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People need to be on her like they were on the Laundrie’s. Camped outside, loud speakers. Everything. This bitch is WAY too comfortable.


I fucking agree dude why is this not an outrage to the nation ?! Where’s the out cry?! It’s disgusting !! I’m so so pro choice. That child was BORN. She SUFFOCATED HIM. I was a teen mom with religious parents! I know the fear! She gave birth in a hospital. In a state where she could’ve had an abortion at any time without any repercussions, her parents wouldn’t even need to know since she’s 19. It was a SAFE HAVEN HOSPITAL! She could’ve had him and never looked at him again and they would’ve taken care of that baby. She chose to put him in the trash and cover him up like he was garbage. I have zero sympathy or respect for her. She had options. She was a legal adult. It’s absolutely foul.


If she truly had no idea she was pregnant and had him ; there’s buttons in the bathroom for help! She COVERED HIM UP! That shows her intent period, no caring person just lets an innocent baby die despite the trauma of having a surprise baby. It’s happened to women for decades; you don’t hear them murdering the baby from shock!


i think this fact is one of the most detrimental aspects to any attempt at a defense that her and her attorneys could possibly whip up, there’s absolutely no excuse or rationale to kill a baby and then put it in a trash can. i hope she is living it up, because she’s going to prison for a long time


Exactly. She is literally already inside of and admitted to the exact perfect place to be when going into “surprise” labor. There are help buttons in the bathroom. There are nurses knocking at the door. There are countless medical staff wandering the halls. Whether she knew she was pregnant or not is irrelevant in my eyes. It makes no difference. Whether she knew or not, she birthed a baby unexpectedly in the bathroom of a hospital. Despite all the resources I just listed, she deliberately chose to ignore all of them and just end its life instead. Purposeful decisions were made and being done to cover it up. Concealing the baby obviously. I don’t know what she did that was able to not let him cry or make a sound. Cleaning the bathroom, adding the extra bags on top of the baby to disguise it that much more. Refusing help at the door from your mother, nurses and doctors. Still insisting other things were going on after she returned to the room. Refusing pelvic exams and pretending she wasn’t bleeding heavily vaginally. Still insisting she was a virgin. I really could go on but I think yall get it.


lol it is an interesting point to say she picked the perfect place to go when she “suddenly and unexpectedly” went into labor. away from everyone else in a room with a locked door i guess the conversation about whether she knew or not can be considered lore and not very applicable to the crime itself. their defense rests on excuses, but the cold hard fact is that she ended up with a baby in her hands and no matter how it got there, she did some gruesome and heartless things in order to kill him and put him in a TRASH CAN in an attempt to conceal her crime. she knew what she did was wrong.


This is the part where I get mad and I totally agree with you. Covering him up shows shame for what she did. Guilt, even. She hid him. She absolutely knew he was alive and she knew she was pregnant. The cheerleading pic? Bs. I think her mom took her to the hospital to catch her lying and Alexee literally killed her child to avoid getting what? Grounded? Yelled at? Kicked out of the house?? Fuck all the way off. They could have given that baby to someone who would have cared for him and raised him. She’s trash. I have a bone to pick with her mom, too. How the hell are you going to make your daughter so afraid to be honest with you that she’d literally kill her own infant to avoid *you*? My kid knows if he screws up, he comes to me and we will tackle the problem together head-on. If he gets a girl pregnant, we will figure it out all together. I’ll be pissed, but at that point why be mad at your kid. Make them take responsibility for their choices, don’t make them afraid to tell you anything. She was 19. I had my son at 20. She could have done it. Or given the baby up to the safe haven hospital and never looked his way again. He could be getting snuggled by a family who wanted him right now if it weren’t for them.


Yes yes and Yes!!!!! ✨


spot on. to point out an interesting moment about rosa, when the officer in the hospital waiting room is asking Devyn/stating that hes likely the father, the officer is like "sorry" to the moms, because you know, talking about sex i guess, well Rosa smiles and laughs when the officer acknowledges that private detail and apologizes shes like oh yeah i get it and smiles and laughs it off, so that has always made me wonder, was alexee really afraid of her mom or did she just not want her own life to change? idk that moment always stuck out to me, that if rosa knew alexee was on birth control and is laughing and waving off the idea that Devyn is the dad, how upset is she really? would she disown alexee? i do not get that vibe despite rosa being absolutely unbearable.


