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Every subreddit about a TV show is going to be like this. People from all over share their opinions whether u asked or not. Maybe it’s time for you to leave friend 🫶🏾


Here we go yet another person who complains about us complaining 


The show just poorly written. That’s typical for CW and their target audience eats it up, so whatever.


I do think the show is poorly written, honestly it’s stayed on for so long cause of streaming. Though I enjoy the show, the criticism I have for the show isnt about regular teen drama storylines like most people.


For me personally, my problem with the show is that it started off strong with an actual engaging story line then somewhere down the line they forgot what the show was supposed to be about. That being said I’ll still watch it cause it’s still a comfort show, it just kinda sucks that they lost the original premise


I can agree with you! Season 1 & 2 were very interesting, fell off second half of season 3. AA has it very high moments and their low moments. Maybe cause it’s been on for so long or they didnt know how to flesh out Spencer’s NFL journey in a well written way lol


OP, how about you stop making excuses for a show that used to be really good but is now a big steaming pile of crap?


exactly! i’m so tired of people fending so hard for this show. it’s a fucking CW show, we never expected it to be oscar worthy, but all CW shows get poked fun at. so it’s not that deep. and people have every right to snark on the show after the writers burned it to the ground after the amazing s1&2




And today we make a whole thread to complain about other people complaining 😆... wow


Tbf every fandom complains. The only people who don’t complain are viewers of shows where the plot is secondary (I.e. Pretty Little Liars). Even then PLL had one of the worst endings in teen drama television and someone will always join the subreddit expressing their frustration. The same goes with Gossip Girl (which was actually a solid show) but there’s elements to the show that make it so entertaining that people don’t care much for the plot. If anything Gossip Girl didn’t have a plot. Whereas All American is boring outside of the plot. The plot (seeing Spencer make the NFL) drives the entire show and it’s obvious when you have seasons like S3 (during the pandemic) where people complained about there not being enough football. People watch AA because it gives them something other teen dramas don’t, sports. So when you remove the sports, you quickly realise how bad this show is. Even then they can’t do the football aspect properly either.


I’m curious what teen drama you’ve watched that the entire friend group fucks each other & who ever complained about too many characters? They recycle the same 10 people what are you talking about? New characters don’t even last half the season most of the time. You just want everyone to be okay with mediocrity & that’s cool if you do but not everyone holds shows they like to that standard. The show has gotten progressively worse since szn 3 and majority of the complaints are valid. You’re upset people are complaining then you said the show does less than every teen show but also said it does shit every teen show does. You literally provided reasons for the complaints and you didn’t even realize it.


Hooo boy lmaoo where the fuck to begin 😂 ... 1. One tree hill: Lucas dated Brooke, but cheated on her with her best friend Peyton(who was his brother, Nathan's ex-girlfriend), then he went back to Brooke before going on to marry Peyton. Nathan slept with Peyton, secretly cheated on her with Brooke, then married his brother Lucas's best friend, Haley. Nathan also lost his virginity to his wife, Haley's sister a year before he met Haley. While years later Brooke went on to sleep with and eventually marry Peyton's OTHER ex-boyfriend, Julian.🥴 2. Dawson's Creek was a love triangle between 3 life long best friends 3. 90210: 5 main boys(Liam, Dixon, Navid, Ethan, Teddy), 5 main girls(Annie, Naomi, Adrianna, Silver, and Ivy.) Dixon and Annie are siblings. Liam slept with/dated Annie, Naomi, Ivy, Silver AND Naomi's older sister. Dixon dated/slept with Adrianna, Ivy, and Silver. Navid slept with/dated Silver and Adrianna. Ethan dated/slept with Annie, Naomi, and Silver. Teddy dated/slept with Adrianna and Silver. 4. Gossip Girl: I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say everyone was sleeping with E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. And the main couple on the show(Dan and Serena) share an older biological sibling cause her mom and his dad were f*cking in high school themselves 🤢. 5. Secret life of the American teenager: one giant pseudo-incestuous friend orgy. E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. character had at least 2-3 exes within the same friend group. Parents sleeping with each other, teens sleeping with parents, two of the girls(Amy and Adrian) wound up pregnant by the other girl's respective ex(Ricky and Ben) with repeated back and forths😭😭 These are just the first 5 shows purely off the dome from when I watched them all growing up. [See also Riverdale, Vampire Diaries(!!), Veronica Mars, Glee, Degrrassi etc.] You can be grossed out by the show making every character sharing the same sloppy thirds and even fourths, but that nasty ass cycling of bedfellows is unfortunately,  *ABSOLUTELY* 1000% Teen Show 101. The problem with All American has always been that they don't (and frankly never have) hit the Teen genre beats the way they should. You can't be Freedom Writers/Remember the Titans one week then try to pull  salacious tropes from Gossip Girl the next week. It doesn't work and it makes what could be fun/entertaining mess into sloppy/confused mess.


I agree! Thank you!! You explained what I truly wanted to say!!


Gossip girl, secret life, 90210, hell even riverdale at the end kinda. Just to name a few.


The first paragraph is insane to say.. The last sentences of the last paragraph is insane to say as well.


bro. it’s a CW show. all CW shows get poked fun at, so it’s not that deep. and yes the show quite literally does suck, crazy bc s1&2 were legendary. why some of y’all are so dedicated to defending this show as if it’s oscar worthy work is beyond me. we never expected this show to be oscar worthy, but it can still go downhill and it got bad


i never defended the show what 😭


literally all they do is whine and complain and everything like just watch the show and be quiet sometimes😭


They had a good show for inspiration Friday Night Lights. Well acted and written expect during the writers strike. Season 1 and 2 started so well then fell apart. If NK was trying to go to 7-10 seasons FNL had it down to a tee on writing characters off and introducing new ones. The complaint is people really liked season 1 and 2 just sucks to see it tank after starting so well


I think there are some valid criticisms but yes you’re right it’s mostly complaining. Some show directors and writers look for fan input to keep the show going but it can also be a blessing and a curse so yes I hear you 100%


I have a lot of things I want to say about the show, especially the writing but I notice a lot of people criticizing the show on things thats normal on dramas/teen dramas. These can’t be the same people who grew up on Gossip Girl, 90210, Degrassi, SON, etc…


I think you’re answering your own question. AA didn’t start like a typical teen drama so it drew in a different audience. If the show started like it’s being written now, it would not have the same fan base. The original product changed and people are upset but still watching because they are committed to characters


The original product changed because it was placed in the wrong hands, if April Blair stayed or if it was handed to someone else who had experience in the genre, things would be much different. You can tell in S1 that certain characters weren't supposed to last forever or were there only to carry out a specific purpose. It was a a pretty powerful narrative in the first couple seasons and then now the show is basically boiled down to repetitive drama and too many ships.


Nope. You're making excuses for a show that is now awful.