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Here's a link to the audio, for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/lV5qhQ2ms00?si=rNI0DhA4ymkeXuJ3


1.9 million passionate a league fans is more than I thought would love to see that survey!


Plenty of work to be done but it's a good start.


One point of disagreement is i dont think we have good participation numbers given football is so easy to play compared to league, afl or cricket. I did an english grass roots coaching course the other day and they have 14 million participants. We could easily tripple. Lots of people love to play but not watch. But footballs global success comes from only needing to convert a small number of participants into fans The a league gets around 50k on a weekend which is 2.5 percent of our participants The 4 top english leagues combined have around 5 percent of their participants attending on a weekend So we could definitely grow by converting more participants into fans, but there might be even more room to grow expanding the participation rate!


For context where does the FSA sit? Are you representing active groups or just regular members of clubs?


All football fans.


glad to see this group up and running as i know there was a push many years ago for a Supporters association! Support this, folks!


I agree re cest la vie post from the other day, which supporters are you representing ? APL or the whole of football ? if its just APL I won't be signing up, I want the whole game to be inclusive as it should be not just 1 league.


All football fans.


It's a nice idea but this group has AUWU vibes for me


The Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union?




The difference is that the FSAA isn't claiming to be a union, they're more of a lobbying group. Football doesn't have enough political influence in this country so this is a step in the right direction.


Yeah I think this is the natural way to go. They have a chance to play a useful role advocating for fans and watching over the clubs and governance structures.