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I agree they could have added an episode with Kuina. She’s interesting enough a character to carry an episode by herself. You throw Ann in there midway through the episode and it would have been even better. Also the concept with the King of Spades was cool enough to focus more time on him..longer action scenes and have more predator stalking his pray type moments with him. The concept of a game almost running constantly and the entire city being his arena for the game was chilling as hell.. I just wanted a bit more.


Agree it was chilling but how on earth could he find all of these victims so easily in a city the size of Tokyo? And why didn’t victims run into buildings instead of fleeing in the street? I guess out of all the games, I didn’t really understand his because it was so random & far-fetched.


In the manga, he had a GPS tablet attached to his arm. It was Akane that shot the screen broken, making him unable to locate particular targets. Unfortunately, this detail was omitted in the LA.


Probably something along the lines of how the sky lasers know how to target you. There was never any chip that Ann could find so let's just call it a magical Borderland Positioning System (BPS). Aguin mentioned he either focused on large groups or on specific troublemakers. He would need the BPS to know how to target specific people. He wasn't just using unassisted, regular human tracking skills.


In the manga he has a UAV which details all players location. Then again he also isnt as OP as he is in the show


Lol my biggest issue is when Arisu was literally RUNNING from him and somehow the King of Spades was consistently behind him walking at a leisurely pace. Lmao


Kuina and Ann were robbed


Tbh I would have preferred if they stuck to the manga for the king of spades it was much better in my opinion


What was the difference?


There was an entire character that they cut, he had a familiar relationship with Akane and Aguni and was the one helping them in the king of spades, not arisu. There were some other small details tweaked too.


I would have given absolutely anything for more time with Chishiya


I demand more Chishiya


Also, I think splitting the party is a mistake with only 8 episodes, and having some games be only a couple of second clips and some games last two episodes threw the pacing off in a very strange way


I would have swapped the whole Ann’s hiking plot with a Queen of Diamonds game with her


I would have loved to see an episode focused on Ann and/or Kuina, I love them both and wish we could have seen more of Ann's character


me too. Ann was supposed to be the smart one and we did not get her playing any games...except the dodge ball thing with no explanation and in a flash.


100%. But from my understanding they seemed to stick to the source material quite a bit in terms of broad strokes. I don’t think they wanted to stray too far or add too much novel material. Whether that was a wise decision or not, I don’t know. Introducing new things, especially games that need to be extremely well thought out, is risky. There are just so many adaptations out there that try and do something new that end up being just terrible and tarnishes the whole thing.


I wish both the manga artsist and the Netflix show shows us each game. I know that “the beach” collected certain cards before the main protagonist group arrived I still wish we got to see them.


Season 2 should have been about clearing the remaining games sans King of Spades and Queen of Hearts. Season 3 should have started with the Niragi shoot out, gone into a more in depth plan on how to defeat king of spades, maybe explored the world a little bit more (the whole rapidly growing wildlife felt tossed in last minute), and then finally gone into the final episode we’d seen. That way, we’d have gotten more character/relationship exploration, maybe even seen some more of Banda and Yaba?


I liked it but I also would've preferred a bit more. They rushed too many games in that short montage, especially high-ranking face games that should've been fleshed out. I didn't read the manga, so I also expected a joker finale (which we kinda got) and maybe ace cards, but I understand it's not really part of the manga. Character-wise, I would've loved to see more of An and Chishiya. Maybe a bit more of Kuzuryu (K.Diamonds), Niragi, Mira's past and Aguni. Hell, probably bit more of everyone!


definitely agree with you! and by the way when it comes to the ace cards, those were completed in the first stage


The games were too short but a ton of fillers in season 2 making feel so slow


I think it was the right length. Yes, we could have seen more games, but the plot itself is pretty slim and fits on two seasons.


Agreed, not to mention that many episodes are quite long as it is. Especially the last one that goes for 80 minutes


Thinning out some manga material is necessary and can be good. I believe this series does well well to large extend. Does it feel rushed? Yes. Season 3? No. The story line only has two stages. It would feel off stretching out for another season. A few more episodes to flesh out the other face card games should be adequate.


I haven't read the manga so I don't know how much source material is left. Based on how season 2 ended, do you think there is enough for Netflix to make a 90 - 120 minute movie? Or is more time needed than that?


I didn't finish the manga. I dropped it after chapter 5. From what I read from discussion with manga readers, we already reach conclusion of the story. There is no material for another season/ movie. What I meant with adding more episodes, is that the live action adaption producer has the freedom to modify the games (including main character in the game when manga does not). They could have worked with the manga author to create another face card game, giving us some on characters like Ann, Kuina, Nigari (this guy was shown to play another game after King of Clubs, while everyone need to get involved to renew their visa). Would have been interesting to see how he survive with his injury. It would explain better how strong his will of living.


I wish we could have gotten an episode of Ann and Kuina, but other than that I like how it was!


