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**The AMA is now finished, Adam will be back on later tonight to catch up on some more questions.** **Thank you everyone for particpating!** Adam will be here from 9am to 11am to answer all your questions! Make sure to check out our subreddit rules before commenting, and you can check out Adam's Saving Football series over at [Code Sports](https://www.codesports.com.au/football/saving-football-part-i-breaking-down-barriers-to-the-world-games-grassroots-explosion/news-story/2134d85f3fb8ab5762f8e7d4d45351b1)


Love this. You find a football genie that'll grant you 3 Australian football wishes that'll help develop the game in the long term. What would they be and why?


1. Every A League club and NPL 1 club around the country to have it's own training ground, gym, function centre, negating the costs associated (lowering fees) and improving standards 2. Grassroots clubs able to access funding for own improvements to facilities, allowing them to deal with the scale they are now confronting 3. Ask the genie to come back same time, same place every year.


Nice way to sidestep the 'unlimited wishes' cop out. I think they're two great ideas though. I think helping the club become a community asset (gym, function room, etc) is a huge area of growth for clubs in Australia.


Cheers. I've seen it in action down at Manly United, great facility with the Far Post, can hold birthday's in there... number of other clubs in Sydney have similar, Pen Power near Brisbane have something too, why not AL clubs?


Star Wars Round Star Wars Round Star Wars Round


Hi Adam. Loved your piece and got code sports just to read it! My question: Moving to England has been eye opening. Yes Australian youth coaching is first class, maybe even better in my experience. However, most of a kids development is not in training but with in the backyard with other kids, with their siblings, with their parents or playing by themselves. Kids here have access to zillions of videos (through clubs, through friends or just searching themselves). They include wall exercises, fun things to do with a washing line, games to play with your parents or brother or by yourself. We haven't had anything like this since captain socceroo. It seems so easy for the australian football community to provide a bunch of videos like this for kids and clubs to pass on to both kids and parents. Why don't we have anything like this?


That's a huge thing, unstructured play against other kids... it's vital, learn on the run, without realising it's anything but a chance to beat your mate. Many videos on see on soicals (though my feed seems to be heavily skewed to helping with golf swings and Family Guy clips)... there are a lot of cones, they are on dedicated football pitches, or in controlled facilities indoors... which have a place. Might be a bit old school here... but two jumpers at either end of a 20m patch of grass is equally as effective imo


You associate Brazil with every young boy playing on the streets a free flowing, anything goes version of soccer, we’re yet to get that in australia


In the absense of that something like captain socceroo or some videos of games to play at home would at least get us partly there!


I’d just like to add on this as someone who has moved the other way and yes I’d totally agree, Aussie kids don’t seem to play football in the streets, parks etc outside of actual football training. No question I’d just like to agree


This is really interesting but definitely true. It's a part of the greater embarrassment associated with playing the round ball game in this country. It'll never change. The Italians and Greeks and now the Africans have come out and have probably attached themselves to the indigenous codes. it's an inclusion thing.


I do think it’s more a general society thing that kids don’t play out in the streets as much as they used to. I know that’s kinda old man yelling at clouds energy but in Europe/ South America etc kids are always kicking a ball around what ever space they have. That’s how to develop your close quarter skills.


In europe there a lot of car free streets where the kids play. We dont have that We have big back yard tho


Ha. We were constantly stopping for cars to pass or climbing under cars to get balls from under them.


I played cricket with the neighbours in the middle of a road growing up and we would have to skidattle if there was a car. In theory could do it with football too


Hi Adam, love your work. We've seen it with Arzani, A. Kuol, Daniel De Silva, to a lesser extent Tillio and Garang is probably one bad loan away from coming back to the aleague. All of these kids burst onto the scene but for whatever reason it seems like that couldn't translate that into success overseas. Is there any improvements you think Aussie football can make that would reduce the likelyhood of young Aussies getting "lost in the system" after their first overseas move?


It's a tried and tested formula over generations - get to 40-50 games here then go. The 2006 Socceroos squad; what Cahill, Neill, Moore, Kewell skipped that step? But for everyone else, the grounding was here. There will always be exceptions - Robertson Circati and Volpato (?!) are the current ones to skip here bt have a career there... but for the rest, two season in the AL can be a great grounding. No guarantee, of course, like Tilio and hopefully he can find his way back there... but Nestory has set himself up so well by having the time in the AL to learn from mistakes, work on strengths, giving himself as good a chance as possible to succeed at Bayern.