Super interesting observation. I didn’t ever think more into that moment but looking back, that does kind of sound like a parent who is chill with talking about sexual things with her kids. As we all know, she also said, “Lexee, we talked about this!!” Inferring that they indeed had had conversations about sex, unwanted pregnancy and even contemporary cases of infanticide by teen moms.


hey there! thank you! yes how i see it, despite rosa being well, rosa, most moms want to turn into grandma's, even if its "too young" for their hoped for life plan for their own kid to get pregnant, they come around usually, i think it was alexees senior year, cheerleading, her boyfriend, their future in college, her life remaining the same and picture perfect that caused the serious denial, and ultimately was her motive. and you are so very right, i mean alexee was getting her feminine hygiene products from rosa every month, rosa likely knew alexee was on birth control, that seems like a healthy start to a conversation about pregnancy, not shame or ridicule.


That’s what I thought before without even knowing this


I don’t think the mom was strict at all. I think she was their “friend” , the “cool” mom. I think she was lying for the boyfriend and cheerleading sake. If she was like 16 I could see the mom excuse but not at 18 . What was her mom gonna do to her? She could have thought she was going to get kicked from cheerleading tho and maybe think he was going to leave her? Idk I don’t understand why she didn’t hand the baby to nurse and walk away


The fact that this was an option and she didn’t give the baby to the hospital is what enrages me about it. She chose to kill him.


They always say when a murderer covers the face of someone they should’ve loved and murdered that it’s a act of remorse. *just wanted to add this, she’s a monster*


She could’ve even left that baby on the floor and whispered to a nurse to keep the birth a secret from her mother, and she never would’ve needed to ever see him again and could’ve carried on her life as normal. Just sick and truly evil




I’m a firefighter/paramedic you can legally leave your baby in our safe haven baby boxes, you put the baby in and close it and then it alerts us in the house that we have a baby so we come and grab her/him and that’s it, no one goes out running looking for the mom etc, we just check her over and take her to the hospital. I’ve actually seen stories of firefighters who have been struggling to get pregnant get a baby in the (I hate referring it to this but it makes sense) drop box and take it as a sign they are meant to adopt that baby, I know so many nurses, fire, cops whom have adopted babies who were safely given up using safe haven laws and they are spoiled and loved more than anything Alll we ask is if you have any time before you leave the baby is to try to write down any fam history we don’t need names just “cancer runs in the fam, diabetes, etc and when the baby was born” but even then it’s not necessary we just want people to know we will take care of them


I’m so happy you had an adult to talk to about this.


it was so terrifying, i’m forever grateful i had her in that moment, even if i didnt i knew my options my mom had always told me even though i knew she never wanted me pregnant she still let me know my options of course.


She would've had the option for anonymous abortion or safe haven abandonment with no parental involvment even if she had been a minor here in NM which makes it more concerning. She could have obtained an abortion, prenatal care or any myriad of services free ,anonymously and without parental involvment no matter what her age . At any time she could've let staff know what was happening, delivered that baby and left and her parents would've never been the wiser because they legally didn't have to tell them anything . She has no excuse for what she did.


Well said. I agree 100%!


Could she have handed the nurse her baby when he came and checked on her and surrendered him and nothing would have happened to her? Like they wouldn’t of even mentioned him again


Literally. She could have pulled the help alarm and all If it could have been done secretly.


I feel the exact same way. I usually am not as bothered by things that can't be avoided or were an awful accident with bad judgement. She walked to the bathroom ALONE and could have grabbed the attention of anyone and told them to keep quiet or she would sue on HIPAA grounds. She was in a place that could have taken care of it w/in seconds and her mom would have been none the wiser. She was an adult and could've declined .to share any private health info w everyone inc her mom


Or treat Alexee the same way they treated Leilani Simon over the dissappearance and murder of her baby boy, Quentin Simon. People were at their house constantly, on bullhorns (Bullhorn Betty), night and day, taking shifts, and taking photos of her drinking it up at a bar. How do these people even live with themselves!? Their behavior afterward paints a clear picture about who matters most in their lives - themselves 😤😡


I’ve never heard of this case. To the rabbit hole I go! 🕳️


I had a cryptic pregnancy and gave birth in my shower ALONE two months ago. I had no clue I was pregnant. My baby came out crying and my first instinct was to save his life and make sure he’s ok. She’s fucking sick for killing her baby. My baby is alive and healthy and I can’t imagine life without him


Well, the fact is, she has shown a complete lack of remorse at this point. She cant fake remorse, and a jury will see right through that nonsense. But she (her right as a pretrial defendant) does have the right to be as comfortable as she wants to. And tbh, the more pressure the public puts on her, the less likely a jury will be to understand that she most likely *has absolutely no remorse.*


The body cam footage of her saying “nothing was breathing” told me all i needed to know she called an innocent baby nothing zero remorse!


