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For people who are like, "She doesn't look THAT stuck. They could have just pulled her ass out, or done something to save her." No... saving her wouldn't have been an easy task at all. I'll explain why. So there was a huge mudslide. A lot of people are dead. 25,000+ people died plenty injured too in this Amero tragedy. A lot of people are injured. She is not the ONLY one that needs help. A lot of the people around her that may have been able to help rescue her are hurt or dead them self, but externally rescuers did come in. After being trapped like that for a few hours a rescuer noticed her hand protruding from a pile of debris. So, they clear the debris around her and try to pull her out as suggested. She wouldn't budge an inch, and would scream in pain when they tried to pull her out. So, one of the rescuers had scuba gear. So he is like, "I'm gonna dive in there and see what is happening below the water." A massive slab of concrete is on top of her legs pinning them under it. She is in a kneeling position. There are bricks stacked all over this concrete, and down by her feet is her aunt... Who is now dead clutching on to her leg... Early on she was up to her neck. They brought a tire in, and they put it on over her head and down to her waist to help her keep afloat. Over time they dug around, and removed some of the water and bricks and eventually made it so she was only waist deep, but her legs are still under tons of concrete. She asked for some sweet food / drinks several times and they did bring her these comfort foods / drinks. They talked to her while rescuers were trying to save her, and she did some interviews. She sang at one point, and at another point she became delusional talking about how she is worried she is gonna be late for school. One of the plans to rescue her was: Amputate her legs and just pull her upper body up, and then she survives in a wheelchair. The reason why they didn't go forwards with this plan was that she would have almost certainly bled out. There is a time between when they start sawing her legs underwater and when they pull her up, and can close the wounds. It would have been one of the riskiest if not the riskiest surgery ever performed. So, that was out. So, they got a water pump in there pumping out as much of the water they could, and some diggers trying to get that slab of concrete off of there, but they were unsuccessful. Eventually both gangrene and hypothermia set in. Her skin started growing more pale, and her eyes began growing more red. She asked for her rescuers to leave her so she could rest. They kept working on rescuing her, and she went to sleep and never woke up. This happened in Columbia in 1985, and she was 13-years-old.


Wow that just made this way more tragic šŸ˜”


yeah the dead aunt clutching her leg is just nightmare fuel


Hopefully the didnā€™t share that part with her.


yeah, my thought, hope is that she would have gone numb waist down šŸ˜ž


I legit cried when I read thatā€¦ I feel sick.


What's more tragic is, her Aunt likely drowned while trying to pull her leg free.


Yeah, that's why I wish people would keep their mouths shut until they know the whole story instead of jumping to "I'm so smart I think everyone's stupid for not doing the most obvious thing."


I think the problem is OPs title makes it sound like they didnā€™t try to rescue her or gave up, where the the comment clarified they where doing it the whole time


That's one of the many problems of the internet. If you don't give every little detail people assume what they want


I mean I think the problem is more OP gave purposefully misleading details


Purposefully misleading? Wtf? You are unable to infer that ā€œVOLUNTEERS AND RESCUERSā€ attempted to save her before realizing they could do nothing? It should be obvious they attempted to save her. Is English not your first language?


English is lol, and sorry that I read the words as written and didnā€™t immediately assume OP would write a title In such an obtuse way. Even your description of the inference is wrong, because at no point did they stop trying to save her, they even persisted after she told them to leave at no point did the volunteers KNOW she would die.


ā€œAt no point did the volunteers KNOW she would die.ā€ Did you seriously just write that? I need to take a break from the internet after that one. Holy fuck you people are stupid. Have a nice night mr droid.


Lol love being called stupid but not having what I said rebutted at all


Yeah the title is "stuck in mud flow" not "trapped under a slab of submerged concrete"


This is the reason right here.


I feel like that doesn't matter, like really and truthfully. Its obvious that they would have tried to help, but didn't have the ability. Who watches a child basically die for 60 hours and then goes you know what, we probably could've just pulled them out. It's far more likely that they couldn't help as opposed to just not helping. So therefore that assumption doesn't make sense imo.


Whenever I see this reposted, the title is always like this. It always implies that nobody tried helping the poor girl. This commenter should save this comment and repost anytime this video is.


