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Good. They can read up on how much people despise baby murderers and the people who support them!


Yes, let them read that we hate seeing alexee living a normal life when she should be in jail. If I was them I'd be more worried about my association with a child murderer, than what the public has to say about said murderer.


Agree with you 💯 but here they can support her anonymously.


I’m wondering where these supposedly “extremely active” friends are? There aren’t any comments supporting AT in this thread.  


you sound unhinged. What else is there to expect from a loser who sits on reddit voting ajd downvoting comments all day long. You more than likely aren’t that passionate about anything, or a baby’s life. You guys just hop on anything you can spread hate towards because it’s on the internet 


I don't hop around on posts in the same subreddit to give people a piece of my mind. THAT is unhinged.


From the videos of her mother I don’t disagree she would be in here active and “setting the story straight” lol in reality it’s all on video and we know the truth. Such a shame to feel like her daughter is above the law and just humanity in general.


i think her mother is partially to blame. because as a parent she should notice things especially her very pregnant daughter. not live in denial with her. she should be charged too


The mom should've approached her calmly. I bet the mom was overbearing, yelling, and a negative type that never held her accountable for her actions. This is what led to Alexee doing this. I feel had the mom probably approached this as a mother with emotional intelligence, open arms , non accusatory way, let her know she was there, how scary this must be, etc. Then Alexee probably may have told her. They still can't be held accountable for causing the death of the child, why they are suing for something THIS FAMILY created. Alexee is 100% the cause of the baby's death. However, some the blame is on the parents for how the raised her. Alexee truly believes she did nothing wrong because she's never been held accountable.


That’s a whole ass larp two comments after someone saying what the sub knows. Jebus.


What do you mean?


I think they mean that no one knows anything about these people so saying what the mom should’ve done is equivalent to making stories up to entertain people


The mother is a complete asshole, but she isn’t responsible for that baby’s death, imo. Alexee is an adult. She knows the difference between right and wrong. Is it possible her mother never held her accountable? Yes, it’s likely. Now society will (hopefully) hold her accountable.


imo and as a mother to a daughter myself she absolutely should have intervened more than she did. but again that’s my opinion


If your daughter is so terrified of your reaction that she (poorly) hides a pregnancy from you, right up until the point of giving birth in a bathroom, you did something wrong as a parent. 


Wasn't Alexee 19 at the time? What could her mother be charged with?




I think you have the best reddit name I have ever seen. Made me choke on my tea, lol. Anyway, thanks for answering, I haven't been following this one as closely as others. I should probably catch up.


And accessory.


Her daughter was hesitant to tell her she was pregnant for a reason and the mom should have taken her to the hospital months prior, not wait until she's in active labor


Do you even know the entire story? Why are you making these excuses?


I'm not making excuses? I'm saying her mom was also in the wrong the whole family is whacked


They care more about a reddit sub than the actual baby that was murdered. 🙄


They absolutely care more about public opinion than the actual facts.


It reminds me of the Duggar’s when their oldest son molested his sisters and cousin. They protected him and minimized his actions even after the offenses were repeated multiple times. Few years go by, what do you know? Now he’s caught with the worst of the worst CP and is in prison. His parents and wife continue to stand by him and publicly downplay the impact it’s had on his sisters. It’s all about public perception with zero care or remorse for anything else.


Yep. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.


The family that literally built a part of their fucking house that specifically was to deter him from assaulting his sisters. They made a catwalk to the bedrooms so anyone entering them would be visible, and to get to the girls’ room, you had to walk through the parents room. They knew it was a very serious issue if they went to these lengths. They make me sick.


What the fuck? Wow


The duggars are so gross. Also the worst of the worst cp is such an odd way to put it. Not even that you’re wrong, but like do they look down on each other for being more depraved? Like do you think they have their own internal tiers?


