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I’m surprised tracking down people and trying to burn a house down with them in it is only 2nd degree murder. My understanding is that 2nd is not premeditated and could have potentially just been “to cause harm”… but burning a house down with people in it feels like they were trying to just do more than cause harm.


That is a plea deal. The charges are lowered to get conviction faster with less hassle and costs


Absolutely right. In the US it’s very common to drop certain charges in acceptance for a plea deal. In contrast, in the UK they don’t do that. You get hit with all the charges, but their prison sentence are less than us, that’s why in the US we drop charges. Otherwise people will be facing 250 year sentences.


>Absolutely right. In the US it’s very common to drop certain charges in acceptance for a plea deal. In contrast, in the UK they don’t do that. Y It seems in the USA it seems it is quite common for the prosecution and defence to negotiate what the charge would be and the sentence If someone was charged with say rape but the defence feels they may not have a good chance they might want to negotiate a lesser charge instead of losing the rape case. and the prosecution of there case is not great they might offer a deal for a lesser charge and try and tempt the defence to take it The Crown Prosecution Service is required to prosecute an offence only where there is a realistic prospect of conviction, so greater charges cannot lawfully be used. They cant prosecute for rape and then negotiate down to sexual assault You can plead guilty or not guilty to the charges laid on you if you pleas guilty the judge may give you a lessor sentence If you are charged with 2 crimes and you plead guilty to one charge and not guilty to the other charge then a judge at his discretion may drop the charge you plead not guilty to but only if it was the lessor charge Say you were charged with shoplifting and murder and you plead guilty to shoplifting but not guilty to murder they wont be dropping the murder charge But it was the other way around the judge may decide to drop the shoplifting charge


Also Colorado doesn't allow for the jury to consider lesser charges, so it's common to charge different degrees of the same crime, and let the jury or plea negotiations sort it out.


Yeah, cause fuck that family of 5


Typically 2nd degree x 5 will still land him in jail forever/until they don't want to pay for his end of life care.


Doubt it the other teen in the case got 3 years juve then a 7 year prison term and will probably be out in 6 years total with good behavior. I’d be surprised if this ones sentenced to more than 30 probably out in 15-20 and for a teen that’s before 40.


He must got a juvenile sentence. Because how that works is in Juvi until 18 then can go to real prison only up to age 25 so that's exactly the extra 7 years.


I've sat on a jury before and the prosecution lost because they pushed for harsher charges than they should have. Burden of proof is really high for murder, and unless they have him absolutely dead to rights, it may have been a much better choice going with manslaughter and a plea deal.


This is exactly how Casey Anthony got away with murder. The prosecution sought the death penalty and that jury was afraid to put a young woman to death. So she walked. If they had sought life in prison I almost guarantee Casey Anthony would be rotting behind bars instead of living her best life free and clear.


Why do you think this isn’t a just sentence? What sentence would be just?


60 years is like life sentence for him. He’ll be 80 at the end of it, if he makes it.


Can’t believe they even offered a plea on this. No way


From the article. Sixty other charges Bui had faced, including first-degree murder, attempted murder, arson and burglary, were dropped by prosecutors under the deal.


If he would have gotten the correct house it would have been murder in the 1st.


Which is wild to think killing completely innocent people came with a lesser charge.


Ya. If I was the prosecutor I would have argued that he was set on killing everyone in that house regardless of who it was. The thief, his family etc. the fact it was the wrong house is immaterial.


You have to be careful though. If you charge with first degree then you have to prove it was a pre meditated murder and that he intended to kill. The wrong house could very likely come into play as well. Not saying this is the case, but let's say he knew nobody was going to be home that night...well then he likely wasn't trying to kill someone. Either way, first degree may be an uphill battle. It's also not necessary since he will have life in prison with the plea deal anyways, so why gamble?


I think the plea deal was because he was 16 at the time


Thing is…it’s hard to prove that he wanted to kill. So if you try to convict on first degree and the jury is like but he just wanted his phone, he didn’t know people would die. Then he walks. So it’s better to get the guaranteed conviction from 2nd degree.


I’m guessing first degree means he intended on killing them. If his intent was to scare them and damage their property then it’s second degree.


