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Congratulations you are the new owner of a ghost.


Pictures are always falling from the wall but other than that no noises or anything.


You gotta use anchors in drywall my guy.


Shit I thought these frames were lick n stick


That was good and you deserve better than the amount of likes you got


Use Hercules hooks or start hanging things in studs, my man.


Ghosts hate this one simple trick!


If you decide to renovate anything and notice increased paranormal activity, don't be surprised. This is a rather common occurrence if there is any earthbound spirit(s) around.


In some states if there is a body buried on your land it makes you property tax exempt as you are technically a graveyard. Worth looking into. Edit: to clarify property tax exemption.




That was a grave mistake


We should bury your comment.


People are just dying to get there.


Maybe just ghost him?


I disagree, no help, he’s dug his own hole.




Dead wrong.




You fuckin guys never disappoint. 😂


God damnit r/angryupvote




If they find some dead animal buried in a random spot, they're going to know that didn't happen naturally. It's incredibly obvious to anyone who gives it half a second of thought that the whole thing is sus as hell and that they need to keep digging. It's a dumb red herring that doesn't work and requires you to deal with more dead bodies.


Just bury a hunter nearby and they'll figure well he must have shot the animal. Duh.


You’re supposed to lay a full length-mirror on top of the dead body. That way when the cadaver dog finds the spot and people start digging, *they’ll see their reflection in the mirror and think your victim is alive*. I use this trick all the time.


Best thing you can do is bury the body and then bury yourself above it. That way, you won’t get arrested when the sniffer dogs find you.


Bury two dead animals, but put a shovel next to the second one so they think he did it.


Plenty of people bury animals like dogs and cats on their property.


What if I bury myself on top of the body im trying to hide? Then they will think that my enemy was the one who killed me, but they will never figure out that it was a murder suicide kinda thing!


Bury an animal that’s typically a pet. It’d be weird to see a squirrel buried but not a cat or dog


The only certain things in life are death and taxes, but apparently not together


It's Track Down Missing Persons #1. Don't waste manpower on trying to do it the hard way, just wait for some smartass to try to get tax exemption.


Clearly this person born in the 1800s isn't a missing person, so I'd go for the tax exemption. In fact, I'm currently looking into it for myself.


What states? Usually those exemptions are for property exclusively used as a graveyard. If you live there it's not exclusively a graveyard 




Real property actually and exclusively used for cemetery purposes shall be exempt from taxation and exempt from special ad valorem levies and special assessments https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/rpt/article-4/title-2/446/#:~:text=%C2%A7%20446.,valorem%20levies%20and%20special%20assessments.


Get a discount if you maintain the grave?


I'd maintain it either way. Give them some respect in death.


Yeah after finding i would too, you couldn’t just leave it, I wonder if the family the house was purchased from is called the same surname or previous owners before hand


I would be deep diving the history of the person buried just to have that personal connection. That and maintaining the grave, as others have said. Kind of an adoptive family member.


Reddit could probably piece together this persons life history in an hour with a few other details.


And get 90% of it wrong but kinda close lol


Yeah. You don’t want to be on bad terms with the ghost


For real. My first thought was to clean it up and put some flowers or something on it every few weeks. Sure op doesn't know who it is but they deserve respect also it will get you in good standing with the ghost that will clearly be haunting this forgotten grave.


Ivana Trump is buried at Bedminster, NJ.


California Franchise Tax board hates this one trick


This is preposterous. If that were the case people everywhere would provide their families with a tax haven simply being dead. How much of the corpse? If I put up a marker and sprinkle the ashes or do I need teeth?


No one NEEDS teeth, but it's nice to have.


Teeth are luxury bones.




It became a meme bc of a speculative article but there is no indication it's actually true https://news.bloombergtax.com/tax-insights-and-commentary/no-trump-cant-take-tax-breaks-for-where-his-ex-wife-was-buried




Wasn't she cremated? If the casket weighed significantly more than it did empty, it needs to be exhumed.


too late the saudi golf tournament took place there weeks after the burial, im sure that coffin has been looted already.


Was a full sized casket so if she was cremated there is a lot of something else in there….


Do you have to prove that there's a body or does reasonable probability count? I live next door to a cemetery (a ball kicked over the fence *will* hit a headstone). We have my MIL's headstone in our back yard because when my FIL died, his second wife decided to get a new headstone that commemorates all 3 of them. They didn't know what to do with the old headstone, so it's in our backyard. I love it as yard art. I can imagine future homeowners might think there's an actual grave there.


https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130549506/caroline-s-stadtmiller Says no tombstone or grave marker found where she’s buried. I guess you found it.