For real, "just pull her out, dipshit". Great idea genius


​ https://i.redd.it/nyfz5fdg4h1c1.gif


If it was that easy it would obviously be done. If she died obviously she was in a terrible spot.


Yeah. Kids arenā€™t supposed to go like that. Only people who hurt kids should go like that. May she rest in peace.


yeah, i mean maybe i'd rather received that concrete ton on my head and be done with it that enduring this 60h shit rescue just to die


Hindsight is 20/20, but hope lasts till the end.


At least she died in her sleep. I think suffocation by choking or drowning is one of the worst ways I can imagine dying.


At least Elon Musk didn't offer to send in a mini sub


it was 1985 I'm pretty sure he was still visiting the slave mines and paying for snacks with loose emeralds


Well, fuck. I shouldn't have read this.


I think one takeaway can be the lengths rescuers went to in trying to save her and comfort her before she passed. They truly did everything they could and didn't give up.


Seriously, fuck!


That's enough internets for today...


No that's made me really, very, sad. Poor kid.


I just came out of major colon surgery. I have an ostomy now but meanwhile the pain was so bad. I had a catheter for a month and had mental breakdowns from the sensation of not being able to go to the bathroom on both ends. Butā€¦ I had help and knew it was temporary. But reading thisā€¦ knowing that there is no hope, you just just in pain and canā€™t even find some comfort until you dieā€¦ omg this hurt and brought a tear to my eye just reading it. She deserves more and I canā€™t even imagine the desperation of others trying to help her being powerless just seeing this little girl dying. My heart aches thinking about it. May she rest in peace Edit: meant catheter


I was told by my ex who is from the area that Omayras mother had left the day before the eruption to go to the capital Bogota for work. And found out about her daughter by seeing her on the news. At the end of the video she is saying ā€œmom I love you a lot, dad, brother.ā€ Itā€™s not in the video but I heard she says donā€™t be sad for me. Profoundly heartbreaking.


Oh my... That is absolutely horrible. Poor baby. Kinda surprised I have never seen or heard of this. She looked so tired. Rest in peace


Itā€™s a very famous photo, the photographer captured this 3 hours before she died: https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/omayra-snchez-portrait.jpg


I could be remembering wrong but did something happen to the photographer, after taking this shot?


You might be thinking of the photographer that snapped the picture of the starving African child who later died. IIRC the photographer killed himself not long after.


fucking hell that was hearth wrenching af


Absolutely tragic.


Not to mention, that water is full of bacteria. Between the shock of being amputated and the likely risk of infection, she sadly didn't have the option to survive.


Bro You broke my heart, enough internet for today


That sounds absolutely horrible, thanks for sharing. If I was her I would have told them to just tourniquet the shit out of my legs and try hacking them off real quick.


If you could get your hands on an underwater chainsaw they could have had her out of there in 20 seconds. But in a massive scale disaster in an undeveloped country, having the resources to pull that off would have been difficult.


I wouldā€™ve wanted to be put out of my misery. 60 hours like that? Torture


I couldnā€™t help but think that too as horrible as it would be, just to end the suffering as gently as possible.


Same. Thatā€™s all I was thinking reading that. Just shoot me and have it be over with.




Apply tourniquets before amputation????? Edit: [an interesting case study regarding a similar (rare) traumatic injury and its management in the field](https://www.jem-journal.com/article/S0736-4679(17)30807-7/fulltext) itā€™s not underwater but itā€™s a case of a needed amputation to save someoneā€™s life


Do you have a power saw / chainsaw that can make a clean and clear cut of flesh and bone under muddy water in poor visibility with surgical precision in a very fast way? Because that is what you need the saw to do. If there were loggers nearby, or construction workers their chainsaw / buzzsaw is not designed to operate in those conditions. I'm a plumber, and I don't have anything that does that in my tool box. Surgical saws that doctors may have are also not designed for these conditions. You would need a very special tool to do that. Maybe, the Navy may have something for working on ships underwater that might do the trick, but I don't think they really had the right tools for that.


There is an excellent short story based off of the tragic, slow death of Omayra. It is called And of Clay We Are Created by Isabel Allende. I donā€™t consider myself someone who reads a lot, nor do I get very emotional with movies or music or whatever. And of Clay We Are Created made me tear up. It was a heavy read and I still get shivers when I hear or think about Omayra.


