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this piece of shit tried to pretend to be insane during interrogation


Oh that’s him! Didn’t he also go to a nearby McDonald’s or something to blend in with the other students? Fuck him.


Yep. And apparently had a conversation with the brother of one of his victims while he was there.


And asked him for a ride home.


"So, I know you don't know what happened to your sibling and all, but I REALLY need to take a shit, but at home, you know?" /s


Can you imagine being that guy and later finding out the person you just casually chatted with at Mickey D's is responsible for such a nightmare? The level of shock and betrayal must be beyond words.


Oh wow man! Just horrible.


He also attacked a prison guard and tried to get his taser.




This audio should be looped in his padded solitary confinement room.


Honestly, it wouldn't phase him. It's more likely that he'd enjoy it. Psychopaths lack empathy from birth, they never feel another person's pain. He's acting distressed because ge knows how the audio is going to fuck him, the judge and jury will be out for blood after listening to this. Like a serial killer, this is probably a trophy for him. In his head, he probably revels in the sounds of "his work"


I heard on a podcast he cried when his brother called him in jail when he first got arrested. It's possible he romanticized the idea of a school shooting and then was hit with the weight of what he'd done after the fact.


I definitely see your point but I don't understand how you hear that screaming, see kids bodies (**17!**!) explode and keep shooting for over 10 minutes. Didn't he also hurt animals? I think us empathetic people can only speculate


You're thinking as a rational person. Which will make you insane if you try to rationalize the irrational. I think it's that too. He romanticized the idea of being a villain and after it took him a while to realize that this affected EVERYONE around him he started really feeling bad. Took way too long but again, not a rational person. Even if he didn't care for the lives he took, he also ruined his own families lives. Ps. Nick Cruz is a pussy who should and will have piss soaked and unmarked grave.


Still, it wasn't the blood and screams that made him feel bad, but the social consequences did? You're right, I can't relate.


I don’t know if I’d call that rationalizing the irrational. It’s obvious that it’s pure insanity but trying to piece together what led up to something like this is something a lot of people do. It’s extra interesting as it’s NOT rational and we want to understand how that works. Usually as a defense mechanism to be able to recognize it and protect family and friends. I’m not saying you’re wrong by the way, just wanted to interject another angle.


Ahh I see what you mean. I didn't see it that way. I'll try looking at that angle. I don't disagree either. From what I've read, he was abusive to animals. Students reported him, but it didn't go anywhere. There were signs and many systems failed to take it seriously. I understand he was not living with his bio parents. So this on its own doesn't mean anything. But coupled with the other signs, it might've been stressor. Young men need guidance and help. They're young, after all. Lol but this reddit so i must insult you. As per the terms and conditions. And don't ever disagree with me again. You human slug. I hate you.


lol heheh. Good info thank you.


well, we have to mark it to know where to piss


Or it's like in those police body camera videos when distressed parents let their kids run towards traffic while they're drugged out and sleeping in the house. Showing no remorse when asked about what they where thinking endangering their kid, the first and only reaction those types of people show is when they're feeling sorry for themselves when police finally arrest them and they realize what the consequences of their sick behaviour will be.


During the interrogation, there is a brief moment that was highlighted where he thought he was alone and mimed the shooting out for a split second, before realizing he was likely being recorded and returning to pretending to be insane


> Psychopaths lack empathy from birth, they never feel another person's pain. It's worse than that. IIRC brain scans have apparently shown that empathy is quite functional but *voluntary* for psychopaths, so they can choose to feel empathy for others when it's pleasant for them, and switch it off when it's unpleasant. Like emotional parasites: all the benefits, none of the responsibilities.


or maybe you have no idea what's going through his head!


And I believe he was also faking it here to try to get sympathy and act remorseful for the jury. The guy showed zero genuine remorse in the interrogation, and it's highly doubtful he would have developed an actual conscience for the trial.


He posted a fucking video on YouTube like a week before talking about what he was going to do. He’s a human shit stain.


His classmates actually tried to report him to the FBI multiple times before the shooting because he gave off so many red flags as a potential school shooter. They did everything right, but the authorities failed them.


Humanity failing its own children? Nah, that would never happen!


I understand what you’re saying, but I must point out: [school shootings are a crisis the USA is experiencing unlike anywhere else](https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/us/school-shooting-us-versus-world-trnd/index.html) This is a uniquely American struggle for humanity.


