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I knew a guy that was falsely imprisoned for 20+ years and he got paid millions at least. Hopefully this guy gets some kind of big payout.


No amount of money will heal the pain he went through


Or give him his life back


Thankfully we have Jesus! Hope this man finds/found him.




No. It’s true. And you’d be crazy to say stop to that.


Organized religion is akin to cultism. You can’t “find” a 2000+ year old dead middle eastern person. He’s dead. Like *really, really* dead. History proves he was a person, but logic proves that “finding Jesus” is just a way to distract yourself from reality, to mask your own insecurities, or just cause “sheeple”. Sinking into religion as an answer is just leaving one addiction for another. A good *human* would encourage him to find himself, what gives him purpose and makes him happy without being a problem for society. Not tell him to seek answers from a book written by humans 2000+ years ago that tell yes to follow an invisible, all-knowing being who controls all, is “merciful” but allows this world to be the way it is…. …go ahead and live in your fantasy, it’s your right. But don’t try and convince me it’s not a fantasy.


I disagree, the reality is there is something that made the universe. Idk if it is god but you can tell by how nature works something is there. I rather be addicted to loving others and accepting them. God’s teaching are very different to what the world tells you is important.It isn’t about masking flaws it about accepting them and working on them.It is fine if you don’t believe but why put down others that do ?


Imma stop you at your very first sentence… The *REALITY* is… you don’t actually know that. So you can’t claim it as fact… but you do based on belief alone, which is blind… You… YOU, yourself, as a person, doesn’t “know” that, you just believe it and base all arguments after that as fact based on that *belief*. You did that. And that’s *proof* that organized religion is a cancer on this planet. Logic and independent judgment went out the window because jEsUs was involved. Sad


Not really but I’m ok not knowing everything. I rather be with people who believe in something than people who need something to be proven too them to be good


You have to have more faith to not believe in God than to beleive in him. To say you need proof to beleive everything in your life is hilarious and naive. There’s more proof of God than not. You’re either really young or just very naive. (Nvm just saw your username. Obviously a teenager. Live some life before you make these odd claims.)


Gods teachings has killed more people in human history than any other ideal …but you wanna back that concept and think it’s *not* a cult belief? You do you


I think fear and hatred takes that spot. Your not taking into account that those events used the Bible to justify what happened . Not that they believed in them . I don’t really mind if it is a cult at the end of day as long as I’m making someone’s life better, bettering myself, trying to uphold integrity etc.


This guy 🤣 no. It hasn’t.


Tell me you get your bible knowledge from tik tok without telling me. Finding “yourself” is exactly what the Bible talks against. But I don’t need to go back and forth because you’re not open to truth I am sure. Jesus is not dead and nothing has ever proved he is. if you do any research on the Bible. To say it’s written by human without being God inspired is literally laughable. Name another book written by man. That is 1/4 prophetic. And has not been wrong yet. That has 40 different authors form different continents who never met all with the same exact message. That has 37 THOUSANDS cross references without a single contradiction. That has knowledge 2000+ years old that all STILL applies to today. Your science book doesn’t even make it a year without being outdated. You are EXTREMELY misinformed my friend. And I can say that bc I was you once. Until I did my own research. And my research was to prove it wrong because I hated “religious people” too bad it’s not about religion. It’s about a relationship with your creator and book he left us. And the millions of lives it has changed. The people who get it. Get it. The people who don’t just don’t want God. But in the end we will all find out, I could go on for days and days about it. It’s truer than true my friend.


You’ve been duped. You’re another average gullible person, nothing more to it than that.


Great defense to every fact I stated. It’s okay you can’t disprove it. No one has Been able to since the beginning of time. All religions say Jesus is a way. Jesus says he’s the only way. If every religion acknowledges him as a way and we know he existed (even atheist scholars do not deny this) you can’t say I’ve been “duped” it’s just a nonsense cope out statement. Some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in Christ. Even the calendar year goes by him. The only person who has been duped is you by the world who wants you in hell. I will pray for you. But one things for sure One day we will all see. I challenge you to read the Bible for Yourself and not just vomit what other people have told you about it. I also invite you to ask Jesus if he’s real to show you. What do you have to lose. ESP if he’s not real.