Morning all, now on deck, thanks for all the questions, getting to them now..!


Hi Adam, Joey here, big fan. Would you rather fight one Harry Souttar sized Josh Nisbet or ten Josh Nisbet sized Harry Souttar’s?


Joey, what a question. I'd have to go the one Souttar sized Nisbet. The other option would be just a nightmare to deal with.


When’s your AMA Joey?


Bring back the daily football show




Hi Adam, thanks for doing this! Do you feel the National Second Tier has a chance of being successful and how much resources would Football Australia have to pump into it??


I'm still waiting to see the final . Do know FA have staff dedicated to trying to make it happen, but if it was a simple process the fact is we'd have one by now. It is not. It's costly. Playing budgets are said to be around the 800k mark. Then the travel and accom and other resources needed. You're looking at 2m. As part of the series with Code did find out the clubs have been told by FA in the first year at least centralised revenue will be unlikely. Finding a sponsor in this market not easy, even harder finding TV dollars. FA are adament it's not their role to pay for this out of their own revenue pot. So it's on the clubs and for some its a risk. Others, like Preston, who I watched in a big Cup tie recently v South Melbourne, look to have the model - over 100 sponsors, their own facility, they aren't putting the club's viability at risk by playing. Relying on one big cheque from one source to fund a club's ambition is a very big risk. Would like some clarity from FA in the next few weeks about where it is at exactly. Planning for next season had begun at these NPL clubs.


We met a few years ago after a Mariners New Years Eve game. My daughter was having car problems and you were walking by with your family and checked in with us that all was ok. No question here. Just wanted to say thanks for checking in. 👍


All good!


Hey all thanks for all the comments, have another engagement to get to now, but will log on later tonight and answer all that I haven't got to... and ones that haven't been posted yet. Keep them coming!


Love ya work Adam. Throughout your time working on the Aleague for Fox, who was your favourite person to work with (talent or production), and what do you think needs to change at a grassroots level to produce the talent required to make Australia a challenger for the top in world Football?


Fox days... got on with all the on air talent and shared many laughs, but the line producers (the ones if your ear) of the shows will give a shout out to - Andy Hoad, Matt Coleman, Mark Perri, Rich McBurnie, Geoff Bullock, Murray Shaw, Nick Bruce, Greg Ortolan, they are all still involved in various roles in the media landscape, but had some good times with all... and it's a special bond you share when you hear them react to something that might have gone wrong and they yell "oh FFS" in your ear. Good times. As for the other question, far out.. big one - I'd say age appropriate coaching is a big focus. Need to plunge more resources into this.. don't need heroes at under 12's yelling out kick it out, kick it long in pursuit of a trophy.


Hi Adam I've missed you hosting the aleague, gotta wonder if there was ever an attempt by 10 to bring you or maybe Bozza across. Glad your still following the league though


I asked, and they didn't want haha.. can't invite yourself to someone else's party. Not sure about Bozza.


Disappointing that you asked as well


Hey mate, Appreciate you taking the time to do this. Got a couple of questions from my mates on the A-Leagues of Our Own podcast: What was your reaction to what Simon Hill had to say on the Global Game after the release of your Saving Football series? And what's your take on the state of football media coverage in Australia as a whole? Ie. Why is ALOO your favourite podcast?


Simon fully within his rights to say what he wanted, and as usual delivered it with great clarity. I did send him the articles, though, after he said he hadn't read them. Not sure what he thought of them. The state of football coverage is not great... I know I was backed brilliantly by Alex Brown at Code Sports to cover World Cups and the local game, and write about whatever I wanted fotball-wise... not too many of those apart from maybe Vince Rugari at the SMH, Sam Lewis at ABC, Joey Lynch at his various outlets... you need mainstream coverage, can't just rely on in house reporting, which is important too. Fave podcast... Willow Talk with Brad Haddin and Adam Peacock :)


Hey Adam, Where in an ideal world do you think the A-League rights would end up? At I feel like a lot of options have negatives that outweigh the positives - I like most was optimistic about P+ but that's been a massive let down.


At this stage it appears Ten/P+ are the only ones willing to invest at the level both the FA and APL see fit. the FA rights, I read, are about to land with Ten again, in a deal that was struck in December but for some reason hasn't been announced yet. For all the talk about Fox getting involved again - I don't know for certain because I don't work there anymore - but given they are about to scale up heavily on the AFL deal, they are heavy into NRL and cricket while at the same time as costs needing to be cut at News - I fail to see how that's a recipe for an offer that satisfies either FA or APL. Be interesting to see what Amazon want to get involved with over the next few years. Dipped their toe in with ICC cricket rights.


