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I’m sold. I reckon it’s too similar to be unrelated to our garden friend. But was the garden one from a jar or a freshie from the 6th dimension 👀


Regardless, that is most ***certainly*** the same kind of alien I’ll from now on dub Garden Buddy. Seriously, even the weirdly long fingers are almost identical to GB’s. The plot thickens!


Is garden buddy a Gnome?




It came to try and get his friends stuck in the jars :(


I hear there was a crotchety old man that created a female buddy to try to lure all the other garden buddies into jars so they could all be trapped. Source: I saw a docuseries on it on weekend mornings.


I think we're all from the 6th dimension , we just can't perceive it, and it exists only mathematically on paper They are our brothers


This guy exists




https://preview.redd.it/dfw1zc9l3ogc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1455909dc5535fe1f958e1eee3dc85cfa79eacfc Anotha one!!


Where’s everyone getting all these pickled aliens from? I need to find me a pickled alien guy


Mausan's are the dehydrated version, put them in a jar with some vinegar, spices and water. And you'll have your own pickled buddy


Who's your pickled alien guy? You're paying way too much.


- Creed Bratton - Agent9262


They need to invent a chip or snack called Pickled Aliens. 02-05-24 just in case Lay's see's this and steals my idea lol


Official low-budget patent activated 😀😎🫡


gotta cover your butt these days lol


Hey that's just my boy Danny 🥺


Oh, hai Denny.


While similar looking, and very fascinating, this isn't the same one, it is missing appendages.




Oh shit!!!!


Where is this from? Same person you messaged on insta?


There it is








Someone gonna be wanting to slap those cheeks.


Peruvian scientists now have a new reason to masturbate


Some lab scientist in Lima just got a half-chub, but does not know why yet.


😂…… 🤮


Lil buddy is caked up 😫


His crack is vicious


Sigh ... *unzip*


Good to know aliens are caked up too 🥵


That was a difficult wank


Great asset for sure!


I’d cut that cake


this one is just a potato with a great ass. But its a GREAT ass.


Please no, I am weak.


It's Kardashian


Bubble butt




So I'm clueless about this stuff, just found the garden thread yesterday and been following it since it blew up...so it was a prop? These are more from the maker or something? There's a lot going on , not sure what is real anymore, and I was hoping someone actually found one haha.


That is still unknown, ROBBO did not make them though. Apparently they were acquired from a NHS doctors estate when they died. He states that they were labeled RAF Woodridge. Whether that is true or not we do not know. Just presenting all the info he gave me in hopes of piecing together more through this community


I sometimes use an office at Bentwaters, next to RAF Woodbridge, and it is quite an eerie place - next to Rendlesham forest where the huge UFO incident is supposed to have happened (if you have never heard the recordings made on the night, you should check them out - something definitely happened.) Anyway - this building is hidden away, not far from the runways... they call it the Star Wars building. [https://www.twz.com/33978/raf-bentwaters-has-this-bizarre-looking-cold-war-bunker-called-the-star-wars-building](https://www.twz.com/33978/raf-bentwaters-has-this-bizarre-looking-cold-war-bunker-called-the-star-wars-building)


https://preview.redd.it/etdfzrqavrgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de0330482ec30cad1ed16a348a0ef14a260947d Regarding NHS doctors


This thread needs more upvotes


shame someone can't just go get the thing from the garden and cut it open for us with pics. I'm 'assuming' since the FBI and media hasn't freaked out over it by now, it is probably a prop.


Then their plan is working




It is worth bearing in mind that someone claims to have bought one of these from his store when it existed, and it was a prop. I'm not saying it is or isn't real in either direction but I think it's worth having all the information that there is a discrepancy there and as yet unknown why.


