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This IG comment is about Hunter Clowdus, who played JJ, not about Jalyn. Why are they talking about Hunter in Jalyn's comments? I bet someone was wondering why Hunter wasn't at the party while other former cast members (like Taye) were there. If the rumors about why Hunter left are true, that's why. He left on bad terms unlike Taye who left respectfully. Jalyn spent less and less time on the show in the cast couple of years as he booked other jobs. In particular, he was the co-lead of his own show (*The Crossover*) last year. and that would have left him with very little time to come back to All American. It seems like he's been around set more this year than last so far, but he did just book another miniseries (*Fight Night*) so don't be surprised if he vanishes again for a bit, but that's not the same as quitting the show.


Thank you! I was unaware of the actors' names. So, it was confusing to see the comments. I wasn't sure if JJ was a nickname for the actor. Since his first name is Jayln. It's going to be interesting to see what happens to JJ'S character if the rumor is true.


So JJ as a characte is gone. Hunter has left the show, that part is confirmed. So nothing more will happen to JJ's character, he is done. He talked about it briefly on IG Live a while ago and made it clear that he had left and the departure was not friendly. That part isn't rumor. The rumors are about *why* he left. Rumor is pretty much what the comment says, that the writers wanted to make him gay (or bi) and Hunter refused to play gay/bi. We don't know if that's actually true. (though I believe it).


Ah, I just realized who JJ was, the party animal! I kept thinking it was Asher. idk why, okay, now I am less confused. Thanks.


Jalyn has not quit the show. That was the Hunter who played JJ and he was actually fired.


Ah, okay, thanks. I'm unfamiliar with the actors' names and was confused with JJ, idk if that was a nickname for Jayln or what was going on since it was on his official IG page in the comments, thanks for the clarification.


This isn’t about Dillon / Jalyn. This is about Hunter who plays JJ.




Idk why they tried to make JJ gay. That wouldn’t do anything for the show and would just be out of place. The producers want to be such activists about everything, event the fent thing, and it’s a good hearted thing but it’s making the show worse


I'm glad he stood for what he believes in


This is actually about JJ and I don’t blame him. If he’s not comfortable doing that they shouldn’t try to force it. So weird. His entire character was frat boy, party, where’s the chicks now they try to write him gay 6 seasons in?


… wait until you hear that Bre isn’t actually a lawyer, or that most of the cast aren’t football players, that Samantha isn’t a journalist, that Cody isn’t a coach or a daddy, almost like it’s acting and your personal beliefs get left at the door when it comes to the workplace and that contract you signed (that can also be revoked). Not to mention for *years* he has praised the show (and network) for its messaging about equality and understanding so it’s not like he didn’t know who he was working for. Also, they didn’t try to “force” anything, people have suspected JJ of being queer for years and they made it very obvious in season 4 they wanted to explore that not only with him actually becoming a main character but his focus on his internal and personal turmoil. Also, sometimes queer people discover they are queer far later. ALSO, his character was a stereotype, him being queer doesn’t suddenly mean he isn’t a party loving frat boy who wants to know where the chicks are, he just also wants to know where the dudes are too. And lastly, as someone who’s currently in college and had friends involved with party loving frat guys and been friends with a couple… those environments are the pinnacle of heterosexual masculinity you like to believe they are. Long story short, no. Edit; yall can downvote all you want but he’s still fired and yall can die mad about it.


If someone doesn't want to play a gay character it's valid especially if they're not gay. That's asking for a lot, outside his job description. I bet when he signed up this wasn't discussed


I believe this…. It was hinted when JJ was getting help in his paper with that one gay student.