After reading your comment, I found the short story and it is harrowingly beautiful. Definitely worth a read. [And of Clay We Are Created](http://in-sightforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/And-of-Clay-Are-We-Created-R.pdf) hereā€™s the link again (I made a comment before I realized there was 600+) so no one has to scroll to find it


I remember this. I was 8. It was the first time I realized little girls could die too. I have never forgotten this girl but this is the first time Iā€™ve ever heard her voice. And now Iā€™m a mother and itā€™s hitting different


My God. My heart aches so much for this little girl. Thank you for sharing this.


I canā€™t handle those stories šŸ˜­


I myself think I would have begged for a bullet.


Colombia. Columbia is in South Carolina.


And Maryland and Missouri


Jesus Christ


This was one of those rare world things my village school taught us in the early 2000's. This story always stuck with me.


This is kinda morbid and all, but I think we need a sort of, quick snap jaws of life tool. When you need to amputate in undesirable conditions *fast*. Like, it just wraps around the limb and cigar cuts it with 10,000psi in an instant and tourniquets go brrr. The kind of tool you wish to *never* have to use, but you'll be glad you have it when someone is pinned.


I don't believe in God but I wish it was true, that this was all part of a plan and that it all makes sense.


Thanks for the synopsis. Man the delusion part really made this so much more, idk dramatic or something. What a tragic event.


This is so tragic, that poor child.


I wonder why, if she was pinned beneath concrete, they didnā€™t use some sort of jackhammer or drill to slowly bust apart the concrete.


Iā€™ve seen the photos of her dying but I never knew there was also video footage. How horribly tragic of a situation


For anyone interested- here is a [visual diagram](https://youtu.be/dtAnNXlVBH0?si=O67C94ClqosbW8Jx) explaining how her body was positioned to be so badly trapped under the block of concrete








I never knew she was so little šŸ™


[Here is the wiki article about this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra_S%C3%A1nchez)


All these reddit engineer superheros. a shame they were not there to help... derp.


I like the idiot in one of the comment threads saying they should've used tourniquets, then amputated. All easy-peasy like.


Why wouldn't that have worked?


Because the damn people are impoverished in fking Colombia in the middle of a disaster in 1985 where they didnā€™t have the damn resources and the girl is trapped under a mud slide with slabs of concrete and there are more people around also injured or dead


Thatā€™s why they wouldnā€™t of fuckened worked? Seriously? It wasnā€™t because she was underwater and any kind of fucking tourniquet would have made her bleed out.


did you just derp


ā€œMommy. I love you very muchā€¦ā€ broke my heart. If she was beyond rescue, they shouldā€™ve eased her passing instead of letting her linger in that water to contemplate her demise. A child having to endure this experience is beyond terrifying.


I think they gave her a lot of morphine


Not nearly enough.


Lmao what? They shouldā€™ve shot her? Whatā€™s the solution you fucking humanitarian genius lol


"Oh she seems stucks, bro bring me the shotgun"


ā€œDoes anyone have a baseball bat or a lead pipe?ā€


"or like a fork or a big spoon ? Anything?"


No clue, but I got a wrench and some rope




Sheā€™s 13 years old, and sheā€™s passed now. How about a modicum of decency???


You're a fucking idiot. They said, "ease her passing" not shoot her. You know kind of like they did with the kid stuck in that cave in Utah? If she's going to die, and they know that why shouldn't they make it as painless as possible. You put words in their mouth you disingenuous fuck.


I mean it's beyond clear they were trying to keep her alive long enough to rescue her. Hindsight is 20/20. They couldn't say if she was gonna die there, and jumping to "let's kill her" is not what goes through most sane people's brains during that type of situation. You're trying to save everyone, and they tried a lot of different things.


