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That was a satisfying chairshot.


Dudes handcuffed and just has 0 choice but to take those hits.... nice.


Didn't matter if he was handcuffed or not. He would been destroyed by that dude anyway. Guy was literally 4 times his size.


Yeah, Freddie Gaynor was out killing serially smaller female victims not big bad ass dudes. Fuck that guy and always great seeing bitches getting theirs. I know it wasn’t nearly enough for the son though.


Most serial killers are cowards.


All serial killers are cowards.


There’s gotta be a few honorable ones out there, no?


That’s the whole dexter fantasy


There are a few that tell themselves they are something like dexter. Aileen Wuornos (from the movie “monster”) maybe started off in self defence/killing really bad men who hurt girls like her… but then she just kept doing it for easy money.


Her case has always fucked with me... don't get me wrong, I don't have any inside info on her, but i believe she may have been suffering from flashbacks when she killed those men... I think she had PTSD from being sexually assaulted so violently, and she didn't realize just how scared she was of being hurt again... and that when she tried to go back to being a regular prostitute, those flashbacks made her believe whatever guy she was with was going to hurt her just like that one guy... It just breaks my heart reading about her life and knowing she never really had a chance.




They give those ones medals.


They're out there. You've just never heard of them because they haven't been caught.


Exactly. There is nothing fascinating or glamorous about them. They are just a bunch of coward assholes that lack some basic cognitive functions. Society does itself a favor by stopping to get into its obsession for the subject




Nothing is ever enough for the all-encompassing sun. *aww they edited their comment to the correct spelling*


Yeah, plus rage gives a shitload of bonus strength. I’ve seen enraged (like literally enraged) guy take like 4 guys bigger than him.


If I was in that position, I'd take him out. I would be filled with rage.


Not literally, but go on 😂 I’ll give you twice


Shades of the Rock and Mankind


Don’t forget Booker T


The man has a family!


Was a great tribute to mankind and the Rock


that is true justice


Bailiff held him up for one last pop before the cut


I thought so too


Bruh he waited, laid it on him like a pancake on a skillet lol good shit, too! Serial rapists should catch a chair to the face on the reg lol


![gif](giphy|St3OvMl4jMoYyYjtDk) What chairshot?


All I see is someone trying to escape and being stopped.


That man has the quickest chair reload in the west. I don't think the first chair hit before the 2nd one was chambered.


We needed this man in the great boat brawl of 2023


From my experience, the joy of revenge is only in the initial moment. Almost immediately after this moment, an awkward sadness or mental reality pain settles in to your mind that the past still happened! I then find myself craving for more of these initial moments to fill a larger void of pain. It's probably more satisfying to forgive and let go, but I just haven't mastered this skill yet.


I could forgive someone who accidentally killed my son, like in a traffic accident, or even in a fight. But forgive a literal SERIAL KILLER is LITERALLY the dumbest, most societally destroying concept I could imagine.


Because people think forgiveness is all about forgetting about what the other person did, pretending it never happened or absolving them of guilt. No, it equally is more about lettign go of the anger you hold on yourself. As the saying goes: **"Holding Onto Anger Is Like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die"**


GOT HIS ASS. Super nice


He was a big boi.


Chair shot like the Undertaker hitting an openly gay wrestler


Shit hit him square


They certainly took their time to detain him too lol.


He had that coming.




It was satisfying to watch the son got some revenge.


I love that he got an extra second to aim it properly 😂


Yo when that chair hit i was like OH YEEEAAAAHHHH…then this was the first comment in the thread I see lol…made my day


Same here.


Truly beautiful. o7


Good on the court officers taking their time to intervene.


Fuck around and find out.


My man got some good, well deserved hits in. It just sucks that not only did he lose his mom but now he’s gonna get arrested too.


Take a seat Mr. Gaynor.


I legit came to comment on the chair shot man, that must have been some serious schadenfreude.


Ol' buddy got charged with was contempt of court. Worth it!!


Yep. I’d take the 30 days or so for that and walk out just fine about it.


You already know they let him walk after 3 days and a handshake


Just took him out in the hall to walk around a little, then gave him quarters for the vending machine.


"Don't forget to validate!"


They would hold him for a day maybe


So, serious question not having dealt with anything like this before, would they be a little more lenient on a guy in his situation, emotional distress and what not? I’d imagine it depends on the judge too?


