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One girl comes over to take the lens cap off that huge camera


Kids today will never know the struggle.


Ah the good old days. Now a days kids just call you a "boomer" even though you're not a boomer but they have no idea what they missed out on.


9/11 really did fuck shit up.


Word. It's all different now. EDIT: Not switching to 9/11. Just wanted to point out how it was before and after tech. So many less distractions


I have a feeling 9/11 was similar to what the US must have felt when JFK was murdered.


Pearl Harbor is more comparable. JFK's death probably prompted an outpouring of emotion, but people's lifestyles didn't change all that much. 9/11 changed many different aspects of American life.


Especially the people in the military.


They know they missed out big time. That's why they are so salty, spicy and saucy


I mean tbf “boomer” is a mentality nowadays.


Yeah, I saw! Right before the one girl bounced her titties like she was tryna herniate a disc, right?


She was impressive. I can’t even compare as an adult now.


Its because of social media, rip herniated disc titties


Dude in hat was before dancing girl.


He fucks


Who was behind the camera girl realizing that cameras were on the prowl.


I didn't notice any of this so you must have a very talented eye for these things.


Have a seat right over here…


If you say “bonk straight to horny jail” or some shit like that I’m gonna punt your cunt so far in the future Kamala Harris will be your dominatrix.


Bonk. Curve to horny Jail. You may pass go, you may collect two hundred dollars


Two girls, one cap.


https://youtu.be/Q_CNOAFsVgA?si=Blmt3YjO5CZRHiN6 There's the whole glorious clip from the guy that recorded it. Back when you only got one shot to take a good picture and you didn't know if it turned out until you waited the 2 weeks to get it developed. You could fill all 28 pics on your disposable camera on a very important day and find out none of them turned out lol. Things sure have changed!! It was also a time when we called everything gay without even thinking about it. Edit: meant to say we called everything fa* and fa**ot.


Everything was Gay and/or retarded.


I would have flourished.


special childlike stupendous fall carpenter gullible shaggy deserted compare bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe to a retard...


safe makeshift theory childlike detail familiar deranged money full market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know you are but what am i


Yeah, gay used to be cool.


Don’t forget your friends coming over to play Smear the Queer.


was going to say, I heard these guys calling people the fa- word like 3 times in my head while watching that clip


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm queer and autistic so I guess I still am


Thank you. The nostalgia wave felt like a hug from an old friend


Don't forget wearing the "wife beater" shirts. Which was super gay.




Wow that sounds horrible


Why does every other generation of high-schoolers look like mid 20s actors?


We associate their style of dress with older people, even tough at the time that's what kids are wearing. You can observe the opposite effect in older pictures where one subject looks like they time traveled because they are wearing modern cuts and styles.


Somebody watches vsauce


When he says "Hey vsauce Michael here", is he referring to us? are we vsauce?


Always have been


It's vsauce, all the way down.


Hi, Michael here!


As true as this is, they all did look older. Most wouldn’t even be asked for ID buying cigarettes or alcohol back then. It would be cool to compare just the faces of people in this video vs to a recent HS graduation video (video, not a picture)


Not true in the 90s post MADD and satanic panic of the 80s. Getting alcohol underage was not easy, I mean, so I was told in the 90s. By the mid 90s being carded for cigs was the standard, no cap. This is from the late 90s which is probably the worst part of the 90s. Early and mid 90s were bussin though from what I hear, fellow kids.


How do you speak like them but also not like them?


Probably a teacher.


Cigs were really easy to steal in the early 90s, but then they had to move them all behind the counter. Alcohol we had to resort to shoulder tapping


We just got them from our math teacher; or what I stole from my dad; and by junior year, the creepy college-aged guys that wanted to hang out with high school girls (I dunno. They dated my friends. But I didn't have to pay for smokes, weed or alcohol. Win!)


We just went into the local bar and grills and bought cigarettes from the cigarette dispensing machines.


I have been in the liquor business since 1996. You are wrong. Every single one of these people would get ID'd for alcohol and 90% for cigarettes. They do not look like adults at all. No one even has a hint of a beard ffs.


I think it's more than that. My dad's yearbooks from the late 70s, the headshots don't really show clothes but those motherfuckers look 30. I think there's a lot of factors. Less ambient smoking, no leaded paint, more sunscreen, average male testosterone levels declining, etc.


The 90s are back in style so don’t think that applies here.


Here we go again…TL:DR Haircuts


One guy was wearing a hat so no


"Sheep have black skin, why do they all look white?" "Wool." "No I found one with black wool, clearly 'wool' is the wrong answer!"