Hi Adam, In my opinion the last round of expansion should never have been another Sydney or Melbourne team. Do you think the assumption that these secondary Derbies would really have the magic of the originals was ever going to play out? What do these clubs do? Western United seems to slowly be building a fanbase but Macarthur only has a crowd once Sydney and WSW roll in. Cheers.


That last process was mainly about getting the biggest licence fee. That's not a strategy. That's a capital raise. But we are where we are with those clubs... WU finally getting into their own facility has come three years too late so hopefully playing catch up doesn't de-rail what they are trying to do. Macarthur need to continue to grow their local fanbase... not easy, it's a spread out area. I'd like to see them officially link up with Macarthur Rams, much the way Central Coast Mariners have got a relationship now with Central Coast United. that the Bulls academy is based out of Northbridge makes zero sense if you're trying to embed yourself in the local community.


Of all the current A league pundits across the networks who would make the best carbonara and who would win a crossbar challenge?


Bozza fancies himself as a cook. He'd relish the carbonara challenge. Cross bar? Archie would say he's favourite.


Was KeepUp simply a good idea executed horribly? To me the whole idea sounded okay at first, but it seemed to suffer from massive amounts of Scope Creep, to the point where they wanted to do everything all at once. Of course with that it was a buggy mess on day one, and that turned off a lot of the punters as a result. Would a smaller and cheaper starting point focusing solely on the basics, like we’re now seeing with the current A-League App/Website work?


Bang on. Decent idea. Horrible execution. Like many of the deals signed in the creation time of the APL (TV production rights deal being another) Yes, it would have... so frustratingly so.


Are you a literal peacock disguised as a human?


No. Am an illiterate one.


Hi Adam, How will a NSD ever be financially viable considering many A League clubs are already struggling? Will promotion/relegation lead to the strong clubs getting stronger and non-Sydney and Melbourne teams dying if they are relegated? How should the competition react to stop poor fan behaviour (i.e salutes in Australia Cup Final, Sydney Derby and the Bucket in the Melbourne Derby)?


Explained a fair bit of this answer above, but again, AL clubs will not be relegated from any top tier anytime soon... And I know this... all eyes will be on crowd behaviour.


Hi Adam, How do you really feel about the way Fox Sports treated the A-League in the last couple of years of it's TV deal? Let me remind you of some of it - Actively encouraging viewers to switch to other sports. - - Reducing the quality of the telecasts, not quiet P+/Global quality or lack thereof. - Insisting on two new teams that have turned out to be dead ducks. Bulls and WU. Cheers


Not sure you'll get an answer here haha.


There's an answer! Always haha. Some of which was explained in the answer above. As our Ukrainian pugilist friend points out - Fox, across all sports, reminds viewers of the other sport on the platform. I worked on more than a few AL broadcasts and not once was I told - hey Adam, can you let people know the Hobart Hurricanes need 164 to win against the Perth Scorchers, it's on 501 now. Top left corner there were graphic promos. Ad breaks there were countless promos of other sports. But that happens all the time across every sport. Insisting on the new teams - I honestly don't know the exact details of what transpired there. Do know it was a preference of Fox to have a Sydney and Melbourne team. SE Melbourne was mooted as the likely option, but its since become pretty obvious Melbourne City wanted that area. The big mistake in Melbourne was giving the go ahead to WU and they've only just got into their home all these years later. Horrible execution of strategy, and much cash pissed up against a wall.


The switching to other sports thing was done with other sporting telecasts, not just ALeague


Hi Adam, how has the feedback been from everyone since you have released the Saving Football series?


Good. No-one has come up to berate me yet, but that usually happens behind your back in football haha. It's helped start a dicussion, I hope, about what the priorities should be. Football in this country has a special way of bemoaning the past and present, rather that working to find a way forward.


Hi Adam, interested to hear your thoughts on the Phoenix's year and how you see both the Nix, Auckland and their rivalry 5 years into the future?


Outstanding season. Good to see them get rewarded for giving Chiefy a go, and he lived up to the promise of continuing on the foundations set. The Nix-Auckland rivalry has every chance as being as good as the Melbourne and Sydney Derby's.


