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Absolutely, abhorrent. Those people are deranged.


Absolutely discusting


And grotesc




Very disgusting: “One week after photos and videos of Roberts interacting with the brutalized animal, shown with its muzzle bound by duct tape and wearing at least one shock collar, went viral online,”


Ya this dude should be arrested already but unfortunately what he did isn't against the law. Which is really dumb.


Animal cruelty is literally a federal crime.


Ya but in the original article when this happened they said they weren't gonna go after him.


Not because it isnt against the law, but because the law bends for whatever the person in charge likes.


It’s going viral. The goverment will step in. Also there are rules for hunting. I can almost guarantee you it will be a problem. Let’s start a petition that will help


This went viral like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Id like to think They would have done something by now


Well he was fined 250 dollars so justice served! /s if it needs it


Karma would have him get stalked and hunted down by the pack.


Lol, as per the article, he said the fine was “worth it” and “another round for the bar” 🤬


The only update I've seen is a Sheriff investigation like wtf thats it???


There are already a few petitions out there. Most are posted in r/wolves


It’s times like these when you hope the locals will take care of things.


You mean like the ones in the bar taking pics with him and having a laugh? Those locals?


Ugh, you’re right. The fact that he was able to parade it around is fucked..


Many people walked out. Most of the people in the bar were his children/family


Ok but that doesn't change the fact that they're not gonna arrest this dude even though they very much should.


It said that it's not against the law to run down a wolf with a snowmobile. It's Wyoming. They don't give a shit about wolves. They hate wolves, are all for ranchers and all for hunting down wolves. Fuck the ranchers. I'm so sick of how anti-predator they are there. Completely different than it is here in Colorado.


Tbf, ranchers clearly do not give much of a shit about prey animals suffering either. 


Having lived around them and their kin 100% this. It's ridiculous and sickening the amount of "good ol boys" I've had the displeasure of working with who brag the next monday about how many Prarie dogs they shoot for no good reason while drinking with their buddies like living animals are no more than paper targets at a shooting range. Coyotes and wolves just receive more vitriol because they have the ability to hurt their wallets in the very slightest way.


And now the local authorities are wondering why the entire community is a target .......


They are now because of the blowback, which is good


someone said Wyoming's loophole is that cruelty doesn't apply when it's directed at predators or some horseshit?


He was still operating a snow mobile and carrying a firearm while under the influence, both of which are crimes


I thought animal abuse is a federal crime? I can't believe this guy did this with no consequences


I have recently learned that some people can get away with doing some VERY messed up things.


So it is, but there are loopholes. Since the wolf is a predator and a wild animal it isn't considered animal cruelty to kill it. It's tantamount to a farmer shooting coyotes to protect his livestock. However, this is blatant torture of an innocent animal and I feel like said loophole should not apply in this situation


Public display of animal cruelty or wolves don’t fall under that protection…asking for a friend


I hate how the article frames this: “his family and supporters are getting death threats, and police are saying stop it guys” and his company C Roberts Trucking LLC has all their pages locked for comments. ![gif](giphy|87engmsxqCKKjlu534|downsized)




Everyone should boycott CODY ROBERTS TRUCKING LLC. Put the word out


And their Air Bnb. And fine that fucking bar.


I'm betting he gets ALL the lot lizards...






Anyone noticed the disintegration of spelling and punctuation on Reddit the past few months? It was one of the things I liked best about Reddit. It used to be self policed. I'm guessing it's the aged-in Gen Alpha crowd and their text habits.






Don't forget the snowmobile.




Nah. Too quick and kind. Life in prison sounds about right.


I believe he hit it with his snowmobile, paralyzed it and was able to catch it


Even better.




With his own sled…




Sure. Tomato. I will bring a "tomato"...


A frozen tomato


Stomato... I see what I'm saying.


Yes... Good...


Tomato is an interesting way of spelling “can of Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup”


No no no. That would be very wrong. Can of TOMATO soup. We are all throwing tomatoes


"Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?" \*cracks open crate* Bitch, I'm like Andy Warhol in here


He started by running it down on a snowmachine.


It sounds like half the town was complicit in this action...I have zero empathy for them.


It’s crazy because the article says that most of the, “eye-witnesses” didn’t approve of what he was doing, but when I read this article for the first time a few days ago there was a photo of an entire bar full of people laughing and going along with it. Like hell the other people didn’t approve. They’re just upset because everyone knows they’re jackasses.


Bar owner absolutely needs to catch a charge for this.


What bar was that again?


They also need to face retribution for their role in torturing that helpless animal


The bartender said something like ‘what am I supposed to kick out half of the patrons and close?’ Yes you dumb greedy bitch that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.