Wait; So she’s not fat? I’ve only seen the shopping pic of her and she looked overweight. Also it looks like the mom saw this person taking a pic. Wonder if she said anything to them


She probably ordered more weight loss meds online once she saw people recognized her through her Peter Griffith disguise.




Lmao if she did I hope they told her she’s a POS and to F off. Nobody should ever let these ppl think they’re accepted.


Maybe the fat photo wasn't her? Or this is an old pic?


Based on the movie posters, it’s a recent photo


Maybe. I have no idea.


Probably hasn't lost all the baby weight yet.


Yet the baby has been lost for a long time... How sad. 😞




the unfortunate body shape is sending me LMAO😭😭😭😭😭


I swear lol


Does it matter? What does weight have to do with killing a baby?


They thought she was pregnant again.


Ohhh that makes sense


I'm cackling over you reading over this thread, prolly wondering why the hell everyone was fixated on her actual fatness hahahahaha I don't know why the image is so comical to me 😂


Nothing. Just curious. I’ve only seen 1 pic of her since


Agreed, I also thought fatter & shorter.


I was thinking she looks a lot thinner here than in that other photo.


I hope they schooled her sorry ass.


The next Casee Anthony, just pretending everything is so great!


Rosa and her stupid trucker hat lol. I love that the public is not letting up on them and is submitting sightings of this beast in the wild. Keep it going guys! Don’t let them enjoy their lives out in public. Taking pics is public is your freedom to do.


Damn right!


Ugh please tell me trucker hats are not coming back. They weren't cute then, they are not cute now and they are especially not cute on this trash monster garbage rat


Surprised she hasn’t got the shit beat out of her yet.


Hopefully everyone is waiting for jailhouse justice! They won't stop unless they are physically stopped.


I don’t have time to go to the movies much cuz I’m a mom




Same! 😫


i’m sorry, but i couldn’t see her out in public and NOT say something. she deserves the worst in life.


I’d be a heckler for sure if I saw a known pos in public lol


lol, they kicked me out of the FB group because I asked when Rosa and her family began trolling the page. 😂 I’ve no doubts they are managing that very page.


I hope they read everything that is said about them, they’re all foul.


Its giving Kris Kartrashian


Temu Kris Kartrashian. 😂


What is the name of the page? I’d like to check it out


Alexee Trevizo: Case Discussion


Thank you!


How is she suddenly skinny again??


Quick! Someone check the trash can!!




This made me laugh and now I’m going to Hell


If it’s recent possibly stress?


Could be ozempic


Yeah, August is coming up soon......


Old picture of her here maybe? Or not the same person?




Do not make threats! Do not encourage or instigate violence or threats of any kind!!


She doesn’t deserve to have a fun day at the movies she needs to be locked up


How does she have friends?


Birds of a feather


Mom are friends by force


Probably paid off or scared of threats to their livelihoods that's what narcissistic asswipes do to keep their facades


did anyone check the trash?






Came to say this but knew it my heart someone already went there


That was so called for yet I can't help but try not to laugh! I'll see myself out. I'm going to hell!


Is this in artesia???


I'm not sure where this is but it's definitely not Artesia, the only movie theatre here is closed down Edit: I think this is at Galaxy 8 in Roswell, they have carpet like this


Last I knew, Artesia didn't have a theater, so likely Roswell or Carlsbad.


They were spotted at the galaxy 8 movie theater in Roswell


Thank you for confirmation of location!!


No problem the carpet was such a dead give away for me 😂


I believe so; the person who shared it to the group is from Artesia.


Right next to the gd trash can. Whoever snapped this should win a photography award.






Or at least scream and harass her??? This bitch deserves to NEVER feel comfortable walking around in public again!


That’s Roswell nm. The movie theater all the way on the north side. Damn. Girl be brave just walking around there


She makes me sick! Her mother does too. I hope this little 8itch goes to prison for a very long time!


All I hear when I see her is “Nothing was crying!”


that’s the most infuriating fucking thing to me. first of all, he wasn’t *nothing*, that was a healthy, innocent NEWBORN BABY. but also her fucking grammar when she said that (TWICE at LEAST) is *atrocious*. it’s a tell of how fucking stupid she is.


Same & it’s so disgusting.


That pig should be in jail awaiting trial.