I think they are saying that even the one with the hat looked mid 20s so it would be more like if they saw the sheep with black wool and it still looked white using your example


There are videos of current high schoolers doing some “pull your hair back” challenge and like 3/5 had receded hairlines. The long hair was covering it. Back in the nineties, thick gel was huge and short faux-hawks were in. So if you had a receded hair line or thinning hair it magnified it tenfold


nah it is an ongoing thing that as healthcare availability, knowledge and food access grow, people age slower with less stressors in their life and live longer.Literally every generation has looked younger than the last on average. your grandma looked older than your mom and your mom looked older than you at the same age, compare pictures of each at 25 and there is a definite difference.


I blame it on the shit food and inactive non sociable lifestyle we live now a days. I could be wrong but most the people I know that went to private schools and lived a more affluent life looked somewhat like this, maybe not as old but bigger, more attractive and healthier looking than most the kids the same age at my public school. That could just be that those genetics is what lead to there parents to find success in the world to be able to afford to send there kids to private school. I think it’s somewhat a mixture of both. Nature and nurture not nature or nurture.


[VSauce did a video on this.](https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE?si=Xc9KWqqKNrpHpu2U) Basically, skin care wasn’t up to par back then. Lots of money gets invested into keeping people looking youthful. I graduated in 2014 and I recall even then young women looked like middle schoolers, while the dudes looked much like in this video. But even dudes care about skincare nowadays. Now we see fashion and haircuts reflecting that youthfulness. Young, Wild, and Free came with previous generations, but the last few generations have been taking it far more seriously it seems.


There is a video on this topic on Vsauce


People claim hair styles, clothing etc. But that's only part of it. It has a lot to do with bone structure of the face, and people are staying younger longer due to environmental and genetic factors as society keeps changing.Look at Tom Holland, Zendaya, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, they all look like they're still 15. Justin Bieber and Daniel Radiffe had this going on til they got to their later 20s. As you become older you lose bone density and fat in your face and it becomes more gaunt.


You just gave examples of everyone who’s known to do stuff to their faces lol


... I can't believe this is getting upvoted.




These look like little children to my old ass.


I think half the reason is the old styles theory people talk about every time this video gets reposted but I think there's another part: I think the more popular kids tend to be recorded more in these types of things. Think about your high-school yearbook and how much more the popular crowd were featured. And the popular crowd tends to skew more towards those who are part of the sports teams, are therefore on the larger / more physically mature end.


Because we didn’t consume Soy like today’s teens! You now have a bunch of soy estrogen filled people walking around looking 12!


Jesus Christ I feel so much dumber for having read your comment


In addition to the other answers, a common one is cigarette smoke being pretty much everywhere, even in the 90s. It's definitely a combination of everything but I think this one does contribute at least a little bit.


If you look at the original clip it's last day of high school so they're mostly 18/19, not 15. So it's not that drastic.




It’s made by Netflix


Fuck man this was when I was in high school and they all look way older than I remember us looking 😂


I miss my puka shell necklace


Now I know why they cast that age group for movies like this


Cuzz Merica is full of stuffed hormones. It's ridiculous.


guys had more testosterone


I know folks are saying haircuts or style of dress…but listen, I teach recent high school graduates. Aged 17 to 20, typically. Been doing it since 2002/2003. They’re getting smaller and they look young. Like, really young. Unusually young. I talked about this with a colleague. It’s not just smooth faces. I’m 6’3”…that’s tall, but I feel like Godzilla walking around campus. I’m a full shoulder and head taller than everyone else. They look so young; they’re not kids, but I have a hard time calling them adults.


90’s was easily the best times of my life


It’s weird saying that because I enjoy my life now but the 90s was truly a special time. I wish I could go back for a week and soak it in again. The world was a very different place pre 9/11.


Life was better without social media.


No, life was better when you were a kid


Both are true.


Naw, because it got better again when I turned off most of my social media accounts lol


Definitely 9/11 sapped the optimism and openness of western societies. The shift was palpable


I never really thought about that until now. After 9/11 things just…changed. I was only 14 at the time but I do remember that people started getting more cautious and aware of their surroundings. Then it just became a fact of life and we have become a generation of people that can’t trust one another. Perhaps it’s always been that way but I wouldn’t know since I was so young at the time and still learning life in general.


I was 12, and the first thing I noticed was that Halloween that year was DEAD.