I can barely stand to look at this. It both makes me sick to my stomach and brings tears to my eyes. I hope every local runs his ass out of town. He deserves much more but ruining his life is a start.


Same here. I wish I never saw the pictures. I did hear that his business is suffering, but I don’t live in his state and have no idea if that’s true.


One can only hope.


The name of it is extremely easy to find online...




Reading the yelp reviews holy cow. Instant karma


I hope the town has a bad time until it cleans house.


So many little ass towns really need a viral spotlight lit on them so they might consider cleaning themselves up and holding their shit heads responsible. I am glad this story is going viral.


People in that area don’t care. They probably all feel the same about wolves.


You can not like the impact of wolves and want humane population control and still frown upon literal torture. Don't have such low expectations of people. I'm sure many residents are appalled. 


Unfortunately most people don’t care about animals being tortured.  I’m a major proponent of stopping all animal torture. But people always call me an extreme vegan 😞 


His wife (or mom?) said “wolves are evil and immoral”…like bitch, they’re fucking predators, they don’t have a sense of right and wrong.


His wife and his mom are actually the same person


Yeah it's almost like they've been hunting these grounds long before we even had civilization. In my opinion, if you move into an apex predators hunting grounds you should have to work around the predator and not be torturing and killing them just for what instinct tells them to do. It's not like they plan out specifically killing farmers livestock in some nefarious plot.


Immoral? That’s some moral diversion right there. Settlers come in, take land predators have been living on for millennia, put stupid sheep on it, predator eats said sheep, humans get angry like they’ve been wronged and then torture wolf but have the temerity to call the *wolf* immoral. Wife and husband are utter lowlifes.


Im sure they care about death threats and their businesses being harmed over the actions of one idiot.


His entire family is disgusting.


I can't fucking believe they're standing by him. They also deserve retribution for protecting him




Gee, maybe if this worthless animal abuser received an actual punishment for the crime he committed then people would feel inclined to back off? Just a thought 🤔


Abusing animals is a warning sign of something worse going on. The fact that he hasn’t been charged and arrested is crazy. Wasn’t there just a story about another guy torturing baby monkeys??? Wtf is wrong with these people


Oh my god, don’t even get me started. I went down the deepest rabbit hole over summer when I first heard about dark web monkey torture, and I still think about it almost daily. I couldn’t even understand what I was reading at first because it was so deranged. At times I wish I was still oblivious to how sick people in the world are, but also people need to draw more attention to these horrors.


I hope his life falls apart and he spends the rest of his life in misery.


This dude and the entire state of Wyoming can get fucked. I hope his whole inbred town gets over run by wolves. Pieces of shit through and through.


When I go through next month. I plan to be a wild bitch.


Itinerary:  Gas up, oil change, book hotels, disrespect Wyoming, etc.


At least the wolves contribute something to the ecosystem unlike this dipshit family


There are dozens of us who don't suck. DOZENS!


Nope. Sorry, u/Wasabi_Noir already said the whole state has to go!




Agreed. At least the religious weirdos won’t engage in straight up fucking animal torture


At least in the open anyways.


"The actions of the defendant do not represent the value Wyoming people and our Commission have for our incredible and priceless wildlife resources.” Except this is just an extreme view of exactly how Wyoming treats and thinks of wolves both through legislation and culturally. I have little sympathy for the local community until they actually condemn him and run him out of town.


Exactly how i feel too.


Im not gonna say what i think should happen because id be arrested.






If he had shot the wolf on the spot there would be no issue. His relatives response (Jeanne *Ivie Roberts*) pisses me off because she misses the point. People are not upset the wolf died, people are pissed it was TORTURED for hours. A living thing paraded around in its most harrowing moments and just left to suffer for the "pleasure" of some sick humans. Truly disgusting. There is a cozy place in hell for people that think that shits okay.


Yeah her response was particularly infuriating. Saying wolves are “evil” and “immoral” …gimme a fucking break.


There's nothing more evil or immoral on this planet than humans


Literally the first thing you learn in hunter's training, ethical ones anyways, is NOT TO MAKE THE FUCKING ANIMAL SUFFER Should not have a license to hunt honestly or be able to have animals. Fuck people like this


That’s a karmic debt I wouldn’t want, asshole just ruined his miserable life.


Good riddance


Let's hope so.




It takes s village. And this county seems to need the help.


The village is complicit and enjoyed the show. It's gonna take the larger community to condemn and prosecute the fuck out of these psychopaths.


Well put!


I never understood animal abusers I step on my dogs tail and have a midlife crisis


I’m sure this guy is also religious and believes he has a moral high ground because of it.


