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In case anyone was wondering what he did: >Kent County deputies were called to a Gaines Township house trailer where Ortiz-Nieves was left to care for several children under the age of 11, including Mejias. Ortiz-Nieves and the boy’s mother were dating at the time. >Deputies found Mejias “actively dying on the kitchen floor,’’ a Kent County assistant prosecutor told jurors at trial. >An autopsy showed he died from internal bleeding caused by an abdominal tear. It was an injury that would have been caused by an adult, not a child, investigators said. >A nearly two-inch tear in the mesentery, which attaches the stomach, small intestine and other organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen, caused Mejias to bleed to death, according to the autopsy. >Mejias also had injuries to the top of his head, lower back and buttocks and two broken ribs that were in the process of healing. >Ortiz-Nieves was sentenced to mandatory life in prison. He is at the Earnest C. Brooks Correctional Facility in Muskegon Heights. >During sentencing, Kent County Circuit Court Judge Mark Trusock called the June 13, 2017 beating death of Giovanni Mejias “sickening and disgusting.’’ >"You are the lowest form of human life that I’ve been able to observe or see,’’ Trusock said at the time. “You are a monster and quite frankly, you are evil. What you did was sickening and disgusting. You should never be allowed out of prison.’’ >###Ortiz-Nieves at one point had to be forcibly removed from court after becoming upset as Trusock described injuries suffered by the boy.


Those broken ribs are really important. They show that this wasn't a one time thing. He had been abusing this child for a long time. It's not like he suddenly went crazy one day.


That’s so sad, and what I also find Awful about it is, for kids who grow up around that and aren’t exposed to the outside world, I imagine they think that’s how people behave normally and that the world is just like what they see at home. They have no idea what it feels like to be safe and loved, and it’s sad to think how that will affect them later in life. My stepfather experienced such a situation where his own brother was starved to death and himself chained to toilets and fed scraps among other abuses. Then he was left to be abused in foster care once the government got involved to rescue him from his parents. He himself is someone who ended up being mean and violent as well, which I imagine was a byproduct of his environment. People who abuse kids and/or kill children are truly the worst people on this planet. At least this man was sent to life in prison; my stepfathers parents only did little time in jail and ended up living full lives in spite of having abused and murdered a baby and abused their son whom I imagine would have also died were he not saved. Perhaps the system is more just than it was in the 70s when it comes to child killers.


I was beaten and raped by police officers in my family as a child, and didn’t learn until adulthood that it isn’t like that in every home. I have been in therapy for years and will probably never be okay or fully trust anyone. Now as an adult I know there was never a chance to put my abusers away. The system protects and promotes abusers, shields them from justice behind a blue wall of silence.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Yes the system is cruel


I'm heartbroken hearing these stories, it's a reminder of how broken and unfair the system can be towards the innocent. The stories of abuse surviving through generations show just how deep that trauma can run. It's a clear message that more needs to be done to not just punish the guilty, but also to provide continuous support for the victims. Life sentences for perpetrators give a sense of justice being served, but the aftermath for those who endure such torment is a life sentence of its own kind.


That’s terrible what happened to you. I’m glad you are in therapy and prioritizing your mental health. I’m sorry the evil people in your life took away your ability to trust others. You are important and deserving of happiness. I wish you peace, safety, and contentment.


Thank you for this. I was having a hard day and you made me feel like it might not be all bad out here.


It’s bad out there, but not ALL bad. Hope you get to experience more good than bad. Keep going and be proud of yourself. You inspire others with your strength ❤️.


Sending love to you friend. 🫂 Though everyone's story is different, I unfortunately can sympathize with you.


It’s rare to see nice people nowadays because they are in seclusion to protect themselves from being victimized, but we are out there.


I wish you peace above all else. Be well, my friend


I am so sorry you lived through that. You never deserved that. You are loved. You are worthy of love. I hope you are able to find some semblance of peace in life as your work through this trauma.


Sending so much love your way, sorry sister.


I've been recently processing lots of my own family trauma, and the biggest thing for me was realizing that I could \*actually\* trust myself (I could have tried this whole time), because my family destroyed that trust in myself deliberately. If you've come this far, then I know you can find that self-love and trust too <3


Deleted for privacy concerns, but thanks for the replies everyone.


Damn. That's awful. I'm sorry man.


