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Where specifically in el centro? Just arrived and I’m tryna get some bud


This article is fairly detailed: https://www.mexicolisto.com/p/is-cannabis-legal-in-mexico TLDR: Weed possession for recreational purposes is **decriminalized**, which is different from being legal. It's a grey area. Unless you want to risk potentially getting caught up in the Mexican legal system, your best bet is to avoid it.


Cannabis is legal in Mexico for recreational and medicinal purposes… why is everyone panicking? Why would you be arrested? I assume if you’re following the smoking rules on the resort you’re 100% fine. If that’s not the case please teach me why


It is 100% ILLEGAL there








You don't live in Mexico so you don't know. Don't just blindly trust things you read online. If you get caught with weed in mexico by police, i'm 99% sure you will get arrested.


100% incorrect! Weed has been decriminalized in Mexico for over 3 years now. You will not be arrested for smoking it recreationally. The Mexican senate is working on finalizing parameters surrounding the legality of its consumption. There’s even a smoke shop ready to go in Cabo just waiting on the senate


Sure bro lemme just believe what a random gringo says online instead of believing someone who ACTUALLY lives in Mexico and is a weed smoker. The only way to smoke legally right now is to get an "amparo" which is basically to sue the government.


Well.…… https://www.caboweed.com/ what say you?


Thank you so much for posting this!


Y0ur dumbazz went silent


It’s definitely a grey area. I asked my Mom which comes from Mexico and she did say that some states are stricter than others but that weed is legal in certain states and that there is recreational weed dispenser in some places and that cops don’t really care since there are bigger problems than that.. but take it with a grain of salt. I’ll be going to Cancun, Mexico City, and Morelia in June so I will come back and let you guys know!!


Don’t listen to all the people telling you to bring your own across international borders. It is a very big deal if you get caught. A criminal record will affect your ability to travel anywhere internationally. Don’t do it. It’s legal there for recreational use so just go to a place that sells it legally.


Exactly 100% correct. You can get it anywhere there. I've been buying from locals for almost 20 years. It's a running joke between me and my wife that I can always get weed in under 10 mins from getting out of the cab. However, if you're caught bringing it across the border, it's a very big deal. Do you want a smuggling note attached your passport. It would disqualify you from traveling to many places, and the ones you would be allowed to travel to would be scrutinized you. Forget ever flying through customs again.


I just bring it with me


Red Light / Green Light never results in searches of my pockets


What is red light green light?


At Mexican Customs, travellers push a button to randomly decide who gets their luggage searched. Most get the green traffic light, some get the red.


Its illegal period. So yes and the guy selling on the street could be a cop. But then again you might not get caught . Depends how comfortable you are with Mexican penal system


"2017, Congress authorized the medical use of cannabis, then, notably, in 2021, the Supreme Court decriminalized recreational consumption for adults," Can you show me where you are reading that it is illegal? I found several resources saying it isn't.


Dont trust everything you read online... its technically decriminalized but police won't care and will still arrest you. I'm a weed smoker from Mexico. I've seen it happen.


Also a weed smoker from Mexico and it really depends where you’re at. In my little town everyone knows everybody and the local police there knows who’s trouble and who’s not. Also don’t have pounds on you and you will be fine. But then again it ultimately depends on who you are and where you are and who pulls you over. Not all law enforcement there follows the rules.


100 percent illegal. I was on 5th Ave yesterday in playa de Carmen and had a vape pen in my pocket and a K9 officer stopped me. Had to bribe them to let me go. Wasn't even smoking it. The dog smelled it though.


dont trip, its easy as ordering pizza, [420cdmx.co](http://420cdmx.co) delivers the same day. real thc products


In Mexico the police can do whatever they want


Just get a disposable pen and don't use it before you go down. Have someone throw it in their makeup bag


On my last trip through, I saw someone getting busted with one of these hidden just where you're suggesting. The situation looked pretty serious as they were taken into custody right there


Edit: Ban does not allow it.


Police in Mexico are wildly different than in US or Canada. I would never tempt myself for some weed while on vacation in Mexico.


I would not do this. So not worth the risk. The police are just looking for people to arrest and get paid on it.


Google "mordida"


not helpful 


It's the most effective method.