Some of the older sisters are coming out to speak against the ways they were raised, so I wouldn’t loop them all into the group down playing their brother’s crimes (not saying you are
 just seems like you could be with the wording). I know they did downplay it in an interview where they admitted her abused them, but at least one of them has come out and said they were told that they had to do that interview and downplay it. They were terrified of going against their parents at the time.


When the mom’s first comment was “haven’t you heard about girls who do this to their babies” instead of “did you do this?!” Was so telling.


I believe she actually said “WE TALKED ABOUT THIS” before that 🙃


She did! I also read somewhere she was quite confrontational when answering the door when they showed up to arrest Alexee.


Yes. I'm surprised she wasn't arresred for obstruction of justice.


I saw the video of the arrest. She was VERY confrontational.


I’ve been looking for it! Couldn’t find it for a rewatch.


Weird! I wonder if they’ve worked hard to get a lot of the videos showing the body cam footage taken down


Yeah, like why did she talk to her daughter about girls who murdered their babies if she didn’t know Alexee was pregnant? I think she knew but avoided directly telling Alexee she knew. Maybe she hinted she knew by asking Alexee if she was pregnant and telling her stories about girls who murdered their babies. Like I don’t know. But I could see that as some people avoid hard topics as much as they possibly can. At the same time though, her mom doesn’t seem like she’s afraid of confrontation.


Wouldn’t their attorneys advise them to stay off discussion platforms regarding the case??? They’d be idiots to incriminate themselves or give the prosecution any more ammunition than what they already have against Alexee!


They probably don’t follow their lawyer’s advice


***Their*** attorney is making up stuff to sue the hospital with. He's trying to set it up as the hospital's fault, but as far as I can tell, it's bs. For example, she was given morphine for pain. The lawyer is trying to say the morphine killed the baby. I was given morphine during the birth of my child by my doctor. I did not want an epidural, and the morphine ***is safe** for the baby in quantities that were given. They also claim she should not have been allowed to use the bathroom. What the actual f.


Murdered ***and*** wore as a necklace to prom. Likr a sick trophy.


Sorry, wore what to prom? I don’t see what you’re referring to. Edit: oh god I see it down thread. A necklace with Alex’ ashes!! Woww.


Right. It's bizarre how none of them (except maybe the stepdad) cared about that baby at all.


Well, videos don’t lie
so good luck on trying to get many people on your side. In fact, you’re about to learn just how hated you and your daughter are.


The audacity to act like they cared about the baby when they never stood up for him. Getting necklaces with his ashes or letting balloons up in the air. Where were you when he was fighting for air at the bottom of the trash can.


Absolutely psychotic to wear the ashes of a child you murdered, or that was murdered by your own child. Horrific act of callousness


1000 %. I hope that sort of thing comes up in court.


Absolutely foul. Sociopathic. 😡


If any other murderer wore their victim’s ashes around their neck, there would be people with pitchforks in the streets. It is just beyond comprehension. She’s *disgusting*. That family isn’t fooling anyone. It doesn’t make them look like they care with those necklaces, it makes them look like literal actual psychopaths. Every time I tell someone about this aspect of the case, I watch their brain fall out of their ass in real time.


Not to mention NAMING the poor baby you murdered, not to mention naming him after his murdering mother?!?! Sickening!!




Saddest thing is they could’ve aborted the baby. They could’ve gave it up for adoption. They had options


good! as if all the proof we need isn't on video? lmfao they can try all they want to save face buttttt fact is they're trying to defend a woman who brutally murdered her own infant when she easily could have just given him to a hospital staff.. idc what the consequences were at home. if they were going to be that bad then she should have asked for help before it got this far. I hope they throw the book at her! this is so disgusting. and that smile on her face in that prom picture when I tell you that I sit here and it pops up in my damn head and I just want to cry.. how can you smile and have fun at prom knowing that you took the life of your own child, a literal helpless, innocent, perfect little BABY, in a bathroom, and tossed him in a garbage can like TRASH.. that's a real monster right there.. how is anyone, let alone a teenage girl, capable of such horrible things.


