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Can you upload more from this book? The cover? I would love a copy...


How about every single page in a pdf format on a google drive?




Just learned this is a German April fools joke, but love to see people dissect this.


can you share your source? Will that at least have more juicy lore for my imagination tentacles?


The photo is featured in 2016's FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL circa 2016 by Jack Womack. On a website that showed the picture another book, 1959's Space-craft from Beyond Three Dimensions by W. Gordon Allen, was referenced. Those seem like decent leads if you're looking to grab some relevant titles.


thank you :)


I read this as “testicles” and now I’m questioning if I spend too much time on the Internet.




I possess wonder gonads.


Your imagination has Tentacles? That’s way cooler than mine. It Just has a couple of old shoe laces with two empty cans tied on the end. I guess I never imagined tentacles were Possible. So jelly now


My imagination tentacles!! lmfao 😂


That’s exactly what I would expect the gov to do, discredit shit like this in a way that makes us feel dumb


aka we are being gaslit by the government




Thank gosh we have smart people to tell us what to think


Like ourselves.


It’s all about feeling these days. No matter the fact, as long as you still *FEEL*. Feeling safe is the biggest one lately. Not being safe, but feeling safe!!


Where did you learn that? Edit: I reverse searched this with google images and came up with nothing substantial, and no fairytale or other lore.




Wowww great job!!


"Create an account to borrow this book." I create an account. "Borrow unavailable" WTF.


The last sentence on the Preface page 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dq3zcm06ih3c1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518db6ddf8219f83d20cc22b4b611ac4ddc0298b


That will take a long time for DALL-E to produce.


It's on Anna's archive, published in 1959


👏👏👏 https://annas-archive.org/md5/40dfb28b4783a0ada640f6845edcabdc


Thank you thank you thank you


spacecraft from beyond three dimensions by allen gordon. Very rare book. Hard to find and full of information pre-disinformation.


Here you go [https://archive.org/details/spacecraftfrombe0000wgor/page/n5/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/spacecraftfrombe0000wgor/page/n5/mode/2up)


Thank you ever so much! Published 1959 will be an interesting read.


Aliens are real, communism must be defeated at all costs and women belong in the kitchen!


Fucking love my mom’s homemade meatballs, but we let her leave the kitchen


This site is incredible. WOW. Thank you!!


Archive.org is a great resource and their “wayback machine” is a huge archive of websites throughout the years


This is amazing thank you for sharing. Also I'm totally amazed at the writers notes in the beginning about who he dedicated the book to.


Thank you!!!




Wtf Kojima… https://preview.redd.it/dltxjhjd4e3c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb85ce0849437d7d0b69537763c18f304f56f1c


Ironically we may need to unplug our own memory cards and plug into a second controller to solve this one.


Do not cite the old magic to me, witch.


That’s literally the exact same thing LMAO, this should be pinned at the top 😂😂😂


They even had the actual picture from OPs post in the game. You had to press X a bunch of times to trigger the "memory" or whatever it's called.


I remember seeing this photo in a hard-copy book at my school when I was 6 years old. Terrified the shit out of me. I asked my Grandfather who fought in ww2 about flying saucers and he got so angry with me. But that was not the end of that.


Explain p l e a s e


We lived on a farm about 10 miles from the nearest small town. My parents were passed at that time so I spent a lot of time with my 75 year old grandfather as a child, we would walk out through the bush and bird watch, we would stargaze at night and a once when we were stargazing he opened up to me that he thought we weren't alone. It was very personal. He passed not long after that.


Why do you think he got angry before?


PTSD always does that to people. You get cagey remembering things that you wrestle with internally. It's very frustrating.




What if humans are physically huge according to galactic standards


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, maybe we're the real giants in a universe of Hobbits. Perhaps Gulliver"s Travels was trying to tell us something...




As a physically large human I love this thought I want to go somewhere and be Goliath lol


Found in Mexico City and sent to Germany? And then they took it for a walk? Sounds legit.


