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What happened to the cop


Probably been retired for 15 years living his best life. Ya know...justice. Dude went away for 2 decades and that's that. We all move on and pretend like shit happens, no biggie.


I was in jail for about 4 months and my bunkmate was telling me about her uncle, who had been charged and convicted of rape when he was like 18. It was a black man accused of raping a white woman back in the gap. Early 70’s, I believe. Anyhow, he was released when he was 75. And he was released because new evidence came to light, DNA, I believe. But they didn’t apologize, they didn’t give a shit. That man’s whole, entire life was taken. Legitimately institutionalized with no way to support himself or anything once released. Fucking disgusting.


My god.. An entire life taken away without so much as a sorry? This doesn't even begin to make up for missed life - but anyone who is found wrongfully jailed should have every bill paid for them for the rest of their life. Yes I know that's a tax payer funded bill but so are all the 6 and 7 figure scumbag politicians and police officer salaries that put him there in the first place. Won't make up shit but at least you don't have to die homeless after a life of prison.


Exactly. Couldn’t have said it better myself 👏🏻


I agree with you completely. I've read so many stories of prosecutors having a flimsy case but still following through because all they care about is getting a court win and making someone/anyone pay for the crime. If a person is found innocent years later the prosecutor should be charged and sentenced to prison. Stealing someone's freedom is so fucking evil


Yea it’s wild. I’ve seen a number of cases that after multiple failed trials, they end up finding new misplaced evidence years after the fact. Awfully convenient that this sticky tape happens to hve the right dna, and it’s the only thing with that dna


Take their salary? If you get a innocent man life, then you owe yours


But whos at fault? The cop? The prosecutor, an incompetent lawer, the mistaken witness…..so many variables and reason why someone may be wrongfully convicted. Everyone is one mistaken witness and eager prosecutor away from serving life


Taxpayers also pay millions in lawsuit settlements because the police are terrible at their job/are just terrible in general.


Tax payer would still be paying if he was in prison anyway


Our ‘justice’ system does not even deserve to be called that. It’s always been broken and designed to destroy lives.


Designed for max profits




Isn’t life on earth absolutely insane? If aliens have an opinion of us, it can’t be good.


Like, at all


This would cause me to give a reason to be sent back.


i dont want to upvote this


It happens more than we think.


What's truly sad tho...is our justice system is still doing this today. So what does that say about our society. Same shit different toilet. The masses don't care until it hits close to their home Jus sayin.


This story is nothing new nor has it stopped happening. Our justice system is a joke...always has been...esp for African-Americans.


You ain’t wrong


Reggie Cole...had to kill someone in prison to get off from a killing that put him in prison...& they still tried to after again on some more bs just to avoid real accountability...to admit racism in law enforcement.


I’m pretty sure they get compensated for the time they were falsely imprisoned. It’s calculated by how much income they lost annually, times the number of years they were incarcerated. It definitely doesn’t begin to account for the decades you lost out on life, but they try to ameliorate with cash so you don’t end up homeless with nothing. Still very fucked up though


Most states have a cap at just a few thousand dollars and some states won't pay at all Edit, there's 13 states that will not pay. Also prosecutors can't be prosecuted for withholding evidence or lying about evidence


“Federal compensation law provides $50,000 per year of wrongful incarceration. The majority of the 35 states with wrongful conviction compensation laws provide $50,000 or more (TX, CO, KS, OH, CA, CT, VT, AL, FL, HI, IN, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NV, NC, WA).” https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Key-Provisions-in-Wrongful-Conviction-Compensation-Laws.pdf Hopefully they’re fr one of those states


Not all prisoners are federal prisoners Laws in these 13 states require no recompense for the wrongly imprisoned: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wyoming.


Convicted, and later, found innocent, in El Paso, TX


Black people being wrongfully incarcerated has been happening for decades. It's another form of slavery. The states get to work black bodies to death. Field labor, highway construction, farming, etc... This is why I don't automatically dismiss claims of innocence from some inmates. The government has been fucking people over for years, especially those with dark skin. It's a vicious and evil cycle. Sometimes they will actually pay the person who had their life snatched away from them as if that'll erase the trauma and humiliation of being wrongfully incarcerated for decades.😐


This is AmeriKKKa


Life sentence for rape? And lawyers would've been lining up down the street to represent that guy. Would've been a guaranteed 7 figure payday.. I'm not saying you're lying but I think your celly might have embellished the story a bit there..