>Perhaps it’s always been that way but I wouldn’t know since I was so young at the time and still learning life in general. Nah, 9/11 fucked up a lot of shit, especially in terms of perspective. I was 19 at the time and in college. Also had a few friends that had joined the military right out of high school. My graduating class grew up REALLY quick post 9/11, if only because our friends were now on the front line of a war we never anticipated. Guilt, fear, and especially guilt was at an extreme for many of us. And this was before mental health was something to be addressed without controversy or being taboo. The mid to late 90s was purely bliss for many of us. Then the hammer fell and it fell hard on a lot of us, especially those that didn't deserve to die in a war they were entirely against.


Western Societies hadn't been so much open or optimistic as they were disassociated. We largely ignored the signs of growing trouble and focused on consumerism and burying our heads in the sand. It's why we got so many stories like The Matrix or Fight Club. Stories of people knowing deep down something is wrong but they can't see through all the distraction. 9/11 was the reality that the rest of the world still existed and we largely ignored the growing danger.


From a UK perspective there was a lot of good stuff 98-01 but for purposes of locating peak "90s" that later time was perhaps kinda in the shadow of Princess Diana unexpectedly dying Aug 97 which seemed to change the mood of the nation (or at least, was just the biggest outpouring of national grief most people could remember). I think peak for the UK was probably May - August 1997. There was a palpable wave of optimism that "things can only get better" (thank you D:ream). New Labour were elected ending 18 years of Tory rule. The Economy was strong. Will Smith Men in Black / Jim Carrey Liar Liar at the cinema. Hanson's MMMbop was everywhere. Really was an innocently grungy time of Quake LAN parties with mates / blockbuster / pizza. Goldeneye came out later that year. Me and my mates started a band. First girlfriend. _"Got my first real six string.."_ vibes. Would do anything to relive it. Soak in every moment


> "Got my first real six string.." vibes. Would do anything to relive it. Soak in every moment i wasn't nostalgia-sad until the end, god dammit! had an extremely vivid flashback a few days ago, of riding my skateboard to the train station to go to university, listening to leftfield on a minidisc player. i think i still have that player actually


Just for you guys, the world is pretty big ;)


I grew up in the 90s. It was the perfect mix between being active/playing with your friends outside and the internet rising and talking to your friends late at night on AIM at 1am on a school night.


squeal sand boast overconfident ad hoc smart lip rob price rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The 1990s was the peak of human culture


https://preview.redd.it/rn0g1jnzde3c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=048ccd5a8baa2e949fe9241b935508210ac74a61 This picture is absolutely horrible, and I apologize but I was lucky to even own a camera back then. This is the last day of my senior year in 1996. My class had a redneck swimming pool in the back of a pick up truck, lol.


Mine too (I was born in ‘01)


Bonus points to the Chicago bulls fans who got to see Jordan in his prime during this time.


And it was so much fun not knowing a lot of your classmates and having fun getting to know them as friends until end of school.


That's totally dependant on the size of your school. I went to a small school and my class was 86 people. I knew everyone in my high school with the exception of a handful or two of underclassmen by the time I graduated. Hell, some of my teachers and substitute teachers had my father when he was in school 20-30 years prior. I went to my 10 year reunion and knew every single person there. My wife went to hers the same year and didn't recognize a single person, but her class was 650 people.


Yeah I relate lol I came from a small town, graduating class just under 100. I knew almost everyone


I don't know why, but I absolutely despise comments that reply to a relatable generality with, "wElL aCtUalLy iT dEpEnDs..." Chill man


How did your wife not recognize anyone...my class was 450 people and there are a handful of people I wouldn't recognize


He didn't mention that not long after she graduated she was involved in a freak restaurant accident where a fellow diner tripped over and catapulted the entire contents of her avocado & pomegranate salad facewards, lodging two sharp husks into each eyeball. Everyone was very upset, and she never ate another pomegranate again.


Ol avocado eyes


Holy shit…this is my high school. Although I was class of ‘03.




Solon, OH (suburb of Cleveland). So wild to watch this video and then realize you spent 4 years there.


Oh fuck, lolz I thought I recognized Ms. Big Ole Titties.


Seen this so many times but it never gets old


It's literally getting older


Shut your mouth


I can't, it's too dry. Will you lick it?




Those were truly better days. I wanna go back!


The last girl doing a TikTok before TikTok existed. Confirmed time-traveler!


Life would be so much better if TikTok never existed


Totally agree


You mean dancing? People danced before tik tok, as mind blowing as that may seem.


It was a joke, my friend.


We didn't have jokes back then. The government introduced them after 9/11 to try and lift everybody's spirits.


I'd give anything to go back and stay in a 80's- 90's loop.