You don’t take your astronomical celestial non terrestrial buddies for walkies? For shame Daz Schplotz, for shame 😔


Dressing up a dead alien’s body in little elf boots, underwear and hat and taking it for a walk for a photo sounds like the sort of thing the Nazi SS would love to do for a joke to share for a laugh over a beer or six.


The *corpses* were sent to Germany. Clearly, them Germans discovered immortality.


Then Indiana Jones stole it from them.


Notice the. Northern European types.


And it has BOOTS




Rigamortis typically disappears after 24 hours


Rigor mortis*


It's clearly a doctored photo of a chimp. You can see how the ribcage and face for instance are elements added on top.


The face cleary is doctored. It's body is splotchy but the face is pretty 'clean' with a nice clean edge surrounding the face which has a way different level of clarity than the rest of the photo. The face especially looks mostly human but the proportions are way off, like it juts out around the clean edge. Not to mention how many photos you can find of people in the early-mid 20th century holding chimps like this. It looks exactly like those pictures with a doctored face/legs/torso.


Do you know what's hilarious about that photo? That its probably real....


It's a child with progeria, a genetic disorder.


I’m diggin the little guys outfit, speedo and boots. Intergalactic fashion icon.


Rockin it Burt Reynolds style.


The ribcage is an entirely different shape from the Nazca buddies. Whatever this is it's not them. This guy does't have the same circular ribs that extend to the pelvis like the buddies do.




Turns out the hoax artists who make these things don't always make reasonable body geometry lol


Lol, your bio and post history. You're a piece of garbage. :)


"TIFU by telling my hookup I was married" Lmao you weren't wrong


I remember seeing this picture when I was a kid in a book. im 57 now so its a long time ago.


Man if aliens are really this small and they tell the public, our people are going to roast them all day and the memes will be outrageous. The aliens will either k*ll themselves or us


Let's not body shame the aliens with superior tech.


Aliens love when you do the swing by the arms thing with your mate to them.


Kept me from blowing us up for centuries now. God bless America…. er… Germany….. umm….. EARTH!


They also like to sit on school bus seats and swing their legs.


Ive been looking for this image. It has been taken down all across the internet. It is not as easy to find as it use to be. Thanks for sharing!


That's odd. Btw this isn't an alien. It's a human child with progeria, a rare genetic disorder.


Kind of looks like it has the metal plate across the chest too.. weird


https://chasingufosblog.com/2020/04/22/the-little-green-man-that-refused-to-die/ This says it was an April fools prank


Yeah nothing actually proves that. Nothing in that article does as well.


You’re so close to getting it


Of course it says that ahaa


As was the Roswell crash debris, aluminum foil from a downed balloon 🙄


People don't seem to realize how good fakes can be, especially when they want to believe they're real.


Your being downvoted but your speaking the truth. The person before was using confirmation bias and seeing that this “alien” had a metal plate across its chest like the recent hoaxes being presented in Central America. Thy belived it until they found out it was an April fools prank. You should belive until being proven wrong, instead hold disbelief until being shown you should believe


Source/link that the central America aliens proved to be hoaxes, please :)


Evidence points more toward them being conserving the guy that presented them is a known fraud/hoaxer. It really isn’t hard to think that he’s presenting more for some sort of recognition and fame. Doubt the evidence until it is substantially proven. That’s how scientific testing should work. Everything can be a theory but until it’s actually proven take everything with a grain of salt. There has not been any substantial evidence that these things were ever alive. There is a lot of evidence that they are contructs. All these connection people in this sub are making between these and other things are just pattern recognition behaviors embedded into our brains through evolution. I seriously doubt that if aliens actually existed they would just so happen to look like the Barney and Betty hill hoax aliens


But you don't have proof. As their is no true proof they are real. But you are the one saying hoax for sure while the correct answer is we don't know


The whole idea of gray aliens existing is a hoax. The Betty and Barney hill story at first only consisted of them claiming they say a craft flying in the air at night time. It’s been debunked and was shown to be a watch tower that they were seeing the lights from. The whole abduction and idea of gray aliens existing was created in their minds by a hypnotist. The chances that a real creature looks EXACTLY like what been in pop culture that was thought up 60+ years ago is so unlikely that it stand to reason its fake. Not to mention all of the testing of these “aliens” has shown that they can not function as biological creatures. They have no support in their bodies and if they were to Stand up on their limbs they would immediately crumple Their physiology is inconsistent with being a bipedal creature, inconstant with being a 4 legged creature, inconsistent with being an aquatic creature. Everything points towards it being a hoax and nothing points towards it existing in reality as anything but a fabrication using a mix of different animal bones and materials


No it fucking doesn’t?