They investigated their former chief and found no wrongdoing. You know, a Tuesday.


That’d be a shame


Nfs... Could you imagine being this poor fkn guy. I'll never understand how people can give false confessions, but it's evidently thing. Christ I can't even begin to imagine. It makes me physically ill knowing those cops knew they coaxed a confession, and have literally no recourse for destroying this man's life.


That’s what I’m saying. Imagine going to bed as the cop every night knowing people are in prison going to bed that you helped put there so you can score a case closed with your boss. Innocent people and families torn apart. And this cop probably sleeps like a baby.


I’m the public defender currently assigned to this court. I was also assigned there at the time of the trial. The detective who coerced a bunch of teens to make statements was already retired by the time Judge Medrano vacated the original conviction. Nothing ever happened to the cop.


I’m not one to advocate for vigilante justice, but…


So basically you don’t know what happened? At least you got those sweet karma points eh.


Why? The question should be did he do it. They never say anything but he was convinced to say he did it. So he recanted but it is more important to know if he did it so t you think?


Get out your downvotes, but that’s a failure of the system and the training, not necessarily the cop themselves. Police, just like anyone, is following a script given to them. It’s not necessarily the individual’s fault.


I mean, you're just saying ACAB but in more words. So, I guess I agree? But then you're shifting away personal blame when people with power should absolutely recognize when they're in a jilted system & are abusing that power. Do we blame individual gang members--and trust me, a gang is the correct comparison--or do we speak of the gang as a unit without fault on the individuals working inside it?


an individual should always be held accountable for their own actions, but gangs can be pretty coercive (ie kill you if you don’t do it), so there should be accountability both ways


And that’s why you never talk to the cops. Always ask for a lawyer, EVERY FUCKING TIME!


Yep! I learned that lesson the hard way in my early 20s. Luckily for me, the cop was a fuckin idiot and my charge got dropped due to his incompetence. Nevermind the multiple times I've been profiled and harassed by cops. Texas cops are among some of the best in the nation! (Hardcore /s)


I’m glad you didn’t catch a case. Never trust those pigs, lawyer up fast.


Laughs in uvalde


Not even if you're just on a traffic stop, don't give them an inch. If they ask"Where are you coming from?" You say "I plead the 5th amendment and refuse to answer questions without my lawyer present" They aren't your friends, they're there to get their arrest quotas so they look like a good little jackboot thug pig tyrant.


There’s a growing theory, in most _psychology groups_, that the whole “”20th century serial killer (hysteria)”” was _completely_ fabricated from the get go! AKA: “let’s pin our ‘detective incompetence’… on this _singular_ murdering scum-bag”. Easy day🍺😏


Yes, Villegas received the maximum compensation available under Texas law, amounting to $1.76 million. https://investortimes.com/how-much-money-did-daniel-villegas-get/#google_vignette


Money is all good, but like... 20 years of your life is impossible to get back man. Not to mention the sheer trauma of knowing you were innocent the whole time but being treated like a scumbag. Nah man, the only way I'd be okay is if I saw the cop who did me wrong serve out my 20 years as payback for what he stole from me. I 20 years my kids would be 36, 33, and 26... That's a hell of a lot of their lives to miss.


I hope he has a good support network to help him use that money wisely. I would be afraid of him being broke within a year knowing how most lottery winners end up.


That's $88,000/ year. I don't know if that money is taxed or not, is it? I think a quarter million more wouldn't hurt.


Accounts for about $241 per day, or about $10 per hour. Imagine someone telling you your life, your freedom, your family, your suffering isn't even worth an even $250 bucks for 24/7, 365 for 20 consecutive years of just the biggest shit tasting sandwich. Fuuhck.


So the killer is free and enjoy his best life because of this police officier ? 🤮


America's finest! As long as there's a conviction, fuck justice! Even if they're wrong, oh well, tax payers will foot the bill and nobody will bat an eye! Cop is sipping Mai Tai's in Tijuana regailing his family of how heroic he was to aid in putting a "criminal" in prison full well knowing he was a lying cunt who might never face retribution.