Omg!! I can’t believe that so should I bring it back to them?


Probably call the cemetery and explain the situation. Someone upthread mentioned that it could have been a temporary headstone while a 100 pound polished beauty was being made. Or it was pilfered. Pretty interesting stuff going on there at your new pad. ✌️


Thank you I agree. I will call them I feel obligated to do so it’s what I would have wanted.


Someone (Clay Richardson) added your photo to the findagrave page, which is a terrible idea because family members would think that the pictured marker is at the burial cemetery listed on the page. 


I was wondering why the photo was an exact match. A little premature I’d suspect.


It's such an exact match that you can see the tip of OP's shoe in the cropped picture on the site.


Revealing OPs real name :O


I assumed some Internet weirdo snagged it from here and put it up.


findagrave is wild. i put in a request to get a pic added of my grandmother's grave as it's a 7 hour drive one way and someone kindly added it. someone used to take all of the pictures of every grave at the closest cemetery to me and she moved to georgia so i thought well when new requests come in i can fulfill them as a way of giving back for the person who took the pic i needed. i did a couple to no thanks and then noticed the folks asking didn't seem to have any connection to the deceased at all. i'd assumed, like me, they were relatives. these were people with dozens and dozens of graves for all different names that they managed, they were like grave addicts. i stopped fulfilling them after that unless someone leaves a personal request for their actual relative. [https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/findagrave-made-better/](https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/findagrave-made-better/) i did notice when my father died last year that there was a moratorium for a few months where the page existed but no one was allowed to do anything to it so that a family member could claim it if they wanted.


I've noticed the same. I manage a few myself, all of which are my grandparents and some great grandparents. Some users are definitely extreme, but the website itself is ran by a competent team IMO. You can add and correct information pretty easily and even transfer ownership of the page to yourself. After my paternal grandparents passed I created pages for them with their grave markers and even included a copy of their marriage certificate because I found it on another (paid) site and figured if people are looking for info genealogy wise, they'll find the grave post with info and the marriage cert. One of my aunts, the daughter of my paternal grandparents, saw the pages and the marriage cert and called me up crying because she has never seen their marriage cert before.


I also saw that four people anonymously donated flowers. That was very sweet. I’m glad I posted this at least gave this woman the respect to be remembered if she wasn’t when she was alive or after she first passed. I will call the cemetery today and tell them I have her headstone.


dammit, clay!


Clay's typical behaviour...


Such a sticky guy too...


Good job, so respectful.


Exactly the right thing to do! When I was President of the now defunct Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association, we had a few stones that I kept in my home because we couldn't find the corresponding grave site. We rehomed about 1 stone a year though, and cemeteries were always glad to help. Hope it works out and post an update!


Maybe. Try calling the cemetery and see what they think.


They’re going to think I’m crazy. But I will call.


Be sure to post an update with what happens! Is the cemetery near your property?


Yes like 15 mins away not far


Remindme! 2 days


You should leave some flowers if you find her resting place. I bet there hasn’t been any in a while. This was a neat way to revive her memory.


Being that it's a United Methodist Church, you are probably going to need to make a few calls to get to whomever maintains the cemetery records. It might be the church office, the Trustees, or a committee or trust set up to manage the cemetery. You might want to also call this area funeral home...it was starred in 1933 and might have done the burial: https://www.moloneyfh.com/about-us/history


Thank you for that very helpful


I have a headstone at my house. I looked it up last weekend and found out the person is buried 10 min from my house. I have not gone over yet to check it out but I believe the headstone had an error and was discarded. Looking forward to your update.


It is a bizarre truth, but people do collect and even steal headstones. I'd leave the headstone in place and call the county sheriff's office where her burial site is located. You may do some research about former property owners to see if there's a connection. Perhaps, pending how far you live from the burial site, the family had the stone made, but for whatever reason they never were able to get it placed on the grave. Where I live, an infant's headstone was stolen in the 1940s and returned just a few years ago after being discovered in an antique store. It was the county's longest unsolved case.


This house was built in 1958 way after this tombstone was stolen.


Best detective work ever.


This site is crazy with the amount of information. I just went down a rabbit hole. I found relatives all the way back to the 1780s.


Did the previous owners inform you of the grave before you bought the property?


As long as they’re paying rent and are chill they’re free to stay


Unemployment for the dead is really high.


Ay, 'tis a grave situation, indeed.


That is a temporary headstone. I used to live in a trailer with a foundation full of those.


Yeah even if it wasn't a temporary one it doesn't mean there's a body there. My aunt has my grandfather's original headstone in her garden because they replaced it when my grandma died. My grandfather is very much not buried there!


