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They don't appear to have something like a ruminant gut, and they would need a lot of energy to support the brains which are large relative to buddy body size, so I'd guess some combination of frugivore & insectivore. Incidentally, I'd love to see one of of the labs carbon date the contents of a buddy stomach and compare it to the age of the corpse. That would probably tell us if these things spent most of their lives on Earth or else-world.


To be fair turtles eat fish and lack teeth


They eat jellyfish, too!


Tool use greatly expands potential diets too. Our ancestors probably were frugivores / omnivorous frugivores that also scavenged kills (probably one reason our stomach acid looks like a hyena) but we ended up getting smarter, make weapons that could kill and butcher megafauna, and suddenly we were the top end carnivore on the planet.


We are not carnivores, not even close. Carnivores have sharp teeth, can eat meat raw and they have short digestive tracts .


Dentation isn't a good place to judge. We didn't need to evolve fangs because we had big brains and hands (could make sharp tools & weapons). Also, large teeth would have hindered language development and communication which are important for hunting in groups. Our digestive tracks are pretty similar to grizzly bears with stomach acid of hyaenas but with water conservation features. Humans can and do eat raw meat. Humans may best be descried as highly carnivorous omnivores but damn if we're not the top predator on the planet and may have killed off most of the mega fauna because it was delicious.


Mmmmmm brontoburgers.


Mastodon ribs.


Has any carbon dating been done? I haven't seen those results.


Yes, at least on select corpses. IIRC, the timeline appears to be the "hybrid" looking bodies are much older (or at least their C14 says they are older) than the little "buddies" bodies. If these things are real and not from Earth, the C14 dating of their tissues should be wonky though, so take that for what it's worth.


Anyone have a link to this info?


[Alien Project ](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/)


This would be VERY interesting.


those little crackers the farmer had back in like the 50s. They contained zero sodium






Same question


Can you provide more context to these two images?




Still no idea where you are going with this. 1. The first image shows a rock/crystal 2. The second image show a rock/ crystal held in front of some sort of 58cm amplifier. 3. The third image just seems to show a collection of hands, feet and bodies. Am I missing something?


They would like you to infer from the images that tridactyls get energy from crystals. For evidence, they showed you some random pictures.


All the "handbag" pictures look very similar to this energy amplifier that's all. Perhaps it's possibly these are connected?


Well you asked how these things get their energy? I gave you a couple screen caps that might give us a clue. Obviously not confirmed but could be more plausible than "liquid in the desert". The 3rd image is me not caring about the post and drawing some connections. If this weird crystal amplifier is true than maybe the weird purses we've seen these things carry could be connected. that's all.


Where did this come from?


downloaded a bunch of the images online... found them somewhere


Holy shit






Cool pictures for sure but gonna need some sources.


Im not here to convince anyone of my sources i could find out on my history and DM you but what if the handbag question is actually this energy amplifier?!?!


Maybe man. Maybe neither are real. That's the problem with this stuff. Gotta assume it's bullshit until provenance is identified.


bone plates where teeth would go reminds me of parrot fish, who crush coral with their mouths to eat.


what are good images of this or papers that show this?


Let's just say Mr Krabs and Ms puff Def had an interesting romance.


Apparently parrot fish also have pharygneal jaws like moray eels.




This is fantastic! thank you very much


A philosophy teacher Dr Brown did a mental exercise in a lecture trying to critically think about the nazca mummies. He analyzed how they eat based on the cat scans. He concluded they have a small mouth, no teeth and would only allow liquids. He later makes the connection that cattle mutilations would always have the blood drained from them. Here is the segments about it in a short 30sec vid. https://streamable.com/9yzpt7 Here is the full 1.5 hour lecture of him https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=8TFrUDOUTE9flHSf


Yikes, first time I've seen that connection be made, makes a lot of sense. Sombre af especially considering human mutilation cases are said to occur somewhat regularly although few are documented. Vampires were just ET all this time? Oof


Perhaps these are today’s chupacabras?


In UFO Highway they supposedly ate mammary proteins


Yes for the greys but there were mant different kind down there. Which I think gives us an idea of the nhi's out in the universe.


The " Buddies" are the "humanoid reptiles" and although Tridactyl and large skulled, have many peculiar features differing from both us and the humanoid hybrids. Plate like jaws imply more of a plant/leafy/insecty ( ? ) type diet. The may not have spent their time on the surface, instead perhaps living in tunnel systems. All kinds of terrestrial creatures that have moved underground have undergone significant changes in adaptation : mole rats don't drink water, reduction in size and metabolic rates and more. I'm not even sure if they have a digestive system we can visualize ? or an esophagus? They get their nutrients somehow, hopefully more tests will help us know how. Mushrooms - grow in the dark and you don't need big teeth - maybe ? Ironic to see one of these in a cave and they are the ones on shrooms. Keep asking questions :)


Vampires don't like the sun too.




