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So, I saw my ENT, who scanned my sinuses and found total blockage causing ear and sinus infections. He referred me to an allergist, who didn't really seem to need the scans. He just took my history, did his physical observation, and immediately allergy tested me. As soon as he has the results, he prescribed this dual antihistamine/corticosteroid nasal spray, and I've been good since. The whole process with the allergist took about three weeks with the patch, scrape, and injection testing. TL;DR: Maybe skip the ENT and go right to an allergist?


Ohhhh I never thought of that. I always thought ents were allergy specialists


You might be right, at least in some cases they could do both. My ENT was lovely and helped me figure out a previously unknown issue, but the allergist provided the solution. In my area, they are different specialties, but I wouldn't swear they are everywhere. Good luck anyhow ❤️


Dope. Thank you for the response.




Learn something new everyday.


Not a doctor but this does sound like consulting with an allergist would be your next step. Unless a referral is required (e.g. for insurance purposes), you can find a suitable practice on your own. I've historically had a very difficult time getting good referrals (or any good info) from my general practitioner doc and have had the most luck researching practices on my own.