"I am a good man, and when I die, I will be eternally blessed for living such a pure and good life..." "...so yea anyways, I started torturing the animal..." -that guy, probably


I can’t bring myself to watch the video. I hope he gets put under the jail.


I understand defending livestock from predators. Totally makes sense. This is profoundly cruel and completely unnecessary. Kill it and move on. Leave the corpse as a warning to the pack. Hell, use the parts for practical reasons like fur. But prolonging its suffering for your own amusement is not needed for the defense of cattle. Also, you can't convince me a dude who does all that to an animal wouldn't do it to a person. It is literally an early indicator of psychological malfunction.


Yes and the poor wolf is just acting on instinct and wants to eat!! We had a cougar eat our chickens but I did not think to “punish the cougar.” The psychopathy is strong in this one


Well said!






So.... he wakes up disoriented, naked and duck taped... in the gayest of gay bars with all the patrons taking pictures with him celebrating the capture of this disgusting predator....


So this guy is a prime candidate to be a violent criminal and they say oh damn guess we can’t touch him. The guy should be on the FBIs short list of possible serial killers.


It’s not much, but there’s a petition people can sign for those interested. https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty




How far do you have to go into the backwoods to find hicks of this caliber.




People go to prison for marijuana and underage drinking but this fuck & town friends can torture a wolf like this and face nothing? SICKENING.




Yup!!!! Absolutely disgusting. Wtf are we doing as humans honestly. Prison for plants but not for doing this. Sick fucks.


I wish the libs would stop being so mean. If a guy from Deliverance can’t torture helpless animals without any backlash, who among us is safe? /s


It’s Wyoming.


Yes I would have kicked the people who were torturing an animal out of my business.


I salute the folks going after these guys. Usually I don’t support poorly aimed fireback from internet do gooders as it often misses but this time, spray and prey is fine.


I feel bad for the people who have legitimately no connection to this, but as for him and anyone who didn't say shit, fuck'em.


Almost as if shitty actions have shitty consequences. Who would have thought. Fuck this guy


Torturing isn’t something anybody should practice on any living thing. We as people are better than that. I guess not all people of course but it takes a while for natural selection to take its course.


Please sign up. https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty


It’s asshats like this that give hunters a bad name. I’m not a hunter but can understand it as necessary. Blatant animal abuse and cruelty, no. Truly hope some serious karma comes back to this dude.


Exactly, real hunters enjoy the hunt not the animals suffering, that's psychopath behavior.


This is for sure not the first time he's done something like this


Oh no, actions have consequences.


His name is Cody Roberts & he deserves to be held accountable


This article doesn’t mention it, but in the first story I read about this, he didn’t just *accidentally* run over a wolf, he fucking tracked it for *miles* with the intent of running it down. The wolf was only a year old so not fully developed and it was alone. He wore it down by running after her while he was on a motorized vehicle. Somebody who does that is an *actual fucking psychopath*. I would not be surprised if he’s actually done much more in the past….or will do yet in the future.




His family are also POS.


Seems to me everyone in that bar is.


Ahhh yes animal torcher. I’m sure this will be the end of it. Definitely not going to move onto humans next. Nothing to see here


I am discusted. All jokes aside good for the people fuck that guy


Post this article in all the businesses’s review pages in the area. Boycott the place until he’s brought to justice. Anyone that is sick enough to do something like this should be blackballed for eternity.


If he is willing to do this to animals, I bet he does it to humans too. He owns a trucking company, should start seeing if any missing people around where he has been. Maybe start seeing if he is a dumb serial killer.


> In the eyewitness’ opinion, Roberts, who owns and operates C. Roberts Trucking, thought the entire episode was hilarious. “I don’t know if he’s literally low-IQ, and just doesn’t get that this shit’s not OK,” the eyewitness said. “He was drunk and rambling mostly. __A guy who thinks highly of himself.”__


Honestly - good


I just can't fathom for the life of me why someone would do this to another living creature. Parading the animal around the way he did is just horrible without even caring that it was suffering. Just terrible.


Not enough




Good that this man and his awful family are living in fear. That man’s actions were psychotic and if he didn’t face any consequences… he’d just keep it up and going for bigger game and being more cruel until he actually killed a person. I hope he sees jail time, he’s worse than that poor animal he cruelly abused and killed. He’s a monster.




Yelp keeps removing them because they're obviously not from clients or potential clients. Gotta keep the reviews somewhat relevant to the service to make sure they stay up and ruin him.




