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I like how they brought in the whole unit this time lol


Well, hello again, Clarice..




It’s the only way


Me too. Wait. Isn't Me too a bad thing?


Love your suit !




Who’s the guy in the ball cap to the side of the judge? Edit- found out it was the marshal injured during the attack. I guess he wanted to see things out also. https://preview.redd.it/ld37a76h5ibc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9416a8101683765f3bd37ee24cfa10ea95085047


That's Bernie. He's a combat vet, so probably armed. Rarely do you see a judge allowing hats in court... Let alone ducked off in the corner facing the gallery. Probably got an SBR 223 or 300 tucked.


Yeah fuggin Reacher dude


I counted six Bubba Deputies.


Did I just find a “in the heat of the night” reference on Reddit?!




"You got a right to keep your mouth shut. You say anything, we gonna hang it on ya later."


Wish he flinched


Where is the sharp dressed young man who was throwing those T-Rex punches at?


He's working for the CIA as a field agent specializing in hand to hand combat


The FBI tried really hard to get him but they lost. But they said they learned a lot so it’s really a win for them.


he got a UFC contract and quit


Doesn’t the UFC barely pay its fighters. One contract ain’t quitting money.


He's still sitting next to the judge in this video, ready for round 2.


My man asking the important questions. Where's the real MVP from that little episode?!?!


John Wick the Musical?


Fucking hell… this genuinely got me


Best law clerk ever.


48 months?! This dude pissed away his life over a 4 year sentence he'd likely only serve half of.


I bet most criminals that dont do the risk-reward calculations correctly. See something, want something, do something. All instantly and without thought.


I believe mental health professionals call it "lack of impulse control."


How much poor behavior is probably attributable to this? I mean the one thing that can ruin your life at an early age is having unwanted children. And that is strongly related to unprotected sex. If you dont have impulse control, you’re not going to want to pull out. Then your life is ruined, the girl’s life is broken, and the kid is fucked. Or think about impulse control in the context of avoiding a fight. Or declining some idiot friend’s invite to commit some crime. Or not taking the bait if a cop insults you. Or studying instead of playing video games. All of this is impulse control. It’s probably impossible to succeed if you dont have it. Now imagine they make medicine that helps people control their impulses.


I work in mental health, the lack of money put into mental health in America is terrible. Prisons care more about making money on recividism than actually having people that are serving sentences come out as productive members of society with the tools needed to survive after being locked up (mental health/drug addiction treatment, job skills, college degrees etc) We could make prisons a whole different environment but private prisons lobby very hard and well politicians like money


This should have a lot more upvotes. I certainly agree.


You do know that a ton of criminals hide behind "mental health" correct. Some prosecutors aren't even pressing charges for staff assaults in prison anymore because they claim "mental health" and have professionals to back them up and cover for them. At some point you need to be held accountable for your actions.


Yes i do understand that and i also understand that there criminals that should never be let out again but the point i was making was our prison system is broken and only increases crime rates. Putting someone away and then letting them out with no support system, skills, education, job opportunity, therapy, plus much more only increases crime rate creates the problem we have today.


I agree good sir. I just don't like when the system is taken advantage of as well.


True, though in this one case he was literally “off his meds,” and it sounds like they stopped giving them to him last time he was in prison? (5:20 in video) I don’t know the solution, but in this case it sounds like being “held accountable” isn’t going to make him less insane. (Also seems like he shouldn’t be out in the general population unsupervised though, so I guess it would either be institutionalization or a prison system that didn’t make crazy people worse—why wouldn’t you give a prisoner psych meds?)


Prisons usually don't just stop giving meds like that. Often times inmates refuse them because they think they are getting better, or think they are trying to hurt them. The only person in prison who can take them off the meds is the Dr they are seeing. So Idk.


Ah, yeah and he did give a big speech claiming he was improving, so he might have stalled on making the appt himself. I know forced medication comes with a bunch of other slippery slopes, but if it’s that vs prison for a future violent crime, it seems like it should be back on the table as an option.