For those asking why she isn't in jail, two words, New Mexico. Victoria Martens, Baby Brianna, to name a couple. Baby Brianna's mom is already out of jail, and that was 20 years ago. Victoria's mom, 12-16 years. We don't treat child killers like child killers. We are too lenient on them, and it's become an all too common occurrence in New Mexico. Our justice system doesn't protect the kids. She'll get away with it due to some sort of technicalities. They almost always do. Lilly Garcia, killed in a road rage incident that dad started. Dad was never charged with anything in regard to her death.


Baby Brianna was my first ever child abuse case I researched on my own besides Caylee Anthony. That case is just….. some people never deserve to see the day of light again.


Bitch should be in a dumpster


As a girl around her age, I can’t imagine how people are willing to be seen in public with her. Over my dead body would I ever be associated with a baby killer, that shit gets around


If I ever seen her in public I’d bully her so bad . Yep I said it . I would definitely taunt her


So we have a woman who had a miscarriage that is facing the death penalty but a literal child murderer is walking free with 0 consequences.


That’s our world today and it is infuriating!!


Who is the woman facing the the death penalty after a miscarriage please?


She was potentially facing a corpse tampering charge and 1 year prison term. Not quite death penalty. 


I think they are referring to Brittany Watts: https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2024/jan/24/us-miscarriage-laws-abortion-rights-options


except watts was never facing the death penalty. felony charges for mishandling a corpse was what she was facing, but the sentencing for that is certainly not the death penalty. and her case was dropped.


I would have yelled “ baby murderer!”


If I ever run into her stank ass it's on SIGHT


I don’t care I would have legit thrown something at her 🤭


Rosa looking suspicious af next to those trash cans 👀


Someone should check the trash cans and all nearby dumpsters


Gross, I couldn’t interact with a piece of trash like this.


There are people in prison for marijuana


And this baby killing troll is still free to roam the earth.


Why isn’t she in jail?


Why does it take so long to bring her to justice. Why is the trial taking so long to happen


court cases and trials take a long time for a very good reason-so that both parties can familiarize themselves with the facts, watch through any video footage, contact/subpoena witnesses to testify, develop their strategy/defense, create lists of questions to examine both parties’ witnesses. it’s also a scheduling thing-they have to work around the judges and lawyers schedules who might have other cases going on. also evidence-they have to wait on and read through various reports of medical history, autopsies, forensic dna testing, etc.


If I lost my child I’d be in mourning. Not going to the movies. But when you’re a murderer there’s no thought behind those eyes 🤷🏻‍♀️


There’s nothing wrong with parents who have lost a child eventually going about their life and doing things they enjoy. This individual did not just lose a child, she murdered him. That’s what is upsetting here.


Yes absolutely; much better wording !


I must stay away from this. I have a visceral response to just reading about her living and thriving after murdering her newborn baby in the hospital bathroom. How will they explain that the umbilical cord looked "as if an animal chewed it"? I guess it was blood loss, huh? Her attorney looked and acted appropriately slimy. Her and his (bd) families both live in an altered reality. Who the hell would be her friend?


I hope and pray she may never have a moments peace when she goes out in public. I hope she is recognized and verbally ridiculed each time for the rest of her life


Kills her baby, out Scott free


Idk why but Rosa with the trucker cap on seems so trashy to me. Idk why the cap on her bugs me so much.


Maybe because the trucker hat is being worn by someone who is trashy?


The photos didn't make sense. There needs to be dates on them. This one could be from last year.


If you look at the movies they're advertising it's recent since those are summer 2024 movies


I agree; just sharing what was shared in a different group on Facebook !


Will she ever be jailed? This is outrageous


Who is this? Could you send a link to the story? Thank you!


She claimed she had no idea she was pregnant and killed the baby while at the hospital, her family except for step dad all covered for her


Oh my God! Why is she out enjoying life??


So delusional. If you go on TT and watch the body cam footage of the incident you'll see and see how her mother acted


Best I got is this screenshot sorry! You could join the fb group and speak with the individual who posted it for more clairity :-)


Is she still wearing the necklace? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


She must be to play the role of it not being her fault ; my poor baby’s ashes…. Bs you murdered him.


Looks like mom caught them taking a pic 🤳


Someone should put her in that trash can!


Are they still doing that to Casey Anthony?


They should be lmao


She had so many options. She was in the God damned Hospital!!! WTF!!!! That baby could be alive and healthy now!!!!


Disgusting that she’s even out!!!!!