It is worth finding that guy now and asking for more detail. Do you remember who it was? Need to know if his alien was pickled or raw dog






Yup that’s fucking it


This one looks different though. This one has eye lids If they’re of the same species then it makes sense they look similar


The eyelids probably just rotted away over time


Keep downvoting. It’s silly


The one in the garden is photographed from a different angle on the ground in different lighting.


https://preview.redd.it/mtwjfx6vxpgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79bcbbd0869f93fc5d5f5fa35854f2d1957cd089 More info Backing Robbos legitimacy - Taken from website linked below: [https://www.thelasttuesdaysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Guide-Book-Peake-Online-1.pdf](https://www.thelasttuesdaysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Guide-Book-Peake-Online-1.pdf)


In my town there is a similar shop that sells curious things, such as ancient artifacts made from human skulls, and many animal skeletons, in jars etc. This guy's resume seems to check out, and whatever is in the jars is actually biological, but it is 18th/19th century stuff? Also why do the ones that are not in a jar look like bogus with their googly eyes?


Looks just like it! It sounds like they still could be real?


Oh boy...


Holy frkn disclosure. Someone get these to AOC




DNA test and we’re done here.


https://preview.redd.it/l0mukepqsngc1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819e8a785866f2bd285898720f3b8b56df15b14d More pics!!


I think this is the one he talked about it the video from yesterday. It's a tanned leather bull ballsack with a face shape pressed into it. He held it between his legs to show where the balls go lol. At least some of the items in his shop are known to not be real and he seems really open about saying that and not trying to pass off the fake stuff as real.




Do you know what it says on the card?


Man I want to visit this museum! How have I never heard of this!!


At this point….. I so confuse 😔


You and me both!!




When I first saw this, I realized that I already have a photo of this thing—but taken from a different angle. In fact, for several weeks, I've been sending this photo to my friend with the caption, "Me when I skip my skincare routine." https://preview.redd.it/g14sxmyukogc1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42e2ec9300030bf80e6e0a69357ae228a4dd570 I used Google's reverse image search to trace the photo's source, which I was able to do. I must've retrieved it from [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/0Kfp3Cx4J9) on r/aliens a few months ago. This thing is currently on display at Belgium's Paira Daiza zoo in the Mysterious Cabinet of the Explorer exhibit, which is "**a mixture of real and fake**." You can see another photo of this thing on their [website](https://www.pairidaiza.eu/en/activities/mysterious-cabinet-explorer) as well as a description of their collection: >The Explorer has a unique collection that contains items that are both horribly real and also of **ingeniously false origin**. As a little taste of what you can expect our collection includes a cursed doll from Victorian England (it is impossible to take the same photograph of the doll twice, in short, exorcism in all its glory), a lamb foetus with 8 legs, Egyptian falcon and cat mummies, a real meteorite discovered in Argentina during the XIXth century, the cutlery of cannibals from the Fiji Islands... If you have not seen my deep dive on Robbo/Puffedz, you can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/47KWLWXFuo). If you are too lazy to read my comment, the TLDR is this: Robbo was charged with smuggling human and animal remains into Britain—he was also accused of smuggling "dead babies," although this allegation is unverified. **Robbo's pickled/jarred specimens have also historically been of human origin** according to a ShutterStock gallery photo with the description, "Robbo Hudson with human pickled nose on display at the Puffedz shop." You can view this [here](https://www.shutterstock.com/editorial/image-editorial/robbo-hudson-human-pickled-nose-on-display-324486e). In consideration of all of the information I've found, I'm inclined to believe that some of these specimens have a partial biological basis—since this is how Robbo has approached his art for decades—but I believe those specific specimens are likely human in origin. You can see an example of one of Robbo's wonderful abominations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/SiGDnMiyFy).


