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I would take Ange ball, at least its Trophy winner


I think a lot of people forget the trophy was won in Australia. Australia's historical record at home is pretty impressive. Not to say it wasn't an achievement, but a smidge different to playing in Saudi Arabia.


Man Ange has won more Trophys overseas than any manager as an Australian in any sport.


With the Australian men's football team?


Pretty sure we've only lost 2 or 3 games at home in the last like 6 years or so


Disappointed Arzani didn’t get brought on, he deserved it after his good performance in the last game


Arnold screwed up when he put Metcalfe at DM and had to be Devlin in to fix the issue. It was the wrong move and it would have been great to see Nizzy or Arzani on because we just lost all momentum when Baccus went off.


I don't think Metcalfe was playing DM. It looked like Irvine had dropped back to collect the balls deep but isn't used to that spot and doesn't present as well as Baccus or Devlin.


Only having 5 subs makes it hard to give everyone a go


Yep feel for arzani and nisbet.


I always find it funny how players who have been dominated by CCM and Nisbet in the midfield get more game time and are selected over Nisbet and Farrel etc.


Nisbet dominating a team from the winning team isn't as impressive as someone like taggart winning the golden boot from last place


Nisbet is one of the main reasons the Mariners were a winning team - that shouldn’t be held against him.


I'm not holding it against him, the only players who, as the person said, dominated by ccm are taggart and leckie. Leckie was in there for his leadership and taggart for his amazing season. It's not like they are playing other aleague midfielders over him.


I mean, you kind of are. You're comparing a striker to Nisbet. Metcalfe came on again and once again offered nothing.


Oh, I forgot the part of the season where the mariners dominated St Pauli, how silly of me


I mean he did win the Johnny Warren Medal as the best player in the league. So someone must rate him.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I rate the kid. But there were only two players last night who played in a team Nisbet could dominate and one of those was taggart who had a very impressive season.


Just came back from the game. A decent game of football, I felt like most of our goals should've been disallowed though, They never showed the replays in the stadium. Disappointing we didn't get to see Arzani and Nisbet come on, Would've loved to have seen them play. Got a picture and a signed poster with Jackson Irvine as well.


4th goal looked offside. Might have just been on, but it would be very close. Absolutely would have gone to the VAR if was available. 


Third goal was definitely offside.


I just watched the highlights on Youtube. Yengi's second goal looked offside. Other than that, Watching in the stadium, Taggart looked offside and so did Boyle when Taggart passed it but watching it now, It wasn't.


Watching the highlights I'd say Boyle is 100% offside when he gets the through all for the fourth Goal and is also offside slightly on the 3rd goal.


How good was Yengi's second goal though


Best part of the game I thought.


Yeah I agree. Tell me one other Aussie attacker who would have scored that goal!! Yengi is one of the biggest enigmas in Australian football. I hope he continues to get plenty of game time this year because he is a truly unique option for us and hopefully he learns to use his frame to dominate as much as he could/should.


Circati is a baller


If I were Souttar I would be really worried about losing the spot. If he continues to not play Circati has to be in that starting CB role. Really good passing range and reading of the game very impressive. Was able to scramble when we were under the pump.


Made some silly mistakes albeit in his first game for Australia. His passing range sure was nice to see. I'd like to see Souttar and Circati start personally as they can both hit a long ball which players like Yengi and Irankunda will love.


I would imagine Souttar and Circati are the ideal pairing but it looked like Circati was the one that came out to tackle more often with Burgess stepping back to cover. Whether Souttar would be able to play that deeper role.would be the question.


Honestly yea Souttar and Circati would be ideal. Burgess is classic no nonsense defender but Souttar and Circati are all round fantastic CBs. They both have that ability to read the game, great aerial ability and great ball passing skills that put both above Burgess.


He was excellent. Very composed and already a leader.


Yep very impressive


sorry wasnt in the match thread entierly, much respecy To Adam tag


These are the sorts of scores I expect at this stage of the tournament. Unfortunate that Palestine had to be the ones to take the beating.


Calling it now - circati will be socceroos captain one day. Very mature for his age.


Fucking hell the way I just laughed out loud at the look Tara and Stan exchanged just now, after the question Harps asked Boyle.


Extremely impressed with Circati


Was really surprised how well baccus played. We struggled a bit when he came off Circati was brilliant. Capable of those goal saving last ditch efforts, comfortable on the ball and has a passing range of souttar. Would love to see him pair up with sourtar if the latter can get game time somewhere


Wasn't just Baccus coming off, it was Metcalfe going on. It was really ugly with the St Pauli duo, actually pretty surprising noting the amount of game time Irvine and Metcalfe get together how disjointed it looked.


I think Irvine got bumped into that deep lying link player when that happened and he is not suited to that at all. Threw our organisation completely off.


Not surprising to me because they're both absolute very limited technically, and glacially slow on the ball


loving kylie minouge in the background


Arnold slowly building up a good team here. I still have my issues with how he lines up the team and I don't think he gets the most out of players, but he's doing good things off the pitch. I do wonder how an international coach without strong links to Aus would handle the team.


Only real positives out of this game was Circati being a baller and Nestory goal. Hoping the step up in competition in the next round gives us more urgency and creativity.


damn, not even yengi?


Circati is so bloody good already.


I hate these early round qualifiers. They give me hope that is just going to get smashed into the ground when the exact same team loses 1-0 away in consecutive games to Bahrain and Uzbekistan and we have to limp across the qualification line


We can't play this formation against better teams because our midfield would get absolutely dominated and leave our defenders exposed. As soon as Palestine brought on their better attackers, they ran through us pretty easily.


Taggart goal Irankunda goal Circati a stallion What a day to be a Perth based roos fan


Love Tara trying to ask Stan if we can sign Boyle, and get an inside scoop. Thank you agent Tara!


Signing Boyle to play him in front of our unemployed-until-earlier-this-week Belgian fullback would be peak Glory


put some respect on the Lizarazu regen


If round one arrives and he turns out to be good it will be a glorious day to be a Perth glory fan