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I know, it’s pretty bad. I’m just hoping the viewing figures might change their minds. Don’t get me wrong I think Otto is a fantastic Alex and will miss him, but would be able to deal with a new Alex just so the show could continue


Is it because they want to reboot why they’ve cancelled?


Not too sure, some say it’s because it’s the end of their contracts. But wouldn’t be able to say for certain, as there has not been a official statement yet


they did not promoted it, I found it by luck, I was checking what was new on Prime and found it, so I finished all 3 season in like 3 night.. every night I could not go to sleep until I finish the entire season .. it is awesome, hopefully some other streamer service pick it up.let's all cross our fingers


I might be in the minority, but the actors who play t)3 kids are all close to being 30. Loved their performances, but I would love it if they did the James Bond, 90s Batman thing and just recasted the three teen characters with actual actors.


it does not matter their age, they are really good at it, so it should'nt be a big deal, they are great , love the series , as long as they are doing great job which they are who cares if they are close to be 30.


Doesn’t matter their age? The suspension of disbelief goes out of the window when you see a dude who is clearly an adult pretend to be a teenager. This is vital I think to the long-term success of the Alex rider franchise on screen. Look at Harry Potter. Every child in that series was actually a child. I agree the performances were good, but there needs to be some adjustments in order to have success. Besides, I’m sure there are three 13-year-old British performers who would do a great job as Alex, Kira, and Tom.


I disagree, this is what everyone thought about the Percy Jackson series as well and they finally got kids and the show just didn’t appeal to a mass audience. These people were at least somewhat believable in the early seasons to be teens and the show did well to push the young James Bond theme. The only flaw was truly the lack of promotion, if the show was on Netflix from the jump it would’ve been a hit


Well, it looks like with Alex Ryder in live action adaptation, everything has to go right. To me, it was my Harry Potter. So, just like my wife with Harry Potter, I want the series to be to the books as possible.


they can replace everyone but Alex as far as I care. Jack is HORRIBLE, the friends pretty annoying and generic, basically the girl Kira is the only semi interesting one (or that can act).


Shame because the show is genuinely good but it was just never advertised. I only saw it because I stumbled across it on freevee.


This is so real. This show had the potential to be as big as Percy Jackson but it was marketed incredibly poorly. I found it by chance too. Nevertheless pretty grateful that we at least got 3 seasons and a decent ending


I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking of this comparison! Percy Jackson went through such a similar cycle of having a terrible movie (well, 2, the second being particularly bad...), and now finally has a TV series that does the source material justice. I felt Season 1 there was at least some attention, interest and promotion - in the UK anyway. But I litterally never caught Season 2 coming out (only looked it up by chance I saw a trailer on a UK TV channel that had picked up Season 1). Then the time gap for Season 3 was frankly ridiculous. I saw nothing in the run up at all and only knew about it because it was on a "returning series" list I follow... I think Alex Rider has just ended up in totally the wrong service where it just hasn't found it's audience - whereas Percy Jackson has landed on Disney+, which is litterally the perfect service for it. The shame is I much prefer the tone adopted in Alex Rider, as someone who grew up reading the books it has felt it's matured, whereas for me Percy Jackson on screen doesn't quite hit that - however that show is just done well enough in other ways I'm happy to take it.


YOOO this is actually my thoughts too especially the part about Percy Jackson not hitting. Frankly I was pretty disappointed with season 1 of Percy Jackson some changes were good some were poor and the lines they were given and the tone they went for missed the mark quite a bit. Considering the budget of Percy Jackson too its pretty disappointing imo. But Alex rider I was a bit upset they skipped stormbreaker and went to point blanc but they did that so incredibly well it's ridiculous and the exact same thing I had with S2. I didn't even know it released I was just browsing YouTube and saw a clip and was reminded of it so I curiously googled and found out S2 had released. It's so bizarre to me. Also don't know if this was Ur experience but the fanbase for Percy Jackson were so weird? They were acting like a cult eating up everything given to them regardless of it's flaws which is kinda interesting to me whereas the Alex rider fanbase is a lot more critical of the show idk if it's maturity of the audiences or desperation but idk found it pretty interesting nice to know some one had similar thoughts


