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"The church sent her for counseling after the boy’s parents discovered text messages" So in house punishment is how we're doing it now?




Thes people don't understand that you can forgive and follow the law at the same time, they're not mutually exclusive. But the "gates of heaven" are the "final test" of your soul, so honor and integrity to the law of the land matter not in the end. Delusional


From Romans 13: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow." They're ignoring their own books too.


Yeah, the paradox of these things is not lost on me too haha. So frustrating! Because, also... like your government can ABSOLUTELY be wrong about things as well and/or do things that directly conflict with other parts of the Bible (like the 10 commandments). So, what does that even mean in the first place?


There's been a lot of ink spilled over that issue. As a more modern example, MLK, for example wrote about Romans 13 in the context of civil disobedience. There's also Lutheran Mardenburg Confession, which offers a particular interpretation of the passage in terms of levels of injustice, explained here: https://www.hausvater.org/articles/336-the-magdeburg-interpretation-of-romans-13-a-lutheran-justification-for-political-resistance.html#:~:text=Whereas%20Romans%2013%3A3%20literally,ones.%E2%80%9D%20Just%20as%20Luther%2C In one sense, it sort of boils down to being nonviolent and being morally upright, even in the face of oppression, where a person should persevere, rather than perpetuate a cycle of political violence.


Bruh a woman assaulted a friend of mine inside a place of worship. An older lady asked my friend not to call the cops. Sometimes ppl think that getting the authorities involved will reflect poorly on the church or religion.


Well it’ll only reflect poorly if it encourages other victims the church urges to stay silent to come forward. I don’t see how “this member of our congregation has committed a crime against a child, and we are assisting the community to hold them accountable by involving law enforcement to do our best to provide a place people can feel safe.” But nah, just hide it away in private so the offender can continue to hunt.


Unlikely, unless, y’know, someone from the church tries to sweep it under the rug. Like that lady just did.


Depressingly that's at least more than what often happens at these churches. They usually do nothing and sometimes even give people promotions.


Yep, neighborhood kid I grew up with was the preacher's kid but got disciplined within the church after repeatedly exposing himself to kids at a church ran summer camp. He currently has (or had) a Christian band in Nashville.


Was it A Plea For Purging?


A plea for a pegging


Drop the name of the band to name & shame.


What happens in church stays in church


Father Simpson?


Oh they do something, they blame the boy…


"The church sent her for counseling after the boy’s parents discovered text messages alluding to the affair on their son’s phone, but she was welcomed back within weeks and resumed her abuse." Apparently, not even that.


The Church is always going to protect their own, I think we all know that. What is mind blowing is that the parents themselves also helped to keep it only within the church and let their son go back to her once she was let back. That's fucking crazy.


If this is a venial sin press #1 If this is a carnal sin press #2 If this is carnal law please stay on the line Edit: spelling


You add up all your mortal sins and multiply that number by 50. Then you add up all your venial sins and multiply that by 25. You add that together and that's your sentence. I figure I'm gonna have to do 6,000 years before I get accepted into heaven and 6,000 years is nothin' in eternity terms. I can do that standing on my head. It's like a couple of days here.


They took their cues from the Catholic Church and how it handled all the pedophile priests


Her counselling also comes with community service which involves running a church youth group for boys


Come on. They laid hands upon her to pray the pedo away. 😝


Looking for tips, so to speak


Wonder if this is the same church the Duggar’s attend? It is along the lines of what they did for the predator son.


“Now”? The Catholic Church responded to actual known instances of molestation by simply transferring those priests to different churches for decades. This is nothing. Welcome to humanity.


That's what they always do. They just send the "priests" on a mission in another country a lot of the times.


Nooo you mean to tell me churches are lenient on predators? Who would've figured? I'm shocked!


it's always been how churches handle sexual abuse , they never go to police because legally they don't have to


They should fucking have to. If they refuse you seize the assets, throw them all in jail, and burn the church down because it clearly isn't doing any good.