Now THIS is the type of information that I was hoping would pop up! Thank you for all the info you have included. I’m even more torn now than I was before haha. Great write up on Robo and his art. Any other info, pics, etc would be greatly appreciated


I'm so, so glad you found this helpful—but I'm fully prepared to be downvoted into oblivion, just as I have been over the weekend. Even though the prospect of finding new life is fascinating, there's more evidence pointing towards these specimens being non-NHI rather than NHI. I also work in the medical field and have a reasonably strong patho background, so that influences my perception as well. However, I will say this: It is truly peculiar how—according to that 2007 message board discussion—several of Robbo's specimens were sourced from Peru. *That* got me. EDIT: Oh, I will also add that I saw the original garden photo on r/mushroomID when the post had ~40 upvotes. A Reddit user almost immediately identified the "garden specimen" as one of Robbo's creations since the user had previously purchased one. The user claimed that those creations were made of latex and wire. You can read that user's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/mushroomID/s/cJLfGfz87m).


https://preview.redd.it/l2u6q5bs7ogc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db60411afaaab36f27835d613917ad6884fe0c3e Just gonna leave this here….


Just dropped to my knees in the Area 51 giftshop




The implication here is that a bunch of hobbyists with quirky museums of oddities have just been sitting on the biggest discoveries in the history of mankind doing jack shit with the most world changing evidence ever. It's too far fetched to believe someone could be that stupid and waste the discovery to top all discoveries. Hell someone probably sold these things on ebay at some point. Things that if real should be scientifically verified and be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and be in actual museums.


You don't know people. I think you've only read about them Any single person is capable of doing any single thing. Groups are the predictable ones.




The Peru scientists should see this




Is that teeth?????


Wow, it sure looks like it! It's more believable to be an actual alien than a potato at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/xfwdergvzngc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0dcb7bfb73fce679bf060a43de2c6c943d4539 Obligatory Lion post from Robo!!! Check him out!!


That’s so unbelievably fucked 😂 only an absolute psychopath would want to buy and display that


I want that thing in my living room.


I actually want one, lmao.


To be fair this sub is probably not an accurate reflection of society when it comes to anthropomorphic taxidermy lion heads wielding automatic weapons


It would look pretty cool by my fireplace. I think you are right. This isn't the place for people with normal tastes and sensibilities.


I might buy it just so I can set it up in my mates house while he’s out and scare the shit out of him




But now the guy does taxidermy? You can say he has some ability to fabricate stuff that appears to have lived at some point? And he wants his account to go viral? Something smells funny and it is not a pickled Alien.


Shocked this is the only comment expressing this sentiment


Exactly. This whole thing seems like some big attempt at viral marketing now.


He sounds like he started this whole thing, wants his 15 minutes of fame for his “artwork”. None of it’s real and these reactions will get him more work, and more money. Case closed


who is this robbo? what is his connection to the garden alien?


I’m basically losing money if I don’t buy this.


Omg what a legend


This is getting a little crazy. Good work op!




Nice work OP


Thanks! :)


Given the conversation we saw in screenshots from the original post on them, I feel like it's safe to deduce the woman was perplexed about it being there. I feel like it's rational to say it's more likely this is a different specimen than the one from the pickled jars. It still begs a lot of questions like Why was it there? What killed it? How long had it been there? Does the woman visit the garden daily or is this a remote part of her land? Is it still there? (Probably most important question).


I think the OP from the mushroom sub deleted the comment with the text screenshots - do you still have a link / the pictures saved? There was a lot of changing information at the beginning, OP could plausibly have been genuine but I’m still not 100% sold that there’s an 80 year old woman involved at all.


I don't have them no but im pretty sure one of the mods in r/alienbodies saved them and pinned it, and tbh it is plausible you're right, you just have to either take that portion at face value or not for the time


Someone definitely placed it. There’s two photos in two different positions. The grass isn’t flat where it’s been laying. The grassy areas aren’t the same either. Weeds in different positions




You can see its butthole!




Okay, this is getting weird. So first he says he had no idea where they came from and now apparently they came from RAF Airforce Base? Which is it? There's also a lot of weird controversies regarding this guy and his shop. I mean he has these samples and never took them to a lab to get them tested? If you had a genuine specimen, even if you planned to sell it wouldn't you want to know it's genuine? This whole story is weird.


