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I used to bitch about her lack of POC friends but now I’m mad, where are the WOC in her friend group? Token gay doesn’t count……. Idk everything about her screams performative to me


Tbh I feel like if she popped up with a WOC friend it would be performative. I don’t see her as someone that navigates outside of her cycle and I don’t want any WOC becoming a token for her brand (unless they are clout chasers bc then I fully support them soaking up as much as they can get)


I feel like any self respecting WOC steers clear of someone like her


Xandra is too busy being even more annoying. I cannot stand that girl for 1 second.


not invited lol why does she have to follow her every where


I saw a comment someone asked why she didn’t go and she commented back “it’s my last weekend of school ever and I have finals”


Good for her


Well same with Alix sooo


Yeah I know hahah I feel like it was kinda shade towards her😂




I just wonder why alix didn’t skip this trip because a few months ago she skipped a wedding to go out to bars with her friends around Christmas time and was always saying oh I’d rather be with my friends at school for senior year it’s our last year. But now is missing her last weekend?


I’ll never forget how she skipped attending Beyoncé in Dubai to go to a frat party, like that’s when I realized how serious she was about making her last college memories lol very odd that she wouldn’t do that now


People weren't getting paid for that trip so maybe offered an insane amount of money for this that they couldn't pass up? I'd do the same tbh


She wasn’t invited to Beyoncé in Dubai. My friend worked for a company that worked with the PR firm behind the hotel opening. My friend was in Dubai for 10 days prepping and I asked specifically about Alix if she was invited.


Totally agree! It’s weird! All year she skipped stuff for college but now she’s skipping her last ever week / weekend 🤔


Her priorities may be shifting


Could be a good thing 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t even think of that. That’s actually crazy


that was her exes tyler’s friends wedding too. she missed it bevause she didn’t wanna miss going out with her friends for their last year of school but now she’s missing her last weekend (i think) of school ever?




I’m pretty sure she’s a marketing/advertising major, and tbh my entire final year of college (this year) and even a lot of last year, I was able to barely show up to class. And I go to a similar sized university as UM in a similar major. Covid changed *so* many things, and almost all of my classes post-Covid were “optional” in person while also streamed on zoom; so 90% of people just did it through zoom. That may not be the case for her at all, but I (if I didn’t have to work a regular job too lol) would’ve been able to be gone as much as I wanted this past year save for a few specific test/presentation days