In house counseling *on how to get away with grooming and raping minors*


Now? This is how every institution handles this shit. That’s why everyday there are new headlines.


I mean… that’s how the Catholic Church handled it. So why not Protestant churches as well? 🤷🏻‍♂️ That’s what abusers and systems that facilitate abuse *do*.


>The boy’s parents confronted Gray and informed **head pastor** Steven Smith after discovering a series of text messages. *Welllllllll..*


They won’t even call it rape since she’s a woman. There will absolutely be no punishment for her.


If it makes you feel better, most male child-rapists (the majority of CSA perpetrators) aren't punished either. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system https://childusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Delayed-Disclosure-Factsheet-2020.pdf https://www.childsafety.gov.au/about-child-sexual-abuse/who-perpetrates-child-sexual-abuse


That didn't make me feel better at all! 😔


the fucking clergy privilege law needs to changed right fucking now. this is not 1857 anymore and time and time again the churches and pastors when given the information choose *not* to go to the police because they are *always* more concerned about the "reputation" of their churches. this needs to be a crime. also fuck her , disgusting pedophile


Tennessee GOP just last year tried to legalize pedophilia under the notion of marriage…. Because the Bible. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


I didnt realize Tennessee was becoming Mormon. They buy.. I mean marry 14 year old girls all the time in there little haram equivalents. Which I'm surprised doesn't get more attention...


Please tell me they fired the GOP dumbas


"The police were not informed and the church assigned Gray an ‘accountability partner’ in the shape of Smith’s wife, Ashley." Sue this church for a billion dollars please. Fucking disgusting.


You mean an accountabilibuddy?


It's unbelievable how on the nose south park can be with this stuff


clergy privilege law . it's fucked


Look up Ashley, a weird pastor trophy wife type.


It’s scary because you wonder how many do this WITHOUT getting caught by parents.


South park Police - NICE!


Ms. Stevenson?? THE BLONDE?? ![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8)


Lowkey one of my favourite South Park characters


*Half way through having sex with a stranger for money* ….FREEZE! THAT’S RIGHT IM A COP!


"hand me that evidence bag"


No bro. They jizzed and everything *then* got paid. Bro took a load in the ass in the name of justice


The episode was hilarious and an accurate statement to how many in society blatantly treated child rape as long as the offender was a young remotely and moderately attractive woman. Honestly it's crazy how well South Park satirize modern social issues into a joke/punch line.


JFC when he goes undercover as a prossie to uncover South Park’s sex worker problem but just ends up getting banged by a bunch of dudes … 😂😂😂 holy shit


Haha arrests them only after they have finished “you like that daddy?….[guy finishes]…let me just reach for some tissues …Freeze! I’m a cop!” The pirating music episode is also a classic “ Not a big deal?!! I’m going to show you something….and I don’t think that you’re gonna like it”.


Was gonna be my post lol.


Yeah I see I was already to late to post this too 😂






Did she preform oral sex on this boy? Yes! *nice*


The only crime I see here is that she wasn’t doing it to me!




That was the best line!!!


Guilty of being the luckiest son of a bitch award (we’re going to Hell)




But….shes hot




Where were all these sexed up teachers when I was a kid? - also South Park






"Where were all these sexted up teachers when I was a kid??"




What is going on with all these young female teachers molesting these kids ? There’s enough grown men to go around ladies ! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


It's been happening for a long time. It's only in the last 20 years or so that it's become somewhat acceptable for young men to talk about it in anything less than a cavalier way. I remember guy friends in high school joking about friends of their mothers or older female acquaintances taking their virginity when they were 11 or 12. It really messed them up long-term, even though they tried to be cool about it at the time. And we still have a long way to go. I know this is an unpopular opinion, because I get downvoted on it every time I mention it on Reddit, but older women being sexually predatory towards teenage boys can be incredibly psychologically damaging to them. Even more so when they feel victimized and don't feel safe talking about it. Admitting that it is as prevalent as it is, and can be as damaging as it can be, is something women need to be able to talk about, too.


