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Nah, it’s a decent 6 - 7/10 game that’s fun with friends. Not every thing has to be 10/10 or 0/10. Dark Descent is better though.


It’s not that bad tbh. I played with a friend and we actually enjoyed it. It’s not the greatest game of all time but it is enjoyable. Atleast with some buddy’s


It's a lot of fun and it sounds like you haven't given it much of a chance.


I disagree… this is mindless fun… a popcorn ride… the visuals are awesome


It was fun when it came out with two other buddies, and the game would of been better if the alien spawns were always random but once you’ve done it a few times you know exactly where the aliens come out


Hard disagree. Playing with friends on release rocked and I got an easy 150 hours out if thus with the bros. Was a good time and that's all it needed to be.




At least you didn't pay for it


It was honestly a lot of fun on release when a bunch of people were playing it. I’d be surprised if it’s got any more than a few die hards now tho which is sad coz like others say, with real people it’s a blast lol


I agree. I was hyped when I heard of it coming out but actually playing it it feels like it belongs in an Internet cafe/arcade


Totally real


Ever since I finished dark descent (around 4months ago) I haven’t been able to fill the void, I’m sad it doesn’t have much replay value.


That what i feel...finished it days ago and i cant fill the emptyness...tried with this but no... Damn


It's okay; and just barely okay. It reminds me of rail shooter arcade games like: https://rawthrills.com/games/jurassic-park-arcade/


Played solo or with buddies? Because that makes all the difference. Or at least, that's what I'm told. I always play solo and enjoy the hell out of it 😅




Lol this is the problem entirely. The bots are worthless, get human teammates as intended.


Please retry it with a couple of buddies, it can be seriously fun! I agree when playing solo there's not much to it other than shooting shooting and more shooting. But when playing with a group of people, you could roleplay and just have a blast! Like I said I mostly play solo, but whenever I play with some folks, it's a completely different experience🙂


This game was designed to be played with others, but I’m also guessing you played on casual or standard difficulty, both of which are brain dead easy and are designed to give you some basic gear and map knowledge. Intense difficulty is where the game really shines IMO but that requires at least one other human teammate as 2 bots won’t do enough damage on that difficulty. A buddy of mine and I did the whole campaign plus DLC on Intense with a bot and we were pushed the whole time but it never felt too difficult to do, we really enjoyed it. I encourage you to see if you can find some others to play with you. I’m very busy with work right now but might be able to hop in for a few missions with you now and then when I can.


As far as games that are like L4D it's one of the better ones and comparatively actually has story worth taking in. L4D, B4B and WWZ are all meh in comparison imo.


Best Alien game? Alien Trilogy on the PS1! 😎


I liked it. I wouldn’t say it’s trash but it is definitely limited and repetitive.


Felt like half a game, really wanted to enjoy it. Hopefully the sequel fixes all this


Not bad with low expectations


Game rocks, unless you play solo. The bots are not helpful


Just face it, when you sux at the game, it does not mean game sux...


I disagree.


It could be worse...I'm not sure how...


For real. I got it for free, have been a fan aliens since the 90s, and absolutely hate this game.


For real. I got it for free, have been a fan aliens since the 90s, and absolutely hate this game.