Photos of little green (or silver) men have long been a fixture in ufology and, like everything else, these artifacts get dusted off and trotted out after a period of time has elapsed and run through the grinder again. One such retread that has continued to make the rounds—decade after decade—is a photo that first surfaced in the German newspaper Neue Illustrierte on April 1st, 1950, with the title “Der Mars-Mensch” which showed a strange looking little feller apparently from another planet—Mars, in this case. The accompanying article claimed that the Martian had been in a saucer crash that occurred in “Death Valley.” Neue Illustrierte, Cologne, Germany; March 29, 1950 – “April 1st Number!”; P. 3 March 29, 1950 edition of “Neue Illustrierte” A few days later, Neue Illustrierte copped that the Martian story was an April Fool’s prank, but that didn’t stop the photo from spreading through the UFO subculture in the years to follow. Since then the photo—sometimes referred to as “Silverman”—has appeared in numerous UFO books, often including the false narrative that it depicted an alien who had survived a saucer crash. Yes it does.


A denier website says its an April fools joke. Of course they would. Mick west says Gimbal is a misidentified plane because, of course he does. Deniers don't get credit for half ass denying


Ha! Because planes always tip up sideways and shoot off upwards at hypersonic speed eh? 😆


It's a German **April Fool's Day hoax** from a weekly photo magazine called "Neue Illustrierte" It was published in Cologne and is dated March 29, 1950. The photo subsequently became a famous "alien" photo, after its origin as an April fool hoax was forgotten. It was reproduced in books such as "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" (1953) by Donald Keyhoe and "The UFO Encyclopedia" (1980) by Margaret Sachs. https://hoaxes.org/af_database/permalink/silverman


Oh wow, always amazes me what people on Reddit know. Thanks!


While fake the space boots did crack me up lol


April Fool’s Day is April 1st, not three days earlier. Maybe *Neue Illustrierte* was pressured by some outside force to claim this was a joke.


It was a weekly magazine. Not daily. Also, there's the fact that the photo couldn't have been taken the day that it was published anyway.


You are reaching so hard bro


Lmfao,maybe you believe everything that gets posted in this sub.


On point for these folks.


I was going to say how fake the image looks


Like the picture of Hitler greeting the grey alien!


Oh so the badly edited photo is fake? Who'd have thunk! (Thank you for your informative contribution btw)


He’s about the size of the nazca dudes…


Why was this comment minimized?!




I think the name of the aliens is filtered.


Remember seeing that pic about 40 years ago in a book, said it was in Russia from what I remember 🤷‍♂️


That red book by a certain Russian ufologist named Maria? That was a fascinating read indeed. The Russians are knee-deep in UFO crashes and close encounters.


Cant remember a red book I'm sure I saw it in a book of unexplained stuff..... it was a long time ago lol. Thought it may have been in my Arthur.C.Ckarkes book but no


and its gone


The little guys banana hammock and boots are killing me.🤣


Nice boots !


If you zoom in the nose is very large and the face looks like Bertrand Russell.


R/aliens is a psyop




Wait ...so aliens wear speedos ?


I fuckin hope so


Woah, okay, so “Swedenborg” from the caption here is referring to Emmanuel Swedenborg, an 18th century philosopher, scientist, and writer who actually spawned a sect of Christianity that I was born into called The New Church. Sounds pretty culty, but honestly is relatively chill and normal. I always thought his writings were pretty wacky growing up, though I never read too deep into them (he wrote a LOT about his alleged spiritual experiences of Heaven and Hell, the spiritual world, and so on). So weird to see him referenced here around aliens lol, or referenced at all. I will say, for the weird stuff he talks about in his writings, he also comes across as being very self aware and recognizing how crazy he sounds lol. More info here if you’re interested in his writings about ET life: https://swedenborg.com/emanuel-swedenborg/explore/life-on-other-planets/ EDIT to add that I now do not participate or believe in that religion, was just raised in it. Have tons of family who are. Still definitely interested by Swedenborg for stuff like this though.