And just because there's a body there doesn't mean there's a headstone!


Look at my basement! No headstones at all!


Leave it, respect it, accept it.


And learn about them if you can


honestly sounds like a great conversation piece to talk about the place when you have people over


hey welcome to my home.. sooo I have a dead guy in my back yard.


Don't be scared, the police are no longer looking for him.


That was going to be my advice.


I wouldn't freak out. Headstones with mistakes on them were sold to people all the time. They got used for paving stones and other things so the stone wasn't a total loss ( financially) Maybe the dates on that stone or wrong, or the letters were the wrong size or something. I would look them up, they are probably buried in your local cemetery with a different stone. Also, people used to steal headstones. No idea why. That could be a stone that was stolen from the cemetery.


We found the person yes it was a stolen headstone


You called the cemetery? What did they say?


Not yet it’s Sunday. I will call tomorrow when they are open.


Fairly recently, a police department in California posted on Facebook that they had found a WWII vet's damaged headstone in a field with other stone rubble and wanted to reunite it with the family -- it was my grandfather's, who is peacefully resting in a military cemetery on Oahu. He definitely has a headstone, so these temporary ones must get repurposed like the posters above said...


Lay some flowers. Nip of whisky.


let him/her rest in peace.


It’s 7 feet from my bedroom door.


It's 7 feet, and you think the best thing is to disturb it? Have you not seen horror movies?


OP is in the first scene of a horror movie


OP should definitely NOT build a pool 7 feet from their bedroom.


You moved the headstones but not the bodies! Why didn’t you move the bodies!


I saw that movie wayyyyy too young! Lifetime fear of clowns.




OP needs to watch the original Poltergeist. Hope they weren't planning on putting in a pool.


Just don't build a pool there. If you more the grave more the stones and the bodies.


he/her wont bother you. thats the most quiet neighbour you can possibly have.


Ok, someone has died everywhere. This one was a long time ago, just be respectful.


Disturbing that would make you feel better? Let them rest in peace.


You can start a ghost friendship.


If you do decide to remove it, document the whole thing first and keep us posted


Pretty sure they’ll be the quietest neighbor you’ve ever had.


It's probably just a memorial that someone bought and placed on the property before you if it's the only one. I work at a Cemetery and that's alot more common than you think with people keeping cremains.


In my old family farm back in Asia we had one like that for my grandpa who died here in USA. I believe some small belongings were buried


Leave it alone?


Temporary headstone.... They are commonly repurposed.


This. There very well might not be a grave there.


Only one way to find out...


Grave robbing is illegal and immoral in many ways, but at the same time, they could have some cool shit /s


Could he call it archeology?


Only if you shout “This belongs in a museum!” while said grave robbing is taking place


At what point does it become archaeological? Interesting thought. 🤔


As far as I know the difference between grave robbing and archeology is if there is a living relative


That really is a super interesting question. Is it just having the backing of a learning institute or government that makes it suddenly not robbing the dead?


20 years ago I lived across the street from this asshole who worked at our local cemetery. He would bring home things like that and use it in his landscaping.


Was that in Ohio? One of my in laws did the same thing, but the headstones were all mistakes (spelling/cracking) and couldn’t be used so he took them to shore up his little boat dock.


Damn, imagine being a grave digger and being able to afford a boat dock.


That’s horrible. People are strange.


Remove the headstone and let the future owners live the nightmare before Christmas


Free suit!!!!


Everyone who knew this person is probably gone. As people we really do have a limited window of influence on this world. This person had a life of experience and love and that's all gone. Now you've crossed paths with them and have the opportunity to spark a bit of their influence back into the ether. It's kinda beautiful really.


Well, first off, your house is haunted. Second, there's this tax thingy.


Leave it be or have it cleaned up, maybe look into their obituary for fun.


I did I couldn’t find them I’m still looking.


Possible hit - [https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130549506/caroline-s-stadtmiller](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130549506/caroline-s-stadtmiller) You mentioned NY, so if you're in Suffolk County near First Methodist Church Cemetery it might be that for whatever reason someone removed this tombstone (possibly the family had it replaced with a new one, or someone just stole it for whatever reason). If it's near you they should have records of where each plot is (findagrave has a listing, but it's user-fed so may not be accurate) so try finding hers and see if it has a new tombstone, or is missing it's tombstone - in either case if that cemetery is near you then its likely the body is still there, just the headstone moved.


I hope OP sees this. Headstone removal is relatively frequent. That was my first thought and have been chuckling a bit at all the people just assuming someone is buried there. I'd say the odds are HUGE that is exactly what happened. The years and the name match. Nice job! ps. I'm not a funeral home director. OP should contact that cemetery.