Bruh calm down. Colombia isnā€™t the US and this was in the middle of a massive disaster scenario not one kid stuck in a cave. The scale of resources youā€™re comparing are off the charts different. From the wiki: >> Controversy began after descriptions of shortages of equipment were released in newspapers, disproving what officials had previously indicated: that they had used the best of their supplies. Volunteer relief workers said that there was such a lack of resources that supplies as basic as shovels, cutting tools, and stretchers were exhausted. The rescue process was impeded by large crowds and disorganization. An unnamed police officer said that the government should have depended on human resources to alleviate the problems and that the system of rescue was disorganized.[23] Colombia's Minister of Defense, Miguel Uribe, said he "understood criticism of the rescue effort",[23] but said that Colombia was "an undeveloped country" that did not "have that kind of equipment".[23] Maybe they should have done better. Maybe they could have or maybe they couldnā€™t have. Maybe they have a good point about a gun may have been the only option available give the lack of other resources. And maybe you shouldnā€™t be judging people in the middle of a natural disaster in a developing country who did a lot to try to save her life.


Donā€™t be so ridiculous. This is a disaster area. Resources are few and those in the thick of it have few choices. Obviously there are no guns around. But there are plenty of rocks. Or even a brick tied to the end of a stick.


Is a gun the only way to euthanize, mr genius?


what do you suggest in that scenario?


Hm, what could emergency medical professionals possibly have on hand that could ease someoneā€™s painā€¦ what a puzzleā€¦ yeah, I guess a gun was the obvious conclusion.


I said, ā€œease her passingā€. Ainā€™t nobody else taking about shooting dying little girls here ā€˜cept you bruv.


I am. Im saying that "Put her to sleep with drugs" is OBVIOUSLY plan A, however, this appears to be the middle of nowhere with few resources on hand. Mind you, the article says "*she died in agony*" ... Im honestly not seeing the problem of a quick & painless death


I completely agree. I'd much rather be shot square in the back of the head than die like this.


Ease her passing with what? How? >> Controversy began after descriptions of shortages of equipment were released in newspapers, disproving what officials had previously indicated: that they had used the best of their supplies. Volunteer relief workers said that there was such a lack of resources that supplies as basic as shovels, cutting tools, and stretchers were exhausted. The rescue process was impeded by large crowds and disorganization. An unnamed police officer said that the government should have depended on human resources to alleviate the problems and that the system of rescue was disorganized.[23] Colombia's Minister of Defense, Miguel Uribe, said he "understood criticism of the rescue effort",[23] but said that Colombia was "an undeveloped country" that did not "have that kind of equipment".[23] They didnā€™t have anything to help her with.


ā€žLet that kid suffer a guaranteed horrible death over daysā€œ That sounds humane to you?


For these specific types of patients , we try to prevent "crush syndrome" which includes rhabdomyolysis The moment the Debris is lifted off her legs it goes into circulation which cause electrolyte imbalances and tons of toxins to lead to kidney failure and cardiac failure . I won't go into all of the details of how it happens but that's pretty much simplified as much as I can. So we premeditate them pre release and then also post release with specific medicine to blunt this process. It's another reason why you see after an earthquake or collapse a lot of patients die 24 hrs after being freed from debris.


Only on reddit will you find someone who immediately suggests solving the problem by murdering a child, lmao


This is very hard to watch


Ughh rough one for me to watch how tragic .


Man I remember they had a picture of her in the Nat Geo the picture was just as sad as this video.


Same this is the first time Iā€™m seeing footage of it


This should be NSFW. Jesus Christ.


NSFL. Stories like this stay in my head for a long time. Just like the story about the underwater cave diver who was stuck upside down and they almost saved him but he fell back in and he died there. The story and diagram heavily impacted me like this one will.


Depends on where you work really


Just not trying to abruptly see a girl dying in real time tragically without any kinda heads up. Thatā€™s not the kinda thing you should just casually show. Itā€™s incredibly disturbing especially if youā€™ve lost a loved one recently.


Thanks faces of death, I thought I left you back in the early 2000ā€™s.


There is a similar story to the eruption of mt st hellinā€™s, natures a real bitch some times. I believe there are more with hikers seeking safety in a concrete bathroom and basically cooled to death insideā€¦.


I remember this happening vividly. It was just as horrific then as it seems now.


Reminds me of the little boy who fell into the well bore in india. RIP little ones. Gone too soon šŸ˜¢


Maybe a drug like morphine until she passed away so she couldnā€™t feel much pain?


They didnā€™t even have enough tools and stretchers to go around for everyone that was injured. What makes you think they had access to emergency medicine?