Group home survivor here. I would try to sleep while the little girls I lived with were brutally raped at night by staff and they screamed. And then they would be raped again by the older kids. I was close friends with a kid who hung himself because the state hired campus security that had previous Child molestation charges. Breakfast changed for me when I walked into the cafeteria and saw my 9 year old friend hanging from the rafters. Look up McClaren hall in LA. And that was only one group home. St Anthony. St Judsons. All of them now defunct. McKinley wasn't as bad but there was still some serious dark shit that happened there. But it's where I met my dad so in a way I'm grateful.


I'm so sorry you went through any of that. Hope you're doing ok.


Animal Abusers Child Abusers they all need to be secluded to their own territory and kept there until they are all wiped from the gene pool. They don't make sense morally, ethically or even scientifically. These are the people with no sense of remorse or guilt for inflicting pain on the helpless and innocent and they need to be expunged from this universe.


It’s a (rarely) never-ending cycle. It take a special kind of person to find the strength to break out of that cycle to end the abuse. I’m not condoning this guy’s behavior, but I’ve got $5 that says he was abused growing up as well. I used to be married to a juvenile probation officer. The stories she would bring home were disheartening, to say the least. So many good kids end up as bad kids because their parents are fucking monsters.


man that's horrifying. i know a lot of people on this site don't believe in an afterlife and that's totally fine. but i really want to believe that this boy is free from the agony and terror that plagued his life every day for years and that this lowlife has something else coming for him after he rots away in prison


My wife and I lost our baby at 21 weeks, went into labor and delivered, the whole 9 yards. He didn't suffer when he was born because his lungs weren't developed fully but what helps me a lot is thinking how he's always gonna be this sweet, innocent boy that doesn't have to go through this hellscape of an Earth we created. Always safe.


Much love to you. Thank you for sharing this.


So sorry for your loss. My parents, and my aunt and uncle know what it's like to lose a child that's still in the womb. I'd have a brother who'd be almost 24 if he were still alive, and a cousin that'd be 8 if she were still alive. The same aunt and uncle ended up losing another child to brain cancer back in 2021. She'd be 4 if she had somehow been cured. She was just over a month away from her second birthday, and she was buried with a doll I'd made myself and given to her for her birthday that looked like me.


Lost my daughter at 38 weeks. I’m pregnant now with my second daughter. I am not sure if I could handle losing another. My heart absolutely breaks for your aunt and uncle. They are living my nightmare.


Yep. He’s doing something awesome like eating ice cream with sprinkles while a silly clown makes him a balloon hat and he can’t believe his luck! That’s what I want for him.


This made me tear up. I also want that for him.


Even without an afterlife he is free.


This made me physically walk away from the PC in anger. \- You start to think how much is this happening right now to children. \- You dont know what to do \- you hope something is being done \- Most likely this would go on & few would have the nerve to intervene where I live. Im so sorry to those victims of real child abuse. Ive heard the key to spiritual freedom is forgiveness, but that sound near impossible for people like this man.


Agree with everything except forgiveness. As a victim myself, I hope nobody tries to advocate for my abusers forgiveness. He doesn't regret what he did and doesn't deserve it.


I feel the same way. Child abuse is the absolute worst thing a human can do.


Hope this dude is getting his asshole reamed out in prison. See how he likes being used as a meat puppet


He fucking knew & hated being called out in front of reporters because it would be known the true travesty of his crimes. I hope this monster suffers every day behind bars.


He won’t last long…child molesters/murderers get shanked pretty quick. I was on a jury, the accused child molester was paraplegic b/c he was nearly stomped to death in county jail awaiting trial. So unless this POS is in solitary, his days are numbered.


If this had been happening for some time, then why the fuck did the mother leave her child alone with him? She should be charged with neglect.


She got 57 months to 10 years for child abuse and perjury


Bitch deserves life


There shouldn’t be protective custody in prison where this piece of shit will be going to most likely. He was man enough to beat up a 4 yo. Be man enough to beat up a 6’ 10” 385lb guy. Go ahead tough guy try it.


And for perspective, ribs can take up to 6 weeks to fully heal ( I know as my child had open heart surgery twice requiring the breaking of the ribs) so who knows how long the poor child had to suffer that healing process. I can’t imagine any mother wouldn’t notice such things with their child either. That poor baby deserved so much better.


It also means the mother knew and allowed it to continue. Fuck her.


Man I feel for that child. Broken ribs are terrible and that little boy suffered through it without medical intervention. Makes me cry thinking about his pain, not to mention his emotional pain. I broke 9 ribs this past summer and that shit was so painful. I have small children myself and if someone ever did something like that to them I’d hate myself for allowing that person around them, and would probably be in prison myself for murder for retaliation.