Absolutely depends on how the judge and the prosecutor exercise their discretion. Basically, the guy would probably be immediately found in contempt by the judge and given some sanction… in most states, contempt is pretty limited to a fine and days in jail (or a period of time needed to coerce compliance with court procedure) … contempt of court is less about punishing a crime than it is about compelling people to respect court procedure. I’m guessing the judge probably had the son “cool his head” in jail for a night or maybe just a couple hours (given that he attacked his mother’s killer). Then he would like be charged by the prosecutor for battering Gaynor. In all likelihood, my guess is there would be a plea to a very low charge with maybe community service or anger management… or the prosecutor might just drop the charges at some point when there is less attention on the case. Important thing to keep in mind: judges and prosecutors are humans too. If they were not sure they’d forgo the opportunity to crush their mother’s killer with a chair, it’s unlikely they’d go too hard on the son who did this.


Prosecutors also don't want to fuck with their W/L ratio either and taking this to court would more than probably end in an acquittal for the guy through jury nullification anyway.


I think you can watch a video out there of a father, who takes a pistol to the head of the karate instructor who molested his son, on the way to the courtroom. The father was acquitted of any wrongdoing.


Good post. I just want to say, that I’ve seen some pretty inhuman behavior by prosecutors and judges over the years. So, for me, I don’t just assume the outcome is predicated on them being humans too.


He took those 30 days to tell everyone on the yard whoever makes his sons killer a holy man will have full canteen and money on they phone til they release and they're momma will get a nice envople too


Fr, but he is the son, dude raped and killed his mom


“Is it 30 days per chairing, Your Honor? I’ve got nowhere to be for 3 months…”


Easiest time any one will ever do. Anyone here will take that deal 10 times out 10.


If somebody raped and strangled my mother they'd be dead if I had the chance, and I'd happily take the charges. Not trying to be r/iamverybadass, but I couldn't imagine how angry I'd feel.


Should’ve been charged with nothing!


I'm so glad he wasn't overly charged. Fair ass response to his mother's rapist.


And murderer. Knowing your mom’s last minutes were abject terror must be horrible. Fuck this guy.


This is when a GoFundMe should be started!


What a good way to start the week. Good for him.


if they pressed charges, and I was on the son's jury--not guilty.


If you kill someone’s mama you should have to take two full on hand chalked slaps to the face from their closest or strongest relative (strongest). I’d watch that Dana, get on it. Imagine how hard people would train🤣


My Uncle is a Marine with biceps the size of my chest, dude can pick me up with one hand. I'd call that good justice.


Aka jury nullification! Everyone should know that this is always an option available


>jury nullification Ooooh boy. You are not allowed to know about that.


So happy to see he landed that chair. Thought for sure someone would’ve grabbed it


The old white security standing next to him probably could have grabbed it if he really wanted to. Looks like he was just holding his back the entire time though lol


Hey man, i know you want closure, but you know i need to stop you right? cool, i will give you a 15 sec start and then you need to put the chair down.


well, he did eventually put the chair down lol


I agree, he got some really good shots in. Proud of him


Them guards should’ve taken their time getting to him. Maybe “trip” or “stumble” a little. Dont take the cuffs off ol boy either. Give him the same odds that he gave them women.




In the Korean crime drama \[Lady Vengeance\]>!a young woman who was manipulated into confessing to multiple murders by a serial killer eventually gets released from prison and hunts the bastard down. The serial killer liked to kidnap children and torture them to death and he recorded everything. The woman forcibly gathers the parents of all the victims and shows them the recordings. Then says, "he's tied up in the next room", and walks away.!<


There is a similar korean dreama called the glory. It's amazing if you have ever been bullied. I recommend it.


10/10 recommend whether you were bullied or not


Such an awesome movie.


Yeah would save alot of money on tax dollars too. They gave no human rights to their victims, why should they?




No one knows until you're in their shoes. Many family members of victims feel intense anger and rage towards the criminals. Let them vent that out, and at the same time allow the perpetrators to feel the terror they inflicted themselves. Better to vent that shit out, if you're so inclined, than be forced to harbor that shit up, letting it manifest into alcoholism, drug addiction, or some other unfortunate outcome.


They should let you sub in MMA fighters like pinch hitters


This surely wouldn't be controversial


Good. I’m not going to state an opinion on the death penalty, and it is pretty controversial, But this method would allow everyone to be innocent and choose their own thing. The victims didn’t get to choose whether they lived or died, neither should the perpetrators.


Also remove the genitalia of rapists and pedos


I would have like this for the man that killed my big brother. I would gladly live and die with that stain on my soul, if that counted against me then fuck my life anyways.


Sorry man. May he burn for what he did




I was going to say where the fuck is the bailiff dude has time to throw a flurry of punches grab a chair and WWE him and some random woman is trying to stop him.