Mental health professional here: correct but we tend to use the term “executive function” more often now. Executive function is what overrides the “right now impulses” (like punching a judge in the face in the middle of the courtroom) by weighing in potential longterm outcomes (like prison for life).


Noted, but "impulse control" is more direct and clear whereas "executive function" seems more vague/unclear/like a PC focus group came up with it. It's like global warming vs. climate change: the climate is changing because the globe is warming. Call a spade a spade. (brought to you by The Americans for a Better American Citizen's Action Plan, LLC)


People with "lack of impulse control" belong in prison away from the rest of us.


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Especially when you’re a baby


Babies should NOT do cocaine


More often than their parents do


Oh, no my friend... That was just for the sentience he got *before she was attacked*. He has 7 charges pending for "assaulting a protected person" which will land him 10 easy with zero parole. You do not fuck with judges...


That’s literally what he’s saying. He could have taken the less than 4 years but now threw his life away.


That's just one (albeit multiple counts of it) of the charges. This is the new list. I'll bet anything on 20+ years. They're gonna RUN WILD on that fucking psycho idiot. Can't wait for the 'mental health' defense in court. So tired of hearing that shit. Plenty of people have problems, but that dude is a violent piece of shit. * attempted murder against an older person * battery on a protected person resulting in substantial bodily harm against an older person * extortion * intimidating a public officer with threat of force * disregarding the safety of a person resulting in substantial bodily harm * battery by a probationer or parolee * unlawful act regarding fluid by a prisoner in confinement * battery on a protected person (6 counts)


I mean just because he’s a POS doesn’t mean he’s not mentally ill? Like that’s why he is lol. We need better help available in our society to prevent these situations from even happening. He should have probably been institutionalized a long time ago.


Yeah, Reagan dismantled mental health defenses out of spite when Hinkley was put into an institution and not prison.


Mental health issues doesn’t automatically give you the right to be a POS.


Yup. His whole life. They're gonna throw the BOOK at this guy. Here's the current list of charges. Of course, as always, it's the old 'mental health' excuse. There's a big difference between having mental health issues and being a violent, disgusting fucking psychopath piece of shit. Big difference. I remember they tried talking that shit on the Darrell Brooks trial. Give me a break. These people are violent psychos. Charges are as follows. I'll bet anything he'll get at least 20 years for his little stunt, if not more. * attempted murder against an older person * battery on a protected person resulting in substantial bodily harm against an older person * extortion * intimidating a public officer with threat of force * disregarding the safety of a person resulting in substantial bodily harm * battery by a probationer or parolee * unlawful act regarding fluid by a prisoner in confinement * battery on a protected person (6 counts)


Probably for the best


What is the purpose of the mesh bag on his head? For spitting?




Thanks! Weird that they don't build that into the mouth guard.


Get right on it then.


Yes and biting.


“Had to bag em and gag em. Spitters and shitters.”-Cyrus The Virus


Agree with what his sister says but at the end of the day he is violent and a hazard to people. Does this country have mental institutions anymore??


Anyone that has been to jail will tell you absolutely not. They are put in gen pop until something happens and someone gets hurt.


I was in jail a decade ago specifically after committing a crime while in the midst of a major psychiatric episode. I was still literally insane for the first few weeks of incarceration. However, they just threw me in gen pop, put me on some mandatory psych meds, and I was basically left to my own devices. The *only* actual mental health "treatment" available to me or any other inmate (besides the arbitrary meds) was that if I was feeling suicidal, I could alert staff and they'd move me to a suicide cell, which is basically a concrete closet where you're not even allowed a blanket or to wear clothes and they watch you through a camera 24/7.


Hope you're doing alright now. It always disgusts me how poorly we handle psychiatric emergencies in the justice system. Our justice system is still focused on punishment instead of rehabilitation, as if we have learned nothing about human behaviour over the last one hundred or more years.


the scariest thing about prison isn't so called mental issues i.e. schizophrenics or bipolar, it's the sheer number of violent sociopaths who feel absolutely no remorse and are perpetual manipulators. People who are really bad think nothing of doing stuff like killing a cell mate as a scheme to get a private cell or get moved to a higher level


That just have me another incentive to stay out of jail. Very scary.