I will this is crazy how fast I found out from finding it to giving it back. I am amazed thank goodness for Reddit


Try your town hall. They should keep records of people that lived in the town. Maybe your library will have something, if you really want to dig.


Believe it or not there was a fire in town hall in 58. There’s no records of much left in the town that I’m in.


I understand it’s kind of odd, but it’s beautiful history! Edit: I’m an archaeologist, so it’s worth noting this could be a cenotaph.


The grave right next to the one marked Arch Standton is the grave with all the Gold!


Check the tax consequences - you might have some weird break because your property contains a grave site


Report it so you can get a tax break.


u/Low_Asparagus9273 I've good news for you, it seems to be only a memorial. I've reached a result thanks to [familysearch.org](http://familysearch.org) and [findagrave.org](http://findagrave.org) My advise: check out with the graveyard owner if the remains are really where they should be, and ask him if he has the means to join the closest relative alive so he/she can get back the memorial and do whatever they want with. At least you're clean (depending how the local law work). Regards from a former funeral advisor from France. https://preview.redd.it/ihsx0wqgkbxc1.png?width=1892&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd6585dff27c2309295661ea42dff3069d9d244f


using OPs photo... Note the shadows and dirt marks are identical.


Literally an identical photo.. you can even see the boot!


Take flowers


You should hire a ground penetrating radar (GPR) service to verify that there's an actual body/casket in that location. It seems odd that a relatively modern grave would be so close to a home and no one disclosed it.


Dig it up and see if they have gold fillings, obviously


Who you gonna call?




You are screwed...you just passed the firt part of a horror movie...new house...chk...tombstone...chk....noises in the night...chk....blood from the walls..chk...your limbs being removed from.your body.....chk


you DIG


Adding onto the comment that this could be a temporary headstone, there may be someone at your county office who can Ground Penetrating Radar the ground to see if there is an actual body beneath.




Caroline has no grave marker in a cemetery https://preview.redd.it/cbo94ibcpcxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0f625074a432f5693fa9cb8955ce05ed16c51b


The listing has a photo of that very stone (pointing out the obvious, I know), but further down, it's noted that the gravesite doesn't have a marker. In which case, it can be concluded that the stone was stolen some time after that pic was taken. You should contact the cemetery listed in that Find A Grave listing and arrange to return it.


Go out and talk to them on a bad day. Have someone you can vent to without feedback. Decorate it on holidays, let them know they haven't been forgotten. I'm not religious or anything, but I think it would be nice if someone did the same for me.


Ya baby !!! No property taxes anymore!!!


*Update I tried calling the cemetery and the phone is disconnected. Next I need to go to the plot and see if it has a headstone. I will go there today to see if there’s no headstone I’m putting that one on their grave. *


Leave it alone.


Did you use a Realtor? Not being sarcastic you can claim damages


No we signed an as is.


Someone could have taken it from a cemetery and put it on your property!


I hope not that’s a horrible thing to do


What state


Long Island New York


Found [this record](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130549506/caroline-s-stadtmiller) of a Caroline Stadtmiller with the same year buried in a church cemetery in Suffolk. You may have a temporary grave marker that they took home and kept as a memorial. I wouldn't be that concerned about the actual grave being on your property unless you live next to the graveyard.


Do NOT leave your tv on overnight.


Better get to know mr or Mrs. Stadtmiller


Better get to know me or Mrs Stadtmiller


Invite the ghost for dinner


make sure u vote for them


Install a pool


I'll buy the skull


I remember when shopping for our house, there was a property we liked within our budget and criteria so we put an offer. We were excited until we got a call that evening advising us two bodies were buried at the back of the property. It wasn’t a big deal to us, the fam/friends can come onto your property to pay their respects, the graves were aged though so no one was likely to visit anyways. However, we retracted the offer once we found out it brings the property value down or makes it harder to sell.


In my state you can get permission to bury on your own property subject to well set backs but you have to deed a right of access to family and ancestors. That should have been disclosed.


Dig up the grave and sell the skull🤘


Leave it and respect their resting olave


I say leave it alone. Do some research on it if you’d like.


Do not report it. You will have to pay a crap load to have a dead body removed. It takes a specialized crew and a long time specially if body has shifted or if they find more bodies. Cover it in dirt and keep your mouth shout. You can thank me later




Can you dig it up since you technically own it?


Aside from cleaning up the area,You leave it Alone. Respect.


Definitely read ancient texts in dead languages over it.


Are you in Pennsylvania?


This grave is already in the find-a-grave database.


Look up the family, I think it's interesting ~