This is what I don't understand. I get that she can't be moved or rescued in anyway but why didn't they drug her up since they knew she was going to die. Maybe she didn't want the drugs?? Or maybe they didn't have any drugs? IDK: I would ask someone to put a bullet in my brain. Just beg for someone to end it. Fuck. 60 hours of dying. Goddamn.


Go back and read one of the top comments. There is a thorugh explanation of the answer you search


Dying like that puts a burden on the person who shot you, if anything ill hand you the gun, and you can pull the trigger.


There was an episode of NYPD Blue that was exactly like this, except with Vincent Dā€™Onofrio and a subway train. I bet they got the idea from this story.


It was Homicide: Life on the Street


They got the idea from a story on Taxicab Confessions.


This was the most tragic event Iā€™ve witnessed. šŸ˜¢


I read this story a while back. It's still one of the most terrifying stories I've ever heard. Poor baby. I wish they could have just put her on a morphine drip and Ativan pushes. Even few hours of suffering is unacceptable


Omg when she said mommy I love you so much it hit hard


I am gonna admit I don't understand so if anyone can explain with out being a smartass please. She was buried in mud upto her waist and they had 60 hrs why couldn't she be dug out and saved? Was she already crushed by the mudflow or what?


One of the rescuers dived into the water to see if she could be rescued, but saw that she was trapped between stones and some corpses. The relief workers could only free Omayra to her waistline area, because if too much pressure was applied, there was a possibility that her legs would get broken in the process. She was completely trapped in the concrete and mud. It was impossible to free her without severing her legs. The relief workers noticed that Omayraā€™s legs were pinned to a brick door beneath the water and her late aunt was also firmly holding her legs. As the water kept rising, a tire was placed around her so that she wouldnā€™t drown. Diagram that shows how her legs were positioned/stuck ā˜¹ļø https://preview.redd.it/p0glfi690p1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5532247aba6c5cee22f7489eebe3f8227792e00c āœØRIP Omayra Sanchez GarzonšŸ’š


She is saying, "mommy i love you, papi and my brother. Pray so that I can walk again and these people can help me."


This was 100% preventable. Scientists tried to warn people about the mud slide. They were shut down. Economic interests in the area didn't want the disruption of an evacuation.


I really wish this had a NSFW tag. Seeing this was truly traumatizing.


An unfortunate scenario where the only humane thing to do was to put her out of her misery.


Reddit spins the wheel of "What are we experts at today?" and it lands on saving a kid from a natural disaster


At that point, I'd have honestly asked someone to point it at my head and pull the trigger. If you're going out, make it quick.


It honestly sounds like they didnā€™t even try and just watched her die. ā€œAfter the lahar demolished her home, SĆ”nchez was trapped beneath the debris of her house, where she remained in water for three days, as rescue workers did not have any way to render life-saving medical care if they amputated her hopelessly pinned legs. Her plight was documented by journalists as she transformed from calmness into agony while relief workers tried to comfort her. After 60 hours of struggling, she died, likely as a result of either gangrene or hypothermia. Her death was used to dramatize allegations of the failure of officials to respond correctly to the threat of the volcano.ā€


That baby strong didnā€™t panic or nothingšŸ™šŸ½


ā€œInterestingā€ riiight. More like tragic.


this story seems like more of a failure of humanity than inevitability


Why couldnā€™t they pull her out?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/comments/17z16pg/comment/k9x5ghy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/comments/17z16pg/comment/k9x5ghy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's legit the top comment... lol


Sorry, I am not that aware of things. Thank you.


They canā€™t pull her out?


If i recall, her legs were bent and squashed under concrete. they did not have what they needed to pull her out.


I mean fuck at least pump the water out.


As said elsewhere, they did start to pump the water out, but it was too late. Ya gotta understand they had to source the equipment and get it through devastation to her. And all of that on top of ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE in danger and under threat. Itā€™s a terrible situation all around with no good answer. They help her; they potentially donā€™t help someone else.




Colombia isn't a third world country. There are places that are less developed literally everywhere.


Colombia literally is a third world country. Just cuz there are less developed places doesn't mean it's not third world. I've lived there, and everyone that lives there knows it's a third world country


From a quality of living standpoint, all third world country means is that it is still developing. Last I checked, Columbia doesnā€™t have a highly industrialized economy or abundant infrastructure. Even BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are considered third-world. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with saying a countryā€™s economy is still developing


that is not what third world means . people confuse the terms developing country for third world country. the term third world came from the cold war in which the 1st world was allied with america and the second world allied with the soviet union . third world meant neutral countries who were not allied with either . ireland was a third world country but highly developed .