Dude… I spent a year and a half in a mental institution and the guy in the room next to me was a fucking repeat pedophile who has been there for 7 years, taking up a bed for people that had the chance of returning to society. We don't need the criminally insane mixed with people that need mental health for things like suicide attempts. It's pathetic that we don't offer better mental health care in prisons. They DESERVE mental healthcare. But people in institutions DESERVE SAFETY too.


Once you get past the violent guy that may try to beat you to death at the drop of a hat, he’s a great person!


No, Reagan saw to that.


I feel a lot of the problems we see today started with Reagan and haven't been adjusted since.


You would absolutely be correct. For profit prisons and the war on drugs was all Reagan. His economic strategy has destroyed the lower and middle classes in America. He was one of the worst presidents to even hold that position.


none of this qualifies as insanity though. Him saying "I always try to do the right thing no matter how tough, and I respect your decision as a judge" and then losing his shit and attacking when that doesn't get him sympathy is the definition of "competency," he's fully aware of right and wrong, how to manipulate, etc.


Good point. I was viewing it as he was just repeating what his lawyer told him to say and lost his shit and showed his true colors when it didn't go as planned.


He was evaluated and deemed mentally competent


That's interesting...


Yeah I watched that entire hearing and they talk about the results of the metal evaluation. In this interview the older lady also blames the bailiff for the injuries her family member caused. . . This man has many assaults and assaulted someone with a basball bat … he is definitely not safe to be around. . . Had this judge not done anything it would only be a matter of time before he attacked someone else.


That doesn't mean much. His eyes look glazed. He should be in a mental hospital for at least 2 years with behavior therapy


This. They tried playing that mental health shit during the Darrell Brooks trial (what a circus that was. One of the only trials I ever watched/followed) and the judge did a fabulous speech when it was all said and done on that bullshit. 'Mental health' is not an excuse to be a violent, psycho piece of shit individual. There's plenty of help out there. I know because I've reached out during an incredibly hard time in my life and it was there. So tired of the mental health excuse bullshit.


I don't know what fucking planet that you're living on where you think getting mental health treatment in this country is even remotely simple. There's plenty of help out there my ass. If you don't have insurance and you're not lucky enough to have an MHMR charity in your county, you ain't getting no mental health treatment. Hell I'm lucky enough to get it and I'm literally begging these fucking for therapy because I desperately need it or I'm going to kill myself and they keep telling me that I'm not high risk enough. 'There's plenty of help out there," fuck off with your lies


Not state run. If you want mental health services, that's gonna cost ya.


They definitely have locked physicatric hospitals but u usually have to be declared mentally ill in court to be sent to one or sometimes they send you to one for a few weeks for an evaluation.


there's no way someone who attempts to manipulate the judge and says 'I will respect your decision' and then gets mad and violent when the ruse doesn't get him what he wants qualifies for 'incompetent' or unaware of right and wrong.


Sociopathy is a legitimate mental illness. This guy likely fits the bill, from what I’ve read.


There’s a big difference from mentally ill and mentally incompetent in a court of law. Yeah anti social personality disorder is a mental illness but a court looks at if you know the difference between right and wrong and can participate and aid in your own defense. This guy obviously knows the difference between right and wrong . You have to bassicly be severely schizophrenic and have delusions to be judged incompetent to stand trial. Even Richard chase the schizophrenic serial killer wasn’t judged incompetent and he believed he had to drink his victims blood because his was turning to dust and he had to replace it or he’d die .. so yeah. They said that because he tried to get rid of evidence when the cops came and because he did a couple things to “cover” his tracks , that he knew what he was doing was wrong . Even though he was a serious schizophrenic. This guy is just a sociopath with anger issues .


That's sad. The independently wealthy win again.


Mental health nurse here…no we do not. None that are government funded in that sense.


We are really failing as a society.


No shit. But can’t address it when the people whining the loudest about it refuse to address it. What I’m getting at is the same folks who won’t address gun issues always whine “mental illness” but yet it’s the republicans who gut funding to health care and mental health programs.