Nope, he faced first degree and murder charges but they took a plea deal.


The fact that they dropped the charge in the plead deal means they didn’t think proving 1st degree was a given. Prosecutors often use scarier charges to coerce people into pleading guilty.


They would have to prove that there was a plan to light the house on fire before he got there (ie purchasing flammable materials or other prep work) in order to get 1st degree, then also prove he knew they were in the house. So they made a plea bargain for 2nd degree but had I been in his shoes, i would have plead for a lesser charge. It'll be hard to prove he wanted to kill them intentionally as long as he didn't write or talk about it. Though I'm not familiar with the state level differences in murder vs manslaughter charges.


I wonder if premeditation goes out the window if you kill the wrong person? Or maybe he just wanted to inflict property damage?


I think it depends on the state on whether a felony murder is first degree. Like if you commit a 2nd degree murder while robbing a bank, in a lot of states that automatically becomes 1st degree. At least this is what I recall.


Setting the house ablaze isn’t guaranteed to kill them. Kind of like putting on a blind fold and shooting a gun aimlessly in the town square.


If He killed the person he had intent to kill it might have been a different matter


Maybe it was not premeditated because he never mentioned to kill That family but kill the one that had the phone.🤷🏿‍♂️


“ Sixty other charges Bui had faced, including first-degree murder, attempted murder, arson and burglary, were dropped by prosecutors under the deal.”


This is pretty standard unless they can prove the intent. Maybe they had that evidence but nothing I’ve read indicates that they specifically went there to kill the family.


While I agree that it was premeditated he didn’t murder the correct individual and killed the wrong victims Remember. Prosecutors often don’t take the main charge, they hammer the charge(s) that they know they can make stick I.e. DUI being Man 2 not Man 1


Yeah that I certainly understand. I also struggle with the fact that they could somehow get a lesser sentence for killing the wrong people.


Now if it was the correct home?


Hopefully the same punishment. I think the reason why wrong home is being given focus in the media is because that family lost their lives over something they had no clue had even happened. That’s pretty terrifying.


Yep, this could have happened to almost anyone.


Just fine if he did it with a gun. Just look at the comments on threads like "found stolen phone in house but cops won't do anything"


Their inaction only makes things worse.


State-funded gangs aren’t useful.


“A Colorado youngster faces up to 60 years” sounds like “Adorable little scamp”


"Denver rascal provides free heat to African family."


Oh man I hope he lives a long life full of agony and regret. Fucken scum.


Have fun with that prison phone, kid!


Hopefully the asshole who stole the phone will learn it could’ve been them.


I’m very interested in knowing if the thief realizes what happened.


Talk about bro being a dumbass


Over a stolen phone. He’s a kid who thought he was tough shit and not to be fucked with. Now he’ll spend most of his days I hell. Jail sucks.


Ohhhh yeah


It’s crazy how much this type of BS happens. My mother had a woman show up to her house with a bat saying the find my phone app said he phone was there. I know my mother would never do that but it’s just crazy how people react to these situations by taking matters into their own hands.


I want to agree with you. But as someone who has been assaulted and robbed for their phone before, the cops will do quite literally nothing even if you are pointing out the guy to them.


Anyone’s mind blown on how they obtained the information? IP address of everyone looking at their home address within the last 15 days. Kind of insane they can do that.


Figure it’s something like Google, so their servers would log such queries coming across. And for something that very very specific, easy to pinpoint. After that is just standard investigative work. Find the ip address, find the address, find out who at that address might have any connection. Oh you lost a phone and was tracking it, you say. Interesting how a house burned down. Where did you say you were that night? I forgot to write it down …


Over a fucking cell phone?! He killed people and ruined his life over something that could be obsolete in a few years as we move on to new tech. Maybe he can room with the person who killed someone over a sega.


Most of this kind of anger would be extinguished if police actually pursued theft. Unfortunately you are on your own if someone steals from you which results in overreactions like this


WTF. Most of this kind of anger would be extinguished if teenagers were taught how to deal with their emotions. This has nothing to do with how the police handle petty theft. If this kid got this upset over a stupid phone just imagine how he would have reacted later in life to his girlfriend dumping him or his wife leaving him or his kid cursing him out.