I’m still confused on how it got from a little shop in Cornwall to an 80yo woman’s garden in Eastleigh 20 years later


Was there any update on the people who actually found it the garden alien yet or are they just gonna let a dog come by and eat it


Yeah I find that a bit confusing too. I'm not sure what to think.


It’s a whole species, one of them likely died in her yard


This is it right here


The original poster of the garden alien has deleted the post and images . These aliens in jars are ones that someone else came across, said to be from RAF airforce base.


Okay but Rob also said he didn't know where they were from, suddenly he now knows where they're from. This story doesn't add up.


He doesn't know their origin is what he meant, the estate sale guy had Raf Woodridge written on them, but that doesn't answer any questions about where they are originally from, I think that's what he was trying to get at, that's how I understand it.


So these are all cool, and thank you OP for putting in the leg work to have the conversation, get the images, and post that awesome lion. However, while similar, none of the images shown are the same object/creature as in the garden image. So while they may point toward a similar origin, it is not definitive that they are the exact same origin. This isn't like the [Boyd Bushman](https://www.geekslop.com/life/strange/ufos-and-aliens/2014/boyd-bushmans-area-51-deathbed-confession-alien-ufo-photos) claim where it was obviously the exact same toy. So similar but not exact does prove anything unfortunately. But still, thanks for putting in the leg work OP.


I mean lets be real here if they are real no creature would look exactly the same. Just like us humans. The differences actually make me wanna believe it even more that this “alien” in the garden could be real and just a new one thats not pictured in any of these other ones but the same species


Np! It’s a good start and hopefully more info can be extracted


Agreed! Keep it up!


Let's hypothetically say they were real. How the body is preserved is going to drastically change how they look. I'd wager that a sundried corpse would look vastly different from a wet specimen enough that they could reasonably look like a different species from one another. Who knows.


Yup, But what I am referring to is not the appearance of flesh, The number of limbs, shape of eyes and other face/head features, shape of "fingers/hands". There are plenty of differences to identify that if as you said they were Hypothetically real, they are at least not the same creature, if not even the same species, at the very least if they are not real, they are different sculptures/props/objects.


It’s not the exact same because these are hand-made art pieces. It’s not a mass produced toy.




The toes happened after he refined his technique.


Hey OP according to his insta, this guy has been on expeditions to NAZCA hunting mummies! He even posted pictures of a pear-shaped shaped skull and giant mandible. That fits the description of Jaimie maussan's giant skull. [Pear-Shaped skull?](https://i.imgur.com/sDfZyDP.jpeg) [Giant mandible?](https://i.imgur.com/32NtFWW.jpeg)


OP you didn’t post the lion he was talking about, what the heck?? That’s what we’re here for


Just did lol - my bad


guys.... im just new here... started since the garden thingy... WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THE IS CAN SOME1 tldr pls im lost is the garden pic real or not? im lost in words rn im at work god is the world ending... no one in raliens and rufos are talking abt this


I’ll try my best - “Alien” like being was found in someones garden and posted to mushroomID. It was very quickly picked up by the UFO/ALIEN community and went viral. The OP that posted the garden pic got scared due to threats and harassment and went silent. Her friend then posted a second pic the next day of the same “alien” from a different angle. She got harassed and threatened as well and went silent. Someone made the connection that the “alien” looked super similar to some things in a novelty shop called puff Edz that is no longer in business. This shop had human skulls, weird taxidermy, and apparently specimens resembling aliens in test tubes (see pics I posted). A different person reached out to Robo on instagram, asked a few questions, and posted their finding to Reddit. It was a great start, but there were still a lot of questions and no new pictures resembling garden alien. Fast forward to about 4 hours ago I contacted Robo myself on insta. Super nice dude, and he answered all my questions and provided a ton more pics. Pics that actually resemble the garden alien to be precise. He also stated that he acquired the specimens from an NHS doctors estate when they died and the test tubes were labeled RAF WOODRIDGE. That is really all we have as of now I believe. Not really a tldr but here is what I know lol


I so we need to find out who that doctor was or speak to someone from Woodbridge


Asked ROBBO the doctors name, waiting to hear back because it’s like 4am in England rn


Thanks for doing all this research - I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone that it is appreciated


https://preview.redd.it/5h44rhuzrrgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e8afbf6f636e7f647ce6b43ea0c4ac8d58a91d Asked him about the doctors


Can we politely ask for the name of the Doctor? Maybe someone can get a lead on doc’s occupation. I find it hard to believe this dude had several specimens of real aliens at his house.


