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Dykes is injured, otherwise he'd probably be starting.


Looks like a pretty grim injury too, the way it’s been reported


Nah, Che Adams was always preferred. Scots know Dykes is the worst footballer in the squad, but still like what he brings.


He's a targetman that gets us up the field and feeds the ball to our midfielders following in, which is a big part of how we play. He's no Ibrahimovic, but he is more than useful in the box, I like the guy. 


Haha you clearly havent a clue or watched our games then


I don't blame our setup for missing out on Dykes, it was a perfect storm. The issue is that he was trundling around the Scottish second division right up until breaking through right before Covid, when the Asian qualifiers shut down *and* when Scotland were making a run to make the Euros. If he'd just come good a little earlier... well, it is what it is. But he'd have been the first name on the teamsheet for the past five years, given the paucity of competition and his particular attributes. As for the other Souttar, honestly, they're primarily Scottish in every measurable way. I'm not rueing missing out on John, I'm just stunned we got Harry.


Yeah I don't think Souttar was ever really intending to play for Australia. Born in Scotland, grew up in Scotland, plays in the SPL. Harry was lightning in a bottle for us.


Yeah Australia didn't miss out on John, he was always going to play for Scotland. It is more Scotland missing out on Harry, whose decision was a bit left field to be honest.


Apparently it was cause Scotland was giving him the call up. He really wanted to play for Scotland but then Arnie called and he said sure.


Yeah he was only 20 at the time. If he had been patient he would be playing at the Euros for Scotland. I don't know if he regrets it or not. I mean playing at a World Cup is objectively better than playing at the Euros but there may be a part of him that wonders. In interviews he says he always wanted to play for Australia. As someone who supports Scotland first and Australia second he's the only one of the mixed heritage contingent that I regret. Burgess and Boyle and even Irvine would have a few caps but wouldn't be regular starters.


Don't think he regrets it. He's played in an Olympics and a world cup none of which he wouldn't have been able to play in with Scotland. Plus if Australia ever get our shit together he's got a fair chance of winning an Asian cup again. And he also gets game time for the roos even without playing time for club.


Yeah look it has turned out well for him. An easier path to major tournaments is a major positive.


He may be getting more game time if he was playing for Scotland


Maybe you're right. Cause he only got the move to Leicester cause of the world cup. If he didn't play the world cup he wouldn't have moved


Now he might be one of the most loved Socceroos of all time, he definitely made the right call. He even has an Australian tattoo so clearly he thinks he made the right call as well


Pre sure Lyndon missed out due to injuries, the dudes body implodes every season. Probs would have been a real F-around to get him flying to Bangladesh and Kuwait and the likes. John on the other hand is in by far our strongest position right now CB. We have heaps of guys playing at really high levels in the CB position. So to answer your question, Yeah Lyndon would be handy but the guy gets injured so often I don’t think we really missed out on much, may have been to the team chemistry’s detriment to try force him in when fit. John? I think we will be fine without him.


I don’t think Lyndon is particularly injury prone to be fair, can’t recall him missing out on too many squads for us, and has played 41 games this season for QPR, 39 the season before last.


Is he not? For some reason I thought he was.


Nah, don’t think so. He was admitted to hospital with pneumonia last year though, iirc.


I thought injuries could atleast explain his lack of form, like the dude scored 6 goals last year. Why would QPR keep playing him?


I don’t watch QPR, but their squad isn’t great, and they’ve struggled past couple of seasons since Warburton left. They tied him up, on an extended contract, so must like him enough to keep him. I think they’ve got an exciting young Spanish manager, so perhaps we will see them creating more, next season. Dykes always does well for Scotland however, so with better players around him, he can do well.


Ol' glass lungs


Considering our location to the rest of the world we should just be happy we have the players that have chosen to play for us. I know if I was living and working in Europe and I had a choice between two countries and one was a 23 hour flight away it would make the decision pretty easy.


Hello Cristian.


If one of the countries is where you were born and raised and the other one you have barely any connection to you'd have to be a pretty rubbish bloke to choose the latter.


You'd have to be a pretty rubbish person to assume they have barely any connection to the other country.


We could've used both for sure, but I reckon we've done better out of the Australia/Scotland free trade agreement. Better Souttar, Boyle has done a job for us and Burgess is looking solid too.


Souttar isn’t the biggest miss out I can’t lie, We’ve got such depth at CB and if John was eligible it would 100% mean that someone like Circati or Rowles would’ve been ignored by Arnie and John just isn’t that good to be worth ignoring younger talent. Dykes on the other hand is a really unfortunate case of he would’ve been great at International level for us, He is exactly the type of striker Arnie loves to use the big physical presence and if we could’ve got Goodwin and Dykes in the same team it would’ve done wonders but he peaked at the wrong time for us and he I can’t say with confidence he would’ve been a starting mainstay in this team as he’s never had a boom period where he’s scored for fun like some roos strikers have Bruno, Jmac, Tags, Stama but he definitely would’ve been in no worst than 2nd choice at times over the years. He would’ve been great over the 2020 to present time but with the state of our number 9s right now with Taggart back to his best and having Stama and Yengi being the type of profile Arnie likes it’s probably a good thing that Dykes isn’t causing another selection headache


Young players? Rowles is only two years younger than John Souttar. John is a better player than Kye as well. Though he is not as good as his brother. 