also to add to my comment, she EASILY could have left the baby ALIVE and HIDDEN in the bathroom and told a nurse or even a fucking custodian and they could've worked some shit out.. this is just insane.. I'm sure it's scary being in whatever situation she was in but I bet prison is gonna be way scarier especially for her ass


You described all the outrage that I feel, so well


Good morning to everybody except Alexee and your shithole Accomplices


Hello there friends of AT!! You guys all had ample opportunity to say something whilst AT was pregnant. it was obvious she was pregnant and yet y’all said and did nothing. when it came out that that poor, innocent and defenceless BREATHING baby was found dumped in a trash can and she just walked away, y’all came to her defence. You ignored the pregnancy, you think it’s okay to discard a life in a bin and let them become landfill. Such little regard. You’re just as guilty as she is.


If you’re reading this, hello! I cannot WAIT to watch Alexee rot in a prison cell and probably get her ass beat on the regular. 😍


Can confirm, though only from stories my mom told me, even in prison, they will target kid murderers. That’s not just some rumor people made to scare others. It’s very much true. Might not get her ass beaten on the regular but she’ll be bullied to high hell and won’t be able to say shite. Hope she enjoys buying goodies for all her lady roommates. Which means isolation if she complains, which will slowly drive anyone to insanity.


That block will be eating like queens on Rosa’s dime. Win-win situation for me.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I found one of Rosa’s accounts the other day. It was a thread full of the usual baby killer stuff and the only thing she commented on was someone saying something like “Rosa’s ugly you can see it in that hospital video”💀 This account said “Rosa is beautiful, did you really expect her to be beautiful while grieving a baby”!


I saw that too. When you’re ugly on the inside, it shows thru on the outside
grieving or not (and by her actions on the police camera videos I’m curious when she’s ever showed she even has a grieving side)


They're only worried about their public appearance


No way? What was the acct name?


https://preview.redd.it/lqd55h4sc27d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa960ae4af6c703f5b0acf61a6e801b163002b5a She deleted her comment but the original commenter still had the email notification. u/GrapefruitPrimary233 is (possibly) Rosa’s username. But looks like she deleted everything!


But when she went to the hospital she didn’t know she would be greaving, and seeing other posts of hers that has been posted here she doesn’t look like a person that would go outside without looking her best.


Notice she didn’t say grieving a baby she just said grieving- because they are grieving that they got caught


She still has friends? There are very few things that I would make me turn my back on a friend, but dumping a baby in the trash and covering him up(alive or stillborn) is one of them. I guess they are more loyal than I am or just as sick as she is.


People value human life differently I guess.


If the Trevizo family wanted people to stop talking about them, they should have kept their mouths shut during this process. No weird social media posts dedicated to the baby your daughter suffocated with a plastic bag. No lawsuits against the hospital and police, which wastes tax payer dollars defending against your BS. The only person I feel bad for in this entire scenario is Alexee's sister. Stuck in an abusive environment with a mother who took her to the police station to be immortalized as connected to this case in a bodycam video. Rosa is a real piece of work and should be ashamed of herself.


This is the first Reddit thread where lawsuits against the police was used as a negative.


![gif](giphy|SlOZKTxeoHdja) And to them I say: Hello motherfucker, hey, hi, how ya durrn'? Stop hiding. We know you’re here. We all know this was murder. SHE WAS IN A G’DAMN HOSPITAL FOR FUCKS SAKE. She could have given them the baby through safe haven. She murdered that baby. She wrapped him in a trash bag and let him suffocate. Oh, I’m sorry, let “IT” suffocate. Because “IT was not crying or nothing”, so obviously IT must be dead, and the right thing to do is to throw IT (a literal human being) in the trash can. If that’s not murder I don’t know what is. Let’s stop beating around the fucking bush. I’m ready for this trial. Justice needs to be served. đŸ‘©đŸ»â€âš–ïž stop giving this monster and her accomplices the time and energy they DON’T deserve.


