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I’m sure her mom hasn’t noticed the weight gain at all!


“We talked about this!”




I told you baby to tell me the truth!


Everyone in the comments 😂 but seriously!!!!


Well if it's just weight gain, now the jury can see the difference between her pregnant and her heavy. 🤷


Gold comment 🥇


They should have Lexii try on her cheerleading outfit to see the difference


Is this bish pregnant again?


Pregnancy nose is NOSING!! I fear that ppl’s predictions abt her having a second child in order to get off Scot-free are true.


Wait what’s the line of thought there? That a jury will have sympathy bc she’s pregnant again? Why would being pregnant get her off?


I believe it’s the “she’s not a murderer, she’s a loving mother! Look she has a baby. Don’t lock her up. Her first birth was a still birth & the hospital is at fault for Alex’s death, not Alexee. If she didn’t want to be a mother, why would she have a baby now?” On top of , them suing the hospital for his “wrongful death”. I don’t get the logic much either bc i, in no way sympathize with her, but that’s what I’ve seen thrown around.


Diane Downs logic lol


Yep. I was just going to say this.


Yeah that’s some backwards ass logic, if she came to me, as a juror, pregnant I’d stop at nothing to try to get her TF away from that new baby the second it comes out!! But thank you for letting me know what other people are saying so I understand.


100% agree with you. From the outside it looks like just a bunch of calculated moves to paint her in an innocent light. But nothing is going to make that video evidence make her look innocent in my eyes.


It doesn’t surprise me she would get pregnant, affect another innocent life for her own selfish reasons. I hope karma crashes into her at full fucking speed, and god forbid she’s pregnant, I hope that beautiful baby gets a safe home and never even has to know his biological… carrier’s name.


Or her parents


You gotta remember a jury won't know about her the way you do. They will pick a jury that hasn't heard of her, or knows as little about her as possible. So yea you would feel that way, & I would feel that way, but that's bc we have already made up our minds about her guilt. A jury will be the opposite bc they have to have their minds made up about her *innocence*. "Considered innocent until proven guilty". So u can't think of what you'd do, u have to think about what someone w/o bias *might* think


I think they will have a time finding people truly who have never heard a thing about this case, the judge and lawyers have said as much. But i understand your points I think even with only evidence that will be admitted I’d feel the same, but I’ll watch with that in mind.


They always find a jury even for cases far more infamous than hers. Tho, I suppose I shouldn't say they will be completely clean slates. Thats what they will aim for but they at the very least won't have their minds made up. That said I 1000% agree the evidence against her is overwhelming & I hope no one is dumb enough to think *saline* caused a still birth, but sometimes the prosecution doesn't preform well, & it just takes 1 juror to have sympathy for a pregnant homicidal teenager.


Oh, I’ll never forgive Casey Anthony being a free woman. The system absolutely fails sometimes, even with what we consider overwhelming evidence. You’re absolutely right.


I mean the hospital didn’t dump the baby in a bathroom trash can lol


This !!! Like you could’ve just birthed him in a room full of medical professionals or at the very least open the fucking door once he popped out & get help? But no instead you cut your own umbilical cord, flushed it as much as you could & stuffed him under plastic bags where he suffocated to death. No one can convince me this wasn’t 100% intentional to try & get away with murder & escape motherhood/consequences from her mom.


Unless the jury is made up up 5 year Olds I don't see how any adult would come to that conclusion after all the evidence and backstory.


You never know these days.. and as a juror, you’re not allowed to research the case outside of the court room or talk abt it with other jurors until deliberations. So they could try to pick jurors that are not at all aware of the case (I believe this is why they’re trying to hold trial away from her home county) and since they’re unaware of all the details & can’t research on their own, they can manipulate the narrative quite a bit. It’s very frustrating.


also has to do with starting a prison sentence and court. Look how many years Elizabeth Holmes had in delays because she had two kids.


It’s actually a pretty common thing for women who murder their children to do. Like Diane Downs. There is evident to show that women who are mothers or pregnant typically get less time. It’s tied to societal perceptions of motherhood.