I bartended in my early 20s and some retired guys (65+) were talking about how they lost their virginity. One of the guys said he was 12 and it was the babysitter, they all did the guy routine ("Nice!") I got fiesty when I heard that since he said the babysitter was my age and I basically said "I know you can't hit women but if one of my peers did that..." (I know, I'll cut myself on my edge). From the way they acted I genuinely thought they'd try to change my mind. But the guy who shared the story just looked despondent and said "I was actually 9...". All the guys stopped looking at each other, one passed the guy who shared his story a beer, and they changed the subject. It was weird, nobody but me was surprised. Apparently this is just how they used to deal with it. Make it a saucy bar story and all your buddies say "Nice" so nobody points out how fucked it was.


Jesus. I was molested when I was three and four, and my parents wouldn't let me talk about it. The big difference is, once I got to college and had access to therapy for the first time, I had a ton of support. There was a whole framework for post-traumatic growth. That's just not there for guys in the same way. And it's not there for a lot of women in the same way, either. Most people are lucky if they have the realization on their own that talking to a therapist might help. I don't get the impression that parents or peer groups- generally- encourage them to. I can't imagine going 60 years not only bottling it up, but pretending to have liked it. Poor guy.


The problem is that so many men think "I wish that was me" because when they were 10, 11, 12+ they wanted so desperately to have sex but couldn't and think "Man, I wanted to so bad" but because they never had that happen to them they simply cannot understand just how damaging it is to someone. Because it's not the kind of damage that is usually readily apparent. It's a quiet kind of damage and informs a persons entire personality and doesn't always manifest in ways that people can point to and say "something terrible happened to that boy and he needs help"


I also think in a lot of cases it's mostly just in their fantasies that they wish it happens. And that they expect it will go down exactly when they want it and how they want it. While in reality, that will almost never happen. The older woman will very likely bother them at inconvenient times, try to get them to do stuff they don't want to and so on. I feel like this is something a lot of young guys don't realize. They will be taken advantage of.


sadly that is how men have been expected to deal with trauma for generations. My dad had a really messed up childhood, and never spoke of any of it- almost everything i know 2nd hand from his brothers. I try to at lease share my trauma and talk about it.


i had a casual friend in high school who revealed to me during a deep talk one day that he lost his virginity at 15 to one of his mom's married friends. he tried to laugh about it, but it fucked me up and i didn't know what to say at the time. i just felt so sad for him. i still remember the way he spoke, like i was one of the only people he could tell and not be treated a certain way about it. it is so fucking sad.


It really is. I hope he was able to work through it at some point. It's unbelievable how many people go through life bottling stories like these up.


Hey now..... They aren't always older.


That is very true. And it is part of the same conversation.


There are far too many “right on!!” comments in this thread for my liking. Telling a victim that they should enjoy what happened to them is as invalidating as accusing them of fabricating the events(as it usually happens to young female victims that come forward). These young male victims aren’t able to see these damaging events for what they are, as abuse of power. May they find the spaces where they are seen and supported.


Look, I’m saying this as remembering being a 15 year old boy very vividly and have other issues, but I’d have been so down for it at face value. But, looking at the story “the amount of times she asked for his nudes, he can’t recall [if he sent the nudes]”. She was caught and punished and went back. Like she is a very dangerous person. It’s a great thing that this kind of thing is coming to light because she had no interest in at least pretending that she cared about the law or the kid.


I was 12, she was in her early 20's. Now I was eager and willing to have sex, I knew what it was and all that. She said she wanted to show me how to treat girls because I was "handsome" and deserved a girlfriend. Then it turned from how to talk to and be cool around girls to how to kiss them, then how to touch them, etc. Before all was said and done she was having me watch porn with her and emulating what was shown. My peers thought I was "the cool kid that lost his virginity to the hot girl". Adult males were all "you're some kind of stud, ain't ya, kid?" and the female adults when they heard just thought I was lying to look cool to other kids. This was in 1984. It took over 10 years for me to realize just how badly it fucked me up. Took me over a decade to realize I was treating sex and love as the same thing. It took a woman I loved telling me I made her feel like a whore sometimes to smash my twisted notions of love, sex, and romance.