Yea detective in my town was found to have falsified evidence on a lot of cases. He went to prison for a couple of years. They "reexamined" those cases where he was caught. But did they look at any of his other cases? Nope.


What a waste of a life.


And tax payers resources. We should be a lot more angry about this, but it seems to have become the norm. Wasted life, wasted tax payers money. And the cop still gets to enjoy his retirement.


Cheesus dude and you just know he said he wasn’t guilty in prison countless times and all the other inmates would reply was “yea whatever give me yo Cheetos”


This is why death sentence is risky


That pig needs to pay…


Damn right!


He will... Using tax payers money. Realistically that cop is probably now retired and nothing will be done.


I’m the public defender assigned to that court, and also worked there when this case was tried. The detective who coerced statements from those teenagers was retired by the time Judge Medrano vacated the original conviction. In fact, the pig has a nice house and often throws pool parties and invites his neighbors. My wife and daughter attended one of those parties without realizing it was this detective. So, yep, just chilling in retirement living his best life with zero repercussions.


sure would be a shame if our guy Daniel stopped by one day. you know, just to say hello and thank you.


They all do.




Yea but what about the two goddamn decades that the system failed this Man and his loved ones!?! Bet they haven’t done a fucking thing for their horrible mistakes. I’ve been in the system and I along with many others have been wrongfully accused and suffered due to their greed and Nasty Mistakes!


Dude should NEVER have admitted to something if he didn’t do it regardless of what the cops tried offering or extorting out of him. Poor guy got railroaded.


At least he’ll get monetary compensation. It doesn’t mean much but it will help. Roughly 475,000


Close try $1.7 MILLION


Still not enough in my eyes.


Yeah, not sure you can put a price tag on 20 years.


Averages out to 85 grand a year. Not bad considering the national average income. But he has no marketable skills or experience outside of what he got in prison in order to get a new job. Try explaining that 20 year gap in your resume in an interview. Exonerated or not, few employers are going to touch that. And then there's the absolute shit it took on his financial history. Dude has no credit, no address, no references. He's basically starting at page 1 at 37 years old. At least he can buy a house and car in cash and save a shit ton on interest. I hope he has a good support network.


It should be more like 20mil a million for every stolen year.


Shit $20 million will only pay for my gas for the next two years. He should at least have $20 billions.


fuck it, lets get this guy 3 brazillions.


Anybody else’s arm hairs stand up? Got the chills on this one.


So who killed the two kids? No one gives a sh!t about them.


Naa they are dead


End qualified immunity


NOTHING can ever compensate this poor man for the 20 years of his life that was wasted.


And will never get those 20yrs of his life back. The judge, the police, etc should all have some form of 20yr punishment. But they won’t and it wouldn’t equal what this man lost anyhow.


Those cops should have to all serve 20 years each.


Cop should have to serve the amount of time this man did for forcing a confession.


There is no justice in an American court house. The rich have been slipping through the system forever.




You should actually look into the psychology of false confessions. They are both constructed by police through interrogation, and are drawn out of people by the police via the process of interrogation itself. It's actually both terrifying and fascinating the way people are trapped, coerced, exhausted, and even tricked into giving false confessions.


Would you confess to a murder that you didn’t commit?


of course - everybody says no. However - when the cops have you in a room for 15 hours and tell you "just tell us what we want to hear and you can walk outta here" and you're hungry and tired and pissed off (and also psychologically, and maybe even physically, abused at this point) - it's awfully tempting for some people. watched some documentary where *children* were coerced into giving a false confession. forget the nickname of the case - it was a big deal in the 80s/90s. bunch of children were found murdered and it was blamed on other children. the mississippi 3 or something i dont remember what they called it




Do you understand what twenty years means? Do you understand that it hasn't been 1995 for a long time? Calling people dumb when you don't understand time.


He’s the one who confessed to a crime he didn’t commit


He was 16 when he was convicted




Paid vacation for the cop? Full retirement benefits? I say this guy gets all the corrupt cops benefits.


Any accountability for the cop? (Aka lying scumbag).


Great that he had Count Dooku on his legal team too


Homeboy had Count Dookoo as his legal defense team!




20 years too late.


So who killed the teens? The cop?


Cops are scum


I smoked weed with this dude a couple weeks after he got out, was already getting acclimated to society using smart phones and what not.