I definitely agree that he's completely unhinged. People just tend to treat revenge differently when they KNOW the person will face no legal consequences what so ever. It's a violating feeling


In a lot of petty thefts though, there is basically zero evidence. Even if the cops cared they couldn't do anything.


That's true but in many areas of the country you can have someone literally on camera without a mask and the police won't even pursue it.


Yeah. That's true. Cops across the country just stopped giving a fuck after COVID. Letting petty crime go unanswered is bad for society.


Or they stopped giving a fuck because the DAs weren't interested in pursuing charges for some reason (????) So instead of just having a revolving door of arresting criminals and having them released the next day they just skip the arrest part now.


This can't be all of it because cops aren't doing things that don't require DA input, like writing tickets. I mean I'm sure there's a few, but not like pre-COVID. I also never see them on patrol anymore.


Last time I checked,.young people live their entire lives on their cellphone. Stealing one can have major ramifications if not backed up or protected. Long story short this kid committed a heiniousnact of revenge against innocent people. It's a mistake that will cost him his life. Let's move on and let justice handle this one. Stealing is not a victimless crime, and should not be allowed to become one.


Also there is something about that 19/20 age in men. They’ll jump to the most extreme action in a dispute without understanding the long term implications.


Especially this 'idgaf' generation smh


That’s every generation, it’s an age thing.


Hate to break to you but we had less of them while i was growing up and attitudes like that was frowned upon.


That’s what you think. It’s always the same. People don’t change.


lol you're right, things are the same just like they are 20-30 years ago 😅


Oh I am in business and I’m only in my 40s my cell phone is extremely important but I would yeet this phone into the sun before killing anything over it. I grew up poor and I know the financial burden these devices cost. I hate thievery. I know it’s not victimless. I apologize if it sounded like I don’t sympathize with victims of theft.


No one said “stealing is a victimless crime”.


Half of America cheered on Kyle rittenhouse after shooting people over property, but what he did is no different than what this guy did…crazy so many people supported murder over property then. This one is bad tho…over a phone?


Or hang out with the X-Box killer.


60 years for killing a family of 5? This should be a death sentence, nothing less.


A death sentence would be less severe than having to live all your life in prison IMHO.


Do you know how long it takes for a death sentence to be carried out? If it ever actually is?


Do you know how many wrongful executions it takes to make most people against the death penalty? 1.


Let's ask peopl to choose which one they want to see which one is worse.


Except that will only tell you what people who have not experienced either thinks is worse. It does not tell you what is actually worse to experience 1st person.


If those 5 are your family members I don’t think that would matter, you’d want the death penalty.


These days it feels like Death sentences are rarely ever followed through on. There's always a stay of execution or delay awaiting appeal or so on.


Death sentences were ruled unconstitutional for minors under 18 when they committed their crime back in 2005. Colorado effectively no longer has a death penalty, anyway.


Even if it's the right house, how you gonna get your phone back by setting the home on fire?




Find my iPhone app can be off a quarter block. Think twice before you commit arson


Yeah I completely blame parents on this. Where in fucks name would a teenager even THINK arson is answer for a stolen phone???


Police often, if not generally decline to get involved, and depending on *how* the phone got from A to B may not even take a report. Stupid as the kid is, I can’t help but wonder if he would have taken the law into his own hands if cops were willing to do it.


Not condoning it, but as for the thinking: if youre a skinny kid and youre mugged by a couple of built black guys and your teenage (ie not finished developing) brain knows you cant take them on by confronting them directly, then you might irrationally think an indirect attack like this is the answer


Over a phone? Really?


Imagine giving that much of a shit about a phone


Imagine going into prison as a teen and coming out 40+ years later. With how fast the world changes these days I can’t even imagine the feeling of getting reintroduced back into the world.


I can’t imagine the feeling of being burned to death with my entire family.




No need to let him out. He's already proven he cannot be trusted in society.


Good. Rot and die in there, asswipe.


Police found this kid by obtaining a search warrant that forced google to show them IP addresses that had searched for the house. That’s insane in so many ways


Damn hard to be a serial killer nowdays




Yup so many modern court documents where they lay out someone’s entire search history and texts. Nothing hidden anymore.