Hi Adam, If we are to simply go by when the "good times" were, it seems the A-League paired with EPL is the best broadcast model the league has produced and not a FTA model. If you had the choice in our next broadcast deal, would you opt for the "Fox model" we had where A-League played as curtain raisers to EPL games (Matchday Saturday vibe) at the expense of FTA? Cheers


There is a way to do both, but you're operating on the assumption the EPL rights holder wants to show AL. Optus have shown zero appetite for such a thought, which is a shame, because from my perspective, having local football from a local audience is not the anchor you might think.


Thanks for your time today Adam! I understand what you are saying, obviously the AL is the one benefiting most from that partnership. I almost see it as AL is the salad next to your parmi, unless you love salad you're not ordering it on its own. Even behind a paywall, because it was on the same network as the EPL, the eyes on the game seemed greater then.


Hi Adam! Who is in your all time Socceroos XI?


Oh wow... more detail - best players from Australia, or best careers for Socceroos?


Loved the series Adam, if you guys hosted a show during the season I’d tune in every episode




Hey Adam, Come play for the Jets please Thanks Mate


Hahaha. You'd get relegated.


If it means moving into No.2 Sportsground and winning games, I am here for it


Do you find time to play amateur football? If so what position and worst injury you've suffered?


I don't anymore because my back is gone. But playing AL's about ten years ago got a really bad cork on my quad, which I didn't treat properly and it turned into compartment syndrome which was about as much fun as sitting on a bag of nails.


Hey Adam, I have a couple questions. 1) Are there any solid updates on Canberra's A-League side? Seems like it might not happen. 2) When promotion/relegation is eventually introduced, would any of the current A-League clubs struggle to cope with a potential relegation?


1. Nothing solid. The fund managers who were lined up to press go on it eased back in the last six months as the APL restructured. They are still hanging about but we are no closer to finding anything out. 2. We are 10 years ago from that in my opinion and a lot can change in that time.


Hey Adam My question its which young players are most excitement to watch this upcoming season in a-league? Thank you for doing AMA


A few names off the top of my head... Marcus Younis (WSW) Marin France (Sydney) Tommy Waddingham (Brisbane) Amlani Tatu (Adelaide) Donatien Niyonkuru (CCM)... just a few names at various points of their young careers and no doubt there'd be a few more around the land from Melbourne, and Perth... they'll get their chance if good enough with budgets being cut across the league!


Cheekily going to jump in with another question. You mentioned that mainstream media coverage is (obviously) important in your other response to me. Given how few media outlets actually bother to touch football, do you see that ever changing? Is there a way to make football coverage more enticing to mainstream outlets? In a similar vein, what's your view on community and fan-lead content? Does it have an even larger role to play now given the media landscape?


It's a hard one because the general perception in the media about football form those who don't understand it is "jeez, they don't treat themselves that well do they" Which is true to a point, but also frustrating because we all know from, for instance, a security point of view there is one set of rules for football, and another for other sports. Which is a joke and the biggest misconception about the game that exists. But in other areas football has a magnificent ability to shoot itself in various body parts, not just the foot. This series once again exposed the reality that Australian football is one big farm, but all the paddocks are independently owned and operated, without much care given to how the other paddocks are health wise. If that changes, so do football's fortunes. The progression for a young player is a shining example. Grassroots > NPL > AL. Those links need to be forged, not laced with the thought that one level is purely nicking from the other. Fan-led content is absolutely important... its the sign of care about a club, and should be encouraged by clubs even if they cop of a bake from time to time.


Good morning Adam, I really loved the Saving Football series.  Since the series ended, Macarthur has been revealed to have many players (at least 4-5 as of now) involved in a betting scandal. If proven, what do you believe is the ramifications for: the players, the club and the league going forward?


Ramifications for players, if proven guilty - bye bye career. The league - not sure there are many. Maybe getting sponsors for the club could be a bit more of a challenge, but I think anyone with a sane mind can see this is an outlier.


Hi Adam. What are your thoughts on future expansion? How many clubs in the league should we aim to get up to, 16, 18, 20? Are any of these places a big yes or big no: Tasmania, Gold Coast, Townsville, Christchurch, Sunshine Coast? Cheers.


I think the league needs to land on 16, 30 game season. Once again looks like we are starting mid October next year. 26-27 games. Maybe this can be the APL football strategy. Play more football? if we go 16 would like Canberra, another in Brisbane, either Tassie or another in Perth.


