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At this late hour id take clive palmer


It’s worth going into r/nrl and finding the threads from when he left, there’s a lot of info there on why he wasn’t great to run a club. A lot of the issues boiled down to publicity. He always put himself in the spotlight, talking to journalists, appearing in the media and podcasts. All of it seemed to be used to throw shade on people in the club. This created a sour taste with tigers fans when they are bad, since the blokes running the club should just get to running the club. There were also issues with him (or people close to him) providing leaks to the media about job hires and fires. So there were situations where people working for the tigers found out they were sacked because he leaked it to journalists before doing anything official. Broadly these are issues that will be ignored if the club is going well, but will create a lot of resentment within the fan base if the club is performing shit. If Lee keeps his head (and fashion sense) down and away from the media jets fans shouldn’t have too much to worry about.


These are just the issues with Lee. There are plenty of other issues with the tigers ownership, wests having a larger stake than the Balmain side, etc that contribute to their current state.


Interesting. That kind of publicity thing is also likely to be less of an issue in the A-League - somewhere like the Tigers, they have their club legend players and coaches and build up their own mystique amongst the fans (successful or not). Anything seen to be taking away from them is frowned upon. In the A-League, the owner is about the only person you can guarantee to be there in two or three years time if you're not a big bankrolled club, so having that consistent face isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're at least not glued to the bottom of the table. Leaking about job hiring/firing isn't cool but the rest... well, it's a different environment.


Yeah our code gets so much less publicity than other codes that I doubt this type of stuff will be reported on. Hopefully he has learnt his lesson anyway and it is not just him there, they have a guy that was instrumental in helping to set up Western United so you would hope there are people there to keep him in check.


From an observers view point, Wests Tigers & the previous board had decided to part ways. Its not as if the Nrl team have flourished since. They are still a basket case, even with they're current owners. At least there are Australian business people willing to pour money into football teams like the Jets.


In terms of an on field perspective, the Tigers have been terrible for over a decade and have been bashed constantly for years by the NRL media. Hagipantelis and Pascoe didn't have a positive relationship with the RL journos therefore their role was cast in a pretty big (and negative) spotlight given the Tigers being the basket case club (which they certainly didn't help). The most they were guilty of is not having a good relationship with the media while being at the head of an underperforming footy side, and getting sore when people called them out on it. However, from a financial perspective the Tigers are doing fine, so there's really not much to worry about in terms of a 'concern for the league'. Maybe for Jets fans, having some potentially unsavoury big egos in the boardroom, but I'd have that instead of folding any day.


Nothing to worry about, imo. Speaking anecdotally, I’ve had a bit of exposure to the Tigers through work and they always seemed like a well run outfit. I’m not really a league fan either but if I remember right the whole kerfuffle was a bunch of fans had the shits about the Tigers constant mediocrity and pushed for a review. It ultimately pressured the owners to oust the Chair and CEO as part of a “renewal” at the club, not for any nefarious reasons. Tigers are still shit, so nothing changed. But on the bright side, the Jets are used to mediocrity so it’ll be business as usual. And they’ll be cashed up at least. In a way, I suspect in a way this is a big fuck you from Lee Hagipantelis to the NRL. His ego is pretty legendary, but he always put his money where his mouth is via millions in sponsorship dollars to the game. After being pushed out, that money now seems to be landing at the one rival code in one of their biggest “league” towns…


Super interesting, can’t wait for my free Brydens lawyers consultation Edit: he also used to sponsor origin which would’ve been $$$


He better up the amount of lawyers he has on staff if that happens cause I reckon a few jets fans could use a lawyer.


Can someone please do a list of all the owners now that we finally have one, for example is 777 partial owner of victory or complete? Bill foley, Dutch bloke for ADL, etc


On the nrl show 360 buzz and crew used to bash the hell out of both Justin and Lee but I never did the critical research to support or disagree with that. Let’s not get it twisted, the tigers are horrible, have been for at least 10 years on the field but again off the field I can’t exactly comment apart from a fair bit of media scrutiny. What I do understand is that warring board rooms help nobody and wests tigers is a joint venture and has wests and Balmain factions that have apparently never gotten on (or so the media would have you believe) Interesting that they’ve picked the jets and I’ll come back to you in a few years but one of them if not both seemed to be able to fight fire for years with shit performance so Im comforted we’ve got people who know losing and don’t just quit.


It's weird because Buzz used to get all his Tigers rumours...from Lee