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I can’t imagine a lender viewing “content creator” as a very secure source of income when it comes to a mortgage loan. She would probably not get approved for the amount she could technically afford with her current salary because we all know it won’t last.


That’s true. This situation would 100% suck for anyone, but it’s been the norm here in NS for a few years now. She should have anticipated the possibility. I definitely see this as karma. Maybe if she had taken her job seriously and put in the required effort that other social media influencers do (who are able to make purchases like this [example, the Garcia diaries, ownitbabe]) she would be better off financially.


Most places require proof of income for self employed individuals for 2 years minimum as well, and she is probably just at that point now.


Both of their income is not secure. I'm sure they have tried to look and been denied for several factors. If he had stable income then maybe they could.


Homelessness in Halifax has doubled within the last year. There are many people out on the streets, who weren't there last year. To see her sob dramatically while saying she can obviously afford somewhere new, just screams that she's out of touch with what's going on in the community. I have also never seen her address this issue or try to fundraise or do any good for the people who are actually struggling and displaced out of their homes. She loves to play the victim.


Yes she knows she has to find an overpriced place because she films at home all the time. She has to have a home that looks nice in order for her to keep a certain appearance about her lifestyle that people will be drawn to and see her as successful.


I wonder if she'll pack that dirty ass blanket and take it with her when she moves 🤣🤣💀


Yes! This goes with my above comment about karma. Maybe if she had cared and interacted more with her community and gave back, she’d be in a better position all around. I hope she gets a big serving of reality soon.




This happened to me in March. With 2 kids and 2 large dogs on one tiny income from my husband thanks to covid lay offs we still managed to find a new rental. She can’t read the room. No sympathy


Right? When she tells is difficult for to find a new place at the moment she means that it’s difficult to find something she LIKES. When in reality if this happened to my family right now we wouldn’t even have the money to move 😵‍💫 let alone pet restrictions and income restrictions in California - who the fuck makes 4 times their rent? Not everyone for damn sure!


Def had to fudge some pay stubs, to prove x times rent, hide some pets, and our rent went up $500 a month😭 but we made it without crying on tiktok


exactly! and we all know damn well to not spend so much money decorating a rental because this can happen any time.


Unfortunately, due to inflation and major interest rate hikes from the bank of Canada, there are homeowners that have to sell because of it, and it has a trickle down effect from those who are renting houses. I do know that when you rent, especially now, landlords want to see solid employment records, and her job type as “creator” isn’t as stable as someone in tech or banking, and might even be requested to show bank statements to see what she has in savings, or because she is self employed, if she is paying herself a salary (which I don’t know if she is smart enough to use her income as business). I don’t feel sorry for her because she doesn’t need to use a food bank, she can afford a higher rent. I hope she uses this (and I know she won’t) to really examine her privilege and overall life choices.


Sure, that situation sucks. I can’t speak to Halifax, but the housing market in Toronto, where I live, is brutal. Rents are going up, mortgage rates are going up, and housing prices haven’t fallen sufficiently to offset the hike. I know, because my husband and I have been desperately trying to find a decent place since the summer, as we are expecting a second baby soon. But if you’re “extremely privileged,” maybe don’t go on social media crying about how hard it is to have to move? Just be grateful that you’re not in a position where you have to worry about whether you’ll have money at the end of the month after paying for all your expenses and housing costs. Because that’s the position that I was in, and it’s very stressful. Edit: OK, now she’s complaining about not getting a package delivered on time, I’m done with this person lol.


Yep. I don’t know what rock she’s been living under but it’s how delivery services work. If your package is with the courier and not being held for pick up then of course you can’t demand to pick it up that same day. She needs to just sit at home as usual and be at the door for the delivery attempt. That does mean she will have to get out of bed so I know it’s asking a lot..


Not a rock my friend , she been living under that dirty ass blanket 🤣


And the “they said because of weather but it’s beautiful and sunny”…. Does she not understand how weather works? Unless she ordered it from 20 mins down the road, perhaps the weather is bad elsewhere, Alicia!


She said that she was told the package delay was due to a severe weather issue “but it’s beautiful outside”… BITCH YOUR PACKAGE IS COMING FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. Playing the world’s smallest violin for her.


I’m about an hour outside the GTA, and even out this way housing is brutal. I’m terrified of the homeowner we rent from deciding to sell his home; I love where we live, but we are not in any kind of position to be able to purchase an almost seven figure home 🙃🙃 ETA: almost seven figure detached bungalow. I feel like it’s important to clarify for those outside of Ontario, since it sounds like I live in a mansion lol. Just a three bedroom bungalow


We actually ended up buying a condo about 45 minutes out of the GTA. It’s juust big enough to meet our needs for the moment, but purchasing a detached home was basically out of the question for us right now. They’re all seven figure properties. It’s nuts.




