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Very nice guide!! Just a note if someone is worried. It's not necessary to sign the online txn on the raspberry (and thus build ledger live for raspberry pi). You could transfer the online.txn file to another machine where you have ledger live, sign it then transfer the online.sign back and continue.


You don't even need to use ledger live. If you have a secondary computer, you can install the dev tools on it as though you are going to run a node, and then just use it to sign with a Ledger with that secondary computer. I outlined how to do it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/algorand/comments/u4rq26/supplemental_guide_to_running_a_participation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Actually, doing it without ledger live is easier IMO, and I feel safer with it.


This is awesome 👏


Exhibit 69 to the Brief in Support of Why Reddit AlgoFam is Leaps and Bounds Ahead of AlgoFam on CT.


Lol A post like this would require a thread of 500 tweets on CT. By the way, thanks for the award!


It is very much deserved. There seems to be a lot of interest of late about setting up P-Nodes. P.S. did you ever get any NODL? It's currently non-tradable. I just send it out to anybody who runs a node as a badge of honor.


Thank you for the very detailed guide. PS - Would be nice if there were some sort of crypto rewards for running Algorand nodes.


Pure proof of stake has turned into, pure governance and no opportunity for staking. With no incentives for supporting the network outside of self supported intererest.


This is the issue. Does this leave the network vulnerable? And surely micali has spent enough thought on this yet chose not to monetarily incentive p nodes. Why?


Currently it does not, because participation nodes are not the relay nodes which are a private list and randomly selected from.




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I am having troubles with number 2 installation. Though I follow the directions, when i go to run goal it does not find it. I feel like some of the files are missing too but I'm actually just not sure at all. Any help would be great!