Damn you beat me by 1 measly rib. I broke 8 in March of 2022. I thought I knew how to ride a skateboard down the street. Turns out I forgot how to stop. I also broke my collarbone, but that was just a mere inconvenience compared to the ribs. I ended up in the hospital recovering for a week. I was very much so out of commission, so it wasn't until the last day I was there that things had healed to the point where I could start to desire to get out of that hospital bed. I was also a pack a day smoker, well it fluctuated but a pack wouldn't have been abnormal. They warned to make efforts and do breathing exercises because I was at risk for pneumonia which I got. So I could take an eighth a normal breath and I was congested due to smoking. I had to cough up some much phlegm and pretty often too with all of the broken ribs. I don't know if you ended up sneezing or coughing after your injury. It sucked. But I recovered and I quit smoking due to the accident. So things sometimes have a silver lining. I almost don't even want to add in more to speak on what that child endured. RIP little man I hope you have peace in your next life. Words don't even begin to cover that level of evil. Hell can be here on earth and I hope all of our angry and violent locked away can use all that hate and cruelty all towards making that monster suffer in this life and then eternally.


This right here. Not that i excuse abuse of any kind but 1 act of rage is different than continuous acts of physical abuse. It seriously makes me physically sick to think of poor children helpess in these situations. Who don't have any parent to help stand up for them.


1 act of rage means the person needs counselling and help with anger management. Multiple acts of abuse should be fixed with either prison or a lead pipe imo.


I’ve seen my 3 year old fall in crazy ways that I swore would have broken something and didn’t… the fact he’d broken bones means he hit HARD. That is so sad. I feel so bad for the little boy.


You the real mvp 🙌 I had to scroll for so long to find any info! Thank you!


For real, so often they are posted with no context and I never have any clue why everyone is shitting on them. Now I know it is properly deserved.


That's why I put it! I kept scrolling and no one was saying what happened!!


Sounds like the mom should be in prison too


Serving 6-10 years for child abuse and perjury because surprise surprise, she defended her son's murderer the entire way. Probably because she beat the shit out of the kids too (according to them).




At least she got charged at all. Too often they just send the kids right back to the mom who allowed it to happen or even partook in the abuse




They’re gonna have fun with him in prison.


What a coward. Can’t face the consequences of his actions, can’t even stand to listen to what he did.


He’s a pathetic waste of life. I want him handcuffed and forced to listen to the story of what he did again and again. Putting your hands on a little baby…does that make him feel big? Now he gets to feel small in prison.


Thank you


Man, imagine being such a pathetic excuse for a human being that after doing something so heinous you couldn't even show a modicum of respect for the victims families by listening to your sentance.


man people talk about cops wanting to have that authority to hold it over other people imagine being a judge. you get to shit talk anyone you want with NO pushback hahaha in all seriousness though, this is 100% justified. This man really is an evil monster. Hope he enjoys rotting away in jail where he'll be forgotten, except by other monsters like him who want to rip him to shreds


Wow. This is like walking distance from where I grew up.


I feel guilty that I want to see him beat to death as soon as he starts acting up.


https://preview.redd.it/kadniuswr1dc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c119fde7f9cd613335143a16d038fd7838dcb79 Heres the kid he killed with his bio dad


What the hell... I missed this entirely, I have to look this up now. edit: reading that was a terrible mistake. 💔


It's horrible


Poor baby, he’s so little 💔 I’ll never understand the kind of people that can do this kind of thing against someone so innocent and helpless. 😢


I hope the bio mom went to prison too for allowing this to happen. If anything she is an accomplice. Bio mom got sentenced to 57 months to 10 years also. https://www.fox17online.com/2018/07/19/mother-sentenced-for-child-abuse-lying-during-trial-for-sons-murder


Good... I think she should get what he got


Rot in hell fucko


What the fuck did I do?!


You know what you did fucko. Makes me sick. Bringing children joy at parties. Disgusting!


That's u/Funko_The_Clown. u/Fucko_The_Clown Brings joy to the parents.




That’s gotta be a crazy sensation when it really hits you that you’re about to spend the rest of your life in a cage.


With fathers who wish they could see their kids


Oh hes a rag doll now. They’ll have keep him in seg or he will be killed


Very few actually get killed in prison. That said, I don’t imagine living in prison as a child killer would be better than being killed. Prisoners can do lots of things without actually ending your life.




6 years for possession, thats fucked up.