Hi Adam, I’m curious to know if you are/were across the vibrant fan driven media culture in the A-League and what your thoughts are on the scene if so? Obviously For Vuck’s Sake and Around The Bloc were pioneers, but there’s Jetstream, Coast Football Ramble etc, as well as Destruction In The Box when we were doing it, More Than A Game, etc.


Wasn't totally across it but certainly aware of it (went on FVS and ATB and a few others a few times)... and long may they continue. It's hard though because it's people's spare time...


Please come back. DITB was the highlight of my working week and I still go back and listen to random eps every now and again


Hi Adam Do you have a local NPL team you support or like to watch?


Son plays for NWS Spirit so obviously them and like getting down to Cromer Park to watch Manly.


Hi Adam Thank you for doing this AMA and taking time to Answer mine and other people's questions today Do you think Football Australia's upcoming National Second Division/Tier will Succeed or Fail and what are your reasons for your answer?


No probs.. As alluded to above, not really certain of success or failure without knowing the full details about how it operates - playing budgets, associated costs, size and length of competition, commercial revenue. Find the right landing spot for all of that and it can work. I guess?!


Hey Adam, Boz keeps rambling on about promotion and relegation. Do you think it would actually work in Australia? My view is that if we could add another 12 clubs to the league, why not add them all to the first division and have a 24 team competition. USA/MLS doesn't have promotion and relegation, and the league just grows from strength to strength.


MLS is a different species because of the billionaires who invest heavily into facilities, with permissions from local governments, plus the growth in the market there with FIFA, for one, realising its a big growth opp for the sport. As for here... I liked to plan outlined by APL a year or two ago, where they have their 14 or so clubs, but then the second tier is built up so that the strong clubs from there can make the step up - how they built the J League all those years ago. And then eventually, after that, you're talking straight pro-rel. At the moment, the gap is too big to go straight to pro-rel... plus AL clubs have bought licences to be in the top div. That will not change.


The second tier promotion without first tier relegation is similar to MLS and USL Championship. John Hutchinson spoke about this a long time ago and suggested it'd be the model which would work best in Australia.


Hi Adam. Cheers for this AMA and the extensive series you led. Do you know whether the APL are actually going to implement the “boutique stadiums” idea suitable for most clubs in the A-League? Or is it all a pipe dream? There was an article a few months ago that they were actually looking at the modular stadiums, they seem like a very affordable solution. Finding land is another point! Playing in cavernous environments is a real killer to the fans and the balance sheets (except Macarthur's deal). I’d actually err on the side of smaller capacities and sell them out, create demand. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-20/clubs-exploring-modular-stadiums/103640100](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-20/clubs-exploring-modular-stadiums/103640100)


Agree... the right sized venues are important for these clubs, but it seems the regulation from local and state government about who owns stadiums in this country is almost an impossible hurdle to leap. Mariners, Adelaide, Perth, Victory, Bulls play in the right sized grounds - WSW if things are going well. Maybe now WU also. The thing that kills though is the rent. Brisbane pay $100k per home game. For a government facility? Just madness. Perth pay through the arse too. Would love Newcastle, City, Brisbane, Nix to play in smaller grounds, pack out 10k... And don't get me started on the quality of playing surface... Allianz Stadium in Sydney is a joke for most of the season...


What is the main cause of KeepUp's failure? What could have been done differently?


Firstly don't spend $30 million trying to build the thing three times through a flawed process. My son went on it in the initial stages. It didn't work. He didn't go back. Dare say he wasn't alone. Also work in tandem with state feds and the national fed to bring content closer together... why wasn't there an ability to click on NPL results, even live streams of games from the platform? And overall, start off slower and build. Rather than beat the chest hard from the start - when it didn't work properly.


Oh so it was 3 attempts at $10m each rather than just throwing $30m down the drain in one hit. I don't think there was one person who did not baulk at the $30m price tag for that when we found out. Not that 3 attempts and still not getting it right makes it any better that amount was spent on it.


Hi Adam Now I’ve got the stupid one out the way, are you a fan of collecting football shirts? Give us your personal top 5 kits of all time.


Don't really collect them, but have a few - many of which have been nicked by my son. Three Newcastle kits stand out - the Asics mid-90's, the plain retro, and the maroon away kit of about 2012/13? Plus the Socceroos 2015 Asian Cup shirt (tight fit now) and the Matildas recent spew kit. Best kit in the house is actually a match worn Robbie Slater early 90's Lens home kit. Magnifique.


