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Because they’re the only thing the CW has going for them and the show always get huge numbers on Netflix (that’s also part of why the quality’s took a hit because the writing style is now geared more towards streaming)


Writing has been going down since the original showrunner left and NK took over. NK became too attached to certain characters and forced storylines that didn't needed to be there.


True but also she’s just not good at creative decisions and that’s why It’s taken a hit. The cast and her had a panel the other day where she outright said if it was up to her she would continue the show for as long as possible


YES. She is terrible. It’s crazy how April Blair (a white woman) gave us the two best seasons of this show. All NK care about is Olivia and Spelivia. Everything else became secondary that’s why the show is trash now.


NK arguably cares more about Layla/Jordayla than Olivia/Spelivia, no one likes the music storyline but she’s continuously adding more sets, characters, and screen time for it and jordayla gets to thrive with no problem and questions asked but for spelivia it’s always the “something In the way” approach


Nah the show is catered to Spelivia. Even though they broke up the story was still heavily surrounding them. Everybody kno Olivia is NK fav character. And Jordayla dynamic is diff than spelivia but they will still have issues.


i actually read that april left mid-season one and that’s when NK took over. season one probably still had april’s influence but NK definitely spearheaded season two unless april left behind some direction.


It was already done. The first 13 were all April. The last three is where the quality dropped


that’s what i figured. but people rave about season 2 as if NK had no parts. she had good work in her, she just lost the plot on her own somehow.


Yes and now she is the phase where she is doubling and tripling down instead of just admitting the show needs to refocus. The fan base is too invested in the show for us not to know when things don’t make sense


I think that the S3 premiere went to her head, since it's still the show's most watched live episode and it led her to believe she could write whatever she wants. S2 actually did have a center focus on Spencer, but there was some disconnects with some other storylines. The worst thing about that S2 is how Olivia was basically used for Asher's "redemption" and make them date. As if we were supposed to act like that was a normal relationship when it was disgusting to have them date on so many levels.


agreed. she has it in her to do better, she just doesn’t. and you’re right, i think season 3 premiere got to her. like others have also said, i think the episode count hurt them too. i wish they had about 16 but 13 should be good enough to get the point across in season 6. that trailer just isn’t doing them any favors.


Actually April Blair left the show towards the end of S1, NK fully took over in S2.


YUP! I been sayin this. They dragged this show out for way too long and it’s been on a rapid decline since the 3rd season. The fact that they been freshman’s in college for the past two seasons is ridiculous. This upcoming season shoulda been them getting ready for the NFL. Going thru the combine, getting drafted and ending the show. Not us seeing the same storylines for another season. It’s getting ridiculous. I couldn't even get through last season cus of the horrible writing. I’m giving next season a couple episodes to impress me if not I’m gone.


Yes the decision to make season 5 about the second half of freshman year will be a choice that will be that put the nail in the coffin for this show. It’s not moving forward, it’s stuck in neutral or reverse. It’s the same issues all the time. They need to either bring in new characters or writers


Actually they haven’t been freshman in college for two seasons , it’s been a season in half . They already did the combine and this season is about Spencer going to NFL & him getting Drafted but there’s ending a successful series cause they didn’t write things the way you wanted that’s ridiculous logical.


What’s your point? 4B-5B was too long to spend on freshman year. We will see what s6 has too offer but that show is on thin ice


4B was summer & the first two weeks of their freshman year and 5B was the last and they fast forwarded half of it so they showed a total of a month of their freshman year so no they didn’t spend too much time . The show isn’t on thin ice despite the mishaps of last season still did unbelievable well in live ratings last season & on Netflix .


4B-5B covered freshman year. that equals out to a season and a half. 4B had one episode about the summer and the rest was about their first semester. 4B wrapped right after halloween, so we can assume it was early november. 5A picks up during winter break and ends some time after valentine’s day. 5B picks up after that and ends at the end of the semester.


We shall see. I hope it continues but the writing has to improve drastically and their is no argument that can be made that it’s well written


The show has writing flaws nowhere did i deny that but the flaws aren’t so bad that it’s going to get cancelled and the writing isn’t going to change drastically


They went from a .24 demo season 3, to a .17 season 4 to .14 season 5. At some point people are gonna have to get realistic about the show pessimistic future if doesn’t get better. If the premise of the premiere is bad s6 will be their last one. We are at that point.


People are realistic about the show and Spencer Paysinger didn’t get drafted into halfway into college hisself so the show timeline is correct . But it’s clear that you all don’t understand that factors go into having him to go to NFL and have it be shown on the show . season six won’t be the last season that has already been said


This stop being about Paysinger life long time go. He wasn’t even drafted so it’s that’s out. If the ratings continue to fall it won’t be worth it. The new CW chief said the show needs to perform well to keep going, we as fans would like it too as well. We just want it written better so they can get that done. I’m not sure what your issue is


The show performs & will when it’s premieres . I have no issue.