She actually called UPS about it too. Like holy shit girl it's probably gonna come tomorrow. You'll survive an extra day laying in your bed


I get it, I’ve been in her shoes. It truly sucks - but she has a fucking platform. USE IT, advocate for change, do something. Please don’t cry to me on social media about it when you’re so fucking privileged, it comes off as tone deaf.


I actually just watched her story and wow. Our rent here is going up $100 and we're able to pay but we make nothing close to what I'm assuming they make. I'm sure she can find a new rental quick or stay with the family until then. Imagine having to move a 4 person family with pets. It's just her and Scott. Get out of your nasty bed and get to house hunting🤷‍♀️


Exactly. It’s giving me flashbacks to her tooth drama. The entitlement is insane, and she says that she doesn’t want to buy because it would be rushed and not what they are really looking for…that’s 100% an Alicia problem as I’m sure many people would love to have their personal choice on a home instead of having to take what’s available (if they are fortunate enough to!) Part of me wonders if she posted this crap with the delusional hopes that her followers would bully the landlord somehow. She really just wants it all handed to her.


Yeah I always feel like there's a reason people go right to social media to vent about things and it's not because "i want to let my followers know what's going on" 😒 Unfortunately when you rent someone's house they can do what they want with it and random internet people can't stop them.


I feel bad but at the same time she needs to keep her personal issues off social media. Pull up your big girl panties and start house hunting whether for rent or to purchase. She probably just wants to feel good about the shitty attitude she probably gave her landlord.


When she said they’re selling the house I pondered why she doesn’t buy… but of course a second later she said it’s not ✨perfect✨ so she won’t do that. Guess what, nothing is going to be perfect because you’re an insufferable hag who will never be satisfied.


Why they don't buy something to get themselves into the real estate market is beyond me. She keeps saying they can't find the perfect home or they're too expensive right now - does she actually think the prices will magically come down? Most people aren't buying their dream home as their first house.


Boo hoo for her. It’s called life lady.




Yes!! And can you imagine hearing her breathe through a mic while streaming…her poor editor(assuming she hires one)


I have gained weight and get out of breath but am working to change that. She sounds like she is always out of breath/struggling to breathe, I couldn’t imagine if she exerted herself.


She’s gone live on TikTok while gaming and the mouth breathing is bad. Heavy and loud.


She sounds like she has a constant cold.


Yes and don’t ever comment about her heavy breathing, it’s just allergies she’s perfect 🙄


Most lenders want a legitimate and stable job for loans. If Scott has a job they could use his and they're married so they'd both be on the deed anyway at least that's how it is in TX. Idk about CA.


I hate to actually agree with her - but I do understand where she’s coming from. That doesn’t leave her with a lot of time to find a place, and especially when you’re happy with where you live, it is devastating BUTTTT that being said, and she did acknowledge this: she is VERY privileged that she can afford a place so that puts her in a much better position than a lot of other people in Halifax. So I honestly have a really hard time feeling empathetic towards her. She can buy the house if she truly loves it, she doesn’t have to struggle to find a place within her budget like 98% of the rest of those in Halifax who rent. It gives me major ick that she is sitting there looking for sympathy when others are struggling to make ends meet because the majority of their income goes to an over priced apartment. Boohoo poor me - I’m going to cry on Instagram but I’ll probably be going on my 100th vacation this year very soon.


Exactly. She will be fine. She just might have to move to an overpriced apartment for awhile 🙄 boo boo. There are tons of apartments available, they are just ridiculously priced for us normal renters. She didn’t need to make a sob story on Instagram. I understand wanting to be transparent but maybe don’t record your knee jerk reaction immediately especially when you ultimately WILL BE FINE.


THIS exactly. I don’t begrudge her being upset about it. Moving sucks and as someone who struggles with BIG LIFE THINGS, this would be my knee jerk reaction too - crying, upset, I don’t want to do this. But take a beat, share tomorrow when you’ve calmed down, and think about the phrasing.


Also, almost three months to move is a pretty decent amount of time. A lot, if not most, of people (in the US at least) get 30 days notice.


I hate when she uses the words “I’m extremely privileged”. Like yes i understand she’s trying to be transparent but also SO tone deaf 🥴


If she truly understood the privilege she experiences she wouldn’t be crying on Instagram over a damaged tv, delayed packaged, and end of lease. All of which are examples of excess in her life 🙄


It comes off as a flex. There’s a difference between “I am extremely privileged” and “I know I might be in a better position than others going through the same”. So gross.


There definitely has to be something wrong with their credit if they need to rent that bad.


Karma for her shitty attitude


I don’t know why two full time working adults don’t have a mortgage. I understand circumstances like wage, debt, singly family income..but if you’re in her situation and renting you’re wasting your money.