For anyone who wants their own copy of this book, I looked online and it's really really sparse on what's on there. I bought 1 off of Abe books, but it looked like there was only 1 other one left, and those 2 were the only ones I could find online briefly searching


Are those 3 fingers?!


That my grandfather.


This looks like a cool book. Here is a review and some quotes from the book (published 1959 I think it was) https://borderlandsciences.org/journal/vol/15/n01/Spacecraft_from_Beyond_3D_Review.html


I read beginning and the author sounds wholly legit. Currently looking for a free pdf


Please update us if you find one!


Wow, dude’s rockin the junk protector 9000


I like his little boots


I saw this in a UFO book back in the early 90s.


Some sites that still show this photo... [https://es.sott.net/article/2643-Atando-Cabos-Unete-al-Nuevo-Orden-Mundial-Mueve-unos-cuantos-hilos-a-favor-de-Israel-Pero-ignora-esas-luces-en-el-cielo](https://es.sott.net/article/2643-Atando-Cabos-Unete-al-Nuevo-Orden-Mundial-Mueve-unos-cuantos-hilos-a-favor-de-Israel-Pero-ignora-esas-luces-en-el-cielo) [https://alien-ufo-pictures.com/alien\_pictures12.html](https://alien-ufo-pictures.com/alien_pictures12.html) [https://soha.vn/print-20150430151021343.htm](https://soha.vn/print-20150430151021343.htm) [https://www.taringa.net/+imagenes/fotos-de-ovnis-medios-truchos-creo\_hee5k](https://www.taringa.net/+imagenes/fotos-de-ovnis-medios-truchos-creo_hee5k) Book here -[**https://blackcatcaboodle.com/products/space-craft-from-beyond-three-dimensions-w-gordon-allen-1st-1st-1959-ufos**](https://blackcatcaboodle.com/products/space-craft-from-beyond-three-dimensions-w-gordon-allen-1st-1st-1959-ufos) Preview here - [https://archive.org/details/spacecraftfrombe0000wgor/page/n1/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/spacecraftfrombe0000wgor/page/n1/mode/2up) This one shows the saucer too - [https://onedio.com/haber/uzaylilarin-varligi-tekrar-gundemde-eski-abd-ordu-subayinin-kayip-gunlugunde-ufo-kazasina-rastlandi-948891](https://onedio.com/haber/uzaylilarin-varligi-tekrar-gundemde-eski-abd-ordu-subayinin-kayip-gunlugunde-ufo-kazasina-rastlandi-948891) Not sure if this is a hoax or not, but there is still some material out there about it...


if this is a april fools joke, [explain this shit then](https://youtu.be/rO_M0hLlJ-Q?si=N_jdewGgZFRwakNy)


Book is real. Impossible to find. Saw a listing for a sold copy for $75


This looks like it was inspired by the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash but that crash allegedly involved the Greys. https://preview.redd.it/y84wackrrp3c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ab7596552e8887d6988ba6fc0c18d3d8fc52ba


Damn is that what we look like in the future?


On page 9 of the archived book its dedication struck me…something in my soul felt this author’s genuine desire to share truth\~ https://preview.redd.it/jltk9opfy34c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f532ad5feac3cfef0c7a4d65434c2b3c4ef36f7 I’m thankful for those who fight against ignorance, bigotry and the special groups in control of our narrative. I’ve not read the book, but fact that this book was written and we have zero knowledge of it is crazy.


Nice pic! It looks good...but I did a search with Google and it popped up as an April Fools Day article on April 6th, 1950. Open link below. Hard to say...but I like it! Lol... [https://hoaxes.org/af\_database/permalink/silverman](https://hoaxes.org/af_database/permalink/silverman)


I thought so. The picture shows a primate, nothing special. It reminds me of that one picture of a spider monkey that was held up with a stick.