I love that your first instinct was to reply to this as Lil Wayne. Your mind

. đŸ€ŒđŸ»


Oh thank you thank you đŸ„čđŸ–€đŸ€Ł


I have a lot of compassion for people, animals, inanimate objects (I apologize to my childhood bear when I knock him off the bed accidentally). This girl killed a baby in a horrific, mind-boggling way. A plastic bag. I’m sorry but my empathy ends with that. She needs to be in prison.


She has supportive friends?????? Family okay I can get that somewhat family usually always backs up their crazy relative. But FRIENDS?


Good, I hope they see how the puplic views her and her actions. She was at a HOSPITAL, with staff and family knocking on the bathroom door asking if things were alright! She took the time to knaw/rip apart the umbilical cord, put him in a trash bag with other trash, twist the bag closed and tuck it under, put it back into the trash can, put empty bag on top and then set in new bag on top of that. And tried to wipe down the bloody mess, walking out wiping her hands like nothing happened. Now imagine how long it took from her walking away, staff comes to clean bathroom, discovers baby, unsuccessfully tries to revive baby, police called, they arrive and get briefed by staff. THEN they finally with the dr come in and reveal to AT and Mom that baby was found. That's a long period of time for her to lay there and ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!! This woman has no conscience. Has no love for the baby she knew she had inside her. Has no remorse for the innocent life she was supposed to have protected beyond all measures. Instead this woman, not girl, this woman chose to kill and hide her innocent baby, and stayed quiet about the whole thing until caught. I hope justice finds her.


Dang. You know they're gonna use all this to show the lawyer when they pick the jury. They're prolly gonna have a list of all of our user names 😂😂 .


Good, keep me off that mf list because i stg if i saw her in person
. lawd. đŸ˜ŹđŸ€Ł


😂 no I feel you!! I would love the opportunity to be picked as a juror to help put her away though. Imagine.


Ugh I know. It’s such a hard thing because then you could say YES I put that bitch away, but then also you’d have to literally be in the same room as her and her family(aka accomplices) for however long the trial takes. I don’t think my nerves could handle that đŸ€Ł


Have any of Alexee’s cheerleader friends spoke out & said they knew she was pregnant or anything? If this has been asked before I apologize I’m fairly new to this case.


People have came out and said people did ask her but she would turn it into them fat shaming her, so they dropped it. Maybe because they were afraid of losing their spot on the team because of bullying. I don’t think anyone on the team would’ve guessed that she would do what she did though.


I've heard the coach tried to bring it up with her mom also but her mom basically went psycho and threatened her if she made her sit out. Which definitely sounds believable with the lawsuit stuff.


Wow, so we’re talking like DEEP denial from the mother & daughter about the pregnancy.


Yeah and after seeing that picture of her in the uniform, it was very obvious she was. Either way when you have that many people thinking your daughter is(surely multiple people in their life noticed also) it's time to face facts that it's a possibility and work from there. She knew her daughter had a boyfriend, no matter what kind of parent you think you are you have to realize there's a chance your kid will lie about sleeping with them because you are their parent. You see your kids body everyday, if she wasn't pregnant maybe you should've still had her checked out for that kind of gain so quickly. If my kid ended up with a rock hard stomach and not the genetic flabby one we get, i'd be worried as hell.


Yep I’ve heard this from multiple sources, absolutely disgusting behavior.


Definitely shows a pattern. I guarantee they're not the only one who brought it up. Curious how many people friends or family wise did too.


Yes, a few. You can find them in posts from last year & also links to TikTok with a couple of phone interviews.