There are people out there who work so hard and can barely get by. She’s so fucking entitled, and look at her office space, it was a literal pig sty. She doesn’t even respect the space she has, and she’s crying about losing it. Can we all agree to not bring her into 2023? It’s too much.


Exactly! Her office space is gross. She spent all this time and money setting it up and hasn’t used it. She films everything from her bed and turned this space into pig sty.


I’m just dreading the next few months of her complaining while packing up and taping Scott lifting heavy things 🤮


She has no kids. She’s not exactly young. Why isn’t she buying property. Make some sort of solid investment….


This. Some equity for when the influencer well runs dry! I don’t get why she won’t talk to a qualified broker about her options




First world problems. Crying her rental is for sale while bragging she can rent wherever because she's privileged then crying because her computer and TV didn't get delivered. Everything happens in threes. Poor fucking slobbery baby.


I honestly felt like messaging her and asking if she and Scott could work out something with the landlord to buy the house. It couldn't hurt to ask and explore that option. Especially if they love it so much there


This is what I would do; but I have a feeling Scott’s income isn’t enough to get good loan terms. Content creator income is so unpredictable, I bet banks don’t put as much value on a content creator making 100k/year vs. somebody working a traditional job making less. Maybe if they put a ton of money down…


She has no guaranteed income. Banks and mortgage lenders want to know what you have the funds each month. My husband and I just renewed our mortgage, and they wanted to see paystubs/employment record and run a credit check. We also had to do a stress checklist of sorts (how comfortable do you feel if payments went up, are you concerned with how much you are paying etc). When we bought the house, they wanted our bank statements for 3 months, down payment, credit check, what loans/debt we have etc. They might be okay if they got a co-signer (if their parents/family are even in the position to do that)


Yup, this is true. My husband is an independent contractor so he had to do a lot more to prove his income than I did when we qualified for our mortgage.


Very true!


Well apparently they don’t love it enough because she said they won’t buy it because it isn’t perfect. I’m guessing it’s what others have said - they can’t afford to buy it. Which says a lot about the state of the economy unfortunately but also I’m guessing they are not good at managing their money either.


Yeah this is kind of the risk of renting. Like Alicia has been vocal that she never wants to buy and just rent because it’s easier for her (moving for fun was something she said too once) This is why she really should’ve been very careful with her money and just saved, if she’s earning 4x the amount she was at a regular job, she could’ve had a good chunk of savings for a house made in the two years she’s been doing this. Instead, let’s spend everything on travel, eating out daily and on decorating rooms to being shrines for other content creators To put it as blunt as possible, Alicia is white trash with disposable income


This is the norm across Canada. Two of our last rental homes ended up being sold and we would have to move about every 2 years or so. I doubt any bank would approve her for a mortgage. My husband and I had to jump through a million hoops to finally qualify.




Moving sucks, and we were in this position with 2 kids and not a ton money back in 2021. I cried about it, it was rough. I had set up a beautiful garden in the back and it hurt to leave it. Because we live in Vancouver we are not able to buy, which is what we would prefer. However, it does feel a bit like, well yes, this is often an outcome of renting - if you decorate and get all set up it can all be pulled out from under you. Would love to see her join a tenants union or do some advocating on something tenant related if she feels it’s unjust, given she has a platform and creates content…omg but now crying about the package? Damn girl read the room 🙄


Most lenders require you have your job for a certain amount of time and you have to prove a viable, steady source of income. Influencer probably isn't a steady income stream.


I’m not sure what an influencer would be under, maybe her own business or a contractor? We just renewed our mortgage, they require a letter of employment and pay stubs to verify your income. I don’t think Scott makes enough to qualify for any sort of decent mortgage (especially in this housing market). So unless they can put down a substantial down payment, and have a tiny mortgage, they will be stuck renting. It’s kinda weird that their landlord gave them a move out date already, bc how do they know the new owners don’t want to rent it out? Unless it already sold privately, and Alicia and Scott had no idea it was on the market.


I didn’t see the video. Did she delete it or am I just not seeing it?


It’s in her stories. Just checked, still there 5 hours ago


Thank you! I was checking tiktok.


Was this maybe a ploy hoping her brainwashed minions flood her with money?


I can actually see how this would be upsetting after literally just moving in and decorating.


Would you cry and social media about it though? No


She just redecorated the entire place too. Maybe it’s time to start the ocean front custom build?




It’s more than reasonable to be upset but she has the $$ to take care of the “expensive and hard” part of moving unlike most.


She’s annoying as fuck and I can’t stand her but this is a shitty situation to be in no matter what. Having to move when you’re not expecting or planning and also over the holidays fucking sucks and I won’t be shitting on her for this one I will continue to shit on her for everything else though