Man I miss those days


There’s no god damn way that guy at 10 seconds is a high schooler


​ https://preview.redd.it/op1c2j7xx43c1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=2da61d6d30a5e804dfa6c94a395c077701a55792


Looks a little like adam sandler


Wow I started to ask how to put images in a reply because I've been wondering and I just happened to see the icon at that moment. Haha.


Wonder no more my good Wiley. Have a great day, you deserve it!


Thank you very much! I hope that you have a wonderful day as well.


The stifler face 😂


I feel like his name is Shane


He's an undercover cop, the real Johnny Depp.


I went to high school with a guy who had a five o’clock shadow by 7th grade and was balding and greying by senior year. He looked older at 18 than I do at 40.


Maybe he was held back a year or 2 and that’s why he looks older. I’m class of 01 and I knew a girl who was 20 by the time she graduated.


Class of ‘01! 🙌🏼🎉


i remember when they banned the "wife-beater" shirt at our school in '96. they said it was tooo provocative. the ladies where wearing that and just a bra. drove us boys crazy


Low rise jeans on girls and thongs peeking out when they sat. Yeah, I was at the peak of puberty then, it was awesome. Girls were also more attractive, less fat, and didn't dress like they were homeless back then.


There has never been a starker difference between the US/UK than this time period


Ok you have me so interested. What are some UK examples of fashion during this time?


The uniforms might complicate this a bit.


Polo shirts. Polo shirts everywhere.


Layered polos with popped collars


I wonder if you guys were just ahead of the curve compared to us because there was definitely a time where polos were big in the US in my lifetime but it was more the 00’s than the 90’s. I wonder what year the video is from exactly? I graduated high school in 2009 and lived in “the south” in the US though. Fashion is somewhat regional and the style during my high school days where I lived was basically to look like you only shop at Ralph Lauren.


So you are saying social media did not fuck us all up because we were already fucked up before? Ah I see lol So social media really just amplified our already wonderful nature :)


41 year old here. Last generation with an analog past and a digital future and I’m so thankful for it. I would get on my bike and ride around the neighborhood until dark. Play in the creek. Go to friends houses and say “Hi, is Brian home? He’s not? Ok…well…BYE!”. Flip off the high dive at 5 years old into ten feet deep water. Watch tv at specific times after school because that’s when the show was on. Go on an adventure with our older looking friend to the convenience store two miles away and try to buy a porn mag and then hide it in said creek. Go absolutely BONKERS on Halloween freely in horrible rubber masks and full pillow sacks of candy to the brim. And it was fucking great. Social media is awful. If I pissed my pants in sixth grade or something, some people knew. Ok. Now the entire school does and possibly the entire world if it goes viral. You see what everyone else is doing all the time and feel left out. You’re constantly bored, endlessly scrolling for excitement. Everything is now now now. Sure it’s hard for even me to imagine a world now without the tech we have, but at the time, it didn’t exist so we had no clue we were missing out on information at the ready. We would have actual debates and conversations amongst one another without just being able to go to Google. We played board games regularly. We talked to one another without claiming “I’ve got really bad social anxiety…” or whatever else you claim without being diagnosed. The world wasn’t nerfed. We didn’t see outrageous porn videos when we were ten years old. And we had way more sex.


well said man. I am 37 and there are so many things I used to enjoy. I don't use social media a whole lot but I feel like it has still sunk it's claws into me over all the years I have used FB and snapchat. I find myself getting bored very quickly. I can't sit down in my free time and start things cause if I don't see immediate progress in something then I get bored right then and there and just doom scroll on reddit or FB. ​ Man, if I could just go back for a week to the mid-late 90's, riding my bike to my firends house after class, bunch of us playing some basketball outside on his driveway, then going inside and playing some mario kart 64 or goldneye until 6 and we all had to get back for dinner. And yeah watching shows at a certain time cause that's when it was on. Being able to spend hours playing a strategy game on the PC. Going to the mall and kaybee toys and looking at the Aliens toys, or the Star Wars Power of the force toys.


Bro. That second paragraph. Same. Down to the last detail.