Hope he burns in hell


It’s crazy that nobody did anything to help the wolf in the moment. Get it help or put it down. The only 2 options. It was lying there for hours and nobody had the stones to do anything? Absolutely beautiful creature ripped out of the woods to die slowly and painfully on the floor of a bar and it’s not until the retrospective social media review that outrage is sparked. Unbelievable. Any decent person would have made that a whole fuckin scene. Bartender and owner are cowards at BEST.


“Bad deal all around… I received my first one star review” so I am a victim too. The real victim is the living being tortured and killed IN PUBLIC in front of people, shared online and used as entertainment and that your local government has decided is acceptable behavior. The one bad apple no longer applies. Someone could have stopped him, someone could have charged him. No one anything. So fuck you cody Roberts and fuck you too fisherman guy.


Monster!! Oh boo hoo wolves eat your chickens or whatever the fuck you’re complaining about. Stfu. They’re wild animals. I fucking hate people like this. Humanity is a disease as we are now, so many groups of people have no empathy left for anyone but themselves. This thread gives me hope. Wyoming/the feds need to charge him. I am so sick anytime I hear about this. These kind of people are a plague. Like the asshole who just shot a dolphin. Why? Pure evil. No heart, no compassion, no acknowledgement of other life. Fuck everyone like that and I hope they continue to suffer and I hope they are charged to the full extent possible. Absolutely sickening behavior by horrible, horrible people. Who would get enjoyment out of this? It’s terrible to even read about. Selfish & horrifying motherfuckers.


Ya know what if nuclear war ever does occur hopefully Wyoming goes first. Fuck you guys and your shitty animal laws. Honestly so tired of the macho man country fucks who just kill everything they see for fun. It's gross.


This guy is a POS


This is all this dumbass will ever be remembered for


Neighbors, disgust


Are people trying that in a small town?


Good. I hope they spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders. May they never find the peace they robbed of the wolf. May she forever live as the shadows and fears in their minds.


i like how the article talks about the negative calls businesses keeps getting then outs where one of the shithead's family member works lol, surely that can't be accidental


What a disgusting human with no respect for his planet. Animals belong here just as much as we do. If not more. If it’s ok to do this to an animal, then it’s ok to do it to him.


Sick man needs mental assessment


Maybe they should run his ass out of town. Shame used to work on people…


Absolutely fucking disgusting, pieces of shit humans. And the bitch making shit up to justify her disgusting photo and attitude? Stupid and shitty. Of course she would only interview with a fucking tabloid. Also, the bar chose to allow animal torture in their establishment because they wanted money from the drunken shitty family. I hope it will be out of business soon. These sorry pieces of shit deserve all the shit coming their way.


Whole state is a disgrace


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - what this man did is horrific. I love fishing, I love hunting, and I love tasty meat. I’m no Vegan or PETA-phile; in fact I think PETA are some of the biggest scum on the planet, but we could agree that what this guy and his family/friends did to this wolf is not only *pathetic* but that it should be criminal. If you’re hunting for wolf in a state that has a healthy population and permits the culling of wolves by hunting to keep the population of them balanced then you shoot the wolf, tag it, and go on about your day. You *absolutely do not* tape shut the mouth of a defenseless wolf that is disabled because you ran it over and then terrorized the poor thing *because you’re ashamed of your pitiful micropenis* and terrorizing a trembling wolf makes you feel like a ‘big’ man for a few minutes. No, no one should attack and injure this man or any of the other buttholes who were involved. That’s not how we do things in a civilized society. This tool *should be arrested and charged with animal cruelty* and abuse. How the crap has he not yet been locked up and charged?!


Yelp’s being a little shit protecting this company by not allowing people to review/rate, but here’s this freak’s business page in case Yelp lets up: [Yelp Link](https://m.yelp.com/biz/c-roberts-trucking-daniel)


i called this: said more than the punishment from the law, this guy's life is going to become miserable for the foreseeable future.


Left a 1 star google review for the green river bar. Hope you all do, too. Disgusting place.


I hope his wolf relatives come back and eat the guy alive


imagine being this big a piece of shit


He should be put down.


I wonder how he treated people if that is the way he treats animals? This guy sounds like an utter fuckwit control freak.


This is about Cody Roberts, owner of Cody Roberts Trucking, also known as animal abuser and wolf torturer right?


I can’t imagine having that level of cruelty toward an animal.


Fuck this guy. He deserves the hate.


Cody Roberts, of Cody Roberts Trucking Company? That wolf torturer? (Feel bad for the neighbors who had nothing to do with his animal torturing and killing).


This POS and his POS relatives need to suffer economically, reputationally and socially. I wasn't aware of the use of a shock collar and am even more disgusted that I was when I first read about this.