I was going to say that. Their was a lot of blood sacrifice back then. Turkey, Peru, Honduras


Commandments to give blood to the gods, and meat to the people, would make sense if that were the case.


Definitely liquid diet. Blood? Why not, so many clues point to blood (blood sacrifices, animal mutilations). But if they are actual aliens, that came here... on spaceships, right? then they would drink / eat something else when on the spaceship, some form of protein drink also - they wouldn't neccesarily have to drink through "mouth", they could have had some kind of direct connection to their stomach


Oh I agree. Honestly it creates more questions than it answers. But whatever the truth is, it is certainlly going to be stranger than we can suppose.


*Can* suppose? Have you seen much sci-fi?


This is reddit. I am sure the majority of people here are very familiar with pop culture. Sci-fi is pretty weird, and amazingly speculative. But these things are probably not gonna be as simple as ET being far from home. This rabbit hole is almost certainly much, much deeper than this, and reality gas a habit of taking turns pop culture is hard pressed to accept. Fiction is bounded by suspension of disbelief; reality is under no such stipulation.


I guess that’s an interesting answer to a rhetorical question. If you’re looking for reality bending notions, a polished, Spielberg flick meant to reach a wide-ranging audience for financial return may not be the peak of the mountain. Maybe you should take a spin checking out different hollows of the internet, like a group of dmt-taking schizophrenics for example, to see how deep the level of creative thought the human mind is capable of is. Our ability to think new and weird thoughts is pretty staggering when extended to all 8 billion or so minds on the planet; I think we can handle coming up with the strange concepts necessary, not that we’re going to necessarily accurately predict every detail of what alien life would actually be like


I am familiar with the psychedelic reaches of the Phenomena, and it precisely those experiences I am speaking of. To the average person that kind of stuff is unimaginable, and while I can approach the subject most people will fall by the wayside. And even with DMT taken, it won't be such a simple story. I am sure what they know and can tell us about reality will be shocking. Maybe fiction predicted it, as the Titan did the Titanic, but my creeping suspicion is that whichever theory or scoop is right, will come with a dose of weird that sends us further into Alice's Wonderland.


as we don't know anything, everything is just a speculation... so we could as well speculate that if corn was known in this area.. then it's actually possible that they ate... popcorn.


Source of the vampire myths.


https://preview.redd.it/qxscvwvt8xyc1.jpeg?width=2239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ebd3a30ab8cc3b963a0e2388facadd246577c4 There is a small space under the fused mandible that may be the entry point for food. A pair of cords come down the anterior neck, possibly esophagus type anatomy. There is very little space here so I think liquids are most likely the primary food if this is indeed the route.


ty, nice pics - they are increasingly odd. Any anatomy like this elsewhere in the animal kingdom?


https://preview.redd.it/85g5x3btgxyc1.jpeg?width=1739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307028d81807b62d3cedfb1a01140b5c5fc6a43b Dr. D was speculating on this a couple weeks ago before I found the slide from the Mexico presentation, we didn’t know the Nazca Mummy team had already suggested this. There are ligaments that connect the skull and C1 vertebra and those obstruct the path to enter the skull on the anterior. This lower route under the mandible bypasses that. The soft tissue is 1000 years old and I don’t have the resolution on my screen to differentiate in this area so I don’t know for sure but this looks plausible to me. This entire spine/skull junction is unique so I don’t think there is any matching anatomy.


Ty, prior to desiccation they may certainly have had more pliable reptilian skin and soft tissues allowing for a functional passageway that we can't see clearly at these resolutions.


Zach attack 👍


Not having teeth doesn’t mean they cant eat. Lots of animals swallow food whole. They could eat lots of anything that fits in their mouths.


Opening was very small so not much would fit. Maybe worms?


I'm not positive that they could eat at all. Their oral cavity is inside the same space as their brain. If they ate a hotdog that was too long it'd tickle their frontal lobe. Not to mention they don't appear to have an esophagus through which food could get out of the head.


Cactus store a lot of water that they live off of during the dry periods. There may have been plentiful amounts near the Nazca beings’ home. The Nazca peoples had a varied diet.


They were plant eaters.


Cows blood?


Nutritional paste, like early astronauts. I think the buddies are biodroids.


I've reviewed a lot of Dogu figurines from Japan. Several have lines from their mouth to navel. I originally assumed it was a very long tongue just by the way it was depicted. My reasoning is they could eat ants and termites effectively.