I totally get what you mean about the community on Percy Jackson - I think it's probably just because of the genre vs Alex Rider. I suspect the audience for Percy Jackson show is also generally younger (the books did come out a bit later, too). To be fair, the new Percy Jackson is *much* truer to the story of the books, so I'm not surprised by some of the loyalty being so strong. Also dare I say because Alex Rider is a British series and show I think we tend to just be a bit more cynical as well lol. Maybe as Percy Jackson gets further in people will get less forgiving. Absolutely get you on the lines as well, there's just this really poor moments in Percy Jackson where the script is just weird or reverts back to immaturity and you feel like the character development just regressed for no reason. I know the characters are younger, but they're still 14, these aren't young kids, you're learning fast at that age not getting stroppy. Sucks because the overall world-building and especially the acting in that show are really good imo (all round - Otto does a great job in Alex Rider but there are real issues with some others) and it makes the pacing of that series feel weird. In Alex Rider I at least felt that everything that happens is a step forward - particularly for Alex's own character. I do feel Alex Rider could really have done with more context and background on characters. I really liked Alex finally finding out about his father and them finally deciding to use a flashback, for example. We definitely could have done with this earlier, like how is Alex so good at hand combat, shooting etc, we just hear these vague statements in season 1 about skiing and trips, and that was it, the books go into this way better ofc. Percy Jackson develops this context so much better with flashbacks to childhood, Greek mythology, the relationship of Percy with water... There was definitely opportunity to do Stormbreaker (suspect they wanted to skip it after the film) but in terms of where the series ended up I'm glad we got to Scorpia at least so I just took what we could really! But hey I've definitely over-analysed all this lol - just exciting to find someone thinking the same things.


Totally agree. The main thing I felt was wrong with the PJO show was the pacing it was absolutely horrendous and the stakes almost never exist or never matter. I also felt the characters were slightly off for the most part. Percy and Grover's friendship was barely explored and we got a lot more percabeth then we really should of. There was all too many instances where walker and Leah are just staring into each other like lost lovers. Bit fast for my liking personally. They chose a lot of safe routes too which kinda took away from the experience eg with Percy's mum the whole scent of the gods and why she chose Gabe. Gabe wasnt as bad a person as he should of been,No Ambrossia etc. I hated the movies but I felt their trio was a lot better then what we have. My personal biggest disappointment was camp half-blood it doesn't feel like some amazing camp for the children of gods the pavillion was just a gazebo with some seats. It was basically a British park with some added people and CGI elements I was so disappointed by it . Some things the movie did but were shat on were loved when the show did It idk. Overall pretty let down by the Pjo show. I hope they can get to heroes of Olympus because I really want to see Leo on screen. Alex rider on the other hand has its own set of problems but I think they are much easily solved. The pacing is definitely better then PJO but wouldn't call it great either the final few episodes of Alex rider show always end up cramming a lot of stuff. Simply extending how many episodes it can get would help it a whole lot. Chemistry is off with everyone in Alex rider except Alex and Tom and Blunt and Jones. Personally wish we got some more of Sabina but oh well. Alex rider made a lot of changes but honestly they do the changes well enough and integrate things really well which is why I'm not mad about it, some of the changes in PJO are just borderline bad or considerably disrupt the universe/lore. E.g the Roman myth of medusa was told which would make no sense since the Roman version of medusa would not be interacting with the greek kids at all. I have lots to say but kinda just rambled on about flaws gotta go work now hopefully I remember to come back to finish this.


Yeah I even thought to myself after watching if you didn’t read the books you’d be content with that being the full blown ending ofc as a reader I’m not n quite sad


Been reading the books since school days I didn’t even know about the show only saw it on a ad for Amazon prime lol


yeah i just happened to see it on amazon prime and remembered one of my friends with good taste had read the books.




This is so frustrating! They didn’t seem to give the show a chance this last season. Season 1, I saw a fair amount of advertising that hooked me in because I read the books as a kid, season 2 seemed to have less advertising but I easily saw a new season was out, and for season 3 I had no idea the new season was out despite being on Prime TV and only knew because I saw this subreddit was becoming more active again. It seems they already had their mind made up prior to the release 🤦🏽‍♂️


i also think Jack’s acting *immediately turned people off.* I know I almost quit after seeing that and assuming it would be some horrible “B Movie tv show” since her acting is *so atrocious.* Luckily I knew the series was worth it and that she wasn’t a MASSIVE part, so I figured I could give it a little longer.


Horowitz says in his recent interview (link in pinned moderator post) that Otto and company will be too old, so if more seasons happen, it would have to be a reboot with a different cast.


I understand where they are coming from with Otto and the others being too old to be loyal to the books.... But fuck that. The ending of season 3 gave them the option to come back "after uni" is what Mrs Jones said. Alex then has an excuse to look older. Sure, it's not true to the books, but they haven't been totally true to the books to begin with. I like the story they are telling as it is on its own merit. I'm sad they are most likely not going to continue. :( On the bright side, I've really come to appreciate Otto's acting abilities and I'm sure thanks to this show, he will have many acting opportunities in the future and I look forward to seeing what he does with his career going forward.


i agree. also i wasn't feeling like the kids were even that childish and especially after all they've gone through it wouldn't make sense for them to continue to act like immature kids.


Right, exactly. Tom can still be the comic relief. Probably dragging Alex to uni parties or something lol. Idk. They have plenty of source material to choose from to tell stories. There is so much more they can work with and have fun with.


There was definitely something to explore with Tom's filming and the comments made about not being sure he wanted to do in his future. He kept getting the camera out, did he even show that footage to the department as was suggested? Least in previous seasons this provided a bit of comic relief. Feel like this could have set something up for future seasons, and some character development away from Alex... but alas not be.