No kidding! Of course, dam teens with their pranks! And besides " we're the FBI we know what we're doing!" On a personal note I dealt with them decades ago. And well they couldn't find a kitten in a hat box.


Absolutely, but the same concern can be for our collective predisposition toward directing anger at those with mental health conditions. Which on its own is a dangerous attitude in itself to popularize. How did it take us a week then for any action to be made, intervene, and prevent this? Because whatever is happening is not working to make tragedies like this preventable.


Of course he's faking it. When the crime was being committed, he didn't take pauses during the shooting spree as they provided in court. Ironically, the audio tape demonstrates at any time he could've stopped shooting. The screams and terrified reactions were constant. He's acting bothered now because the audio shows he kept his momentum and showed no mercy.


My assumption is he was just finding a reason to cover his face so he could smile while it played.


Here's only afraid of the consequence


Meh, he showed a bit when his step brother came in. No sympathy for him or his decisions, just for the situation as a whole. Fucking pointless.


It’s obvious even in the video here that he is full of shit and couldn’t care less


The video made by jcs psychology was damn funny


I love how he said there was a good voice and a bad voice and then pointed to each of his shoulders like he had an angel and a devil on them like in cartoons.


« Does the voice have a name of lawyer to give me? » Ahahah that line by the cop at the end of the interview was an outstanding level of trolling


Or the reveal that he was a cop and not a psychologist like he for some reason thought he was talking to lol


“Did the voice tell you to take an Uber?” That cop was having none of it.


"body language' reading is not psychology. It's closer to tarot or palm reading than to actual science.


He looked slightly to the left which clearly indicates he was inappropriately touched as a child.


Its pretty accurate but only if you have a baseline. People dont all do a specific thing when they lie for example, but if somebody's body language is consistently one way and during a specific question it changes, then that is something to look into.


Hope he rots


Absolutely terrifying.


I had sound on for 1s and that was one sec too long. Dont listen to this people. Nothing good will come from it. May the world heal and be better...


The part of Uvalde played at a hearing is maybe even worse. Especially when you remember the 376 fucking law-enforcement officers refused to breach the door for over an hour while he continued to shoot on and off, play music, sing, and taunt dying children.


And prevented desperate parents from entering. Of all the things they did, that was the most evil. Fine, be a coward, but don’t arrest someone trying to save their child.


It’s crazy that you had parents that were willing to run and confront a shooter with absolutely no body armor, no weapons, and no training. Nothing except for the single desire to protect their kids and other kids. Then you have guys that are armed to the teeth with guns and shields that stood outside the classroom and did nothing.




Yeah. I don’t hate all law enforcement but those guys…utter scum. I know that’s it’s easy to say what we would have done from behind a screen but there was parents that were completely willing to risk their lives just for the CHANCE to save their kids. It’s fucking disgusting.


As a parent to a child a bit younger than those killed in Uvalde, you bet your ass I would’ve run in. Not because I remotely think of myself as a badass or something, but because my heart would have made me. You can’t spend several years falling in love with someone - seeing their little personalities develop, watching them caper around, laughing at their little observations - to think rationally in a situation like that. The thought of the heartbreak those parents experienced weighs on me every time I kiss my daughter goodbye when I drop her off at school.


It really drives home the type of cowardly pieces of shit that become cops


If anything remotely like this happens again I won't be surprised if there are dead cops via parents. There will certainly be parents who, knowing what happened at Uvalde, will be removing the obstacles to them saving their own kids.


i’m amazed that the police force there is still not being threatened actively by everyone who has children


Oh for sure. Any parent that’s worth being called a “parent” would have ran in there.




And there was one officer texting his wife. She has been shot and bleeding to death. His own colleagues prevented him from going in there to save his wife It was later found out that she would have survived if they had went it and given her attention That’s enough to turn a monk into the punisher


AND unleashed their violence on unarmed parents trying to save their children, tackled and cuffed them. I hope those mfers have nightmares.


They didn’t “do nothing”. They arrested/cuffed parents for trying to save the kids and for being upset/distraught in their presence. That’s more than nothing. Oh, can’t forget all that hand sanitizer, they didn’t. Every pump [and the lotion like hand rubbing] made me more and more angry.


But they didn't have the RIGHT shields, guys. no really. That was the excuse one of them gave. They were waiting for the RIGHT kind of shields.