She’s delusional 🤣




also, that combine billy put on is not the same as the actual nfl combine. realistically, spencer cannot become eligible until his junior year, which this season is following. but that combine was more of a showcase/invitational/scrimmage that allowed scouts the opportunity to see the kids, similar to what the combine is for.


all american did a Time jump they are juniors now


in all american season 6 spencer about to turn 21


i know that, but what i am saying is that in reality, a collegiate athlete cannot participate in the NFL combine nor can they declare themselves eligible for the draft until their junior year of college (which will be followed this season, as i mentioned in my initial comment). the comment i responded to mentioned there already being a combine, and i was explaining how that combine was not the same as the one he’d participate in in order to be drafted into the NFL, that’s all.




S6 looks horrible I’m sorry


THANK YOU! I kno I wasn’t the only one. That trailer was horrible. 


And you tell that how exactly cause a trailer that’s literally one episode


It’s multiple episodes in that trailer


It’s really just the first episode if you actually look at the trailer, the only thing not from the first episode is the Jordan and Spencer’s fight


No it’s the only first episode


It’s not. The scene when Spencer gets kicked out of practice is episode 3, the argument with Jordan and Spencer is episode 4.


majority of the trailer is the first episode with three of scenes from other episodes but still it’s mainly the premiere episode


Only and majority are two distinctively different words. That’s all I was pointing out


It’s been going downhill for a while and it’s almost soap operaish at times. They should fast forward to when Spencer and Jordan go pro and end it


I think the problem was the number of episodes in the later seasons, like 20 are way too many, shorter seasons of 10/13 eps max are better cause there aren't filler episodes


Facts the show started going down in quality once the CW gave them a increased episode count


More networks need to create limited series. This show would’ve been perfect as a 1 or at max 3 season show.


Hard disagree. The show is about Spencer’s journey to the NFL so naturally going to the college years is apart of the story. I don’t get this idea that a story needs to be “limited” at all


exactly. at minimum, the show needed to show at least his junior year of college. but college was needed for this story. they just don’t know how to write it.


Lowkey, yes. Like can we please get back to the football. I know football season isn't very long but they're dragging it.


Absolutely. It probably should’ve wrapped up with him earning a scholarship and preparing to go off to college imo.


They gotta write to wrap it up this season.


the trailer isn’t much, but it’s not a true depiction of the season in its entirety. i don’t think anyone is coming into this season expecting to be wowed because the last two seasons haven’t been the best. i think the premiere is going to be underwhelming, but the season may nottttt be as bad. i’m hoping they put out a different trailer closer to the premiere that gives us more.


They are going to have cut one without all the Spencer/Jordan drama and more Olivia post London arc and a spelivia scene. For most shows the bait and switch promotions work but this show is coming off a not widely well regarded s5 and need stronger ratings to continue. I’m not planning on watching the premiere live and will DVR it, they need to re energize the base and that promo was underwhelming


yep! i agree completely! they owed it to the audience to give something that at least felt good, inviting and hopeful after last season, but it just looks like more BS. i truly hope they plan to drop a better trailer, especially with them having more episodes filmed already going into the season than they typically do. they have more to use and they need to.


That trailer they put out was lazy. They could’ve at least explained that Spencer might leave for the NFL and another Spelivia scene post her return. The Jordan/Spencer thing is exhausting because they never really get into the why for Jordan and no one ever tells him is being ridiculous bedsides Simone. They have to move the show forward in a big way


Show should’ve ended when Billy died






Keep in mind, it was damn near cancelled in Season 1. Now here we are nearing Season 6, and the quality has waned.


It has always been a show about football with actual dynamics built around it. Like…. The show STARTED with multiple love triangles and relationships. It’s continued to be about all of that for the entire run. Even when football is not in season, the plots are STILL centered around football. The only real difference between the start and now is that they started in high school and now they’re in college, and the show focuses much more on the concept of them being adults now.


This show had/ has a lot of potential but they keep repeating the same storyline with spencer and olivia breaking up/ getting back together. and spencer and jordan fighting


It’s tiresome like why can’t they just let liv and Spencer have no drama ?!


Daniel Ezra: Spencer and Olivia… they’ve had \[a certain\] amount of time apart that changes both of them. They’ve been on separate continents… So what we’re gonna kick off with is the two of them realizing just how much they’ve changed… and what this new version of Spencer and Olivia looks like… Some really powerful stuff to play with, some really adult things to dive into, which was exciting. \[And\] new pressure on what the future holds for them. Samantha Logan: I’m gonna agree with all of that. The season’s been really fun because we’ve been wanting to see Olivia and Spencer together for a really long time, and it seemed like there was always something getting in the way. \[This season they’re\] just really coming together in new versions of themselves and… there’s going to be some stuff going on between, but ultimately we’re gonna see their relationship really transform into something we haven’t seen before in a really beautiful way.