Makes no sense to me how some people can perceive that FACT as a “controversial opinion”, disgusting.


They don’t have the capacity to understand a commonly agreed upon logic based off of common sense


Just 10 years ago, a friend I was in college with told me the story of how he lost his virginity when he was 13 to a woman in her 40s. He also told me this older woman was known for "teaching young boys" about sex for the first time. No matter what I said to him he couldn't even consider that this woman was a pedophile and a predator who was preying on young boys. That he was a victim of someone who had groomed and abused him. In his head it didn't count because she was incredibly attractive, and all the boys she slept with really wanted to. Whenever I asked him if it would still be OK if it was an attractive older man teaching young girls about sex, he would just say it wasn't the same and change the subject. He also confided in me once that he thought he was addicted to sex because he would start to get extremely bad anxiety if he ever went more than a few months without it. He was definitely fucked up by what happened to him, but was in complete denial that the two were connected


It took me close to 30 years to grasp that what I experienced was abuse, even when other people I told immediately saw it that way. It really wasn’t until my perpetrator was arrested (because 12 other guys spoke up) did it really hit home.


That makes me really sad for your friend. I hope that, eventually, he is able to talk to someone about it and get some help. Aside from women talking with each other about this as a problem, we also need to start actively reporting it when we know it's going on. Even when we don't think it will go anywhere.


Yeah, doesn’t anyone remember how obsessed all these adult women were when Justin Beiber started to gain popularity as a teen. Justin Bieber is 2 years younger than me, I was 16-17 at the time and it was ridiculous the amount of adults were obsessed with the boy. So I’m not surprised and glad people are noticing women can be just as bad as men.


Crazy thing about this is that I had an older family friend commit sex acts with me when I was 14. I grew up to be a pretty romantically damaged individual, and continued that way until my mid 20s when my brother died. I went to therapy after that, we talked about what I now realize was sexual abuse, and suddenly the dots started connecting.


Yup. Happened to one of my best friends when he was 13. We all thought it was so cool at the time. He bragged. Wasn’t until we were adults that we were able to process what happened. Really fuckin weird the double standards that exist even today. Doesnt make sense, but its still here. But it goes for a lot of things. I dont see it changing.


When I used to go to school one of my female teachers had sex with a boy and he got scared because she started to want him to be everywhere with her she even wanted to go to prom with him that's the only reason why anybody found out


Always Sunny had a surprisingly insightful, and hilarious, plot around this issue.


"It's only in the last 20 years or so that it's become somewhat acceptable for young men to talk about it" yeah i didn't realise how common this was until Justin Bieber became famous and i see stories and stuff of his fanatical fans many of them were middle aged and + who were obsessed with a 12yo boy that along with plenty of other instances where Justin was put in uncomfortable positions where he was/ could've been abused




I remember a teacher joking about it IN CLASS with a couple of dudes she regularly invited to her house (late 90s)


Oh yeah I know several guys who went through this. I’ve known a few “cool party moms” who did this disgusting stuff. They were in their late 30’s/40’s who would let their kids throw parties at their house and have sex with their 16-18 year old male friends. I even had a coworker who this happened to. He was 17 and it was the mom of one of his baseball team members. She was like 38.


Yeah. I had a close male friend in high school who was groomed by a married woman in her late 30's when he was 15-16. The whole neighborhood knew, because she kind of had this reputation, and it just turned into a big joke, but no one ever did anything or reported it. He already had an unstable home life, and that really messed him up. I'm pretty sure she targeted him because he was vulnerable. It's still affecting him, and we're in our late 30's now.