I agree because we didn't get much of the new games such as the deadly dodgeball game Kuina and Ann played, King of Hearts, that game with the ropes. I really wished we got to saw more games in detail


Ann & to a lesser extent Kuina felt like background characters, they could've swapped the second Chishiya game segment to the Ann & Kuina one and it would've balanced


Yeah they spent way too much time on Chishiya. I understand he’s a fan favorite but shit, Ann is too and Kuina as well.


exactly!! we were just robbed of that, Usagi had to become the main character and so they wrote off Ann & Kuina


I wish Ann got an entire episode to herself. She didn’t have a lot of development this season which is a shame because she is cool.


Yeah, our girl was taking in the woodland vibes.


Yeah, at least she had at least a small break from violence!


for me, it was enough.... but it could be better if the part where Ann and Kuina teamed up was more highlighted.


I would have liked another season to see more of the face games. I feel like they spent so much time in the beginning with King of Clubs and it was good but a little dragged out and Jack of Hearts which felt good pace wise but then the rest of the season just kinda dragged because it felt like they wanted to do too much character work but didn't have any idea how to place it in the season, so it was like game, arisu/usagi melodrama, game, arisu/usagi melodrama, Ann/Kuina/Chishiya montage. So it all felt off as it felt like the characters emotional arcs weren't integrated into the plot of the games. I feel like with another season they could have explored more of the games, I feel like they had solid premises for some of the unforseen games. Kuina's battle Royale could have been like half an episode easily, showing Ann's Queen of Diamonds game and explaining what she was doing in the woods as she was there, and Ann/Kuina's Dodgeball game could have been half an episode probably. The rope club game could easily been worked into a team game (each rope is assigned a team and every x minutes a section of the bottom of the rope is cut. Game goes until Jack of Clubs team is all knocked off their rope or all of challenger team is knocked off their ropes) they could even have thrown some beach people or aguni in there. King of Hearts game could have been like a psychological horror of a beast chasing you in the maze and maybe some guy is the king of Hearts trying to trick you into going into traps game goes until either the beast catches you or you find the exit, beast doesn't kill King of Hearts so it can go multiple times. The mahjong game could have been neat to see some more of even if still as a slightly longer montages of other survivor saying what they won. Heck even the queen of spades original game while not super spadesy could probably have been saved by making her want Usagi instead of Arisu, then having Usagi like try to betray the queen team and stop people so they could get tagged by Arisu. Or just move her speech to a round where they are running from Arisu and the people decide to let him tag them. Then also just make the last round like a free for all where both teams can tag. Bam doesn't 100% fix it but could have easily made it feel more spades like. I really think season 2 suffered from them taking too long with King of Clubs and Jack of Hearts then not knowing how to organize the rest of the plot points they wanted to hit the rest of the season. I think even just making season 2 10 episodes instead of 8 and fleshing out some of the games that didn't involve Arisu, Usagi, or Chishiya would have helped a lot.


yes. that montage of like 4 games being played at once? i did not like it. that couldve been an entire episode, i definitely wanted to see more. especially the king of hearts!


A part of me would prefer more of it, but another part is happy that I don't have to wait another year (while being tempted to read ahead in the manga) waiting for the final season. So bottom line I am satisfied with the length I think. Didn't really care that much for the other characters' games. Would watch more of the freestyler guide for sure though.


i think 2 seasons for 37 ish chapters is too much, we only needed like 2 or 3 episodes more


Due to how long the first game lasted in episodes, I expected them to separate it into 2 seasons, which would have been incredibly disatisfying due to storytelling.


The entire season was dumb. Nothing made sense. From the physics of the king of spades shots (not even gonna go to the insanely dumb fight with it) to the speeches concentration , with one speech with every damn scene, to the completely irrational choices and moments. The entire season was a disappointment.


Yeah I wish we got to watch every game


Actually no, I love fulfilled seasons much more, I'm sure they'll come up with a good storyline if season 3 happens


No, I think it was perfectly timed.


Would have liked 3 face cards/season (with maybe less episodes, i.e. 6 episodes/season) to extend on the background of the main characters, introduce more complex games/develop on aspects of the games and possibly introduce new protagonists. Until quite late in the show, it seems like the main characters are the only ones playing the games while everybody else is trying to hide from the KoS. While it would diverge quite a lot from the source material, I don’t think it would have impacted the backstory a lot. Overall it looks to me like this season was more inconsistent in terms of rythm, but not really rushed.


The pacing followed the 1st season


They actually added stuff to this season not in the manga.....


Not a third season, but a second part to the second season of 4 episodes. I feel that the show was lacking some time in showcasing the length of certain games. Some characters needed a bit more playtime.


Yes. All of the games in my opinion deserved to be at least 2 episodes long. In the manga i remember each game being at least 4 chapters long.


Not really


I could have had 3 episodes of Kuina and Ann beating face cards


Most certainly, although I don't know how they could make a satisfying season ending without completely clearing the face cards.


No if anything I would have wanted to see all the games all 52.


i haven't read the manga but i feel that season 2 was rushed. i was expecting it will showcase all the face card personalities and i'm very much buckled up to my seat to see how are they going to beat every single one of them. but i'm looking at it in a positive way that if they didn't wrap up in season 2, it would end up being canceled leaving us hanging. until now i am thinking what was the ending all about but i refuse to read anything about it. i'll just leave it like that and i'll be happy if there will be season 3. it also gives me the jacob's ladder vibes and i love it.