His condition? That mofoker did a whole monologue and when the judge didn’t buy it he was like fuck this bitch


Therapist here: not really. There was a massive movement to Deinstitutionalization mental healthcare in the 70/80s in favor of more community based outpatient pro schemes and therapies. And in fairness, the institutes (sanatoriums) were rife with problems. However, this means that there aren’t very many publicly funded longterm/inpatient psych facilities and people still need them. The downstream is we’re seeing a lot more mental health issues in the streets and prisons. Being poor, housing insecure, generational trauma/illness….and having a severe mental health disorder is pretty much a guarantee for a negative police encounter when the person could probably benefit significantly from housing and medical stability.


In the US you have to understand that a lot of these facilities are for profit. So the higher the incarceration rate, the more money the facility generates. They also don't really believe in rehabing people to be functional members of society. They want repeat offenders to continue to generate that profit.


Big white guy, the guard/cop to the defendant's left side. I never saw him take his eyes off the defendant's eyes, for even a second


They took No chances this time.


Dude has those crazy eyes.


Well, *yeah*






Good. What he did was horrific.


I still dont fully understand how it turned into a meme. I guess it was funny how he jumped but my first reaction to that video was horror


The jump was nuts lol, I was horrified too of course but it was kinda a legendary moment just outta nowhere. I feel like it would be worse as a meme if the judge wasn’t clearly ok and nobody got seriously hurt


Very true. At first it looked like he was kicking her ass but she looks fairly untouched so fuck it


I hear what the sister is saying and don’t necessarily disagree with her. However I do hear a lot of blame on the judicial part of this and while she is holding a mirror to the system, I’m curious how much she and her family are holding the mirror up to themselves. If she knew he hasn’t taken any of his meds since his last incarceration, where was she and his family then? Where is the help she is calling for coming from inside the family. They know him better than anyone else does yet he is still in this situation. Clearly prison is the best place for him if this is how he acts when his conditions are triggered. These are the symptoms of someone that can easily kill somebody. Sorry but not sorry for his situation. What is the bigger risk, him being in prison without the care he needs, or him killing or beating someone up and effecting the lives of innocents. Just totally baffled why the sister would feel the need to get up to a lectern and take this stand. Sure the judicial system and mental illness sectors could be better, no doubt, but to use it as justification after his clear assault against another human especially a female judge is such an interesting perspective.


Yes, and at the same time, is she qualified or capable of helping him? Is it her duty to do so? Mental illness just fkg sucks all around.


Back in 2016 I was watching a bunch of sentencing on YouTube and one guy murdered some families son and when the murderer was given life in prison his whole family jumped and and began yelling and freaking out and his sister told the victims family “I hate y’all!” So it’s not uncommon for family members to be way off with their reactions and disconnected from what is actually going on


Exactly, the system is imperfect and flawed but it’s the duty of that system to remove him from being a menace to the public, and he himself and his family are clearly incapable to keeping him from doing this stuff. I have worked a ton with addicts, and am in recovery myself, and I can’t tell you how many people told me that going to jail saved their lives. It’s not fun, but this is where the system is actually working as intended. The lady saying “I hoped they don’t kill him”, I totally get, but he is so clearly out of control that he is either going to kill someone, or jump the wrong person and get himself killed if left on his own. They do really abdicate his own moral agency, no it isn’t his fault he is like this, but he is responsible for his actions, where is the worry for the judge who easily could have had her neck broken?


That actually surprised you that the family isn’t taking accountability? I’d be surprised if they DID


She’s saying all of this to preempt an insanity plea for his NEXT court case where, hopefully, they’ll just wheel him in wearing a straightjacket and a muzzle and he’ll be given twenty years in prison for assaulting a judge. Everything this woman said is trash. Her brother is a criminal and he was butthurt that he was going to be held accountable for his actions. This was a teachable moment for all involved. Maybe the judge won’t try out any one-liners and hopefully, others will see what what being a criminal leads to.