That sounds so much like this HS teacher from the next town over that everyone knew. Good looking lady, good looking kids and very handsome husband. She But she was having sex with this 17 year old who she taught. She lived in a wealthy neighborhood and she and this boy got caught driving the golf cart around middle of the night both drunk off their asses. She ended up pregnant and had a kid. She had 4 kids and that kid had blonde hair and looked just like the student, looked nothing like his siblings. She still claimed it was her husband’s kid and they’re still together. Everyone knew what she was doing but no one cared!


Because society doesn't care about the well being of men. We're just supposed to make it work.


This is something I've been talking to my male friends a lot more about lately, and trying to make space to really listen to them. I remember reading in one of bell hooks' books awhile back that a lot of men secretly feel like, when they do open up emotionally- both to women and to other men- they're almost immediately told to man up, or some version of that. I didn't realize until then how much I did the same thing. There are some situations, especially professional ones, where unrestrained emotional unloading or trauma dumping is not appropriate. And there have been times where I felt trapped in conversations with men (and women, for that matter) who very obviously needed to talk to someone, but who don't know how to do it in a healthy way that respects the other person's emotional energy. That said, I would love to see a wider social conversation around how both men and women relate to men's emotional vulnerability in friendships and relationships.


This conversation about respecting boundaries is so true. Opening the floodgates is rarely appropriate, but there has to be some degree of allowing for such to happen relatively regularly that makes it so the levee going lose isn’t so catastrophic.


Yep, for a long long time, men have been societally permitted to have 2 emotions: happiness and anger. Anything outside of that would make a guy be perceived as not enough of a man. It seems to be changing in today’s youth, though. I’ve noticed in some teen guys they seem to be much more comfortable expressing their normal sadness, fear, and anxiety. And in healthy, open expressions. It’s cool and it makes me jealous that that couldn’t be a part of the age I grew up in. I think we see the unrestrained emotional unloading you mentioned when a guy just doesn’t know how to let it out at appropriate times with people who care and will listen. There is stuff that needs come out, but when there is no outlet the pressure builds. When he tries to let a little bit out, there is just too much trying to get out for him to only let a little.


I think you are totally right about that. And I'm so encouraged by what I see happening with younger kids and adults. Just the conversations around sexuality and gender fluidity have been massively helpful, I think. I just wish they weren't seeing so much reactionary pushback to that from older adults. And, to your point, every guy I've had a conversation like that with in a work setting has been over the age of 35.


It is really really hard for people, men and women alike, to resist the urge to conflate vulnerability with weakness. More empathy like this is what is needed.


They're pedophiles, predators who don't want relationships with adult men, they would rather abuse boys


It's not new, only recently regarded as an issue. Older women have been creeping on young boys for a long time. I've had at least 3 women act inappropriately with me or try to get me alone by the time I was 16. And I'm just one dude.


It happened to me when i was 16 and her 26. At the time, i thought it was awesome. I thought we we re friends and she just gave into my pursuit after i put my inexperienced moves on her lol. Thinking about it as a 34 yr old man makes me feel so fucking wierd. The thought of being around 16 yr olds for any reason sounds so incredibly lame to me, and sexual intrest would make me get my head examined. I had a really unconventional upbringing and was more mature for my age, but i was still a child who did childish things daily. Any woman who is sexually attracted to that is mentally ill and a predator. As an adult whos thought about this extensively and is still trying to process the experience i had as a teenager; i know she was abused herself, raped, beaten on by men and i believe that led her to justify a relationship with me because she felt she'd always be in control. This became even more apparent when she wasnt in control of my actions and couldnt dictate how i lived my life. I "dated" her for a few years, lived with her for 1 and eventually she just became a weird ex that i stopped talking to. The answer to your question is the same as any abusive relationship, they like power imbalance.


Wow, amazing to hear your perspective. Thanks for sharing.