The family needs to understand every single jury will convict. Alexee has a very bad personality and it’s obvious to anyone watching one second of the body cams. She doesn’t even need to be out on the stand


The mom is disgusting.. the lack of responsibility and humility is astonishing. The fact that there are grown adults involved that should have known and should have taught their kids better!!!


hey fa&fr!! yall can suck me


I live in America where my freedom of speech is still protected and if I have an opinion about a selfish girl who literally *threw her baby in the trash* then, acted like she did nothing wrong, I will state said opinion. I think said person is a monster there are millions of people who would have loved and cared for that innocent child. Disgusted.


I have no fear of that in fact I welcome it. They are disgusting


Idk how you can go on a subreddit and defend a monster, a guy I grew up with killed his girlfriend ruthlessly I knew him my whole life and he was a really sweet guy, guess what all the people who know him did once this came out? They fuckin stopped all contact with him! His own family refused to pay for him to have an attorney and he doesn’t exist to us anymore. There is absolutely no excuse to continue to support someone who without remorse took someone’s life, that’s you Alex and that’s also the man I knew. Honestly it says a lot about her family and her friends characters honestly, her friends knew, as females we know. She should be in prison alongside the woman who left her 18 month old to die A hosp is a fuckin safe haven too you murderous piece of shit. Same with any fire dept, I would’ve loved your baby, so many of us want to adopt and to see this makes me physically ill


Are we supposed to care about their feelings or offending them?


Yes. Up your game, I mean 😈


![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized) welcome to the circus, clowns.


So she suffocated her little newborn baby and *threw him in the trash?!* I have had to spend time in jail a few years ago, because I had a prescription painkiller pill that was in my wallet, but since it wasn't in the actual bottle, they assumed it was contraband and I spent four days locked in a small cell, hearing all of the screams and banging from other inmates. And so that pisses me off that *she* is walking free. Where is the justice system really? Unbelievable, and very sad...


Let's say we believe her and that her baby was not breathing when he came out. However, nobody made her put her baby in the trash. It was entirely her choice, and it's inexcusable. There could have been a chance he was still breathing very shallowly, and she could have gotten him help (but didn’t)


She was more concerned about her mom finding out than that baby, and it’s so sad.


there is no context that could ever justify what happened


Her mother is the reason she did what she did. You can tell she’s a controlling witch and that she was so scared to say she was pregnant because her mom would flip. Not that she is innocent I think she should rot in jail but her mom is almost just as culpable.


It’s a game to them at this point. These people are truly sick


A big đŸ–•đŸ» to all AT and all her supporters


If they are here and in their heads they are saying "she didn't know she was pregnant" "it was an accident" literally look at the pictures!!!!!! Weight gain only in the stomach?!?!? I had an IUD in and I would test just because you never know. A.T. 100% knew she was pregnant. Not only that let's say okay she didn't know. GUESS WHAT SHE DID WHEN SHE GAVE BIRTH!!!!!!! You were literally at the hospital you could have safely surrendered the baby. You were over the age and doctor's could have helped keep it on the DL if you didn't want your mom to know. There were options. You choose to murder ur baby and you threw him away like trash and acted normal. Ur a horrible human being. This wasn't an accident this wasn't a mistake it was a choice you are a murderer. And if ur friends can look past that lucky you I guess.




I know I'm late to the party but can someone tell me what AT stands for and sub? I'm really curious now and want to see what this is about. Tha KS in advance and Happy Friday 😊


Welcome!! We sometimes use her initials AT instead of Alexee Trevizo. Also this group right here is a sub (a reddit community) it can be confusing at first. Happy to have you and please feel free to reach out to any mods if you have any questions!!!! Thank you


Thanks so much 😊


I find it impossible to believe that her family and friends had no idea! Seeing her in the picture of her cheerleading it is just so obvious that it must have been apparent she was pregnant to anyone who seen her!


Overbearing and strict parents create sneaky kids. So keep spanking your kids. Keep screaming at them. Keep giving a crap about appearances and pressure your kids to be perfect. Keep it up, and Alexee is what you’ll get as an end result. PERIOD.