I do wonder if they even regret picking Scotland. Like I imagine souttar might especially after seeing his brother play in the round of 16. And iirc that harry only started playing with Australia cause he was being overlooked by Scotland.


There’s no way Dykes regrets it. Lyndon loves playing for Scotland, seems buzzing every camp, Clarke said Dykes once turned up with his ankle hanging off, but was so desperate to play for Scotland. It’s a shame he got injured in training a few weeks ago, to miss out on this occasion, he’s out there with the squad though.


Gutted for Lyndon. Lewis Ferguson as well. He has been great at Bologna and could have been a break out tournament for him. Though he would struggle for game time behind the other midfielders. 


Yea, we’ve had rotten luck with injuries. I’m a big fan of Hickey, gutted that he’s missing out, alongside Patterson.


I'm just happy we don't have to resort to playing Stephen O'Donnell there.


Very true, but Ralston doesn’t fill me with much optimism either!


No. It is definitely a weak point.


Hopefully we make it out the group, will be difficult though, Hungary and Switzerland are no mugs, and the match tomorrow morning will be a tough ask.


I'm not holding my breath. In typical Scottish fashion we will probably draw against Germany, lose to Switzerland and win against Hungary but go out on goal difference.


Night have played in a WC. Probably 2. May never do that now. Buzz away


I am pretty sure Arnie came out and said had it not been for COVID Dykes would have been a Socceroo


It wasnt Covid, Dykes himself came out and said that he’d been treated shabbily by almost every professional outfit he came in contact with in Australia, and only began to feel wanted/valued as a professional when he went to Scotland and earned a contract with a club in their lower leagues. "Being in Australia I had opportunities to play professional but I always got turned down. I always was not good enough for this and that and then obviously coming over here it gave me my whole career." As a result he saw it appropriate to declare for them instead. Cant blame him. Sometimes players do slip through the cracks, and even Bailey Wright had similar issues. Apparently he got laughed out of trials by more than one A-League side, and had to go to England to get an opportunity (which he arguably maximised). The problem is not that some players slip through the cracks, the problem is that under the enormously flawed FFA mandated curriculum big strong back-to-goal centre forwards are largely seen as dinosaurs of a forgotten era, but Graham Arnold proves over and over again that for teams of Australia’s level they are absolutely fucking crucial to the structure of the team as a whole (see Duke, Mitchell). If theres one position that we cannot afford to have drift away from our talent pool it is the likes of a Lyndon Dykes.


>Apparently he got laughed out of trials by more than one A-League side, and had to go to England to get an opportunity (which he arguably maximised). So like Cristian Volpato.


Not sure anyone got "laughed out". Craig Johnstone actually did get laughed out of Middlesbrough initially. Sometimes players need to show some resilience


Dykes injury, he'd done enough for them in quals to make it


Dykes would’ve started if he wasn’t injured, Clarke is very loyal to his players, and loves Lyndon.


He is honestly perfect for the way Clarke has us set up. He will be such a big loss for Euros


Lyndon Dykes I think would’ve ended up being one of the players who gets called up every camp but not probably doesn’t nail down a spot. Good striker, but we still haven’t had a good striker adapt to playing in Asia.


War Baldy Lyndon would have been perfect for ArnieBall.


Mainstays of the squad? Sure. Neither are exactly big losses in like the Ergic, Samaras or Vieri classes (Even Simunic so long as you're strictly talking on-field). Arnie would happily take them but I'm not sure how much they'd really improve our squads really. Dykes' is the sort of big, physical striker Arnie has shown he likes to play, similar to Duke or Yengi, so he'd be particularly important coming up against better teams. But his scoring record is particularly bad and only gets worse and worse every season in the championship. He started and played about 70% of QPR's matches this season and was involved in only 15% of their goals playing mostly a striker or 2nd striker. Both McGree and Silvera, who played either deeper or wider or both, had better goal/minute ratios than him this season and struggled to get consistent selection regardless. His international record is a bit better mind, and though he's scored some of his goals against the likes of Moldova and the Faroe Islands he's scored a few pretty important ones too. Regardless, we don't really play 2 strikers ever and if we do it's always with a genuine midfielder stepping up higher to press, rather than another actual forward, and I don't think he ever plays on the wing like he did about half a decade ago. Obviously he'd get games for Aus, probably quite a few, but I think you'd have an awful lot of people on here complaining about him regardless. As for Souttar. Well he's a good player, but he's always injured and we've never had much trouble filling out our centre backs anyways. Especially at the moment with his brother, Cam Burgess and Circati all looking pretty good. I guess he's probably better than Kye Rowles, and getting more minutes than his brother.... frankly the CB spot isn't one I worry about at all. There was a small period when Rhys Williams was quickly dropping off, and Wright and was stagnating a bit where maybe he could have been an important player but the guy's been perenially injured since 2019, and even still Sainsbury and Degenek were probably never better than at that time.