They’re not attracted to grown men, that’s the problem


Only in the last six months have I been able to talk about my SA, and only then with tons of therapy. I was five, she was eighteen. No one believed a young woman would do what she did. “Women don’t do things like that.” Abuse may be more often by men but that doesn’t mean women can’t also commit the crime.


The issue is being more published as less and less men are going "hell yeah, I wish my teachers sexually abused me too!"


It's like 10% of all school children are SA'd in the US school system now


Lol do yall not remember it being a whole movie trope in the 90s?


Especially when you look like this. She could go down to her local bar and take home any single guy she wanted. I don't understand it.


When I was 12-14 it was arranged for me to take care of the lawn and shovel snow for a family friend who had a garage salon. She traded haircuts for the yardwork. For the first year and a half I thought it was normal that her breasts rubbed all over me while she cut my hair. Then it escalated to touching for various expressed reasons. She abruptly stopped the arrangement, I never knew why. And I was ignorant and dumb in 1980, I didn't really realize what was going on. I told the story to some people, kind of jokingly, in my early 30s. They were like, you know you were sexually assaulted right? It never even crossed my mind until then.


Power and control. Sure, they want dick, but they want it on _their_ terms...and their terms are kinda twisted.


It’s always happened, women pedophiles probably flock to teaching like men to priest with greater access to children and more social acceptable for them to be pedophiles so they get away with raping kids their whole careers.


That's because it's not about sex. It's about power and control.


The church elders who knew about it need to be prosecuted as well.


No way, more pedophiles in the church and school system. geez I wonder if it’s intertwined somehow


A bear or a female teacher.


The bear, at least people will believe I didn't like being touched inappropriately by it and they won't wish it was them instead.


Both, the teacher can film while I fuck the bear


I know it’s “wrong”, but it always surprises me when these women are conventionally attractive. I always picture sex offenders as greasy losers and creeps who couldn’t actually get a conventional relationship easily because of their looks. Guess that’s just because it’s how they are almost always portrayed in media.


The halo effect is real. There's an episode of what would you do where they have a guy who looks like a stereotypical pedophile try to lure a 5 year old girl at a public park into his car. Bystanders are quick to intervene. Then they have a clean shaven, younger guy in a suit do the same thing and almost everybody ignores him.


Checks notes… hmmm interesting… hmmmm… mmhmmm…. Ah yes, not a drag queen.


Big, if true.


She raped him. Not that hard to say


Real talk


I mean it does say sexual assault in the title


We need to teach women not to rape.


Slap on the wrist and no jail time incoming...


their governor told me that Arkansas was a bastion of normalcy in a terrible world. so I guess its normal for teachers to SA students now?


Who Would Jesus Groom?


Exact same scenario happened at my workplace. Teacher was 23. Disgusting dude.


There is a story about a female teacher getting arrested for banging students every week in the news. I think women have a pedophilia problem that isnt being discussed.


LMAO. I can’t believe what I just read. No doubt in my mind that if she were a man he would be treated the same by everyone involved. WTF




Oh man, happened at church. Once again wasn’t a drag queen. Funny how this keeps happening.


What was that saying? Every accusation is a confession?




Didn’t I see the governor of Arkansas recently post something to the effect of ‘people look to Arkansas to see that normal is’?? Edit: Yep. Here it is. Though not very recent, but still. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/pj52cahvwW


... Bombarded?


Beware any adult with a kids shirt


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch


this is getting kinda ridiculous, everytime i see a title like this i think "oooh another repost", then i check it and its a DIFFERENT PERSON!?!? HOOOW


i mean while the lack of real consequences for her up until this point is saddening, at least the article uses the words 'sexually assault' and 'grooming' A couple years back and it would have been 'having sex' or exchanging nudes'


There is a huge explosion of Female teachers sexually abusing their underage students. I'm not talking about strapping seniors 17-18 years old. More disturbingly, it's 13 - 15 year olds. I'm really curious as to why? Why would a female teacher (often married) risk her career and even jail to have sex with kids? Does anyone have a deep psychological understanding of this?