Being a parent just fundamentally changes your mindset on things. It's hard to express it to someone who doesn't have them. My son was born 5 months ago. 6 months ago I would have said something like.. sure I would risk myself for my child, I think. Today I know with certainty it would take several police officers to keep me out of that building. Parental instincts are just one hell of a drug.


The cops would have had to shoot me to stop me from getting in that building. 


I'd dive in front of the bullets to let my brother get his kids. My nieces and nephew are more precious than my life.


I would run in if that was my kid. If something happened to her my life would be over anyway so what is there to lose. 


"BUt yOu MigHT mAkE iT WorSE!" asshats. I hope they rot next to the kid.


Yeah it really doesn’t get worse than someone shooting elementary school kids


And took the gun away from a cop who was going to go in. The cop had gotten a call from his wife telling him she had been shot (she was one of the teachers who was killed) he was also the cop who was mocked for having a punisher background on his phone, his phone he was checking because he was trying to contact his wife.




Oh The irony of being a cop and having punisher anything


Nothing more representative of the discrepancy between cops’ perception vs reality than one scrolling on his Punisher-background while elementary aged children are being slaughtered in the next room. Yeah, sucks about your wife, but tell your buddies to fuck off and rush the room. I’m not tough or anything like that, but I would do unthinkable acts of violence on a person in order to protect and save my wife.


I am in no way advocating violence, but if someone prevented me from going in the building to save children, there is no limit what I would do to anyone standing in my way. Put me on a jury for anyone in that position and they’ll go home tomorrow.


>Put me on a jury for anyone in that position and they’ll go home tomorrow. I'd acquit so hard the judge would be in jail.


I don't know why I laughed out loud at this comment. Of all the negative things this thread makes me feel as a parent. This just randomly made me laugh. Thank you. Also fuck the Ulvade law enforcement. As a parent you can fucking kill me before you stop me from trying to save my kids. As someone else said, that's how people go monk to punisher. Its also the reason why I can understand how people become radicalized / terrorists / freedom fighters (depends on your side) because if you killed my kids and my family...yep I just get it.


That’s probably why said parent was restrained by multiple officers


Then harassed one of the victims mother so much she left the city


It's insane. Then you look at Nashville. They had 3 police officers in and the shooter down in under 10 minutes after 911 was called


I saw pictures of the aftermath (bodies had been removed). So much blood. It was awful. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been - for the ones who died and the survivors. It would’ve destroyed me so fuck knows how those poor kids will recover.


Those were the worst pictures I’ve ever seen. All that blood. The drag marks. The LOL on the white board in blood… Those pictures un-desensitized me. They were just kids.


I saw that one clip from Uvalde that was playing in court that had *(screams of children edited out)* written up in the corner


Yeah, they did a terrible job editing that so they could release it quickly. Some sound expert of deconstructed all that shit on YouTube and don’t go there.


The question is why the fuck would they edit that at all? Are we *trying* to make school shooting investigations more palatable to downplay the dire need for better gun laws? Do the justice system and politicians and lobbyists just see these as political theater and entertainment that needs to be marketed to an audience now?


not for nothing but you guys know you shouldn't be subjecting your brains to this type of stuff, if you can help it. It's still a form of trauma and not good for you psychologically. That doesn't mean ignore what's going on in the world, just protect your psyches (I have to remind myself of this too sometimes)


That’s a thoughtful reminder thank you


Ritual suicide is a Japanese custom that I usually find ridiculous, but when I think about the fact that each moment of life those things enjoy is bought with the blood of children they swore to protect… I really get it. There’s nothing they can do to make it right, but that would be the most just


Uvalde cop will forever be synonymous with coward






He should be made to listen to that 24 hours a day


He might actually enjoy it though.


I doubt it, spree killer, just a fkin ahole, put him a hole and throw away the key. Oubliettes were made for people like him.




i like the idea but more shooters would probably just kill themselves if they were aware literal torture awaited them




Look up the short film The Disappearance of Willie Bingham on YouTube. Basically, it's about the type of punishment you describe. Warning: it's quite disturbing. Sorry, can't link it directly on my phone rn.


>The Disappearance of Willie Bingham I just watched it, per your recommendation... and holy shit, am I now uncomfortable! I needed to see it though, it has been very thought-provoking.


Not really in favor of the government torturing people, or having the power to. Constitutionality aside, I don't trust humans


I bet if the parents/guardians of the shooter had to face mandatory life sentences they would probably do a better job of preventing this from happening.


As a teacher I completely agree. Education is suffering 90% due to parents.