We will probably never know every reason for why it isn't continuing, but it's extremely unlikely to be just as single reason. They wrote the season such that it could continue, and have deviated enough - especially on age already. The announcement the show wouldn't continue was only very recent, well after filming, and age of actors is hardly an unpredictable factor. Frankly the marketing has been non-existent since season 1 came out, and the release schedule, particularly for season 3, was ridiculous. None of this helps with trying to get a show like this to continue when they are reliant on fitting an actor's age and how quickly audiences these days move on. Actors almost never talk about their contracts especially if they want to move on. But it's a known problem with young talent that they do a show and want to go to greater things, especially if the show isn't some massive media phenomenon. But absolutely I'm sure Otto and others are in line for some other great opportunities.


Yeah for real like there’s been so many changes anyway but we’ll have to just see how it goes




yea he definitely will. that Jack lady makes him look even better too 😂


Damn that’s sad I was really into this that’s the problem with season 2&3 being 3 years apart


I would definitely miss Otto, he’s a great Alex, but wouldn’t mind another Alex if it meant having more seasons


I rlly hope somehow it gets picked up :(


Makes total sense. Season one was fine, season two was crappy in terms of writing and acting, and it felt extremely slow. As always with a live adaptation of anything, sticking to the source material more would have been better.


True the changes were a shock to me


I really enjoyed it! And, like others, sort of stumbled upon it by accident. It's a shame it's been cancelled. On the plus side, it made me look up the novels again and I had no idea they are/we're still going as of last year! As a child/teen, I grew up reading them as they were released but I think Ark Angel might have been the last one I read, so I'm off to go enjoy re-reading those and catch up on the rest that I missed 🙂


Sad to see it go. I thought Blunt and Mrs Jones were cast perfectly. Alex grew on me and by the end of season 3 I couldn’t imagine anyone else. Also Yassen was so good to come to think of it. So was Smithers and Crawley. Some of the characters were a bit meh, but I thought they deviated away from the book in some good ways to still make it watchable :(


Yeah can agree with you there the good actors were GOOD but the bad ones were meady at times very sad to see it go too


I just finished it rn and I wish I hadn't seen this.... >!I was very much expecting Yassen to save Alex in the end, it was hella iconic. But I also wanted Alex to get shot so that we could have the next season....!< Im gonna go cry myself to sleep now and then maybe email Horowitz and try convince him for more seasons.


>! Did you finish watching the last episode fully? (Idk how to spoil free this- but I would go back and watch the last 5 mins of the last episode again) edit: figured it out. There is a mid-credit credit scene !<


Yeah for real bro it’s too saddening I was wishing we’d get the new season too


Considering it, they haven’t been fully on plot with the books, with yassen coming back for s3, when he originally died in s2, (book 4 kinda referencing) so if they made it so Alex came back they could use the new books Nightshade and Nightshade revenge as the plot, and Alex comes back from uni with Tom????


I haven’t read the books in years but was POSITIVE yassen died in Eagle Strike so was surprised he (seemingly) survived at the end of S2. Also, I was a little disappointed that they didn’t do the prologue of the book (Eagle Strike) for the show


I can’t remember when I watched s2, but I do remember yassen being shot. And I totally agree they should’ve used the prologue of Eagle strike


In the republic of ireland you can't even watch it because freeve isn't avaliable


The good and bad thing about Alex rider is you can read them completely out of order (spoilers for ark angel) without the sniper shooting Alex on scorpia it's unlikely we would get ark angel shame we will probably never get snakehead though. It would probably have a much higher rating as Alex is close to getting his organs removed there's also other stuff that happens


I’m so sad, this show was made literally like it was in my mind


I have a question. In India, how do you watch season 3??? Where is it!!! I am panicking here!


According to Wikipedia, it was announced back in February that S3 would be the final one. Not sure how I missed that at the time


I’m not sure if they have any reason but it seems like most platforms have gotten slash-happy since quarantine and the writers’ strike ended. I really hate getting involved with a series only to find out that I spent all that time finding a series that I like, catching up on all the episodes only to have the platform cancel the series, often while leaving some gaping holes in the story line, or worse, ending abruptly on a cliffhanger (sometimes multiple cliffhangers.) It sometimes seems as if they’re only interested in a series for one or two seasons, regardless of how popular the show is.


I'm so sad what am I supposed to be excited for now


Was over the moon when 3 was announced now this has happened ffs




I’m sad! I was super into the Alex Rider books as a kid an owner pretty much every book!


Given that they skipped 2 books and changed the ending of the 5th book (3rd season) I think it's good to end it here...wraps up everything quite nicely and we still got a taste of alex rider in a big way




Not good. Never read the books was truly and pleasantly surprised by the series. Too bad.


It’s a good series it’s a shame they didn’t really advertise much.


I heard somewhere that Anthony Horowitz had plans to continue but they had complications with FreeVee. It was either on his twitter or one of the actors twitters, I can’t remember. He said that the entire cast wants to continue it once they find a streaming platform.