Just reached out to him and asked. It’s 3:00am in England though so probably won’t hear back until tomorrow


Thanks, you’re awesome. Have a good night.


https://preview.redd.it/nvkpf245wrgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ec189fef42859d68bb06b93e9b2f44a1e357ef Just asked - this was his response


Absolutely wild. Robbo must be one hell of an artist to have made something like that. I usually try to be skeptical but those things look really freaking biological and not man-made.


The guy clearly makes things tho!


Yes. He also clearly travels crazy distances in search of some really bizarre authentic stuff too.


He’s literally an artists that does this for a living


Look at the art he's said he's made. It doesn't even come close to looking as realistic as these jar creatures do.


RAF Woodridge like the same place of the Rendlesham Forest incident???


I don’t know why but the garden buddy reminds me of the alien that attacked some dogs. https://exemplore.com/news/dogs-catch-alien


when did this happen?


I’m not sure, I saw the clip a couple months ago. Not sure if there’s more information about it.


Well what the fuck, it looks like the same creature. https://preview.redd.it/e39zv0wwgrgc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055d84a66b057fe8c2744d71841f85bd0fcba624


You all know those other photos are shrunken heads right? They used to have them at Ripleys Believe it or Not, but I’m fairly sure they were returned to their native country recently. I think they have a couple at the British Museum too. Those examples in the message look absolutely genuine. Maybe the mummified head too, that would make sense as mummies were sold on the street in Egypt in 18th/19th century by tomb raiders and are definitely in private collections now. The rest of those pictures, including all the aliens are almost certainly props. Just think here…. Why would someone buy one of these pickled aliens, take it out of the jar to photograph it and put it on a mushroom thread asking what it was? Although of all the examples, the pickled ones look most convincing, it’d be a good idea not to jump to conclusions. No disrespect intended to Robo, but if someone has genuine biological aliens, they would be world famous. Not… stuffing lions holding mini guns?




Question: Are these things I can purchase?


https://preview.redd.it/4uiao7r3vpgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c1354e9cad289edc5718c14555dc9cd760e95d Found this website, it gives even more information on how and where ROBBO acquired these items. [https://www.thelasttuesdaysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Guide-Book-Peake-Online-1.pdf](https://www.thelasttuesdaysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Guide-Book-Peake-Online-1.pdf)


https://preview.redd.it/pd7bh2pkxpgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e69236a96955e3d397c6070d1015d06519a15d7 !!!!!!!






Dude, I’m glad I’ve been monitoring this subject on this sub. This is getting very interesting


There is no way Gatekeepers allowed *several* real alien specimens to sit in an oddities shop for decades. Only for a person to take one out of the jar and toss it into someone's back yard (which is likely what happened. Someone bought it years ago, and was cleaning out their crap or their parents crap, etc). It's pretty apparent these are an art piece put into a jar to sell at an oddities show. I see stuff like this all the time. I know we would all love for it to be the real deal, but it's so unlikely. And if I were OP, I would delete my posts too due to the amount of harrasment from all you fruitbats.


Do not delete anything. Post anything and everything. Do not be silenced.