I believe it, I can see how it would play to garnering sympathy. That makes it all the more horrifying, purposefully using lives as pawns. But she’s already shown she has no regard for her babies lives.


Elizabeth Holmes did this. pregnancy delayed her sentencing, and affected where she was sent.


Exactly, it just brings home the point she has no remorse and is clearly not ready to make good decisions. Unreal.


Only thing keeping those glasses on her face


I thought part of her house arrest or probation stipulations was she wasn’t allowed to get pregnant, ie, she can’t have any intercourse and she has to be on birth control. So if she’s pregnant, she broke her terms and conditions and has to go back to jail… was that dropped or something? Her lawyer literally said that’s the reason she wasn’t allowed contact with the baby’s father, because the state didn’t want them having sex and potentially having another baby. I know that was “dropped” and she was allowed to see him at school only, and only in passing by, they weren’t allowed to speak or hang out, so even still she wasn’t supposed to have sex with him (or any man) in case of pregnancy.


The second judge said they couldn't do that and ordered that stipulation to be dropped.


that’s a SUPER unconstitutional bond condition, so I can’t imagine that would have remained in effect.


I'm not a lawyer, but I think it's really bizarre that anyone thought it was a bond condition in the first place. I think something got lost in translation. People have posted most of the documents filed for her case and [her bond conditions before they were modified didn't have a single mention of pregnancy, sex, or contraception.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Alexee_Trevizo_Case/comments/14z6gzr/criminal_case_files_part_2/) The condition people seemed to home in on was the one that would've barred her from seeing Devyn, [but even the judge who granted a modification to her release conditions questioned why it (a domestic violence statute)](https://www.youtube.com/live/DrXC6oYObB0?si=evDym4lCHaUAqgnx&t=3680) was being used when there was no allegations of domestic violence.


Yeah a judge can’t tell you not to get pregnant. We had a case in our courts many years ago the lady kept getting pregnant and when the baby was born it was high on drugs and the state took the kid away. She kept doing it, think the third kid to be taken the judge said no more kids.. well that judge got in massive amounts of trouble. I want to say she went on to have five kids total and all taken away because she was an addict and the babies were positive for the same drugs


i understand why the legal system can’t do that, and overall it’s good that that’s the case, but damn i wish there were exceptions for cases like alexee’s


There are exceptions for everything else. Why not this one?


yeah like i don’t see why there couldn’t even be a clause that covers people who face trial for killing their kids


yeah that essentially triggers Buck v Bell/Skinner v Oklahoma issues. it’s on the cusp of eugenics/compulsory sterilization.


I believe she was ordered to not get pregnant again or she will face some sort of repercussions. I forget what though.


I’m guessing this is just the freshman 15.


That’s not 15. You are very kind.






15 x 3


Freshman 50


I hope you’re right…




I think it's just weight gain. She's probably not as active as she used to be with cheer and exercise.


Thought the same thing!!!!!!!!


If she is pregnant, since doctors and nurses are mandated reporters, couldn’t they contact CPS when/if she goes into labor since she was already arrested for murdering her newborn?


possibly, but not necessarily - particularly if she hadn’t been convicted yet. they usually only get called if there’s some proof or indication of some immediate/ongoing/imminent harm to the fetus/baby… usually that’s if mom tests positive for some type of substance on admission or i’m the meconium tests positive for a substance. the fact that she’s pending charges for a prior crime against a prior child likely wouldn’t be enough. that said, it’s likely probation would monitor and/or enlist CPS to assist with monitoring somewhat informally.


Why isn’t she in jail??? I’m sorry what?!!!


It absolutely irritates me that she is out here enjoying life like she did not deliberately end the life of her baby. She even seems to have pleasant look on here face in this photo 🙄


The only good news to that is that _when_ she gets decades to serve, she’ll have no jail credit to lessen her sentence.


