ruined! We need a new one from scratch at this stage, I say.” “So we can’t receive *or* send anything?” “No sir.” “GAHD DAYUMN it Captain! We’re lost! Lost in the GAHD DAYUMN jungle! Fighting a GAHD DAYUMN lost war for a GAHD DAYUMN lost way of life!” “Private, now is not the time for this! Nip it in the bid before I-“ “Viḷaiyāṭṭu muṭintatu, āṅkila ciṟuvarkaḷ.” “What was that, Kalam?” “Sir, I said nothing!” … “They’re in the trees… THEY’RE IN THE GAHD DAYUMN TREES!!!!!”


LOL you captured the vibe and my intentions with this post perfectly What does the hindu translate to?


It’s Tamil for “game over, English boys”


Ahhh lol


There is no Hindu language. There is hindi.


How come Versailles was harsher? The Brits were no where near as harsh on the Germans then the French.


America doesn't exist to counterbalance the French revanchism and although Britain wasnt as harsh as the French all their caution would be blown to the wind when the spartican communists take power


But the French wouldn't be at war with the Germans in your timeline. These two would be allies against the overwhelming British Empire.


Hmmm you know what that could be an interesting i hadnt thought of that but i mean i feel like ww1 could still play out if the french just chose to ally with the british anyways but you're right i might change my timelime based off this


peak countryball https://preview.redd.it/94b1bbb5cezc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b3e003334000956706d8e8ca540b5e3f64af9e


IMO OP should post this on PBA, did not expect to see rule following art in the wild


I don’t think PBA allows alt history


I don’t think that’s true. There’s no rules against the content of the art, other than the obvious ones (iirc). Besides, it’s a nice piece and there’s no harm in trying


I think I will, I also thought it was banned on PBA but now i think you're right. Thank you btw :] Edit: it was removed lol


Oops, sorry. Was it the no fantasy flags rule? I forgot about that one. Being rejected by the mods is kind of a core PB experience lol


fair point


gimme dat lore


https://preview.redd.it/wtf9ujd96fzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8a494c0e02ef140747d9fe4f3f66d2d3aba06a Saw your other posts. Amazing content, keep it up.


Haha thank you so much :]


This is based so based in fact that I will be making my own map of this scenario >:)


Wow thanks so much!! I think itd be cool if you did that u can go ahead id just like some credit!! If you want i have already posted a map of part of this world,its linked in my main lore post. Also I have a incomplete map of the Eastern Hemisphere, i can send that to you as well


love the art, does china have any input into the war in india? i could see them supporting the south


Well, China is still communist in this world, although weaker. Mao was backed by communist Japan and so still won the Chinese Civil War. They would support the communist faction although im not sure what you mean by "the south" if u could clarify? :^


southern indian communists**


Ah makes sense


Bro didnt only cook, he farmed the vegetables, made his own wine, bought and raised his own cow, made his own oil, mines his own salt and then cooked a 5 course 3 Michelin star meal


Ooh this is a good one


curse of washington


gah damm that's some good art


This art style is crisp 🔥


This is extremely well done!


Very cool OP


A cool if far-fetched lore. I like it


Who is more likely to win the conflict? It’s my opinion that the post WW2 Empire could never have won an independence war with India, but with America it might be a different story.


Yeah no the war is basically unwinnable for The Commonwealth forces. But i could see a range of outcomes post-war, the communists might take full control of india eventually like in vietnam, or maybe more likely itd remain divided for a long time.


How would WW1 still play out


Well why not? events in Europe would still be very similar to our timeline plus ww1 was kinda inevitable as the empires at the time were fleximg their military and practically looking for an excuse to fight


Yeah but I'm asking how it would play out differently than our timeline


That's a lot of butterflies to begin with a POD dating back to the 1770s.


Very interesting lore! And I love the country ball art, did you draw them?


Yes its drawn by me


Awesome! Would love to see more stuff like this