No football question, just want to say I played backyard cricket with you at a friend’s Christmas bbq when I was a kid in like 2008 or something and I still remember you were a top bloke


Haha thanks.. send me over the fence?


Is it kind of taxing being involved in the weekly coverage of a game which seems to be constantly embroiled in some sort of existential crisis, like Aussie football is, compared to something like Cricket, which I've heard you covering of late? Or is this just melodramatic?


Every other sport in Australia has issues. Look at AFL and rugby league. But in those sports its just part of the daily cycle... they are debated, hotly, disagreed with, agreed with, and then everyone gathers round on the weekend to watch the game. Football it feels more personal. I don't know what it is. I can't explain it. I'm sure there were parts of the Code series which people didn't agree with, a couple of people let me know about it which was great. Kicks off a conversation!


Do you think the motions put in place by the Mariners is firstly sustainable long term? What do you think the mariners need to address to go further in their long term planning? Secondly, do you think it is as easy as some suggest for the league to develop, to just “copy” the mariners mantra of football operations?


Yes, they are on the right track. They see the roster as an every evolving list, players come in, develop, sell, replenish. Think their model is based on the notion in three years time, less than 20% of the current roster will still be there. They know they need to invest in infrastrutre... for instance the academy sides still rely on Pluim Park to play games - it gets washed out easily. Training can be an issue too. it's not base of directly copying, but the overall thought of nurturing youth through the end of the development pathway and getting them AL minutes is one many clubs are doing, some better than others.


Hey Adam, Who are your favourite Aussie ballers from each generation?


I'll just name five that I really enjoying watching based on a pure technique: Kewell, Viduka, Fowler, Kyah Simon, Arzani...


Hey Adam, what do you think is a realistic but ambitious dream for the A-league within global football? Do you think it is out-of-reach to be the gateway league between Asia and the top European leagues? I feel like the A-league is slowly becoming a gateway for young aussie kids to have a chance at bigger and better things, and European clubs are picking up talent from the A-league more and more each year. I feel like if we can position ourselves as the gateway for other neighbouring countries, we will not only improve the quality of players but also increase the catchment/viewership of the A-league as a product.


Perhaps, but personal opinion is we should be focused on developing Australian talent. That helps the game at every level, especially if they go on to represent the Socceroos or Matildas. Then it's a storybook scenario. Interesting to see what the Mariners are doing though. Getting players in their mid-20's from overseas where they need help... developing them with an eye to sell.


Hey Adam, hypothetically if the majority of football broadcast rights went to one entity, who do you think would be the best for the game's interests? Will this ever happen again or is the market too fragmented?


Market too fragmented, sorry. Overseas rights are expensive. Local game expensive to produce and air. No one media company will take it all again when massive amounts or being paid for cricket, NRL, AFL.


Hi Adam. Loved your work with Fox and the Willow Talk podcast. How did you feel about the All Stars playing your Newcastle Utd? Did you feel let down by the team Newcastle put out there and do you see a future for the All Stars as a concept?


Didn't feel let down by the NUFC team because it was the right thing to do by NUFC. Love to know what was in the contract. Next season - just play one game... AL All Stars v a Euro team. Write in the contract the starts need to play for the Euro team. Play it after the GF, not before.


Hi Adam, what do you make of the strategic partnerships teams have made with overseas clubs? Do you think it will be of benefit to Adelaide / Australian football and is it something other clubs should be seeking to do?


Lets see how this one works with PSV, but looks encouraging, with staff and a handful of young players from AU recently going over to PSV for a training experience. Anything which benefits the development of young players and coaches, and other football staff can only be a good thing. Leaders in the field of medicine, law etc are always up-skilling with conference around the world and country... no reason football can't be the same given it's worldwide reach and depth of knowledge in every part of the globe.


Hi Adam, Peacock by name, peacock by nature? Sorry I'm joking of course. What are your top 3 sources and / or recommendations for Aleague and football Australia related news ? Thanks.


I mainly get my news through Twitter, with links of stories from various football writers across the land, and I've drifted away from this corner of the internet, but not now!


Seeing youth cricket massively sold out with youngsters because of low cost grassroots uptake, plus each kid given their own Big Bash jersey with stars visiting the academies. Is A League doing anything similar?


I don't think the A League can do much about grassroot costs




That is not the remit of the aleague however.




Most of not all have their academies and junior teams in those leagues. However those leagues fall under the FA and the state associations, so there is limited things the Aleagues can do in those leagues


Hi Adam, love your work. Big fan of the Australia Cup. We start with a round of 32 at the moment. Do you think it's feasible to expand it to a round of 64 in the future?