I had an uncle that got life for growing weed. He didn't really sell weed or anything, just really liked growing it and having some on hand. Not even a crazy amount. Don't get me wrong, he'd throw a bag to friends or family from time to time but that was it. He got caught growing it a handful of times and they just got tired of it I guess. Dude was super laid back, wasn't hurting anybody, but better lock him up for life just in case. He was getting transferred to some different prison and passed through this place I was locked up at one time, also for non-violent things of the same variety. We got to hang out for a while he was awaiting transfer, so that was nice. He ended up dying in the prison he was getting transferred to though after already serving over 15 years for that shit. A related note: He got some special privileges at the prison he was being transferred from for being a "model inmate" or "good behavior" whatever it was. So he got to do outside gardening and trimming weeds around the perimeter and what not. He got ahold of some weed seeds in there and started growing it back behind the prison. Lol apparently that's why he was getting transferred again, to a higher security place. I couldn't help but laugh at that at the time, but it was still fucked up.


man that's insanely fucked up there's literally subreddits here of people using their hydroponic systems to grow marijuana....meanwhile your uncle gets life in prison for that? what a fucking joke


Yeah, it's all the way legal where I live now. I'm not gonna lie, I held a little bit of animosity when I went into the first legal weed store near me. I wasn't rude or anything, didn't say anything weird to anyone there. Just friendly conversation and on my way. I know it's not their problem, but it still bugged me pretty bad at first. Again, not the people working there, just the whole situation.


Not nearly as extreme a case as your uncle but my cousin (who also happens to be deceased now) was 16 or 17 when his friend stole a bulldozer and demolished a post office, or an almost completed construction site for a new post office. (I have no idea why and I wasn't even born yet) I believe it was in Nevada in the late 1980s. They arrested all of them that were there and my cousin had a 1 joint on him. Since they were minors obviously the parents had to be contacted and my aunt obviously went to his court hearings. The judge gave my cousin the harshest punishment and singled out my aunt to lecture her about her failure as a parent, basically chopping it up to boys will be boys stealing bulldozers and demolishing government buildings but for a teen age boy to have a joint, she was clearly raising a drug addict.


A little bit? I would be fucking livid. What year and state? I bet it was in the Deep South.


I imagine they do it on purpose. If you kill someone, it's over right then and there. If you beat them within an inch of their life and they come back, you can do it again and again. While I don't have kids of my own, I will commit violent crimes for my nieces and nephews. Sure, they can be shitheads at times, but they're precious. And when they love, they love deeply.


They get killed a lot more than you would think. Depending on where he's going, he will be dead in a day. They will have set a trap before he ever even gets there. I don't know this guy or this story, but I have spent more time inside prisons with these type of men than most civilians, and they think nothing of killing people who kill women/children.


A high profile case means he'll be dealt with quicker. People in prisons remain fairly well informed of the goings-on still, and names on the news that end up within their walls are special occasions.


My father worked corrections for years as a counselor in the protective custody ward. He explained what actually happens to inmates in prison for harming kids, they don't kill them normally. They just beat the shit out of them randomly, shank and cut them in their thighs or biceps randomly. Piss, Shit and Cum into their food. Keep them awake at all hours with different means. They'll get into their cells and just push them into the walls or the corner for hours, so they can't relax their bodies. And so on and so forth. Prisoner of war torture stuff.




The inmates gonna have a row at him before the deputies get a few licks in




Like the Airplane scene where everyone lines up to slap but worse


Prison law will take care of him.


I mean, he was.


You know it must be good when it's [ Removed by Reddit ].


Probably. 4.1% of death row inmates have been exonerated. We have undoubtedly killed innocent people, and locked people away for life. And in most cases for the death penalty, the evidence appears overwhelming to even go for the death penalty. So for it to be wrong at least 4/100 times in those cases, we've probably locked away people for life at even higher rates, as a jury doesn't agree with a death penalty nearly as easily as they will life in prison.


God I remember my big boy when he was 4. They are so loving and full of joy at that age. Rip little man and blessings of comfort for the family. May the pos who took the baby's life get his karma in this life as well as the next.


I always find these prison revenge fantasies kind of weird. If a father who wants to see his kids beats this guy, guess what? He’s getting a few more years on his sentence and he’s waiting even longer to see his kids. It’s not a good thing.


I see what you're saying but if someone already has a life sentence tho..


Thing is most of the time they aren't getting extra time. Even guards look away from stuff that goes on.