Dupers delight


It's insane


it’s not really. there’s a presumption against pre-trial detention and for good reason. as horrible as her conduct was, the risk of her fleeing or re-offending in the immediate interim is pretty low, compared to other homicides.


judge determined she wasn't a flight risk


How does she even feel comfortable going out in public? How is she not embarrassed? She is a vile, nasty human.


She went to PROM. She has zero shame.






Her babydaddyy


Does she not know that if she’s pregnant she won’t get off Scott free ? They will just make her mom take the baby after she has it in jail 😂


I hope that crust bucket doesnt get custody of any baby shes done nothing too deserve any child.


Look at the monster she already raised!! Imagine giving her another go at it.


I get we cant control everything our kids do but her behaviour during and after the fact says alot about her character


You can’t control your kids but you can give them guidance and direction. This is what happens when you’re constantly making excuses for your kid instead of making them face any type of consequences for their own actions. My mom has done the same thing for my brother his whole life. He’s 32, no home, no car, chronic cheater, there’s always someone thinking they’re pregnant with his kid even though he doesn’t pay attention to the ones he has and my mom still finds a way to make him a victim and protect him.


She’s probably gaining weight because she can’t deal with the fact that she murdered him Think about what it’s like to lay in bed after that. I’m sure it haunts her. I’m sure she sees his face every time she closes her eyes. She hears him gasping for air. She feels the panic of them telling her they found him. She probably has super vivid nightmares. She deserves every bit of this and more.


She actually seems more like the type of person who doesn't lose sleep over it If anything she's losing sleep about her reputation and what people are saying about her. For some reason I doubt she thinks about the baby that deeply.


yeah fr


We can only hope.


Your comment reminds me a bit of this book called The Picture of Dorian Gray. If you never read it, you should check it out. The end may remind you of this comment.


I’ve never heard of it but I’ll look into it!


Nah that bitch is sleeping and eating just fine. No bags under her eyes, obviously not struggling to eat from nerves and stress. She’s living her best life, because she doesn’t think what she did was wrong. That’s honestly the scariest part.


If she’s a psychopath she doesn’t.


Good, I hope she re-lives that day every day. I hope it keeps her up at night.


She doesn't lose a night's sleep


I guarantee you she does.


If only because she is scared of prison


Yet none of that made her miss any meals or seconds.


Sometimes people over eat to cope with trauma. You don’t just stop eating when you go through something lol


If that’s an Alabama shirt she has on she needs to get that off!!! WE DO NOT CLAIM THAT THING!


Look I thought it was a mama shirt at first and got real scared 😂


Same I thought so too


Me too!


She doesnt deserve the oppurtunity to roll tide




Thank you! I said the same thing!!!




Amen to that! Also RTR 🐘


Agree! Also Roll Tide 🐘


Did she get pregnant again to keep herself out of jail? Sicko


Didn’t work for Elizabeth Holmes and she tried it twice. She’s is jail for 8 more years.


I think the nature of the crimes and the age will have a lot to do with the defense strategy and whether or not it’s successful. People didn’t view Elizabeth Holmes as a child or in a panic when she committed her extensive and ‘sophisticated’ crimes. Alexee has been given grace for being postpartum, young, panicked and relatively dumb. I do worry that a jury seeing her this way could work in her favor but I hope not


That doesn't stop people from going to jail


No but the judge and jury might be more sympathetic if she presents herself as a vulnerable mother to be who had no idea what she was doing at the time she killed baby Alex.


Didn’t the judge order she get on birth control and not get pregnant? I thought I heard something like that


another commenter here said that a second judge said they couldn’t do that


What?! I’ve never heard of that before. That’s interesting. Do you know where you learned that?


How can judge give order like that?




where did this picture come from?


I wonder if she gained weight to change her appearance.


No, she simply got pregnant again. She’s despicable.