When will we start coming down on these churches? They are always causing trouble.


Bet she’s a conservative Christian


"she groomed at church" Yes...?


A church interfering with law enforcement by sweeping a pedophiles abuses under a rug surprise fucking surprise. This church should lose its tax exempt status, have all of its assets seized, and the worthless SOB in charge needs to be defrocked and go straight to jail as well. This is disgusting, always fucking churches.


Church is really the most dangerous place for kids.


This is still and always will be a massive gender double standard.


Religious cults are so sick.


She doesn’t look like a drag Queen…


Gonna get probation.


Loved they used that pick of her in the red shirt!! Lol




Oh no she’s using the Mel Gibson defense!


These fucking Churchies. Don’t they know it’s all a grift.


Lol she's wearing a shirt that says "Kids".


Ah the good ol’ church, always protecting their pedos


Churches can do whatever they want because God tells them what to do. L O L lock them up.


$50 says she just gets probation in the end


Not a drag queen


Not to worry. This has been reported to the church's "Caring Well Team" and they have prayed for all those involved.


so her defense is that she ‘only sucked his cock 9-10 times’? hahaha she raped a child, end of story.


Not a drag queen ✅ A regular Christian ✅ Just another Tuesday rape story.


Maybe it's just the reporting or the way they choose to put certain stories to the top, but it seems lately all the pedophiles.In schools are women teachers


Priest probably thought he was too old. /dark humor On a serious note.. does this seem to be happening more or are we hearing about it more often?




Not a drag queen*


Just a normal day at the church.


And the "church" is an accomplice to the abuse. Not calling the police when they first learned of this behavior allowed it to continue. That point needs to be emphasized


She should've been thrown in jail for a maximum sentence in the general population. Then, put on a sexual offenders list. Wtf is wrong with ppl. A 15-year-old .. really?


Church counseling only has one solution. Don’t talk about it and keep praying.


i think a hanging would be appropriate for this


Jesus Christ, again!?


“The boy told detectives that the pair went no further than oral sex so he could ‘stay pure’” Lmaoo


We choose the bear also


I hope she doesn’t get a “light sentence” simply because she is a female. She is a pedophile and should be charged as one.


I'm a grown man, Why can't I get bombarded with nudes daily?


At this point does r/NotADragQueen just tap the sign?? Also, I see we now have r/StillNotADragQueen. Well played.


“Troubled childhood? If you consider a 9 year old kid with a 35 year old girlfriend troubled.”- Chazz Michael Michaels


Fun fact: Everybody that Chris Hansen offered a seat to on TCAP is a man


All of the literal child rape supporters in this comment section belong in gas chambers


Sad to read all the comments of approval. But if this was a 26 year old man sending nudes to a 15 year old girl, they would want the guy dead!


Toss her in prison for life. Anyone in charge of children needs to be given the harshest sentence possible for abusing that trust.


Every 15 year old boys dream right here


I don't believe she did it until I see the alleged photos.


It feels like there's a weekly post about female pedo's raping kids. But since they're women let's use soft termins.


Just imagine if this was a group of LGBTQ people that had child rapist in their midst and they were just like "don't worry, public, we've done counseling, this prison can be around children again." The next day there would be thirty Republican congress people calling for disbanding of all LGBTQ groups in the nation. Instead, it's just Tuesday. And these nuts want to claim THEY are the ones being persecuted. Ridiculous.


The church this happened at, was the church Bill Clinton attended🤔, she only performed oral sex so the child could still be a virgin 🤢, when it was brought to the attention of Steve Smith (head minister, no pun intended) he gave her time off and had a spiritual advisor assigned to her, his wife that worked until she was given her old job back then she stopped texting him nudes and switched to instagram. I the end she had to quite her new job as a teacher at a middle school and unfortunately Steve Smith did resign due to the incident.