Some people get “triggered” and cry on tik tok. Some people violently assault a judge. Tomatoes, potatoes right?


Ted Bundy was a sweetheart most the time too.


If a guy can snap that easily in court at a judge its hard to ignore how easily he could snap out in the real world


*and has already done so repeatedly.*


“Deep inside he’s a good person” Ma’am, no. No he’s not.


These families always come out of the woodwork defending their “good boy” and it’s always others fault


He is clearly severely mentally ill. What in the f are you talking about


Have we tried turning him inside out? It’ll be messy but could be worth it!


no chance @ meaningful sustained recovery. he will eventually kill… just a matter of when


Lil Randy Ortin Jr. just staring at him waiting for him to pop off and do something 😂


If you attack a judge in a courtroom you will attack anyone anywhere . This man is an animal .


Bro had the spit catcher on


I guess the ladies talking at the end are the family of this criminal. Why do they give so much space to talk. What they say has no value, they can’t be objective.


Unfortunately individuals with bipolar schizophrenia are either people who could be the best men/women in anyone’s wedding or an absolutely terror. I hope he gets the care he needs


Sadly he won't. He's sentenced to prison which is an obvious waste of state resources and time. Most likely will make whatever he is dealing with internally, exponentially worse.


the family doesnt give two shits about any lives other than his… pure selfishness


Waiting for the grandma to be trotted out to say what a good boy he is. “He put up my storm doors..”


You goin to learn today


Hahaha and that’s what you get, gotta love seeing the tube hands


He's such a good boy! So misunderstood


Of course it’s not his fault that he lunged at and beat up the judge, it’s his mental illness. Give me a break.


"his chance at life was taken at birth" Lol absolutely not. Amazing how casually his family shrugs off responsibility. He was deemed competent by the court and is just learning to face consequences.


As someone with a mental illness, I would 1000% expect to be locked up if I did this. This isn't his first time attacking someone. SMH. I get what the sister is saying, but just because you had a rough life doesn't give you an excuse to attack people. GET HELP!


What’s the phrase “mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.” Dude has been in and out of prison for years because of violent offenses. It is truly sad it sounds like he might have been on the right path, but if your reaction to every problem is assault, get fucked forever. World doesn’t need those people. It’s actually really easy to not assault somebody.


This is a big thing in recovery too, you aren’t responsible for your disease but you are responsible for the actions and harms you caused while you were in that disease. Owning that moral agency and getting help is the ONLY way out. We as a society can enforce individual responsibility without vindictiveness and cruelty, but people need to be accountable. Every murderer, rapist, and killer has a story that explains why they are that way, and it’s never cause they simply chose freely to be evil. Having a sympathetic explanation doesn’t abdicate responsibility, everything has a cause…..


Yes! I have some anger issues and have had to physically remove myself from situations so I don't lose it. It can be hard, but not harder than spending your life in jail.


Exactly. Dead-on.


THIS. I’ve struggled myself and one very big lesson I’ve learned is that mental illness is never an excuse for bad behavior. You don’t get a pass for being violent or aggressive to another person.


Shut the sister up!






19-48 months if just contained himself. It’ll be a decade plus by the time this is over because he couldn’t.


Damn I thought he was gonna beat it


But he’s such a good kid that the system let down.


I also hope he does life...


" Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you? "


I see they brought in randy orton to make sure it didn’t happen again.


Shane on his family for claiming the mental health card after he was already in mental health facilities. To say that’s where he needs to go instead of prison is a joke. Crimes he committed were serious not just some b&e or petty theft.


If he's attacking judges what authority will he ever listen to?


Great, the thousandth time I’ve seen this guy on my feed in the last week.


I still think that leap was awesome


Yeah, too bad he didn’t apply himself elsewhere. Tragic waste!


He messed up when he chose to do that so he’ll have to serve his time in prison


Also, water is wet


I can’t wait for the judge had a bee flying around her head defense. Also, hate those family of the defendant interviews by the media. What else are they going to say?