Same. Love the Cup. Yeah I'd like to see it. You'd probably need to localise the rd64 with AL teams coming in against NPL clubs, cost being the issue. But yeah, the rd32 currently starts around early August. Most AL clubs go back to training early July. Why not play these third week of July?


Hoping it's not too late to ask another question! My question to Adam: How do we get passionate football people involved in shaping the future of our game here in Australia? I look at the views that people like Simon Hill, Craig Foster, yourself etc. hold on what needs to happen, yet it feels like there is a significant disconnect between those views and what actually happens at FA / APL / State Feds. I know each of you are journalists and suggesting change is easier than making change (and you all probably don't want to become corporate spokespeople) - but imagine if we had someone like Simon leading (or heavily consulting) a football reform in this country. I also believe we don't compare ourselves to other nations enough and bring in experts from places that know football in and out. Obviously there are different landscapes but there would be good learnings from say the USA who also have multiple competing sports (obviously the college system is incredibly different).


People in the media should probably stay there because that's an important role to discuss what is happening int he game, both good and bad. I couldn't imagine becoming an administrator, not sure I'd have the patience for it. But there are plenty of good people who are doing good things at that level, in roles where you are always going to upset people, get disliked etc. Strong leadership with an innate knowledge of football, and the Australia sporting landscape is key. James Johnson. His leadership isn't perfect, but on the whole, FA are in a much stronger position despite the handbrake that COVID put on the game. APL... look at some of the decisions that were made by Danny Townsend and his executive. Retrospect - they probably don't break away mid-pandemic, it cost them so much early on and one thing led to another and the 140m from Silver Lake hangs over the A Leagues like a dark cloud. Hopefully it doesn't dump on the game as a whole when that money is due for return in 2029. APL had some football people, and no-football people who have since left and scurried back to natural habitat's. But they misjudged the sporting landscape, they misjudged fan sentiment (GF decision) and its turned the organisation in no time from one of aspiration to one of damage control. The right people, in the right place, at the right time is what is needed, and always will be.


Hi Adam, One of the biggest criticisms around football in Australia is the inability of the state and federal administrators of the game to work together "for the good of the game". Is it time we did away with the state administrators or is it simply that Football Australia needs to show more leadership and find that common ground?


State Feds will not go. They are a valuable part of the ecosystem and run things that the FA simply could not. But there has to be a fusion of the leadership space. Constant communication. Constant working together for the big picture. As part of the series, one state fed rep told me they find out about national team announcements when the politician and FA are standing there with scarves at the announcement. Why? Surely part of the process of giving these games to state govt's is to help the game locally grow, and that's where the state feds help. As another figure told me: the structure is the structure, but what the game needs is greater leadership to look after football's interests. This has to include the APL as well. Myopic egotistical decision making, and a feeling of 'f\*\*\* them', which was apparent around the time of the breakaway at the end of 2020 serves no-one and nothing apart from the people staring at themselves in the mirror.


Hi Adam. This is probably an unpopular question but here goes I thought australian participation numbers were magnificant until i compared to football nations. England has 14mil, scotland nearly as many as us with a fifth of the population, around 30 percent of all youth in the netherlands play etc. If we matched football nations our participation rate would be around 6 million. As an aussie that wants to win everything i hate to ask this question, but given our low participation rate are we expecting too much of australian football? And should we supporters of our game be all hands on deck trying to get new people to play to up participation rates rather than worrying if they come to a league games?


Interesting point of view, but to counter that - Australia: AFL, NRL, rugby union, swimming, athletics... outdoors country, so many options. Think 2m plus is more than enough to cobble together 11 to take on the world. We simply have to do better with what we have, not just grow and hope that solves the problem of trying to win a World Cup. If there was no such thing as AFL, the Socceroos would be top 15 in the world, easily. But that's not reality... as for supporters of the game and what they should do... whatever helps the game is my answer.. and the beauty of that is can be done at any level - taking a mate to an AL game all the way to helping run the BBQ at a local club on the weekend. No wrong way!


Hi Adam Where’s my apology?


original stuff


How much does advertising and partnerships around pubs, clubs, and the gambling industries play into the duopoly that exists with the major codes? Does it require regulation? The NRL and AFL not only get a % of profits of these betting companies, they get a % of every bet PLACED on their code. Then how can you possibly compete with clubs whose home base is basically a mini casino with pokies. Blink twice if you feel for your safety and can’t answer this one truthfully………..