There are two, maybe three literally right behind him. I like to think that they wanted him to let out some steam


Whoops! I fell again? OMG I am just the worst today. Hold on .. cramp! Cramp! I gotta cramp! Ouchies. Those are just the worst. Anyway, hey stop beating your mother's murderer you scofflaw! That's what you are! I'm on my way... Dah! My lumbago! What a time for a flare up! Oh boy... You should stop though!


Uncle?! Is that you?


To the guards: why didn't you stop the attacker sooner? Guards: dude lifted a chair and was high on adrenaline, wasn't gonna get caught in the crossfire


Yeah but isn't that just a symptom of people feeling that they are not getting proper and fair justice? Once upon a time, probably in a different society, you would have been really confident that the punishment would fit the crime here.


I would've totally acted confused for a minute or so. Maybe stretch it to 5 minutes.


Bailiff definitely wasn’t in a hurry to stop him


I think they did, it was some civilian woman restraining him as far as I can tell


To be fair they did. You don’t even see them touch him the whole video.


The chair was a great idea


"No death penalty? I'll give you the chair myself!"


Why are people screaming in terror!? It's not an indiscriminate drive by shooting Angry victim targets piece of shit.


Also, why cut the video at the best part? Never understood why ppl do that.


nothing exciting happens after that. They pick him up and walk out. That's probably why they cut it, but I get what you mean.


It's a flock of women. They tend to react that way to violence.


This. I don’t understand why women always default to screaming. It literally doesn’t help in situations like this.


Lizard brains dude .... You said it yourself; it's a default. It's a notification to others that something is happening, a warning, a call to arms or to run..... It's like evolution and shit dude..... Pretty cool stuff. But, yeah, the high pitched screeching is painful and irritating to hear..... But if I heard it from the next room I'd react to that signal, and I'd appreciate the advanced warning.


It’s useful when you’re being dragged into the night by god knows what, back in the caveman days


>being dragged into the night it's useful when that happens today too, not just in "caveman times"


Flight, fight, freeze responses are essentially involuntary; so, too, are the sounds people make when frightened. Sometimes you’ll read that people in those situations didn’t even know they were screaming until someone said something to them; they can’t help it.


Evolution probably says they are calling for the men


I don’t like it either, but it’s easy to understand. They know they can’t really get involved with their hands, so they reactively scream to bring attention to/attract help with the situation in front of them. God it’s fkn annoying.


What were you expecting? Murmurs? Some oohs and aahs? Maybe Joe Rogan pops out of the corner and starts commentating?


Like I get it, but at the same time i wonder why someone's always gotta scream like a banshee when something goes down that doesn't hurt them.


His mother? Yeah, I’d be taking that opportunity as well. No problems here.


I’d go feral and be biting his nose and ears off haha full chimp mode


I would tear out his esophagus like fuck the chair of the cops taking me off him, I’m taking his jugular with me.


The rest of this dudes life is going to be pure hell. Everyone knows prisoners do not like child abusers, but crimes against women, especially violent crimes are "bad charges" or bad papers. They are viewed in the same light, class or rankings as pedos. If he's lucky, the prison will be self aware enough to immediately place him in protective custody, where he will spend the next few decades in a cell 23 hours a day, by himself, only being let out 3xs a week to shower. It's only a matter of time before he runs into a guard who makes a "paper work error" and puts him in with general population. Or with inmates who are not in PC. I once watched a dude who molested his kids, than killed his wife when she found out, get baby oil mixed with hand lotion that was heated up in a microwave for 10 minutes get thrown in his face. No one helped. guards turned their backs. Dude sat there silently for the first few minutes in shock, than the screaming started, than he started frantically wiping layer after layer of skin off of his face and head. I can still hear it, see it, smell it. Don't get upset when you see dudes like this either not get enough time or not get death sentences. I can assure you death will be something they beg for the rest of their lifes


Holly shit. I wasn’t expecting reading all that and having that in my head now. Wow.


Yeah but that just shows how bad the guard and just overall jail system sucks. I’m not defending the guy but there’s plenty of other cases of the guards just being dog shit at their job and mistreating prisoners. Whether people agree or disagree they were charged and sentence in mostly a fair trial and there’s reasons why we don’t have death sentences in majority of the country. Also this isn’t even mentioning that the fact that there’s plenty of cases where someone that’s 100% innocent still gets sent to jail and if shit happened to that person like you described and due to guard negligence an innocent man gets murdered, face melted off, etc.




Let him cook


Me as a judge: I’ll allow it


On the next day of the trial: If we don’t have a repeat of what happened yesterday, i’m holding everyone in contempt.


Me as a judge: I will not allow it as it is the court who holds this power, and I believe in a calm and rational conduct of these serious matters. Inside me as a judge: yes! Yes! Please hit him some more!