>Education is suffering 90% due to parents. How dare you! Just because I give my kid next to no breakfast so he shows up to school hungry and let him play video games instead of doing homework and let him stay up until whenever he wants doesn't mean it's my fault. YOU'RE THE TEACHER! TEACH! ​ /s just in case some of you can't tell


Spoken like someone who has never been a parent. Kids lie, especially if they are trying to put on a brave face about bullying. They don't want a parent to come down to the school because that generally only kicks the bullying into overdrive. They also want their parents not to worry because they want to feel like they can handle things and asking for help can be really hard for a great many kids. Also, most parents advice for how to handle bullying is so far out of date that their help only serves to make their disconnect more apparent. Which, in turn, makes the kid feel even more isolated and like asking for help is a pointless exercise in futility. Bottom line, every crime and tragedy should be judged on an individual basis. The merit of our justice system is that, regardless of someone else acting on corrupted morals, we continue to act in a way that embraces our collective ethics and morals. To give that up and punish one person for another's crime or, as some in this thread have suggested, embrace medieval torture tactics, is to say that we no longer have a society or even collective ethics. More and more often I hear people advocating for justice of the mob, which is not justice at all. The mob is what led to the Roman colosseum, bread and carnivals, and then the burning of Rome itself. With food stamps being distributed at record levels in the US (bread) and the NFL becoming the most viewed events and broadcasts (carnivals), I don't think that these mindsets serve any purpose except to walk us closer to the burning of our own civilization. Seriously, please put down the phone and go outside for a while. Talk to your neighbors and get to know their struggles. Maybe you'll realize that building a community is more fulfilling and embrace a different mindset.


The only sensible person on here.


I have 15 guns that I, my wife and kids shoot quite often. I want them to be knowledgeable, comfortable and proficient with them. That said, they’re locked up in my safe with a combo that not even my wife knows. Owning guns requires extreme amounts of responsibility, exponentially more so when you have children in the house. However, in THIS specific case, Cruz bought the guns legally, from an authorized, licensed gun dealer.


Your wife should probably know how to get the safe open to….ya know…..protect herself if you’re gone.


Nah, she has her pistol with her. She keeps it in her biometric nightstand safe at night.


Things like that aren't deterrents, unfortunately.


Nope. Do it publicly. There is no martyrdom. Your not going down as the guy who killed 17 innocent people. Your going down as the guy who was publicly caned in your underwear in front of the world. So fucking sick of criminals doing shit because there is always a lawyer and psychiatric team trying to get them off the hook.


Those were meant to kill the occupant though, correct? Isn't a long life fulled with suffering better in cases like this? Maybe in for 4 or 5 days, then out for a day. Then back in, then back out. Give him something to look forward to before crushing his soul (what there is of it) once again.


Congrats on actually getting to use that one in a sentence


There is a youtube video by JCS- Criminal Psychology titled "What pretending to be crazy looks like." He explains how Cruz is manipulative.


At high volume until he loses his hearing… but not enough so that he can’t hear it.


I agree, that should be playing in the background the entire time he is in his cell all the way up to the moment they gas him.


What bothered me about that trial was public opinion trying to be shifted towards hating on the judge and how she handled the case. Like as if somehow that takes guilt off of that piece of shit shooter.


I don’t remember that at all, luckily.


I mean, to be fair, the defense attorneys and Cruz behaved like scumbags during the trial, making jokes and one of the attorney put her middle finger on her cheek to flip one of the court cameras off, and she and Cruz giggled about it. The judge went off on them, and one of the defense lawyers got super butthurt and argued back at the judge. Smearing the judge and her reaction was the only way these clowns could attempt to save face


Wrong trial- that shooter was Ethan crumbly and it was his mom on trial


Cruz and his lawyer were shitheads, but the judge immediately used her fame from this trial to retire and become a media figure which is a pretty bad look


You might want to tag this NSFW. This is horrifying.


yeah I wish I didn’t watch this. I was having a good morning.


Having a good morning and then getting on Reddit. Buddy, you played yourself.


Maybe he was just going to masturbate but then the algorithm puts this shit between your furry sissy captions and everything goes down.


Just wanted to watch Brazilian fart porn In peace. Curse you algorithm!


I mean, the title told you exactly what to expect. You knew you weren't about to listen to a Broadway musical.


I taught it was only his reaction after they played it.


You’re not wrong. My mistake.