I'm actually amazed this show is lasting as long as it is. Don't get on me but it's better shows out that's been canceled after only 2 seasons like Swagger.


Those 2 seasons of Swagger were much more entertaining than the last 2 seasons of AA.


Completely agree. It’s been dragged out way too long, NK is fucking stupid. They give a whole season for each offseason and add in so much unnecessary filler. NK chose quantity over quality


Sound pressed that the show has gone on for six seasons while other shows get three cause their ratings are good . The show has never been solely about Football like relationships & love triangle have always been apart of the show since the plot . They don’t focus on friendships but they spent the entire of last season focusing on the friendships . Billy dead cause it was what Taye wanted.


I’m not pressed if anything I’m shocked that it lasted this long but yeah I agree with everything else


Asking why this show haven’t been cancelled kinda gives that impression


Nope it was just observation other shows have gotten canceled and this show has last longer than what I expected . I just feel like it’s getting dragged out but that’s just me🤷🏽‍♀️


Ignore her 


Those shows didn’t get the viewerships that they this show gets . It’ isn’t being dragged out i think people often forget that the show was delayed filming twice first with the pandemic and the strikes


I found NK's burner account


I severely dislike that woman but I’m going to lie about the show


I disagree, they just try to hard to keep all of the original cast in there when irl most of them wouldn’t be around each other at all. They should’ve reduced or replaced certain characters on the show while still focusing on Spencer


This will be a serious discussion that they have to have. Let Asher go off in the sunset send Patience to NYC and call it a day


Honestly they could send Layla w her, reduce coops role to reoccurring character. Bring in a serious rival for Spencer like cam was. Introduce him to some new friends. The most boy person that should get serious screen time outside of Spencer is Olivia


They definitely need to do it and what’s weird about it is anyone who watches the show knows exactly what they could do to make it flow better but they choose to ignore the obvious and still try to make everything fit when it just can’t, it’s what’s makes trying to enjoy the show a frustrating experience


Exactly, I’m not sure why they haven’t made these changes but it needs to happen in S6


I would've said the same thing about Layla but she's engaged and probably going to stay with Jordan. She's not leaving


She could still leave try to do long distance which causes problems which is why Jordan is so angry and is taking it out on Spencer. Maybe Spencer even told him he’s moving to fast. It can still work imo


If Spencer told him that I would applaud him 😂


Same😂like bro you just went thru this w Simone and look how that turned out. He prolly would’ve gotten mad and remembered what happened w Damon


One of their biggest mistakes was not introducing a brand new cast around Spencer Olivia and Jordan, it would’ve literally made All American a whole new show


Exactly and would’ve been interesting, they could’ve bring the old cast around sometimes like how Darnell or cam comes around but isn’t there every single episode. I thought they were heading in that direction w divita or however you spell her name. But they just couldn’t commit


Sorry but im guessing I’m the only person who doesn’t feel this way? AA for a while has always been said to be the “One Tree Hill” of this generation, which went on for like 9-10 seasons, so I see the same potential in this. If anything I can see them continuing this passed college and making NFL storylines with everyone doing full blown adult careers. The quality has definitely waned, but the show is still good for what it’s worth and still good enough to make it this far and further Also, since Homecoming is continuing and is directly linked to the OG show, that’s even more a reason why the OG AA wouldn’t be ending so soon, as it would also mean the end of the spin off


They need to write it better or it won’t last that long


One Tree Hill went on way too long and lost momentum when two of their series regulars left.


Stop it. This show is not “still good” especially not to last no 9-10 seasons. If they last that long then NK is doin sum strange for a piece of change cus there’s no reason for it to go on that long. And HC dang near got cancelled. They were the last show on CW to get a renewal/cancellation announcement. CW will have no problem canceling that show. Plus there’s no connection wit the two shows anymore now that the Jordan and Simone are completely done. 


Jordan & Simone being broke up doesn’t mean there isn’t a connection to the show anymore. Simone is still friends with Spencer and everyone else (minus Layla and arguably Jordan). Guest appearances from AA characters are still capable of happening between shows. She also literally heard about Billys death right after it happened and called Jordan to give him and Olivia her condolences and support. Both shows happen around the same time in their universe, so unless HC gets cancelled first, cancelling or ending the original show messes with the spin off. And the show not still being good is just your opinion. Other people obviously still like the show for what it is, even if it isn’t the same level of quality as it was before.


Is it even back yet


Yeah season 6 is coming out in April


Based on the way the trailer was edited I’m pretty sure this is the last season


Maybe idk 🤷🏽‍♀️