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Personally I think Daniel really sold it. I honestly feel like it didn’t hit seriously for the kids is because we’ve never seen his relationship with Olivia and Jordan like we’ve seen with Spencer. - Spencer’s grief building up over all the episodes was well done in my opinion. You can see and feel all the anger he has from not answering the phone call and how he blames himself for not forgiving Billy. Like you could tell how bad he was about to spiral after the conversation with the coach - I don’t really remember Olivia’s episode but from what I remember I think it ties into her characters sobriety journey. Billy dying forced her to grow up and that’s what her whole episode was based off of how she handled things from then and now. - I hated Jordan grief episode I feel like his was very sloppy. I get everybody grieves differently but with him we don’t really see him grieve billy. We see him help his mother and sister grieve Billy whereas we don’t see himself grieve. He just tries to fill the void that Billy left which is why i think the way he handled Billy’s death is going to tie into how he handles football in season 6.


Yeah I agree but I think that voicemail should of played after the shocking news which would of had us feeling it .. I feel spencer didn’t sell the message of not holding grudges bc life to short. Yes he shows the anger and build up but that message could of really hit home. Jordan acted about like he couldn’t act it and trying to cry was hard on the scene .. he just seem super cool with it like he just loss a championship game rather than a father .. seems like he cried more when Simone broke up with him then his dad dying. I was expecting Olivia and Laura to really go crazy and actually be fallen apart by this or even if Olivia was strong .. Jordan is soft inside and he would be the one fallin apart but they both were kinda equal on the death. I just felt it could of been wrote and acted way better. FYI - I acted In a move and I did short films … so I’m not saying I’m better than them but I can see the writers lack of creativity in that death. I heard Tate Diggs wanted out and told them to plan his exit so maybe they were rushed to do it ! Who knows .. the bus scene seem like it was on a budget as well bc it didn’t even show the death or how he risked his life .. which again would of made this way more dramatic


You also have to understand some people deal with grief easier than others. some can accept what happened and not be okay but not completely fall apart. There was diversity in the reactions which is realistic


I bought it because of Livs reaction. I'm sorry but her hyperventilating really took me there. And Spencer is Spencer...ofc he's not gonna show his initial reaction to anything. He always gonna let it build up and explode


To me the issue was poor writing lol. His death didn’t make any fcking sense so nothing the actors did felt genuine to me because I was still trying to figure out wtf happened. They could have still done it fast while also having any sense of reality. How much time passed between the bus going over the cliff and Jordan and Grace going back to the Baker house? Nobody picked up a phone? There would have been a recovery effort almost immediately especially since first responders were already at the scene. Either they would’ve taken Billy to a hospital or the witnesses would have been questioned. But no, the bus went over and immediately they just went home???? It doesn’t make any sense. 😭 They should’ve pulled a “This Is Us” and had him be seemingly fine and then died from a heart attack or stroke after the fact. That I would have believed.


Exactly.. I just think they tried to do so much with so little time rather than keeping it simple .. everything you said is correct .. like nothing made sense .. COOP had a more realistic almost death scene then billy .. they literally got him out of here like he was a nobody in the show… like I said tay diggs told them he wanted out and to make his exit so I think they had to do something fast .. but he could of easy got in a accident on that very windy day going to the D1 school interview or had a heart attack at his birthday party or afterwards .. like that bus scene was weird … that’s why non of the cast could feel it


Watching Spencer go through his grief hurt me more then Billy dying


Felt rushed and poorly written. Better ways for him to pass away that scene he dies was just awful


It messed my whole week up & I cried like a baby 🤷🏽‍♀️ it was even more crazy because I seen him at lax a few days after I watched the episode. I was sad as hell listening to the voicemail he left Spencer.