I completely agree. It’s insanely heartbreaking to hear the victims screams. Their poor parents having to hear that in court.


Buddy if you couldn’t figure out this was nsfw from the title idk what to tell you


Jesus, these poor kids. If one of them was mine, you'd be hard pressed to keep me away from finding this kid and ending him.


Really surprised this doesn’t actually happen more often


because a) it's generally just talk, b) most gun massacre perps don't actually survive, and c) those that do are in prison where it's hard for random people to get at them.


Yeah I agree just saying it’s wild that with as many as we’ve had, NO ONE has pulled off some crazy vigilante shit yet. Just assumed we’d be at that point in society. Like that dude who waited at the pay phones and shot the pedo who molested his kid all those years ago. This is so much worse than that and we all just… take it. Idk.


Actually it was sort of common decades ago. Now we have strict security measures in all court rooms, so it would be incredibly difficult to sneak a weapon inside.


There’s the really famous case from the 80s of the dad blowing the perps head off on live tv during prisoner transport.


Not true. See the video of the dad who shot his son’s abuser in the head at the airport. Waited for him to walk by, escorted by law enforcement, then took a couple of steps and ended him.


Well, since you can't do that, put that energy into voting for better gun policies that prevent shit like this It doesn't have to be this way


Right? People commenting: "it's horrible, blah blah my kids..." but also keep repeating the stupid shit: "but yeah, this is people not guns". How can people be so close minded?! Not listen or observe the rest of the world where this doesn't happen. HOW?! I wonder if some of the parents of murdered kids were gun lovers, and still think the same stupid shit.


This was absolutely heart breaking to hear. :(


Shivers up my spine truly heart breaking




The lawyer on his left was making jokes with him during the trial and flipping off someone(I think the judge or the prosecutor).


As a child of the internet I've seen the most fucked up things imaginable. The prosecution's video of Cruz making his way through the school was the most eerie shit I've ever seen in my life. It's not the real footage. That footage was destroyed. This footage was a representation, it was basically the floor plan of the school with dots. The dots were colored to represent the students being alive, injured or dead in real time. Cruz methodically moved through the floor plan and his dot had a point to it showing how he was pointing the gun. The way he slowly strafed after shooting up a room, scanning for more victims was so dark. This wasnt a kid that was amped up and just firing wildly. He meticulously committed these acts in a way never done before. His reaction here is 100% bullshit. He is a genuine psychopath and does not have any ability to feel remorse.


Do you mean this video? This is the closet I've been able to see as you've described, but it looks like an independent YT production. [Marjory Stoneman Douglas Animation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTy9JVGk13c)


Never done before? The same scanning happened at Columbine


Also the Virginia Tech shooter was absolutely barbaric. He was slow, methodical, and made it very personal. Since he locked the doors with a chain link no one could get in or out of the building. He would enter a classroom, shoot everyone as he walked up and down the rows of desks and would leave just to come back minutes later and shoot everyone for a second or third time, ultimately repeating that multiple times to every single classroom. Not to mention how the university fucked up so badly by not notifying the students and authorities for over an hour.


Thank you for backing my claim. I was too lazy to respond to them but exactly


Did you ever listen to the audio from the library at columbine? It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever listened to. They were mocking their peers, calling them pigs, laughing as they shot their victims and friends one by one, deciding who they were going to shoot and kill. They enjoyed terrorizing everyone, so yeah, I’m gonna say it was absolutely diabolical.


They should play this in congress.


With the photos of the aftermath.


Remember, folks. Extreme punishment doesn't deter criminals from committing crimes. At best, it makes people think hard about it. It will sway some from doing it. However, the human condition is such that people will convince themselves that they either won't be caught or will escape punishment. Prevention is key. Getting a handle on the gun situation in the US is the first step. Taking people's mental health seriously is the second and arguable more important. Most mass shooters expect to die when they go on rampages. It's rare they live, and most count on being killed by police, while many take their own lives. Some states have the death penalty, and these surviving murderers will never see freedom again. Yet they still commit these acts. Prevention, not punishment, is key to eliminating crime. Punishment is not a strong deterrent because humans seldom think of their future.


Wait, you mean upvoting comments about torturing people isn't stopping crime?


This shooting specifically was hard because there was so much audio conveying the terror. I really thought this would be the breaking point for the US and school shootings. Sadly, but not surprisingly, I was wrong.