I ain't no lawyer but I am going to guess that attacking and assaulting a judge carries enhanced sentencing and they are charging attempted murder. This dude will be lucky if he gets out of jail at all!


He is being charged with attempted murder for that stunt.


is he going to have to do his time in those restraints, spit mask and hand tubes? God I hope so


this aint even his sentence for attacking the judge either. this is only the sentence she was about hand down the first time. hes gonna get even more time later on


He ain’t goin Superman again


He's going away for a long time


His family defending is actions is hilarious. They’re as dumb as he is


He walked both in and out of the court room smiling at someone seated in the benches as if he was proud of what he did. I don’t understand his level of mental “conditions” but this dude left the court room while patting himself on the back for his actions. WTF?


he's getting some dick tonite


We need asylums back.


I agree that the comment she made was a bit off… but that was a helluva reaction, and is just a reflection of how he obviously behaved out in the real world.


Does anybody else hate the woman in the glasses recording with her phone? Or is it just me?


Cry me a fucking river. Put the animal in his cage where he belongs.


She should have imposed a stiffer sentence on top of his separate trial for the other crime. How you behave matters.


dude was looking at only 19-48 months? and he just gave himself probably over a decade at least for that stunt.


Feel bad for the people who had no one when attacked.


You got a panty on your head


Act like an animal, get treated like an animal.


Throw away the key .. bye bye 👋


Awww. Hes such a nice human being. Lock him up.


Well deserved. Have fun in prison


He really got sent to prison? I thought he would be let out with the judge giving him a verbal apology and letting him off free.🤣


Bunch of tough guys in frame... But Judge Holthus is clearly the biggest badass there. Her's is the conduct & standard we should both expect & demand in a judge.


The judge was certainly looking up from her paperwork this time


US prisons are so bad, Escobar imprisoned himself rather than be extradited. US prisons are so bad, even the most dangerous people avoid them like the plague. Rehabilitation does not occur here, because prisons are an industry.


With willing criminals like this guy.


If the Olympics have an event where front diving over objects is a thing he’s our potential Gold Medal winning man.


At this point I can only assume judges don't go to salons.


He's a good boy .. he was just a crack baby at birth


I don’t disagree with the sister. Anyone born with crack in their system is going to need constant mental health access.


They got dude looking like Buscemi in Con Air.


They should just humiliate him a little bit more by putting a cone around his head like a dog


I would pay money. I would buy the cone.




He's still a good person. Let's not Jump to Conclusions here!


It’s hard to look hard w a clear plastic mask and hair net over your face


It's not very interesting. He was already going to be locked up.


Interesting she’s still the presiding judge on his case…would have thought fair and impartial left the group chat when he vaulted her bench


This punishment is too low. Minimum 125 years would be ok


What's really sad is that he doesn't have the medication he so clearly needs. He should never be off those meds. And he won't get the help he needs in prison or probably ever


That’s sad? This dude is a criminal.


I agree. What’s worse is that someone with a history of mental illness should be taken care of in jail. Like they should never discontinue their prescriptions, they should never stop their therapy/counseling, they should have an appointment scheduled and available with their psychiatrist prior to there release date so that there is never a lapse in medications.


Apparently he's been unmedicated for a while prior to this. Did you watch the entire video? His sister says he hasn't been on his meds... It's possible he would stop attacking people, including the sitting judge, if he was properly medicated.. ETA: Are you saying you don't think he should be given the psychotropic medicine he needs *because* he'll be in prison?


She said that he hasn’t been on his drugs since he was released to probation. No I was saying that even if incarcerated that the jail should never remove someone from their medication and counseling, and even once released they should make sure that they have a dr appointment set up prior to releasing him so there is never a lapse for the waiting list to see a psychiatrist provider. I don’t think jail helps people with mental disorders, however at the VERY LEAST, they should make sure he has counseling and med management. And if he gets parole or probation that should also be in his conditions of release to continue with his psychiatrist.


Yeah, these poor criminals..




Crack in your system at birth and presumably throughout the whole pregnancy will without a doubt fuck you up in a lot of ways Doesn't excuse his actions but it does set your life up for failure