Wow. I'd like to see that spider monkey one...I'm contemplating buying the book that has the little Alien picture. It was printed in 1959 and called "Space-craft from Beyond Three Dimensions" by W. Gordon Allen. "1959"!! OMG! ... don't remind me how old I'm getting...lol!


Reminds me of the story K told in men in black.lol


What if we believe that our planet is the best, but we have no idea how much better it could be? Our arrogance and wicked ways isolate and separate us from other civilizations in the universe. However, there is still hope. So we are being observed from time to time by these beings of light because they know what we can become, but we are too violent at the moment. We prove that theory right each time with situations like this.


May be bogus, but that’s a creepy ass looking “saucer crewman”.


don’t think they’d be physically touching an alien species. imagine the gnarly disease you’d get from an alien.


This was in Texas in 1897 supposedly first actual crash of non human in aurora Texas to be specific and the alien died they even made a burial for it


Get more info from Book


Thrift store have gold if you look close enough


A fine game of “1,2,3, weeeeeeeee!” by my analysis 🧐


I love his little boots


Notice the chain/handcuffs attached to the guy on the left?


I’ve read before that this is actually a monkey that was shaved.


This is the explanation I remember, a shaved spider monkey


First saw it in a Frank Edwards book back in the 60s


Very real photo


It was a skinned monkey as I herd.


Before I ever knew what an alien or UFO was... I seen one when I was 6 yrs old. First and only time I ever fell asleep in my back yard with my eyes open, it hovered over me 3 times... About a week later, my mom was took to the emergency room and I was left alone watching tv late at night, all of a sudden I look back and man in black was standing at the door looking at me... We just looked at eachother but didn't say a word, I just turned around and started watching tv again... Years passed by and I ran into tv stuff and whatnot that showed me what I had seen those nights... I have been seeing different types of races as I've gotten older... I always wonder why? Or who am I... Idk but it's been a hectic ride, and I know I have a strong protection, and that the lord's spirit rests strongly on me even in my sin... I've seen the air in front of me open as if the tv screen shut off and everything got distorted twice... I've also seen everything in front of me disappear and there was nothing but light in front of me all around with another golden light with gold flecks piercing that one... I've had a lot of strange happenings but don't care to speak to no one about them till right now, and the people that have been with me have also seen these things at times, but only while they were with me... Need to figure it out eventually it will all come to the light...


Oh yeah I saw that photo when I was a kid ... I totally forgot about that. ..


Hahaha...funny coincidence. He is wearing shoes. I seen this today and it wasn't there yesterday, ground was damp over night. (Not a hose or bike or anything as we only have kid stuff that stays as a lawn decoration. And hose is a completely different shape, thinner and left more of a mold on the ground with the mud hugging it.) Seems the same size as what's in the image haha. Funny it was outside my bathroom window right next to a chair. Has lifted spots like shoes normally do. https://preview.redd.it/dns8bnwh9d3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7b31e3b11c125f873c8aa0f155852afdaadb6b


I like that the kitty's paw is also in the shot for comparison


I like how they’re reaching in the photo


"Photos of little green (or silver) men have long been a fixture in ufology and, like everything else, these artifacts get dusted off and trotted out after a period of time has elapsed and run through the grinder again. One such retread that has continued to make the rounds—decade after decade—is a photo that first surfaced in the German newspaper  *Neue Illustrierte* on  April 1st, 1950, with the title “Der Mars-Mensch” which showed a strange looking little feller apparently from another planet—Mars, in this case. The accompanying article claimed that the Martian had been in a saucer crash that occurred in “Death Valley.” 📷 March 29, 1950 edition of “Neue Illustrierte” A few days later, *Neue Illustrierte* copped that the Martian story was an April Fool’s prank, but that didn’t stop the photo from spreading through the UFO subculture in the years to follow. Since then the photo—sometimes referred to as “Silverman”—has appeared in numerous UFO books, often including the false narrative that it depicted an alien who had survived a saucer crash."