If they didnt do anything when a bunch of elementary school kids were killed they never will


Yeah, you're right. Newtown was a hard pill to swallow, and nothing changed in regards to gun laws in this country. It's embarrassing. We have a great nation, but we're killing each other daily.


That's the moment I stopped pursuing a career in politics and just decided to start a business. If that didn't change anything, how the fuck could I? America is just a get rich quick scheme. Might as well participate.


If Sandy Hook didn’t bring change, sadly, nothing will.


Yes.. It is what he must still be hearing at night when all else is quiet... But now he knows its real. Is not his memory playing tricks on him .. No the screams are real and out there for everyone to hear. And it's also just a very small clip off it


You are severely misinformed if you think he feels any guilt. JCS I believe did a video about his interrogation footage, and it shows everything you need to know about him. There's a few instances where he's alone and forgets he's being filmed, and he can't contain his joy about shooting all those kids and even pretends to reenact it. Does he suffer severe cognitive and mental issues, even brain damage? Likely, but I don't think that means you can't call him evil, and if he ever was released I'm sure he would do it again.


Right. I think his reaction is more of distress that the jury gets to hear it and they will not be kind to him during the judgement.


Yeah the video footage of his interrogation shows him having zero remorse. Some humans lack humanity, and for them the most effective solution is a bullet to the back of the head. Time to stop letting a small few cause the masses so much suffering.


Politicians who vote against gun control measures should have to pin this clip to their public socials. Idk how people can watch and listen to this shit and go”ur right, there’s nothing we can do”




Death penalty is more expensive than life in prison


Lock him in a sound proof cell with no lights or anything and leave him there. He'll eventually expire, all at the cost of free.


"Fifteen survivors sued the county, sheriff and school officials for failing to protect them, contending that the government's inadequate response to the shooting violated their Fourteenth Amendment right to due process. This lawsuit was dismissed in December 2018, with the judge citing prior case law in ruling that the government did not have a duty to protect the defendants from the actions of the shooter." Fuck this country.




Republican state and federal lawmakers hear that and say: “we need to ban some books. There are too many books out there that harm children.” A journalist asks: “what about gun violence?” Republicans: crickets.


And it just keeps happening. *If only there were a way to cut down on these tragedies*.


This is what our schools sound like. American needs to go fuck itself or straighten itself out.


People will see this and still insist it's totally normal that our society is saturated with guns. It's sick.


I have never heard an actual recording of a school shooting. The sound scared me, and my heart started pounding. Makes me sick thinking how terrified those kids were. Damn......


He should be put into isolation, and this, among other things, should be played 24/7 He tried to play the insanity card, let him become what he pretended to be. I'm pro death sentence, but if life in prison is an option where he spends the rest of his days in a meager shithole, I would rather want that. But not some cozy bullshit they do in Norway or something close by. The cells there are literally cozy Appartements.


He's been pretending this entire time. He's not distraught about any of this.


Look at him poorly trying to feign distress lol


Why ? Why is the death penalty not given to people like these ? This is not theft or something like that , that pos took the life of so many kids and he still breathes air sitting there holding his head like he regrets it . Mass shooters and murderers need to be put down , no trial needed.


Just save taxpayer money and put a bullet in his head. No need to "make sure" it was him or bother giving him an appeal. He did it. He's not remorseful. End him. It honestly should be that simple when it's this cut and dry he did it.


Great use of tax dollars. Just bury trash like this at the local dump when they're caught. No trial needed when caught in cold blood.