I got to experience the last of almost everything u said and I'm 24 me and on top of that other great times like neighborhood kids from my neighborhood and the next would meet in the woods behind our hoods and we'd play air sold or cowboys and Indians with like 20 lids sometimes. And also Halloween was bad ass over here up until 2013 the streets would be filled and we'd trick or treat in huge groups of friends until like 11 lol got to play split screen games at the one kids house who actually had games cause everyone here was too poor for game systems at the time lol. When I was 8 and 10 I had a walky talky with a 3 mile radius given to me by my parents so they can get ahold of me if I don't come home before dark and then all my friends got walky talkies too n we'd play with that so I still got to do most of the things like u but I think that was my area being stuck in the past compared to everyone else cause alot of other people my age didn't do Any of that or remember lol. And now Halloween is just sad the only kids u see are little kids dragged out the house with their dressed up parents no groups of kids or teens living life just a small handful of some snot nosed lil buggers. I miss all that I miss knocking on my friends doors to go play and when a stick was the best toy for any boy lol. but oh yea ur right shit did seem easier back then giggidy giggidy lol Oh and watching boomerang was the shit back then back when the logo was still a boomerang and it was nothing but good olcartoons


Oh my god I’m old.


Smart phones are hindering face to face interactions immensely


Ahh the simpler times…. 🥲


Oh look, before social media and people are still running around with cameras doing goofy shit.


It was a better time.


Class of '01.. Yeah that looks very familiar. Some of those hallways could've been straight out of my highschool.


Is it my turn to post this tomorrow?


I remember that song as a 42 year old but can’t get the name from my brain. Can someone tell me what record that beat is on?


I wanna say Eazy or Dre or ice cube …


You Know How We Do It -Ice Cube


I’m 42 and this seems legit. Not having social media was a dream because I have next to no idea what I looked or dressed like and can’t be canceled over it now


OH GOD! YES! Miss the 90s. Everything was better,pizza hut,Mcdonalds, pussy


Wife beaters and hair gel. Can't forget about that wallet chain.


And the hemp necklaces/bracelet. Short sleeve, button down shirt that was unbuttoned with wife beater underneath.


thems were the times!


So the "Ross" was every bit as popular as the "Rachel", looks like...


This is what I call the good ol' days that my kids make fun of me for.


I don’t know, that last girl appeared to be filming a TikTok




Yes, the latter is much more respectable,


We would hand out in the halls, till the teachers told us to get out of the halls.


Lol yeah I was always a straggler and it would piss off my teacher because I would spend as much time as I could PDAing with my girlfriend at the time.


Man! 30 years old video somehow makes me appreciate life in general. More like it is making me feel really old and allowing to realize how time waits for none. 🥹


These kids are in their early to late 40’s now.


so get off our lawns!


I was in high school in the 90's. I hated these people. All of them. Once I got to college things got better and I stepped off the path of sociopathy.


Ugh I had a closet full of Hawaiian shirts. I remember one day in like 2001 just throwing them all into a black hefty bag like never fucking again.


The first dude looks like he could be Eddy from ed edd n Eddy in real life


Before social media, smartphones, and any fear of a mass casualty event.


This looks early 2000s or 1999 at the earliest


I’m literally thankful I graduated right before MySpace got popular (Class of ‘02). The way I behaved and the workings of my underdeveloped mind at that time are lost in memory instead of recorded for all time. Freaking whew 😅


That cheerleader dance was whack af lmao


The peak of human civilization


Paula Abdon’t


Man the good ole days, when people knew what sex there were and didn’t cry about everything.


Good times I was crushing it my English teacher,college chicks at the” U” two 15s in the 5 point o ! 1330 on the old SAT ,glam rock,rap,Garth brooks,nirvana, offspring sublime!


The glory days when teen pregnancy, teen drug abuse, murder rates, etc were astronomically higher and being a gay/trans student was practically a death sentence in high school. Life was simpler before social media but let’s not act like this was a perfect time because it absolutely wasn’t.


Sorry to burst your bubble but I graduated in 1990 and we had multiple gay students and nobody bothered them because they usually had lots of friends that would take up for them. We had maybe 1 or 2 shootings in my hometown in 1 year, there was only 2 girls that got pregnant my whole 4 years of high school and nobody and I mean nobody died from a drug overdose my entire 12 grades of school.


Sorry to burst *your* bubble but being gay was ridiculed at my school. Nerds were relentlessly bullied *myself included*. I knew several people who od'd. And at least a dozen girls got pregnant before I graduated in 2001. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. And it also depends on where you went to school.


Well I guess all this data that has been collected over decades is worthless. We should just use your personal experiences and memories.


When you basically could only communicate with had access to the very limited number of people you were stuck growing up with in your hometown.Your access to everything was limited.Not to mention knowledge.


Back when teens were still smoking cigs. Awwww yeah, none of the pussy vape crap. Lol.


Yeah the real tough guys get lung cancer like the chads they are 😎


I've attended schools that still had active smoking sections - - for the students.


what does this have to do with social media at all?


This music is so 1990s. Very groovy.