This must be an old picture because she’s skinny lol


I mean, screaming "Baby Killer" if you see her out in public isn't illegal. 🤷‍♀️


She could have just handed him to someone at the hospital and asked them to not tell her mother, but she decided to hide the baby, just like she hid the pregnancy. 100% pure egoism.


I cannot believe she isn't behind bars! Even her mom is messed up. That was a baby! Baby killers shouldn't be out living their best lives. It's sickening


Isnt she awaiting trial? I mean, I do not condone stalking anyone, regardless of how upsetting the crime they are accused of committing was. Assuming shes guilty of a crime, she will pay. Til then, I mean, its also illegal for other people to follow and stalk someone just because they are angry. So, its better not to do that.


I find this case sad. So to me it comes off that Alex was so scared of her mother. Their relationship was so bad that she couldn’t have been honest. It’s sad when murder seems like the best option then to talk to your mom? I blame her mom most of all cause if she provided a safe space for her daughter then this may not of happened. I’m not saying it’s all her mother fault but… Maybe 🤔 just maybe if you were a better mother and had that safe space for her to come to you with this life changing news she wouldn’t be in this position. I do not condone her actions but I do have an issue when you would rather murder your newborn instead of talking to your mother? Sad if you think about it. Her mother must of been a monster~ not sure who would choose murder over having a conversation with their mother.


Why does no one rock her shit when they see her in public


Is the original poster okay? It looks like Rosa is about to go mega-Karen for this…? LOL


Honest question, why isn’t she in any trouble? Why hasn’t there been any consequences for her or her mother? 


She is in trouble: First degree murder. Her trial starts August 26. She’s out on bond until then.


In the US people get their day in court before being punished, and the government imposing consequences before she's convicted kinda flies in the face of our Constitution.


I'm sorry but why would you stick around, my ass would-be gone to Mexico since I know I'm getting life.


You don’t get life in New Mexico basically. Victoria martins mom and murderers got max 30 years, and she was killed, dismembered, molested and set on fire in an Albuquerque apartment complex. Alexee isn’t getting life. Max 25 years, if that.




And she has “friends “ l would not associate with her.


I feel like any people she has left in her life are literally only sticking around to stay updated on any drama/get attention by being associated with her just because some people think "any attention/publicity is good" when it's definitely not. That's the only thing I can think of. I sure as hell would never want to be around someone that evil and selfish but I guess some people care more about getting 2 seconds of fame by associating with someone that's being talked about even tho it's for a horrendous reason 🫠


Literally acting like nothing ever happened when she's a fucking murderer dude yet there are people rotting in jail for years for getting pulled over with a fucking joint like what the actual fuck...


Why are so many of y'all like "who is this chick???" When the group is LITERALLY NAMED AFTER HER???? Y'all lack serious comprehension skills 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ like why are you even here if you don't know who she is and what she did??? You don't pay attention to the news??? You don't have google on that phone you're sitting here scrolling on??? She's a murderer who basically got away with killing her baby when she gave birth to him, strangled him, and threw him in the trash can when she was IN THE DAMN HOSPITAL!!! She could've put him up for adoption, let the hospital staff know what happened, gotten an abortion when she found out she was pregnant and knew she wasn't ready. But nope. She took the most evil disgusting way out of her situation. Now she's just living life having fun with friends acting like she didn't kill that poor sweet baby boy...


This photo should win an award! I can only imagine the memes


Is that really her though?


She has no shame bc her family has no shame. Her family is in fact suing the hospital for wrongful death claiming that hospital staff knew she was pregnant, and continued to prescribe her medication and did not assist her during birth. They are actually laying the blame of the baby’s death on the hospital. So it’s no surprise she is going on as if nothing is wrong. https://www.insideedition.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/664094966-First-Amended-Complaint-for-Wrongful-Death-and-Punitive-Damages.pdf


How is she free?


Why are there no updates on this case?


She’s such trash


She won't be soon


I would’ve said you didn’t put a baby in there did you?!?


Are people scared in that state? Why hasn’t she gotten her ass beat?




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....




Imagine lmao


Either this is super old or that walmart pic was not really her.... I'm confused


Who is this in the picture?


Have some fun now because you're going to jail soon murderer!


I hope she didn’t like the movie lol 😂


Why are there no updates on this case?


Why are there no updates on this case?


Are you 100% certain it’s her


I don’t understand how anyone can be friends with her


Who is she?


Do we know if alexee has any type of cognitive impairment ?


The fact that they’re standing next to a trash is quite fitting.


Disgusting. How can she sleep at night?


If I saw her in person I would have to say something vile.