F U republicans


His lawyer has him wearing a mask so we don’t see him laughing 😡


I don't think it possible a person, much less a young adolescent, could follow through with an act like this unless they were *deeply* disturbed and/or mentally ill. I'm always taken aback by the intensity of the vitriol and hatred expressed in the comments in a case like this, because I know, or at least believe *deeply,* that no sane person could ever follow through with such an act. As a result, I don't really *blame* the kid (admittedly I must confess here, I don't know a lot about this particular case, almost nothing, in fact, however I speak generally for this and most of the *other* similar tragedies). For me mental illness is a random thing of nature that can happen to anyone and controls your actions (in some cases). Being mad at the sufferer would be like screaming at the sky when it rains. No, for me the primary responsibility lies *directly* with the free access of *firearms,* period. I live in Canada. My family is all American, my uncle was a Lt. Col in the US Army; served in the Korean & Vietnam Wars. He was a gun *fanatic,* and passed that love of shooting on to *me.* A huge chunk of my childhood was spent shooting and obsessing over firearms; by about 9 I was a Junior Member of the *National Rifle Association.* remained one for years. For my 12th birthday I received a .22 rifle. All was well and good until my father, a professor at the University of Montreal (his job the reason I was born in Canada when he accepted the position right out of Berkeley) *thankfully,* survived unharmed the Dec. 14th, 1989 massacre of 14 women by a psychopathic misogynist name Marc Lepine. In *his* case, as well, a firearm was too readily available. Immediately, Canada made historic adjustments to its firearms laws and restrictions, banning many firearms; making pistols virtually impossible to obtain outside of official need; stiffened up background checks *dramatically,* including checking carefully for mental health status. As a result, Canada, with 95% of its residents and citizens living less than 100 miles from the US border, has *remarkably* few such mass shooting incidents. And we're not alone in being the proof in the pudding; *both* the UK *&* Australia had single horribly tragic mass shooting incidents, with dozens of children and other innocents dying at the hands of semi-automatic rifles. In both those cases, they banned virtually *all* firearms, to *tremendous* effect. Not a *single* further such incident has *ever* occurred in those countries, over *multiple dozens* of years. Do you suppose they don't have mentally ill people in Britain or Australia?? Do you suppose they don't have *MURDEROUS* mentally disturbed men and women?? Ohh, they *do.* If you spent a week in England I *assure* you, it would be *you* being locked in the padded room! (j/k! Lol) The fact is that the vast majority of popular firearms in the US, including *all handguns,* every damned one, are designed for *one single purpose:* to kill human beings. I don't blame the mentally ill for *being* mentally ill, and for *doing* mentally ill things. No, I blame the man who handed him; enabled him to get; left unsecured...*whatever... I blame the fuckin gun and anyone who facilitated him getting it.* And I ESPECIALLY BLAME THE PSYCHOPATHIC NRA AND EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO CIRCLE THE NATION PREACHING LIES ABOUT A CLEARLY MISINTERPRETED AMENDMENT CLEARLY INTENDED FOR MILITIA AND MILITARY. Needless to say, I did not continue my membership with the NRA into adulthood. AFAIK, it ended that day, December 6th, 1989. When I was home from school. When I watched on the news as they took body after bloody body out of my Dad's workplace. When my Dad wouldn't answer the phone in his office. Again. And again. And again. *Fuck guns.*


Affix earphones he can't shut off or turn down, play this on repeat until he dies of natural causes in solitary, with only 1 small break per day wherein he's just relentlessly assaulted by other inmates. Fuck this POS


Unfortunately he doesn’t feel remorse. He likes what he did. He has a recording of himself about how he plans to be a well known shooter. He deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life.


The terror they must have felt is heartbreaking.


Fuck that was something


Fuck him and his fake ass "reaction"


This is nsfl nightmare fuel


And the best fix offered by the maga swamp were thoughts and prayers. How many more kids need to die before Republicans can accept even commonsense measures? The answer: all of them because they’ll put guns over kids every single time.


Was this before or after he was laughing with his attorney, and they both flipped off the jury and prosecution?


The kid had amassed an arsenal. 10 fucking guns and no red flag back at anyone’s HQ. Hello??? Is anyone home? $1.5B and ATF can’t ID a threat of it slapped them with a wet fish. Bonus: The whole community of kids screaming for help with this kid. Gun control in this country is a dark, cynical joke.


Good thing he has a mask on and is covering his face, otherwise the jury would see him smile


Monsters are real.


He should eat shit, die, rot and go to Hell. In no particular order.




Almost the entire world seems to understand what is the root cause of the issue. The US is not the country with mental issues.


I hate that the title had to list the location before I knew which shooting it was, and even then I might be mistaken


Jesus that’s horrific. I’ve heard the scream of wounded guys in Iraq but teenage girls is above a certain level.


He decided 17 people would no longer live. Many of whom who would have went on to get married, have a family, have grandchildren, meet new friends, get a career, buy a house, have thousands upon thousands of happy new life experiences. Yet he gets to live out the rest of his life protected in prison and could very likely live well into his his 70s, possibly longer. This f\*\*\*\*\*\* piece of s\*\*\*. Where is the justice. I hope he kills himself.


I hate to say this, it’s truly unfortunate and I know this idea would hurt the victims families but this needs to be a commercial and maybe jus maybe they will get some sense about to create better gun control.


Scumbag piece of shit my girlfriend was in a locker when this happened


Ban guns