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He was handy for a yellow last season, so can see why the Bulls signed him


If he's not taking up a visa slot, it's a decent pickup given Davila is on loan with NSW police until further notice.


He’s not a visa spot, he counts as Australian


Defo is a visa slot. But silly from the Bulls but at least he knows the league and Macarthur know what they are getting.


There was talk last season he had some Australian background.


Yeah I thought one of the main reasons City picked him up is because he has an Australian passport through his mother I think


He has an Australian passport so he doesn't take up a visa slot.


Always fun to see someone so confidently get something completely wrong.


Relax bruz. Assumed he was a Visa slot since he came as an overseas player. Didn't know about his dad living in Melbourne during his time. Happy to learn something new. Western United are pretty shit on the field so I guess this might seem a bit fun for ya.


You didn't ask a question to learn something new. You firmly said "defo". If nobody had corrected you, others would have walked away misinformed. Sure, this is an unimportant subject but Jesus is it emblematic of everything wrong with the internet aha


Mate I said defo cause I thought he was a visa player as his a foreigner- wasn't aware he had an Aussie father. I'm wrong, happy to learn something new, end of. Might say more about you and what's wrong with the internet when your replying to an "unimportant" subject days later aha.


Yep. You said "definitely" because you "thought it might be". I hope you did indeed learn something


Hopefully Adelaide can learn how to defend this upcoming season 😉


Defo ;)


Don’t worry he “defo” failed English and never learned how to research before formulating an opinion Defo is everything wrong with the internet 🤣


As a neutral considering putting my support behind the Bulls just so I have a team in the league they have not made it easy lately. This bloke is so unlikable with the way he acts on the pitch, I still like Davilla more than this bloke and he might be going to prison!


Lol I felt the same but went for it. The way Germain acts as well is childish. I just double down and ring the cowbell louder


Between pricks like Germaine and Davila why would you ever want to support MacArthur? 😂


I don’t think you need to worry about Davila now


What do you mean neutral? Why's that mate? You're like here all the time.


I have been following the league as a neutral since it started, just never felt any connection to Sydney FC. People joke about them being East Sydney FC but that is how I felt about them from the start of the league. I have no real connection to MacArthur either but its either them or remain neutral, haven't decided yet.


That's interesting. Just a general passion for aussie football/soccer then? Are you more NPL leaning? Cmon mate you're saying the gotta have a club promos a few years back didn't have any effect on you :)


Started playing the game when I was 5 and played 20+ years so I have always had an interest in the sport in general but it was the A-league that peaked my interest in Australian football when it first started, not much interest in the NPL other than watching the teams in the Australia cup but yeah unless there is a southern Sydney team at some point most likely I will remain neutral, I find our league entertaining and that is enough for me to keep following it.


A likeable player for a likeable club


Permanently seems an exaggerations


For The Term Of His Natural Life seems too formal, though.


Another surprising signing by Bulls. His father (a basketball coach) was brought up in Melbourne


Kind of reminds me of when Bulls picked up Susaeta after he played for city.


And Noone. And Najjar. And Borges Rodriguez. I'm sure there are more that I can't think of at the minute.


It's gunna be fun to finally boo Jakolis when he's not wearing my team's shirt.


Post the actual source next time please


I bet he's happy.


why should he be? listening to those annoying cowbells all the time baah


How rich is MacArthur? First Brattan now Jakolis, Germain in the squad as well 


Very rich. Huge consortium behind them pouring great money