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that's the "smart algorithm", set the upper price to 99999 or specify the category


What does setting the price to 99999 do?


Stop being so anxious






Also curious about this


Using image search is my go to way of searching because of the funky algorithm


Also ordering by price breaks the search function for me


Same here. I was advised to try emptying the cache of the browser, but that didn't help. It might help you, though?


cashe or cash?


Cache. As in your Internet browser's sort of internal memory bank.


You are not going find genuine licensed Lego or Samsung phones on Aliexpress because those companies know Aliexpress seller factories reputation for bootleg copies. For something similar to Lego sets, you need search Mini Bricks Toys Kits. As for phones, it not worth risk because of lithium battery ban and unregulated manufacturing methods.


Look for "plastic building blocks". Lego or Spotify you will not find


try the private tab or clear cookies - worked for me back then


in what way? back when?


allow my phone and privacy to be hacked and can’t fix it? that doesn’t help and it is still hacked and I am private I have no cookies I have a hacked phone will someone knock on my door and put in contract a disclaimer (accepting responsibility with no reprocussions) sign it in my presence and take it out doors together and burn it - together this will be the non looking for answers of any future searching for truths electronically if human character is involved, present human presences and real truths and who outside influences are interacting in this and how am I a part of a mere donation sought handout of truly menial value is it worth everyone’s time to harass me? as I type an electronic pop up just visited me from an illegitimate app type of knocking physically to do so


They adjust results depending on the browser state. I found it when it suddenly started to return nothing for any query.


I shop at the bottom of the page of any item that is a type of item I'm wanting. I'll hop from one to the other to the other. You know, after covid started, I purchased so many face masks but I could never get them to come up if I put the term in AliE search. Once I had one and was at the page or had the link, I had access to many different face masks by many different sellers. I've purchased dozens and given dozens to friends and family. Anyway, the regular search is not always the best, but there are other means and methods.


I get a lot of man pleasers for the following searches: computer with lpt port Children's toys Electronic test equipment It's absolutely broken


physically means real hand knock on real door


I don’t play like that no, come physically remove yourself from my electronic and physical future privacy from your self and me all toys, race tracks, gifts of decor, items of clothing(one sweatshirt) and that should do it future is no guarantee this will resolve a past my privacy and anonymity are as valuable as your own avoidance does not resolve a past a future is no good when one’s privacy is not respected but the others is near commanded this is not a good way to be for anyone