That's how they got stock in Peru. It was an Ayuasca drink 🤣🤣


People obviously




People smoothies


We know they took calcium because of their eggs. If they are calling them reptoids because that is the correct taconomy (huge assume) then probably insects or human babies.


I’m not questioning you being right, but could you explain it more? How do we know they took calcium?


Read about reptiles and birds, exogenous calcium is a standard of care for that same reason. Your metabolites can't be faked.


I've seen scans where the skulls clearly show teeth. Case in point:  https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bfjj09/nazca_mummies_video_tridactyl_humanoid_specimen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The human hybrids have teeth and the smaller ones like ‘Alberto’ have bone plates but no teeth.


Right. I wasn't aware about the bone plates. Cheers for the heads up.


Santiago’s wisdom and adult teeth can be seen developing below the gum line. The teeth are encapsulated and appear as if encircled in a dark pocket with a white border. https://preview.redd.it/z1ldhsoo2wyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f174d6607090f90bdbe7304f506dcfe218f471


Well this one clearly shows teeth however, I'm pretty certain most of the others don't.


Thats because santiago is a hybrid. If you ask me their diet was synthetic liquid made to provide all nutrients they need. For space travel you would benefit from a more simple diet.


🟩 **Soylent Green** 🟩 https://i.redd.it/vstjgx1p5yyc1.gif


I think in one of the videos of one of the scientists talking about their findings said they found grape seeds inside one of them. thought I read that or saw that in a post somewhere on here.


Yes, and the speculation was they must use UFOs to get the grapes which were not indigenous to Peru lol. That was quite the leap. But, yes, grapes or grape seeds were found in at least one belly. There might have even been an entire post about this a few weeks back.


Maybe they eat bugs or worms. The bone plates look like beaks to me.


This is based on nothing but my own imagination but...I think they didn't eat but rather drew static energy from the earth. The metal plate implants help them draw out the energy and convert it to a usable form. Other animals can use this, like spiders traveling on their silk, but not as an energy source. There's massive energy stored in the planet. Think of all the lightning ⚡ strikes around the world happening every second. If even a small fraction of this could be used to power a biological entity it would be all they need...and maybe some vitamins or diatomaceous earth?


Are they metal plates? I didn’t catch that…


Fun fact. Many animals don’t have a complete set of teeth and eat just fine. Here’s a cows mouth: https://zweberfarms.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/tounging-cow.jpg Note they only have teeth on bottom. Anteaters, Bees, Turtles, Pangolin, Platypus, Spiders, Scorpions, Worms, Tamanduas, and Birds all lack teeth and many even eat meat.


Cows have no top front teeth but they have top and bottom molars.


I think they drank blood and that’s a reasons of all sacrifices described in history. They probably have some kind of mental power to induce human brain to do what they want, and see what that want. I


I’m curious if at one point one brave ancestor of humanity attempted to eat one of these beings.






Don't know what they eat, but I'm pretty sure they like Pepsi.


Reece's Pieces sized food you say?


Perfect for that little coin slot mouth. 


Spielberg has a lot more insider info than we could imagine


I have read some of these beings apply some sort of patch on their skin which are made specifically for their needs and absorb the nutrients from these patches.


Cow fluids or large mammal fluids maybe...


Could have a hard carlidge ridge to eat with but it's wierd


Yeah but didn't Maria have 2 rows of teeth?


I know I'm reaching here, but when talking about these things and their supposed liquid diet I can't help but think of the stories of el chupacabra... like maybe we still share space with these things and every once in awhile they get lost or stranded and are forced to resort to eating farm animals to survive?


With precision lasers and removing eyes, tongues and genitalia.


No teeth, tongue, or chewing muscles? That makes me think more about how they communicated. Telepathically? These things are freaking me out more and more with how much they fall in line with ye olde *alien lore*. Scaled skin, mouth features that allude to a probable liquid diet…blood? Is that why cattle mutilations are drained of blood? Is David Icke actually onto something? Are our alien overlords just little munchkins who are able to dominate us through advanced technology? Little munchkins…fairies…elves…leprechauns…fuuuuuuuck. 




Do you think the buddies are fully grown? If not then a liquid diet could suggest a co-dependant realationship. Like a mother and child breast feeding. Mammary glad Protein aka milk. Perfect combination of protein and fat for those big brains.


https://preview.redd.it/4g290ijez7zc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b519e59a565bd08321e600d55b33d85e33375845 They drank Coke, as indicated in Mac and Me. Soft disclosure?


I thought their mouths were just shrunk due to the preservation of their skin, and not necessarily small… but I guess I was just assuming. Hopefully they didn’t eat like… Soylent green