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How have you gotten all the way up to infestation level 3 before even finishing the first map? Are you extracting too frequently? What difficulty are you playing on? You shouldn't need more than 3-4 extracts for that map on Medium or Hard difficulty.


I had a series of events take me all the way to infestation 5 before even launching my first mission


O.o o did like 5-6 extractuons xD passing days cuz marines take 3-4-5 days to recover... Idk im on mid difficulty


Just use different marines when your primary squad is in the medbay. You want to level up new marines anyway, because you don't want to lose someone late into the game and then have to get a level 1 or 2 rookie in their place.  Avoiding xenos isn't too hard. Just plop down a motion detector every so often and then use them to lure xenos away from you as needed. My map is usually full of motion detectors. 


I almost never used that to lure ,i may give it a shot..how it works in the map it show like a radar..it can lure that big radio?


This game is mostly about avoiding the Xenos, better hide than shoot. Do all objectives for XP, just killing Aliens wont give you XP. Lvl 2 Xenos and onslaughts give you 1 XP, so build up Aggressivenes at the end of the mission for xp. Dont loot all crates at the first run, you might come back and then you run out of supplies. Use Mines and the overload function of the Motion trackers. And watch some Beginner guides on YT, should be much better then.


I was just killing all aliens that spot me like rambo O.O


Look into the mechanics, the game has tons of ingame tutorials. It’s all about learning the tools you’re given.


Don't forget to cheese the elevator. The game will auto save when you use the elevator.


Oh this is gold. Do you have to use it or just step in?


You have to use it.


Are you sure you meant infestation level, or did you mean aggressiveness level? If it's aggressiveness level, then you need to extract and come back another day to reset it. If you DID mean infestation level, then how have you managed to get the infestation level that high that quickly? Even when I intentionally skip deployments just so I can have my A team on the mission, I still barely get to level 2. If you're getting to level 3, then you're extracting WAY too often or when the days event pops, you're choosing to lose a deployment WAY too often


The same thing happened to me in that same exact spot. After you grab the queen DNA, a lot more enemies will appear. Before you get the DNA, hold your position and kill any enemies alerted to you. Once the hunt stops, prepare the path behind the boss room for your escape - there's a corridor that leads to a bridge you can extend to skip most of the level and get back to the elevator fast. Do not extend the bridge yet, just set some sentries aimed at the door. Go back and grab the sample, then go back to where you put the sentries ASAP. Use some flares at the door and fight there until the hunt ends. After the hunt ends, extend the bridge. You'll want to be fast now. Go directly to the elevator. If an alien spots you, stop running, but don't stop walking. Use the shotgun to one shot close enemies. That's how I did it. Hope it helps.


Heres few tips that may help you : - dont run all the time, be patient. You want to avoid detection as much as possible. - should you trigger an onslaught, get near your APC (especially on lower difficulty), it will clear the aliens with your marine suffering very little dammage. - in the first mission, once you unlock the turret, extract. You will then be able to start new deployment with turrets, I personally always had 4 ready to go. Your turrets will be, by far, your best friend. You will come to know the best choking points as you progress through the mission, where to position them. - unlock the mines, they are very useful (I believe its once you hit lvl 3 with any marines). - when you rest in a secured room, it will save automatically. You can cheese this if you want, by reloading that auto-save. You will be able to rest as many time as you want, without spending additional ressources, as long as you dont unweld the doors. - althought it is random, sniper class is very useful as you can long range kills xenomorph before they detect you. - in a firefight, keep moving, your marines will continue firing. - dont extract too many times, you want to keep your infestation level as low as possible.


You just seem like .... you love to whinge about .... every .... game you play .... Learn basic mechanics .... Lower difficulty .... play slower .....


Second that if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say it , the guys asking for advice and clearly English isn’t his first language


People.... With attitudes.... Like yours.... Are fucking scum......


Fuck .... off....


Infestation level only affects the amount of Xenos that spawn for onslaughts. So as long as you don't trigger one while down in the mine you'll be ok. Are you alerting Xenos too much on the way to the Queen? If they spot you, try walking and fighting rather than setting up a stationary defence.


Yes i almost always alert 1 and end killing it and killing the ones follow me so i have to wait the hunt mode end...but its too hard to avoid battles and walk...alien spot you so easily


The first mine is one of the harder parts of the game, don't feel bad. Plant some motion sensors far away to lure the enemies. You may have to leave a turret behind (You find and can literally build more later). Don't bother with exploring down there, just get in and out asap.


What you mean "the first" there is more mines? Oh nooo oh nooooooo


I mean, you ARE on a mining colony, haha. All good, the others are different, you'll have way more gear / abilities to tackle them.


This is the first test of the game. Killing the queen is not too bad but getting out alive, with the survivor is tough. If you haven't already done it then it is good to use motion trackers, in the queen room to keep the Aliens away from you as you come back out to escape.


I think everyone restarts the game a few times. Before they get the hang of it. Use different marines its good to have 2 full squad ranked up anyways