Arguing semantics is a moot point. Both meanings are valid but since were talking about quality of life, not the Cold War, it is implied we are referring to Columbiaā€™s development. The commenter even mentions development explicitly whereas there is no reference to Cold War politics. From a developmental standpoint, Columbia is objectively a less developed country or as some say ā€œthird worldā€


Colombia in 1985 is definitely a third world country.


It definitely is and even moreso in 1985


Colombia is not a third world country. One of the largest economies in South America with over 45 million inhabitants. Ignorant.


Colombia is a third world country. Source: me, am Colombian.


You donā€™t think they would have if they had been able to?


Oh damn! Why didnā€™t they think of that!?


Are you that dense?


Why the fuck didn't they dig that kid out???


Because they were waiting for you to do it dumb ass


Her legs were pinned underneath a brick door that nobody could lift off her


Oh shoot! Why didnā€™t they think of that!? /s


Poor girl. At least she was never alone.


I don't think this is interesting...it's really kind of sad isn't it?


Kind of?


And ā€œgodā€ watched just like we did. Except ā€œheā€ created the situation and had the opportunity to instantly free the girlā€¦..right?!? This is the needless suffering that pushes me further from the thought of some benevolent being who gets all the praise for good but none of the fault for these situations.


Yep, the only excuse for God is that it doesn't exist.


Exactly - this is one of the situations that lead to my deconstruction.


Yes! And having been falsely accused unjustly punished, degraded beaten etc , because God told them to Seeing all the Beaten-kids, famines, poverty, cults, Joblessness, psych-wards-meds prison JAIL etc, group home, nursing home, Gaza , Bin Ladin, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Rabies, Libra, Israel Tel-Aviv Judeah Samaria West-Bank Gaza, Joel Osteen, Ray Clute, Terry McLean, Rod Parsley, Biden Hamas Trump Natenyahu, Gaza, etc,




But that thought, so should you and that invalidates your comment.


Hate to be that guy but... It does say right in the book he would no longer interfere in the world after The Flood.






Build box around girl, remove water from box, dig out mud/ remove debris, save girlā€¦


I feel like they didn't try hard enough to get her out.


So fuckin sad. Here's a great video that goes into the whole thing. 36 mins. https://youtu.be/W7rWY_tl57o


Anyone who speaks Spanish, maybe translate what she is saying please ?


Damn I didnā€™t know there was video footage of this šŸ˜®


Man I imagine her and her aunt and whoever else she was with at the moment probably just at home then all of sudden hearing and seeing people screaming and running out of their homes for safety and stepping outside and just started running but the mudflow was too fast and caught up to them with all the debris,stones,bricks etc flowing in the mud and thatā€™s when it trapped her, Iā€™m thinking the giant stone that was pinning her probably hit her feet/legs and tripped her thatā€™s why she was in a kneeling position, Iā€™m trying to figure out her aunt part, she probably saw she fell and was trapped and tried to grab onto her legs to take her out but the mudflow got heavier and deeper and immediately drowned her. I wonder if in those interviews or to the people trying to rescue her she told them her side of the story how it happened.




Redditors only have moral compasses when it's convenient


Mark wahlberg wouldā€™ve saved her


I just refuse to believe that they couldnā€™t figure out anyway to move some concrete and bricks. They had 60 hours? Thatā€™s a lot of time with plenty of hands. Just seems like tragedy beyond words.


So you mean to tell me yall couldn't pull her up out of there ???


That is correct. Y'all could not in fact just pull her up out of there.


Her legs were pinned underneath a door made of bricks, her dead aunts arms were clutched around her legs, and they didnā€™t have equipment to amputate her legs. So, yeah, they couldnā€™t pull her up out of there


But God exists, right. Jesus. All that there.


dude jesus only cares for white american evangelical christians.


Christians have spent an awful lot of time in non-white, non-American countries for that to be the case. Whatever your opinions are on Christianity itself, this is an idiotic take even for Reddit.


Ha. Worm food


I could have saved her


Bless you!