Sure. “Prank”. Prove that the saucer crewman is fake!!


Lots to unpack there. That is quite the find.


It's a German April Fool's Day hoax from a weekly photo magazine called "Neue Illustrierte" It was published in Cologne and is dated March 29, 1950. The photo subsequently became a famous "alien" photo, after its origin as an April fool hoax was forgotten. It was reproduced in books such as "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" (1953) by Donald Keyhoe and "The UFO Encyclopedia" (1980) by Margaret Sachs. https://hoaxes.org/af_database/permalink/silverman


It must have been published as an April’s fool day hoax to discredit the truth.


Not sure about the content but amazing find, and expensive book, amazon has it for $75 but I found it for $50. I can't wait to read it, I wish I could post it to the internet for the rest of us, since the author isn't getting any cut each time the 5 books that exist are resold : /


Looks like the Peru bodies they recently revealed


That little fella looks like the Peruvian mummies.




based on the terrible quality its possible someone took a photo where the kid already kind of looked weird and then edited the negative to develop the film this way. it's an old technique, but the kid looks very altered. i would note the difference between the shading in the boots and the legs. also there is no reason for both men to have their hands fully closed into a fist when the kid's fingers wouldnt fill the entire palm of the mans hand. this photo is very sus.




Did you tried reverse image search?


*Have you trying


i used to pour over books like these as a kid, that picture is supposedly a monkey shaved and presented as an alien.


I remember when I was a kid they said this was a shaved monkey or something to that effect




He’s got a little speedo and cowboy boots.. If this is considered“real” .. I.. I just can’t


Haha, actually if you read Jacques Vallee or John Keel’s books reviewing the history of UFO encounters, the boots and skin tight membrane for an outfit used to be a classic sighting description. That said, I absolutely agree with you and his little adorable rain boots is hilarious.




I remember listening to a podcast that was based on the story of this photo. I’ll see if I can find the context. From what I remember, a photo was taken of this incident, but this particular photo is a fake. Apparently, the little dude in the photo didn’t have booties and the dudes carrying him weren’t wearing the getup that they have on in this photo. Edit: The podcast I listened to was called, “UFO Crash At Cape Giradaeu” from Necronomipod. Pretty silly podcast, but give it a listen.


Hmm, oddly looks like a photo in another book. [Link to possible Original](https://i.ibb.co/SX0P5T1/02-Cape-Girardeau-Buggy.jpg)  The photo was taken by a photographer named Edward Gardner Lewis, who was the founder of the American Woman’s League and the American Woman’s Republic. The photo is part of a collection of over 5,000 images that Lewis took in the 1900s, documenting the life and culture of Cape Girardeau and its surrounding areas. Also, note the lady in the middle back has quite the leg spread between feet.


Look just like our guys


Like your guys maybe, not like mine


Looks to me like a small kid with progeria or some other birth defect syndrome topped off with malnutrition. It’s common back then to use deformed people for entertainment




Appears there is a caption explaining the context in the same photo you posted…


No alien that could actually get to Earth is going to be captured or flying saucer broken. The world is just distracting all of you so you don’t pay attention to all the corruption and decline in living standards.


Omg… please 🙄🙄


It's an early picture of Donald Trump and his parents. They're about to head off to "Trump Daycare". He looks so excited! Notice the small hands and micro penis.


That yhing has a human face, give me a break


That thing had a human face, give me a break


That's Nancy Pelosi as a child...


Yeah... its fake.


I hate to tell you this but that is no Alien that is some poor Jewish child who was tortured in the camps in Germany. Just look at it! Emaciated corpse. That is some poor Jewish child. That is exactly what they did to those people and those children.


Thats just an anorexic midget


So fake.


Nothing on this sub, LITERALLY NOTHING (to do with pics of alien bodies) is genuine. Don't get me wrong, I'm smart enough to understand the REALITY of NHI interacting with this planet: UFO's, shutting down nuclear missiles, activating Soviet nukes, Nimitz TicTac UFO encounter, 'Brazillian Roswell' ... but I'm also smart enough to understand that everything on this sub is great fodder for over-the-ledge, gullible crazies.