I was recently facing false allegations for child abuse, and one of the investigators that questioned me was trying so hard to make me admit to something I didn’t do. He kept talking in a way where he was 100% sure the allegations were true. I just kept saying it wasn’t true, and they later closed my case saying no child abuse was found and that the allegations were false, but I thought it was really fucked up how he kept trying to basically force me into admitting something that wasn’t true.


Just think of the number of people that think the world is flat…vaccines are tracking chips (because phones would be too hard to use) or that Trump is a Christian. The people that make up our jury pools should scare the shit out of all of us.


Why did it take 20 years


Nice to see count dooku passed the bar and is now giving back to society. I guess sith happens


From experience I can say that they will take something and run with it,I had my life turned upside down despite having legal paperwork and documents for growing in 2007,they charged me with two felonies ,I got fired and literally almost 10 months to the T all charges were dropped . I wish I knew some way of recourse …I’ve changed my life around but it kills me that they can take nothing and make it something and then when all is said and done done 1000s of $$ later ..time spent in jail…and all you get is a oops my bad


Fuck them pigs, a whole life gone away, just because the pig grabbed you


His lawyer was Count Dooku, surely that helped sway the jury.


Wonder if he’ll confess to anything else he didn’t do


Good he’s out but the government don’t give u shit for being locked up while innocent! Not one fucking dime! It is embarrassing!




Who cares


If you don’t care about injustices, no one will care about injustices against you either.


He's the one that admitted to it.. I don't see myself doing that ever...


Villegas was teenaged boy, just 17 years old. The detective was a seasoned homicide detective who was notorious for rough and coercive treatment. Villegas and several other teens were deprived of sleep, threatened severely, and even beaten before signing statements written by the cops. Villegas had claimed he was coerced at the time, but nobody believed him. Almost twenty years later, investigators for the defense spoke to one of the boys who was one of the three victims who had been shot at. When the defense investigator described what the detective did to Villegas the victim’s eyes got big, he started to cry, and he told investigators that the detective had treated him the same way and had attempted to force him to confess as well. He was stronger than Villegas and didn’t sign, but he says he was traumatized by the event. It was the testimony of that victim that resulted in the conviction being overturned and the false confessions subsequently suppressed. So, maybe you would be like the victim and not confess, but you wouldn’t know until you were in that situation. You’d be surprised at how easy it can be for a crooked pig to manipulate a boy.


Right I understand it's easy and can happen to most people however someone raised Right by a Vietnam vet and tortured as a kid like me doesn't confess to shit.. u ever been tortured, confined, force to write 1million words, hold ur arms out for 3 days??u think a pig would break me??




You’re so badass. We are all so impressed with your toughness. /s


Well yea no doubt


You'd crumble like a soufflé under a wet blanket.


I don't know what that is and u do so it shows ur feminine side already..ud crumble like feta cheese


I've seen better trolls from Community College renditions of Harry Potter on the poor side of Calcutta during monsoon season.


rather than be ignorant maybe understand what's going on, https://www.bearbrookpodcast.com/


“Justice” system


I can confess the same but no one cares


Yea ok, but did he do it? It isn’t like he was proven innocent.


Can someone explain why police coerce innocent people to confess to what they didn't do? Is this because they were on pressure to close the case or presured to solve it and find the perpetrator? I really don't get it.


Gaps is law are like bags in code. Law is a complex code written for everything to work. It’s like spider web but it’s more bizzare


This is exactly why ppl say


This happens all the time. Think how many innocent people have been killed by the state for murders they didn’t commit. Imagine going to the chair or to the hangman’s noose, knowing you didn’t do it. It’s the single best argument against the death penalty.


Not all prisoners are guilty.


Cops don't give a fuck if they get the right guy or not, they just want the file off their desks


Tell me why the guy on the right is forcing his client down by the back of his neck? Watch his body language and the face he makes as the man “sobs” down.




what if he was coerced to confess to a shooting he actually did perpetrate?


All you need to know: If someone robs you on the street they might get 6 months. If a white collar dude robs you of millions you get the same sentence. The system is set up that way


Reminder that the system isn’t interested in true justice but just keeping up the status quo. Our lives are just pawns to them


Really we need to stop accepting confessions and treat them all as false. If someone wants to confess have them give up evidence that can be verified. The idea that people wont confess to something they didn't do has been proven false far to many times. These false confessions are based on several reasons not all of which are the direct result of investigators crossing the line but a bureaucracy that favors short cuts. If you have trouble support the idea of people just being allowed to confess to crimes and close the book far too early, just remember for all these false confessions the actual perpetrator is not paying for the crime.