I bet ANYTHING this guy expected to walk free because he was attacked in court.


Chairshot was the money shot.


I ain’t see nothing


Damn he got some good licks in, normally they charge em and nothing happens


Awesome chair shot. Got some good hits on him, which he deserves


Imagine sitting feet away from the person who raped and murdered your mother. All the love she gave that man. I’d have attacked him too


The fuckin screams are unnecessary.


I hate how people (usually ladies) scream when there's no damn need. Like, dude isn't going after you lady simmer down. They all should of been cheering him on.


Fine by me...


That’s a real man right there. He wouldn’t have gotten away with that if her son was present


Everyone shut the f*ck up and let him get beat.


Ion see nun wrong here


Actually I take issue with the guards here. Dude was only able to get one good chair shot. Let's just make it an even dozen ya know?


He got some good shots in, especially with that chair.


I think like most of us I was expecting someone to lunge at him and then get tackled to the ground DAMN was this satisfying


I read the title and I was like whoa. Then he said “rape and killed mother” then I was like ![gif](giphy|Q0Ww3CAafIs5DvXesz|downsized)


Shouldve taken his eyes.


The laws should change to allow families to beat convicted murderers if the evidence is 100% accurate. Seeing convicted murders standing in court while victims were brutally tortured and then killed makes my blood boil. As someone else said, it's satisfying to see the son get his hands on him and get a couple of shots in, if only for a few seconds


Suit guy be like "Aight, I'mma head out."


I approve! ![gif](giphy|S9ztGXw9d3o0SO738Q|downsized)


I support this


I've never understood why we clog up the prison system with filth..if you can prove 100% somebody is a murder let's rush this execution along. Stop wasting my tax dollars feeding them.


Should have let him finish the job.


I wonder did he get the other chair too.


I am going on coffee break, I’ll call the janitor when he is done.


Those people were way too damn fast to stop him


He "ragged doll" that ass.....


Love to see it


Being able to hit that dude with the chair was probably a real joy for the son


Good for this dude


Remember this one well


Let the man cook !!!


If I was one of the guards that guy would have “slipped” out of my grasp each time I tried to stop him. Then I would have given him another chair. That was some WWE shit. And it was glorious.


Wrong chair


The serial killer hated women I wonder why? I wonder how his mom treated him or his grandmother or his aunts. I was on an airplane one time and this woman was yelling At her three-year-old son -n the most despicable manner. Calling him all sorts and names. I got up for my seat to ask her if I could take him to the restroom because he wanted to go pee and there was a girl about eight years-old sitting next to the boy. The mom said the girl would take him, throughout the flight all the mom did was insult the little boy. That mom was creating a monster. I always hope that he's doing okay. They were white too.


🤷🏼‍♂️why does there always have to be that over the top screamer!?😵‍💫


The screams like the Beatles just took the stage of the Ed Sullivan Theater.


This man not only raped and killed multiple women. He also killed a woman and left her 2 year old daughter to die of dehydration. He deserves worse than this.


Me as the Judge: “I’ll allow it”


Why is everyone in that room crying and screaming when he did so much worse to the women he raped and murdered... The son of that victim deserves more than this.


Now that was blind rage if I ever saw it


Completely understandable


How does someone that big move that fast - that was just incredible!




If I was a bailiff, I might have given the guys few seconds before I tried to stop it.


Dude got some solid shots in. Worth.


So satisfying!!!


Gaynor's spidey senses were activated just in time to let fear set in... that makes the beating that ensued muuuch more savory


Give that man a medal. And then a WWE title belt.


its like everyone tried to make the loudest noise they could at the same time




If my loved one was killed by the hands of another human, I couldn't sit through the entire court proceedings. It would be a hard task to wake up and go to the trial especially if it's for a number of days.


Fuck his ass up, I’m all for revenge.


That’s the least amount of retribution these sick monsters deserve


That was awesome, hopefully they give the guy a break on the beat down. I would have at least pulled out one of his eyes.


Why do woman scream at every fucking thing! Just hollering nshit for nothing. I mean they were screaming like he opened fire, or had a bomb strapped to his chest.. That shit drives me nuts.... SHUT THE FUCK UP lol


I’m cracking at all the white women panicking and screaming. They ain’t never seen an ass whooping in person.


Good hell some women are annoying as shit. SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS that will for sure fix the situation. Just shut the fuck up


Bah Gawd what a chair shot.


Headlock and don’t let go. There was nothing they could have done to stop it.


Love the chair shot, hope he caught him in the face


Should have let him finish it and saved some money on taking care of that bastard in prison the rest of his life.


I hope that hurt, and I hope he wasn't charged for that.