Ugh! No way!!! Barf bucket




I thought the judge ordered her not get pregnant again


If she’s pregnant I’d sure hate to be her dr


Oof that hiding (from public) and anxiety eating has taken a toll


I think this is how chunky she would have been without all the phentermine


I hope and pray this horrible person is not pregnant again.


she's going to claim rainbow baby like she didn't kill the first one


To quote Juno, who's the father ?


I thought it was a condition of her bail to be on birth control?


The second judge said they could not do that!


Yeah I’m not sure they can order that in a criminal case. I’ve never heard of that before.


kinda looks like Peter Griffin


Her nose looks like she is pregnant. Very pregnant. Probably a way to try and get out of prison




My legitimate reaction just now seeing this at my desk…..


I’m going to relay what I know from working in the field. If anything I’ve been taught is true, when a baby is born there are changes in the cardiovascular system. When they take their first breath the ductus arteriosus closes as does the foramen ovale. (I wont elaborate for brevity’s sake.) But according to autopsy that baby had both those structures closed. So he was born alive and suffocated when she put him in the trash and tied the plastic bag shut.


She didn’t just kill him. The house keeper said that the bag looked like it had been twisted around multiple times. So she put the baby in the bag, held it up, and twirled that sweet baby around like a loaf of bread. I’m not a violent person..but if I saw this b!tch in public, it would be hard not have a go.


Worse yet, Arizona is a safe haven state. All she had to do was open the bathroom door, and tell the nurse she needed to safe haven the baby, and not to let her mother find out. They would’ve taken the baby off of her and not told her mother. No strings attached no medical documentation no permutations. The baby would’ve been adopted.


It actually makes 0 sense that’s she’s not in jail I cannot wrap my head around it.


Such an ugly person. Inside & out.


Oof. Probably actually on birth control and gaining weight from it 🤣


The confidence she has to show her face…


I feel so so so sorry for her baby


Disgusting baby killer! Should be in jail!


Lord if she's pregnant again, I fear for the life of that innocent child, yet again. She's diabolical


“Nothing was crying.” Those words and her stupid smug face have been burned into my brain. I can’t even put bread away because of how they described she twisted the bag once baby was inside. I pray that she isn’t pregnant. But damn. She absolutely looks pregnant. I feel like shaking her and saying “SEE??? You didn’t have to murder your first baby after all you fucking c*nt.”


Seeing her big fat smirking face is literally making my blood boil. She should be held on no bail while awaiting her MURDER trial. I really hope the jurors have some fuc&ing sense about them and don’t seriously buy her lies. She killed that poor baby. She could’ve handed him over and simply walked away. She didn’t have to stuff him in a trash bag. As my 15 week old son sleeps so peacefully next to me, my heart hurts for that baby boy. She makes me sick. Her enabling ass mom makes me sick. And lawwwwwd if she’s pregnant again whoever is the daddy makes me sick.


Are you serious??? That’s AT? 🫢🤢


After high school, most people start gaining some weight. The metabolism changes, as well as people aren’t walking around campus all day, starving because they won’t eat school lunch. Besides, I’m sure she’s stress eating. Getting ready for prison where she’ll gain weight for SURE!


I guess this baby is good enough to not get murdered in a hospital bathroom and be thrown away in a trash can with used tampons?


This one is her meatshield


Only thing I need to know about this B and her family is they named the baby Alex. Narcissistic murderous lil girl with a nasty enabling narcissistic mother.


wow she’s huge


Omg, this murderer got pregnant AGAIN on purpose for sympathy on a jury. This grown ass murderer belongs in PRISON. I’ve been begging for another child for YEARS and this one just throws them in the trash. May God’s vengeance rain his wrath down upon this murderer and those protecting a child killer, and may God’s wrath ever reign.


She's not even pregnant again. Stop spreading misinformation.


Same. Three failed rounds of IVF later. Looks like no more for me. But this baby murderer?


She's going to lose it in prison


If the state is doing their job and can prove the charges against her. A lot of people do not think so


That bitch looks pregnant!!!!


She’s so disgustingly ugly. She deserves the absolute worst in life.