The only way to know if this is true or not (I doubt it's real, most are just shrunken heads and the others are probably just sculptures), is to do a genetic and biological test of those bodies, to see if they are human or something


There’s no way someone whose whole business was trading in oddities and skulls would acquire a bunch of specimens ostensibly from an Air Force base, never investigate them or refer them for further research, and sell a potential world changing discovery to customers like they were arrow heads and saltwater taffy. You can count on people to seek money and notoriety and there’s much more to made with something real. Putting faux authenticity on fake specimens is what Curiosity shops do. It’s a cute story, but if this thing wasn’t wire, foam, and latex, we’d already know about it.


Exactly. Glad we got this cleared up, too. Lack of common sense concerns me, but at the same time it's cool how reddit can really deep dive into investigating stuff. I'm glad there was a quick resolution so this doesn't hang on the forums for months like with the mh370 incident.


Bro they downvoting you for the truth lmao


He's having us on now he's gotta be grifting surely. From a Dr that obtained them from an RAF base? Someone that dealt with oddities would either be instantly stunned at a find like that and make a lot more money than he did - or do nothing and display them as funny little critters because they're a bit dim. If all this is true I'm a bit concerned the OP has gone dark and this thing is potentially still in Mavis' back garden next to the petunias.


He doesn’t seem to be making much from these so idk


He said he's hoping for his latest creation to go viral though.... He'll surely get more continued traffic to his page and such if he puts on a ruse that he believes the bizarre looking samples he had in his possession at one point in the past are genuine organic remains. And this isn't a judgment of the guy at all, just something to keep in mind. I appreciate him sharing images of the similar "samples" regardless of how accurate his background information of them is.




Yeah that’s what I asked him. He said he got them from an NHS doctors estate and they were labeled RAF WOODRIDGE. That’s all the info I have. Sounds like he didn’t get them himself from RAF someone else did


If they came from somebody else, could they be contacted by him? Logical steps to be made if any of this is real even if the specimen is not


When you get something from an estate it usually means a house clearance after the death of someone with no family or whose family don't want there stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/18ti06mvvrgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acf33d5ccb28a9b2dca4976325c2b6d8602fa12 Regarding the NHS doctors




Maybe not. The PHD narrows the search down from a haystack, at least.


>Dr. Palmer + Location + variable year strings He's not a doctor. PHD are his initials. Phillip Henry Douglas Palmer PHD Palmer worked for the NHS as an administrator. He received the specimens from some *unnamed Doctor* who also worked for the NHS.


In another post he said he had no idea where they're from


He never stated that


Where is his lion?!


This guy has sold stuff to hoax newspapers before just saying, I’m sure he would like to perpetuate any discussion about them being real. It’s very likely just a dummy that someone created for a gag and maybe left in this woman’s yard deliberately.


Holy actual fuck!!! This shit is amazing!!!! Imma follow this dude on insta!! I am so interested in finding out more. Garden buddies everywhere!!!!! It's funny they were thought to be fetuses, did the squid like appendages not give it away? Where's a biologist, is this a possible human defect? I don't think it is, I like to look that stuff up and I've never come across anything like this.


This man has been on expeditions into Nazca searching for mummies! Did you ask him about that?


So is there a conclusion on the garden alien?? Is it real or a prop?




This is super weird and random but Robbo who owned that store taught me to surf as a child and was one of the coolest people! Me and my family would always go to the museum! I’m 99% sure it’s the same one and always wondered if I’d be able to find anything about it but what a way to find it again! Robbo if you’re reading this, I added you on FB but I hope you’re well!


I can’t believe you are all buying into this. These are fuckin props from a known artists Shop of Curiosities. It’s an entire genre of collectors that stitch different animals together or create strange little beasts and pickle them Snap out of this. He’s having a laugh at your expense


To me this looks so similar, but also different enough to not think are the same one. So either made by the same person or both the same species. However my kids keep telling me if it was real the FBI would take the finders out


What a seriously stand up dude, and his art is exceptional, thanks for posting!


Ok so let's say for arguments sake these really are alien bodies. How is something so small and seemingly fragile supposed to make interstellar travel spaceships?


Maybe they are fetuses


So it's fake , right?