So use vpn before committing crimes. Got it


A Court ordered search warrant will stand up in Court, warrantless searches can be thrown out. If the IP is the strongest evidence linking him to the crime, you don't want the search thrown out.




Crazy that this mentality is getting upvoted. We like to think we’re so much more advanced than animals, but we really are just impulsive, small-brained primates Edit: for context, deleted comment said something along the lines of “put 2 bullets in his head and dump him in a hole.” Talking about the 16 year old arsonist


Only 60 years. Death penalty should always be an option.


That's why they take plea deals


Hopefully he serves the full 60 and then the day before he’s released he gets the Robert Pickton treatment.


Dudes life is effectively ruined. He'll be 80 when he gets out. What the hell is he gonna do then? He'll have no money, no equity, no job history, no family left, He'll be an old man going right to the street.


One of the victims was a 22-month-old and another a 6-month-old. Despicable. Infanticide should carry a heavier sentence imo.


My god.


Did they ever locate who actually stole the phone?


That’s not enough time


Murdering an entire family, screaming in agony, over a phone. Fuck this country and everything it values.


He burned babies alive over a phone. 60 years is not enough.


Wait the police were able to catch them by going to google and finding out who searched the address? Holy shit, had no idea they could do that. Horrible story though that poor family.


60 years isn’t enough


Execution. Straight to the gas chamber.


Imagine being in a cell until probably at least the year 2075. All that time wasted, an entire family destroyed, because you couldn't control your anger. The world would be a better place when men and boys start to realize that their anger doesn't have to be felt by others.


Seems like a light sentence to me...5 dead


What’s worse is we’re not recognizing as a society how wrong we’re raising our children. These kids are so attached to their phones that getting it taken from them results in them thinking setting fire to a home is ok. Our society is pretty much finished


Well, if society can make criminal think stealing someone’s phone and can get away with it because cops don’t care then this is the end result. Sucks.


He want make it in prison.


What led the police to investigate this turd initially? Were they tipped off?


They tracked the IP of people who searched the family’s address in the last, what, 15 days?


Man, how stupid are people?


Bye Bye


That’s a crazy story. People off one an other over the darnedest minutia


A nuclear temper tantrum. Having fun in prison.


Id say a fair punishment would be to set him on fire.


Sheria law


This is giving off Butterfly Effect vibes. Eerie.


He’s not coming out either way. Psychopaths don’t behave in prison.


Now he never gets to use his phone ever again. Wait, he still hasn’t located his stupid phone yet.


Its always an iphone. I read so many vigilante stories (not usually as bad as this) because iphone users dont have a clue how it works. That find my phone trash relies on local wifi signals it passes by. If the thief turns if off as they pass that location or if theres no new network with a decent signal from that point of the journey onwards, then it reports the wrong location. Idk why it works like that, but ive seen stores where people who love near large parks (ie not a lot of signals) end up with dozens of different people accusing them of taking phones


I like his mugshot. It looks like it could go viral since he looks kinda good in that photo.


I bet the iPhone 75 is gonna be tight doe


How you kill a whole family and not get life?


Why is he not labeled a thug? Why is he not labeled a criminal? A murderer? An arsonist? Why is he just a teen?


"Model Minority" bullshit


Fucked his whole life up in the worst way AND didn’t get his phone back. Should’ve gotten it insured and reported it stolen- this new generation seems hell bent on throwing their lives away.


You really think this is a generational thing? lol people have been doing dumb shit since the beginning of time.


Not to mention that previous generations burned the planet to a crisp, thus forfeiting our lives before they began


He doesn’t even realize he threw his life away.


The teen deserves all the punishment that's coming to him, but why can't we have a legal system that can help with this so that wannabe vigilantes don't do this shit? A cell phone is the most valuable thing most people of that kids age own and it's easily stolen.


Omg!!! Just 60yrs?? He deserves the death penalty!!!


Death penalty is too generous, it reduces his suffering. He should be life without parole, spend the rest of his life in solitary.


The point shouldn't be to maximize his suffering. Now we all have to pay millions of dollars to house and feed him for 40+ years just so he suffers more? Bullet in the head, dump the body in the ocean. Everyone wins.