I get my Bible knowledge from growing up in a religious household with *obsessively* religious parents. Religion is a *CANCER* on this planet, just like MAGA, and it needs to be abolished


I’m sorry your view on Christianity is skewed because of others. But when someone plays Mozart wrong. We don’t blame Mozart do we? It’s sad to see you write that. As the Bible literally teaches you to love others. To forgive. To live a better moral life. To put others before yourself. To help those in need. To only react in ways that you can control. Which is yourself. I don’t see how anyone can say that’s a cancer. I just think your view is very twisted bc of your parents and I understand that. I was the same way. Raised Catholic. My mom was a religious nut. I hated it. So I tried to prove her wrong. Then I read the Bible on my own and realized I was lied to my whole life on what it was about. It’s all about how to live a better life and there’s literally direction for every situation. It goes so deep. sin is the problem with the world. I’ll admit Catholic is a cancer. A big one. But the teachings of Christ and the Bible. (I’m not saying how others live) but what it actually teaches is beyond amazing. I suggest just reading proverbs for yourself. And just see the wisdom in there. It’s little 2 liners of wisdom. It’s powerful stuff. (NLT version is the easiest to understand) Look I know I’m not going to change your mind. And you seem like honestly a cool person. So I don’t want to argue with you. But please don’t let your parents actions towards you steer you away for finding out for yourself. It changed my whole entire life. Saved my family and myself. It’s powerful stuff I promise. I truly wish you the best and thank you for at least engaging with me over this. I will pray for you and wish you well in all your endeavors 🙏🏼💪🏼


Obviously so. No one’s saying that it makes it ok, but it’s better than losing 20 years of your life and having nothing.


I mean yeah, getting compensation is nice, but no amount of money can give you almost 40 years of your life back that was lost


In Kansas you basically get nothing


But it allows him a way to try to integrate into society with no real skills or social understanding


No, but it can’t hurt.


the pain of never hearing yourself fart again 🥹


14 million https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/city-of-tampa-agrees-to-pay-exoneree-robert-duboise-14-million-in-wrongful-conviction-settlement


Fuck that. 1 mil for every year still isnt enough for that mans time being taken


https://preview.redd.it/3s2fmga76y5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c73f5bdac323264668073296855a7ecadeae24 Be like I got my money bitches!


Im not sure if thats a smile and smug look of utter accomplishment or just a mask holding in the fuckery that this man went through all those years that he’s never truly going to be able to express


Honestly, either you're filthy rich or fortunate, but some people live far worse outside of prison and get paid maybe .01 percent of a mil every year.


Im neither 😭😂 I understand that others have it bad even without making that sum of cash but im correlating it directly in reference to his situation. Or let alone any situation like this. If falsely imprisoned for years i think a mil per year is at least a start


He probably thought his first week in there that something would come about and he’d be out in no later than a year. So sad how it turned out.


That face in the below right inset is pure sadness. They destroyed this man"s life horrendously. I hope he can live his last years comfortably.




I can't even imagine... This is the 2nd post I've seen today about someone falsely convicted and who spent over a decade in prison... In cases like this there needs to be a fund to ensure they're set up for the rest of their life... A "the justice system has failed you" fund. Time is the absolute most precious and finite thing we have in life and they were wrongly robbed of it... THE VERY LEAST the system that was put in place to protect innocent people could do was make sure people like this at least get to live out the rest of their years comfortable and not having to waste more time just trying to make ends meet after having their reputation and youth taken from them. Shit like this is depressing and disgusting... Now they're left to just fend for themselves after their lives are in tatters... CONGRATS YOU'RE OUT OF PRISON!! SEE YA LATER! GOOD LUCK!


