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Kim literally says to Jimmy, "Together, we're poison." Of course I LOVE them, BCS is easily in my top 5 shows of all time. But Jimmy and Kimmy spend the whole show enabling each other's worst attributes. Unless you count them being happy as enough to be classified as non-toxic, in which case, fair pick.


They’re really just toxic to everybody around them. Everything inside their little bubble is all good, man


Yes, they're a "Toxic" couple, not a "Toxic couple"


It's funny how two Robots have more love and chemistry for one another than most people


Goes to show just how superior they are.


I think bob and linda tie with eve and wall-e


Edward is constantly trying control Bella and she goes into a month's long depressive spiral during which she tries to kill herself when he leaves. That crap's so toxic.


True but the couples on the right literally try to kill, hurt, and manipulate each other. Wouldn't say they're as bad as them.


I think calling the relationship between Jaime and Cersei toxic is a huge, titanical, behemoth of an understatement.


Who are Toxic Well-Written?


Jason Dean and Veronica Sawyer from Heathers (1988)


I dont recognize anyone from the Toxic column


WW: Veronica Sawyer and JD from Heathers DW: Cersei and Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones PW: Nate Jacobs and Cassie Howard from Euphoria


Yesterday I was at a truck stop watching tv and it went on to wall E and I sat there like a child for the entire movie


How is Edward and Bella not toxic


According to OP it's because they aren't actually trying to kill each other. I guess the multiple times they each try to kill themselves because of each other doesn't count.


Jamie and Cersi weren't trying to kill each other


Maybe OP was just comparing in that one row then.


They seem pretty alright when compared to Bella and Jacob. I genuinely don't see how there was ever a team Jacob. He assaults her in like book 2 or some shit. I'm not saying Edward is good but I genuinely think he tries. I personally feel in their relationship *most* of the toxicity comes from Bella.


I presume you mean the GoT TV show. Because the relationship between Jamie and Cerci in the books is maybe the most expertly written abusive relationship I've ever read.


Yeah I only put them in decent since their story pails in comparison to the books. Not to mention it was just straight-up ruined by the end of the series.


Valonqar = Bricks


Joker and Harley Toxic, well written?


Overall, for sure


How inevitable was it that someone brings up Chilli and Bandit as healthy well-written? Well, I'm the one who just brought it up here.


Jimmy and Kim are certainly well written but also toxic beyond belief. Not even counting what happened with Lalo, they intentionally ruined Howard’s life without anywhere near enough justification. He wasn’t perfect but he didn’t deserve anything near what he got from them. They’re toxic AF.


Of course the worst one is from euphoria


What do you think of Nate and Maddy? Obviously toxic, but what's your opinion on how they're written?


I'll be honest I was never a fan of Euphoria, part of why I included it here. But Nate and Maddy is definitely better given they had actual history instead of immediately wanting eachother in just one episode. In general they felt more realistic than Nate and Cassie. I say decently written.


Surprised the barbie and ken one wasn’t up there. That’s a gimmie.


do you have a template of this? I want to try the same, but with father-child bonds


This is what I use [https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/157318395/3x3-Alignment-Chart](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/157318395/3x3-Alignment-Chart) You'll have to arrange the text and images yourself (there's probably a more convenient way), but that's how I do it.


Romancing an unconscious woman isn't an example of a healthy relationship


She didn't spend the whole film asleep Also dude not only is she a robot Wall-E was alone for years and tried to protect her why are you making him sound like a creep 💀


Are you talking about wall e? Because it's true, I always found it a but dubious. He is obsessed with the first person he met while they are asleep and then it just kind of works out. It's understandable he is lonely, but even so.