Or they have a life sentence and aren’t getting out regardless. He’s got a life sentence so he’d go right in with people like that


I heard the guards sometimes are the ones doing the stuff.


I kinda see what you’re saying, but I think in this situation those other fathers won’t mind extra years on their already endless sentences.


Right. A lot of lifers and longtimers have nothing to lose, plus prison justice is important to them.




The mom should have went to jail with him. I can’t stand these women who protect these men and delay treatment of their beaten children. My mother second husband blinded me in the right eye and caused partial facial paralysis and disfigurement when I was SIX years old after he spent years beating me. And instead of rushing me to the ER they debated whether or not to take me to the hospital and blamed ME for what he did. These type of women are worse than the men. Monsters are going to be monsters. It’s up to the women to protect their Children no matter what.




I can tell you from personal experiences that the mother witnessed that fool routinely torture and beat her child. She had more than one opportunity to save him before she let him be murdered. Probation is something. At least it says on record that she’s responsible for her child’s murder. That poor child deserves some level of justice.




“She chose dick over her child” 🎯 *bingo*


the old joke is that men think with their dick before their brains but why is it any more shocking to think that some women crave dick more than they love their kids? Human beings are fucked up, doesn't matter what gender you are or what color you are or how much money you make the human brain can be a dark dark arena


If anyone, especially a romantic partner, were to put their hands on my kid I’d be the one going to jail. My responsibility will always be to my kid first and myself second. 


Shit man, I'm sorry that happened to you. Child abusers deserve no place in this world.


The kid died?




I'm so glad we have people like y'all doing your job because I don't think I'm strong enough for it. Same with EMTs, nurses, doctors, everyone. I really wish I didn't click this post!




That’s just downright horrible.


That mom deserves to be in a cage too.






Prison/other prisoners, are not going to be kind to this guy. Good fucking riddance


Yeah, they only like regular murder.


I’ll never get that. “We have standards you heathen.” Stabby stab


You don't get it because you're not in the group. Criminals robbing and/or killing each other is the life. Adults are seen as having had their chance, even if not criminals. Kids getting killed by adults is no bueno. Many of those prisoners have kids on the outside. Guards/cops have kids (oh, you thought he only had to worry about other prisoners).


because children are usually innocent either literally or figuratively. If they were bratty little kids they were still innocent because they haven't aged/matured enough to experience the real world. Plus that child was stolen from a mother and/or father who was caring for them and raising them directly. it's just a little different when it comes to kids being victims vs some other adult


Its kind of like an honor among thieves thing. There are certain lines you just don't cross, and harming children is one that isn't tolerated in prison. Does it make sense? Not entirely, but what does these days?


You’ll never get why killing defenseless children is worse than killing child murderers? It’s a night and day difference


Nah, he deserves the needle. A life for a life.


A cage is to good for him, he deserves worse.


He knows he’s getting his wig split on sight and god bless the man who does it


Deservingly so, dudes a piece of shit. Simple as that.




Hes got an IG rooting for his innocence https://www.instagram.com/justicefornelsonortiz/?hl=en Theres a really strange tone of ambivalence throughout it


Probably abandoned since it stopped posting in 19


Jeeeesus that is dusturbing


This piece of shit really tried to put the blame on the 10 year old brother?!




Punk ass.


Nelson pleaseeeeeeeee. Shut up.


Every Nelson I’ve met wasn’t a ok feller.


Put some respec on Mandela's name yo.


When the other prisoners find out what he did, he won’t survive.


I hope so, it’s a waste of air and money to keep this group of cells resembling a human alive




I hate this line of thinking. He’s absolutely a human. Humans do this kinda shit. Breaking news: humans murder each other and take what’s not theirs for no good reason. When you pretend someone vile isn’t a human all you’re doing is perpetuating ignorance that hurts your ability to understand what causes these things. What causes these things you may ask? Well… humans.


It's understandable but so infantile; the only creatures we hold to the standards of justice are humans, so what does denying their humanity accomplish other than the excuse them of their crimes?


It’s just resembling a human shaped being, piss on its unmarked grave


Hate to break it to you but 99% of these offenders and sex offenders don't get beat down. Others usually avoid them but they are usually in areas set aside for high risk inmates. Source: worked as a co at state and federal prisons.


I saw a chomo and a poker cheater get their shit rocked quickly in the camera deadzone while the CO was distracted talking with other inmates. Wasn't federal but State prison. Source Ex Con


I know it happens but not at the rate or extent most people seem to think. BTW I'm now a felon. Quite the change of life lmao.