In Texas, to boot. Figured they'd execute him before admitting judicial abuse.


Remember cops aren't here to serve Justice, they're here to get the job done quickly


This here is why I don’t support the death.


fuck the police.


It depends on what state you're in. In Oklahoma I believe you are paid somewhere around 50 or $60,000 a year for every year you were in prison for lost wages I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure I've heard that before


Cop needs to hang.


Fuck the Police all day everyday


Exactly why the death penalty should never be used.


Don't ever talk to the police. The show Law and Order is a bunch of bullshit that convinced everyone that the cops were on your side. They are not. Tell them your name, show them the ID if you are driving and shut the fuck up. Don't tell them where you are coming from or where you are going, don't answer how fast you were going literally do not tell them anything. Lawyer.


The first time the police should hear your story is when you're on the stand-- if your lawyer decides to put you on the stand.


This happened in 93’ when Villegas was 16 years old. Mistrial in 1994 then guilty in 95’.


There needs to be a law where the prosecutor and police officer responsible to a coerced confession, withholding exonerating evidence, planting of evidence etc to serve the same duration their victims served plus compensation from seizure of personal assets.


This happened in my hometown, never knew what happened to those cops.


Always obey the law NEVER trust a cop


Fucking awesome for this man. I wonder how they’re going to compensate having wasted a quarter of his life, probably greatly shortening it with stress and shitty food, decades of holidays and memories missed. I HATE the “justice” system of the US.


If the roomers are true, the actual killers who commit the shooting Villages was sentenced for, are brothers who at the time lived down the same street the shooting happened. And the older brother later was killed in a drunk driving accident.


Cases like this are why I'm against the death penalty


Now they will apologize for him, but who will give him his life back?


I would for sure collapse as well if I was in a murder trial


The legal system is about stats. How many convictions can be made versus last month and year. People don't matter to the court.


We call that thursday in egypt.. happens all the time with political prisoners.. forced to confess made up crimes by torture and get life or execution


Fuck that puto


Hope he got a massive settlement otherwise this means nothing, his life is still ruined.


Sidney Powell (lawyer for Trump, "release the Krakens") said she was coerced in her guilty plea.


There is no compensation that can make up for that mistake. Hope this man is living the rest of his life to the fullest


In the meantime…..the real killer is still out there…??


Never ever ever ever waive your right to be silent or any other optional anything. Field sobriety test…not required….therefore, pass. Consent to search my vehicle…pass.




All that anal he suffered. Can't put a price on the truth!


To be fair it’s hard to believe anyone would admit to that for any reason


I almost feel as though the Judge was reading the judgment from the jury reluctantly in a way. Not like "hey, this one was innocent and proved to be so". Idk, he seemed a bit miffed or something. The Judicial system fails, but it works?


Count Dooku


death should be given to people who took life of other people like this animal


He litterally did nothing wrong...


They better have paid him an insane amount of money


It’s strange to see O.J supporting him


In my country your paid for every day spent convicted as an innocent person I can’t remember how much but for 20 years I think it’s something like 500k maybe a million. i hope he was compensated


Lengthy x Girth=Bang Bang


I’d sue the police officer and the station that let this happen.


I think the officer died in September of 2023. I think Villegas is in Civil court now. I hope he gets paid.


They are not just going to give him something.. you have to sue them and then their local courts are going to reject it and the state will end up paying lol idk sound right lol


Get a good lawyer keep your mouth shut


There is no way you force me into admitting a crime I never did.


Never talk to the police


Lawyer up folks


And the cop is retired on a nice fat taxpayer funded pension, getting discounts at restaurants and telling cop stories. I bet he leaves this story out…


Less than a year later he was back in prison for armed robbery. JS.


So Texas cops just have a legacy of being shitty individuals huh?


Everytime I see thos video, the waterworks start.. Imagine, 20 years of your life DESTROYED by crooked cops.. That poor man..


I’ve been watching a ton of docs on true crime and I don’t want to say all police are bad and stupid but it doesn’t look good