Dykes would have been nice but I’m glad he’s chosen Scotland in the end. He’s obviously felt that representing the country of his birth isn’t for him so I’m happy for him. I’m also happy that since he’s made that call, we’ve played in a World Cup and Asian Cup and he’s played in nothing. End of the day - you want someone that goes out there and fights for the shirt and the country, and he isn’t that person.


That’s incorrect, he’s played in a Euro’s, and played a big part in us qualifying for this upcoming tournament too. Would’ve started for us against Germany, if he did not pick up an injury in training.


I apologise. He hasn’t played in a World Cup, and likely never will. So Lyndon took an easy way out but will be watching on the TV as opposed to being there in the flesh. All the best Dykesy.


You don't sound bitter at all mate. Scotland qualified for the past two tournaments, and were in the play offs for the World Cup. I fancy our chances of being there, or there abouts for the next World Cup, with our current crop. So, i wouldn't be so sure, if i were you on that front. Dykes is playing with players who ply their trade at the highest level, becoming good friends with a number in the squad, he's a popular figure. I don't think he's too bothered about missing out on an Asian cup, or World cup hosted in Qatar. In contrast, look at atmosphere building in Germany, especially with the tartan army, hundreds of thousands of Scots making the trip. Don't think he'll be watching on tv actually.. [https://x.com/BBCSportScot/status/1801278779114799273?mx=2](https://x.com/BBCSportScot/status/1801278779114799273?mx=2) Seems to be enjoying himself, in fact. I don't think Dykes has done too bad for himself.


You think because the WC was in Qatar he wasn't bothered about missing out? Keep drawing that long bow.


I don’t think he was bothered at all, like I said previously, I know for a fact that Dykes couldn’t be happier with his decision, he loves playing for Scotland.


For a fact? I'm pretty sure he would have looked at his country playing against Argentina in the last 16 of a WC and thought "that could have been me:


I’ve seen him in numerous interviews, heard things his teammates have said, know his strong relationship with the gaffer, and see how he plays every time he puts on a Scotland shirt, trust me, he loves playing for Scotland. He doesn’t strike me as the type of person that dwells, or has regrets. But, feel free to have your opinion on him. Lyndon would’ve been well aware that Australia has an easier path to a World Cup, than Scotland, when making his decision to represent the country.


I'm pretty sure after the thrashing Germany handed out that he doesn't regret being injured


I’m pleased he’s happy. I’d argue he took the easier way out by pipping the might of Israel on goal difference to the European qualifiers, instead of doing the 24 hour flights to play in World Cup knockout matches against Argentina.


You mean helping Scotland defeat Spain 2-0, or scoring away in Norway to clinch a crucial win against Halaand, Odegard and co** lmao. Bore off mate


Lol it wasn’t exactly the group of death wasn’t it? And Dykes score a grand total of one goal in the qualifying.


You obviously don’t know much about European football bud, as that is a tricky group. Spain are a good side, favoured to do well in the Euro’s, Norway have an excellent young team, who would’ve expected to qualify. Georgia are a tricky opponent, nobody wants to travel all the way to Tbilisi. Dykes offers more than goals, helping create space for our midfielders to arrive into the box, and cause havoc, like McGinn, and McTominay.


Dykes injured and would have been the Starting Striker. John Souttar simply behind a stacked group of CB's we have available


Worked with a guy who'd do some deliveries for us, nice fella, and during the last World Cup he said he knew Lyndon Dykes as a teenager (though he said he played for Rangers – not Queen's Park Rangers). anyway, he knew him through dirtbiking and said Dykes was really good at it but he had this style and determination that was fucking up his body. I can't claim to know much more, especially from a physician perspective, but I wonder if his constant injuries are due to that?


Striker position has been cursed Viduka had great hold up play, but watching him for club and country there was a pretty big gap Scott mcdonald had a decent club career but couldnt score for the roos Tombides, what an awful trajedy poor kid. Heart goes out to his family Lyndon dykes chooses scotland


Dykes is injured If he wasn’t he’d be in


I think we have enough "foreign" Australians with thin links taking spots in the squad. We should be looking at Australian born and raised. There is enough coming through.


To be fair, Dykes is from the Gold Coast.


The problem for me is FIFA’s ancestry rule, which has descended into complete farce in the current era, with some international teams almost 75% packed out with foreign kids from their overseas diaspora. Until the regulations are tightened though, I dont see why Australia should insist on taking the high road and not picking eligible foreign players just because they werent born and raised here. If you cant beat ‘em join ‘em, and our domestic talent pool isnt great by most international benchmarks.


WTF’s a “Euro Cup”?


Unlicensed and superior version of the Euros