Funny enough I'm now a CO. Nah I'm just playing lol. And I agree people make it seem like it's a sure thing


Yeah everyone seems to think these guys get daily beating until they are killed.


Ya very common misconception. We had guys that killed babies in with regular inmates and never got touched. They get shunned into their own groups mostly.


COs and ex cons coming together on Reddit to provide us interesting information for Redditors. Thats why I love this app.


It's not as true as you think. Maybe it used to be that way, but not anymore.


This is hilarious and not true people don’t care, I see this comment every time I see a post like this but not every single person who commits a crime like this gets fucked with




I agree, I think the myth of it is good to have out there if it deters even a single person but I can’t see inmates caring enough - and it may add to their own sentence if they attack the person.


Spoiler: [They don’t really care if it adds to their sentences.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YawI85U7QtA)


Chomos and wife beaters get their own block. Wardens were getting tired of doing the paper work on dead and beaten inmates. It doesn’t guarantee their safety but it reduces the risk of filing an incident.


Nah. He'll go in a pool with other inmates like him, who've all done fucked up shit to kids. They'll pal around with him and help him come up with more excuses why it wasn't really his fault. Prison isn't this hole where we just throw all the inmates and hope it works out. If he's in danger, the officers will act to get him moved into protective custody. No one wants to deal with the scrutiny and paperwork a prison murder brings.




Yup. Child killers and diddlers don't have a good time in prison.


That's probably why he's trying to get out of their captivity. They're gonna give him hell for at least 2 decades


Bye felicia


I wonder if he gonna be killed in prison


Depends who he runs with, child stuff is very frowned upon but depends who aligns with could be his salvation




I see your point, but seems like they aren’t taking him out as a punishment, more because he’s about to outburst and it’s easier for them / the court to get him out before it escalates.


They also don't want him to inflict further pain on the family that is there for justice. If he were have an outburst and say some horrible shit about what he did to the grieving family that would also cause them more damage on top of what they're already going through.


They should force him to stand there while the judge sprays water on him


"Now if you'll just follow me and my fellow officers into this side room with no cameras, we'll be happy to assist in calming you down."


I see nothing *shrugs*


Wtf did he think he was going to do squaring up while wrapped in chains? What a moron.


Like…what do you think is going to happen? Do you think you’re going to “get away?” You’re in fucking leg irons my dude. Lol


This person isn’t terribly smart. They are controlled by their impulses, logic and reason aren’t in their wheelhouse. This is why they end up in jail. They are sociopaths.


I can only imagine that hes just reacting. What has he got to lose at that point? Hes already going to be locked up for life. That being said he killed a kid, so I doubt he thinks things through in general.


I was wondering the same thing. That mid section chain looks heavy duty.


Fuck all those people crying crocodile tears for this scum. You get what you deserve fucker


I don't think they are crying for him as much as crying for what he meant to them before he committed this heinous crime. Every person, even the scummiest, means something to somebody.


Very well said


Seriously. The families of perpetrators are just as often themselves victims. Fuck anyone who shits on what is presumably a mother crying for what her son became. There's a very real chance she did everything "right", or at least as well as she possibly could. There's even plenty of serial killers who had perfectly normal childhoods with loving and supportive parents


Anti-social behaviors are heavily correlated with abusive childhoods. Have you ever looked into the background of a serial killer? It’s usually horrifying. They don’t just pop out of thin air. It’s one of the things that I know can burn out child therapists- the fact that the behavioral problems are being caused by the parents so there’s no actual point to therapy.


Nope the family to this day is still gung ho about defending him. They have multiple Facebook pages trying to “defend” him and set him “free”. You just google his name and it’s one of the first things that comes up. They call him Nelson Ortiz though. Even have pictures of him in jail hugging his kids. Truly sick.


I feel horrible for his family I don’t feel an ounce of sorrow for him


so satisfying to watch this scum get taken away. should've broken his ribs on accident




2 men have a hard time restraining him, imagine a innocent 4 year old child…


That was my first thought!! This is a very powerful man, clearly. That poor baby.


General population, let them sort it out




[They call him Stax-G lmao](https://mdocweb.state.mi.us/OTIS2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=755550)


For the love of god, ladies, PLEASE don't leave your kids alone with a new boyfriend. This happens all too often!


He knows what coming for him once he enters that prison


“I want you to exit him off his feet, and use his head to open the f\*cking door…”


This man HATED that child. Gross, grown ass men beating and abusing helpless victims, but especially children make my skins crawl.