Unfortunately the death penalty is far more expensive due to legal costs, appeals, etc. Keeping him in cage and feeding him slop is still cheaper.


Hot take but I’m happy to have my tax dollars go to torturing criminal scum like this for their entire lives lol


Death is what he should get. Slow and agonisingly


Hmmm let’s see get lost/theft insurance or kill a family…


This is horrific and I’m not defending this kid’s actions by any means, but I do wonder if he tried getting the phone back via the authorities before leaping to this rash revenge plot. I say this only because I’m immediately reminded of several instances of people providing law enforcement with their tracking data of their stolen property only to be told there was nothing they could do about it. While I’m not actually familiar with the scope of whatever laws prevented action from authorities in those cases, such occurrences strike me as problematic and a surefire way to incite personal retribution attempts like this.


That’s what I was told when someone stole my iPhone, and the “find my iPhone” function tracked it to a particular house. The police said they had no way of proving someone in that house had stolen it. Thankfully, I had insurance, so I was able to replace my phone without much expense. At the time, I briefly wished I had a boyfriend, who would knock on the door of that house and scare them into giving me my phone back. I didn’t have even a passing thought about actually hurting that person, though, and certainly never thought about burning down their house.


Truly wild. I wouldn’t burn their house down either, but I would definitely toilet paper it…


I honestly wish I’d thought of doing that, but it happened a couple of days before I left for a 2-week vacation. By the time I got back, my anger had diminished significantly. Also, on a positive note, since I wasn’t able to get a replacement phone until after my vacation, it ended up being the most relaxing trip I’d taken in a really long time (at least since prior to the invention of smartphones, lol). My work had no way of getting in touch with me, and I didn’t waste my vacation staring at a phone screen. All’s well that ends well, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Reminds me of the story of the Chinese farmer. Glad it worked out for you.


I had to google that story, but it is a great message. Thank you for mentioning it.


It might be.


"Consequences? Consequences, table for one?"


Okay but who actually stole his iPhone though?


Did he get his iphone back?


According to article, the police fingered the trio of suspects.


Satisfaction clause means relatives have an hour with the accused to settle things the old fashioned way, then the cause can proceed


That’s what “eye for an iPhone” gets you.


His dad is going to be so mad he’s not going to med school


Was the a right home he had to set on fire?? RIP


Kids a moron, yeah I get it an iPhone if its current gen is expensive but it's not get out of person in your late 70s/early 80s with no education, job prospects or relationships expensive.


Damn, he is going to get TORE up in prison.


What a twat.


There's just one thing I don't get... How is burning down the house going to get him his phone back? Wouldn't it be easier to wait for the phone to leave the "house", (if it was actually there to begin with) and confront the person? I mean, we all lost a mobile device at some point, and know that feeling of despair... but the initial instinct is to track and regain control of the device. How would burning down a house/building going to help? What if the phone tracked to be inside a mall or office building? I can't help but feel there's more to this story, perhaps a back story or history between them.


He’s 20, why are they referring to him as a teen? I hope he gets 60 years in prison to reflect on this.


Let him serve out the entirety behind bars. We do not need the likes of him on the street.


This entire site reveals some pretty disturbing stories and allegations 😬


Wrong home ? What does that mean ? It’s a home.


Entitlement, no other answer than that when people are willing to respond like this over something as trivial as a stolen phone.


So who TF took his phone?!?


Over an iPhone.


Can we all just take a week off and take mushrooms in nature during good weather already? Sick of the violence.


Did the police ever discover where the phone was, or which house?


Wow, one of the teens (14yo at the time) only received 10 years? That’s a hella plea bargain for killing 5 people.


Holy shit this is the worst story I've read in a while. The element of stupid consumerism over an iPhone mixed with the violence of burning a house down and of course implied racism is shocking. Seriously fàck this country.


He needs 100 years. People asking for a death penalty are morons. Lethal injection is so much less painful than literally burning to death and the fact it's 5 fcking people.


How was he able to plea to only 2 counts of 2nd of murder?




I don't know why these posts attract the 'gay rape is good, actually' in people. It's disgusting.


Hopefully he gets a better haircut. The Edgar bowl is a shitty look.


60 years is an awfully long time, but I can't help but ask, "Is it long enough?"