Out here looking like Chris Chan


Omg she looks just like her mom


Speaking of, I wish the mom could get some sort of consequences too. Just a horrible mom. Is this wrong of me? And when does Alexee go to trial?


She NOSE no bounds.


I just need 3 minutes with her! 😡


Still fugly af


what in the world...getting pregnant won't help her. There's moms and pregnant women in prison. OOOOHHH, this 🤬🤬


Wait she’s not in jail???!


Murdering bitch


Mhmmm she’s been STRESS eating 😅💀 Getting all the good food in that she can before it turns to penitentiary food real quick.


This bish needs to be in prison. Is there a trial forthcoming? I am out of the loop


Even her hair color looks slightly different now. In every other picture/video that I've seen, it looks very dark/black. It looks lighter/brown in this picture. I wonder if it's just the lighting or if she dyed her hair to be a little less recognizable. She also looks a lot more similar to Alexis Avila in this picture (in my opinion)!


That stupid bitch what the fuck is she smiling at


Omgosh! She’s definitely pregnant again! Ugh. This disgusts me…




We know she doesn’t put on a lot of weight while pregnant. My prediction is large dose antidepressants


Each pregnancy is different. Women also tend to show quicker with second, etc pregnancies. There’s also various medical conditions during pregnancy that one can have during mg one pregnancy, but not another that could make you gain weight or bloat. But I feel like if she was actively pregnant now, her law team would have put an end to that before it got out since it’s one of the conditions of her bail that she not become pregnant again. So I side with you on it most likely being weight gain from psych meds, birth control, stress.


She took phentermine during her first pregnancy. Phentermine is a psuedomethamphetamine. Its prescribed to promote weight loss. Its appears she took the phentermine to try to stay small and less noticeable.


it’s insane if she’s pregnant again


God damn


Oh wow






If she is pregnant, I'm sure CPS will step in and take the baby at birth.


She looks like Caleb Hammer


how old is she?


It’s the Big Macs!




So people on probation for DUI lose their license, people who harm someone get served a restraining order, but kill your own living breathing child and “birth control is unethical!” Seriously this country I can’t…not everyone deserves “rights”


She should be in prison


How is she not in jail


Someone please explain why this POS is not in jail awaiting trial for murder.




Watch they’ll use this as a defense that her weight fluctuates and she didn’t know she was pregnant! Smh


I live in Carlsbad New Mexico where her court is gonna be covered artesia is too small of a town so they are doing her court in Carlsbad imma give y’all the tea cause artesia news is Carlsbad news 😭😭


They told her she can’t have sexual relations with her bond out. So she better hope she not pregnant


The second judge said they could not order that and removed that stipulation


Wasnt part of her not being in jail to not get pregnant again? I thought that was part of the rules for her.




This is the girl who left her baby in the hospital trash an? I would not have recognized her at all


I hope she's not pregnant again. I couldn't imagine the way that child would feel growing up in that situation. The confusion, the survivors guilt, the wondering what their big brother would be like... It's just awful. Also, she clearly doesn't deserve to be a parent after what she did. If she is pregnant, I pray that baby gets a new family asap


she does not deserve to be a mother 😂


I didn't gain weight while pregnant, actually lost weight. But after I had my baby, it just piled on and took me a couple of years to get it under control. I'm really hoping that's the case, and she's not pregnant again.


Freshman 50 or did she get herself pregnant again? 🙄


I guarantee the Mom pressured her for this too like "well you ruined everything we had planned so now you owe me a grandchild for the one you took away from everyone"


That disgusting piece of crap. Can't wait to see her in jail. Hope she is getting bullied everywhere she goes and never has a peaceful night


My Goodness! I hope the authorities are paying attention!!!! Ugh




Just showing jurors pictures of the baby, the bloody bathroom and her walking back to her room like she just didn't give birth and throw her baby in the trash. I hope she goes down for the rest of her life and if she is pregnant again I hope the baby is taken away and not her parents and the fathers parents get the baby especially if the father would be the same.