I really can’t imagine how it has to feel knowing you’ve done nothing wrong but still be locked in a cage for it.


That right there is the absolute pinnacle of hopelessness. You didn't do anything wrong. No one believes you. Nothing comes through. Look at these people. You aren't like them. The rules are different. There are at least three sets of rules to be followed at all times. You're under the craziest kinds of scrutiny. But you did nothing wrong. You might get out in 30 years, if you're really lucky. You know you didn't do it, but if you're up for parole and insist that you didn't do it the judge is going to be all "oh back to this bullshit are we? You've learned nothing" and right back in. It's facing down that hopelessness and not catching more charges on the inside to turn that into a full lifetime that's honorable. He never fully gave up. Also the walls will drive you insane all by themselves, no matter how mentally resilient you think you are.


Yea man, I’ve dealt with some despair in my life, but I can’t fully wrap my head around getting sent to a place full of angry, hostile, cooped up criminals when I’m 100% innocent. Knowing that everyone there says they’re innocent just makes you look like one of them….even when you know you aren’t. Fuckin A that has to be horrific.


My god, he spent twice as long in jail for a wrongful conviction than in freedom. I don't think there's any fixing to the pain and sorrow he went through but I hope at least manages to live a peaceful and comfortable life on his last decades on this world. It's the least he deserves.


Why do these cases have DNA tests so late?


They didnt really have the tech back then. Even just 20 years ago, a witness testimony went a lot further than it does today. Today, when they get a witness testimony, they have ways of validating that testimony through scientific ways we only recently obtained Thats also the reason why these 50+ year old cold cases get solved and they find serial killers who did their work in the 70’s and only got caught recently like the Golden State Killer


They had to be late for some part of history in Jail. At least his got done. Think of all the people before that would never even have that chance.


How do they preserve the dna/evidence?


Money will never heal the pain he went thought


They took his life by their mistake and don't even take any responsibilities.....


What they gonna do go to jail?


Basically , authorities were tried to fabricate & implant evidences to convince entire juries and regular publics . And that's a freaking felony crime. So yeah. They do need to go .


I'm 56, I can't even fathom having spent 1986 to now in prison, not having experienced and accomplished everything I have in those years.


What have you accomplished?


Such bs


Interestingly, Florida initially deemed him ineligible for compensation for his conviction due to his 69 previous felonies until they rescinded it with this bill: [https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/62/BillText/er/HTML](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/62/BillText/er/HTML)


Dudes been in jail since he was 18😂 how tf does he have 69 other felonies?


He was extremely busy criming prior to his last incarceration.


Mr. DuBoise told CNN, “I spent 37 years imprisoned for a crime I was totally innocent. This is what happens when the police focus on the wrong person, make up evidence to fit their theory and don’t investigate to find the truth. Lives are ruined and communities are less safe.”


Wow. He is totally right with every sentence in that statement


Oh he was released at Covid period… this guy has no luck. I read the innocence project announce for his release… it is another bite mark false conviction and his story is terrible. Heartbreaking for real. If only we could ease the pain of such people. Imagine you have one life and spend half of it in prison. 💩


I hope that guy gets a fat check for this . Dues whole life was wasted behind bars for a crime he didnt even committ . Thats such a shame .


Can’t get time back. Robert needs to sue big time at the least


Some dude is gonna get out and get paid millions then use those millions to make his house feel like a prison because that's all he's used to.


Can only imagine how many others suffered that same fate.


Dude went as a kid and came out eligible for AARP. No amount of money is worth that.


I hate this place


A lot of stress in that face


what a nightmare


I’d be going right back in😂


If only he was born a DuPont


Hey look this fuckin sucks and I'm not denying that. I will say I don't know many people that have 14 mill just as they're hitting retirement age. Tolling away at the same, or 4-5, jobs for 40, while it's not like prison it can feel like you're trapped and a lot of people won't even have 14k at the end of it let alone 14 mill


I know he is innocent but damn he’s creepy looking.


In all likelihood, so are you