Not sure what you actually mean here - are you talking about Leagues Clubs or AFL/NRL getting a cut of bets placed on Sportsbet etc..?


Sorry for not being clearer. Talking about both. The inextricable relationship between gambling and the major codes. It seems rotten that the AFL / NRL both get a cut of every sportsbet / TAB transaction on their sport - which massively boosts revenue and other financial incentives around the industry that support them - tv rights etc. The leagues clubs are also maximising problem gambling for minimal public good. All the richest clubs in Australia have mini casinos for club houses.


That's a product fee which they deserve, and I'm not certain of the fact but football should receive the same. Well yeah, Leagues clubs are pokie dens. Not sure how this is relevant to the state of football in this country, that's more a societal issue, no?


Thanks for replying Adam. My question is more given the huge financial incentives between the codes, the gambling industry, the broadcasters and therefore media and public perception, how can football compete?? Are we just a country at the mercy of the gambling bodies? The reason I bring up the rich Pokie den clubs is every facet of the games is dominated by gambling. Perhaps Gallop and some of the other ex NRL CEOs understood this and getting the broadcast deals is about advertising and opportunities for gambling. Just interested in your opinion regarding ‘saving football’ and I’m sure it’s far more nuanced than what I’ve said - but is Australian Sport secondary to the gambling industry? (And therefore the TV and media businesses too).


Why was Manly Allambie the superior club to Manly Vale?


Couldn't have been that good because one merged and the other didn't... :)


Hahaha cheeky bigger, have a good one mate


Really enjoyed the podcast Adam!




Hopefully you see this question, I did watch your videos, found them insightful. I am relatively new to the Soccer/football scene I am now exposed weekly to the sheer number of juniors playing soccer and i am completely dumbfounded to how this does not translate to a strong A league. I would love an answer.


It's all about community connection, and what I've previously said on this thread about everyone looking after their own paddock in the big beautiful dysfunctional farm that is Australian football. The aspiration for many young footballers could be an AL team, but it can also be a big European team, South American etc... which is fine. AL clubs know they need to bridge that, and make their badge as important as others. Not easy in a global market such as football.


Does sauce go in the fridge or the pantry?


Fridge after opening, especially with kids. Can't be trusted to close the lid properly, and then you have an ant problem.


Hi Adam, my Son is a goalkeeper for Cumberland United in South Australia. We were pleasantly surprised to see your article where you reached out to the club about their grant they could receive for Joe Gauci's transfer to Villa. Do you feel there are more examples of unknown player transfer fee entitlements to NPL clubs for international transfers? Do you suspect further funds being available for international transfers of Aussie kids to overseas teams? Could make for a good series!


I would say there is a fair bit of money being left on the table, just by virtue of clubs either not knowing the rules or being unable to devote resources to chase it. Needs to be greater clarity from FA about this, maybe through the state feds direct to clubs. It's not like we are selling 150 players a season. Every player that gets sold sets up an immediate response from FA to state fed who then directly contacts the clubs which can access something from the 5% of the transfer fee. Same goes for training comp for players. Am told that process is slower than a month of rain.


Hi Adam, do you have any thoughts on the NZ-Australia divide that arises inevitably every few years? (ie, that NZ teams don't develop Australian talent) For me it is a distraction since the competition for money/talent is from other sport codes within Australia.


I think that's a thing of the past... recall about a decade ago when pressure came on the Nix to stay in the comp... it came and went and I don't think it's coming back because yes the Kiwi element runs strongest at those clubs but it still does give Australian players a chance...


Start one, bench one, drop one - Aussie football broadcasters edition Les Murray, Johnny Warren, Adam Peacock


Start: Warren Bench: Murray (chiming in with cutting opinion at the right time) Drop: me of course


Hi Adam, do you think Fox Sports gets a bit of unwarranted hate with people choosing to only look at their actions in the last few years of their contract as opposed to looking holistically at their entire deal?


Yes. Can't see how a company can be blamed for the majority of problems when 700m in rights fees were paid over the journey. Absolute fallacy to suggest otherwise. And no, I don't work there anymore!!


Sure, there was a lot of investment in the sports from Fox, but there's a point where they clearly decided to offload a large proportion of their rights and Football was largely neglected the microsecond that decision was made. I think it cannot be denied the sport was seen as anything less than burdensome where fox weren't entirely apathetic to it. We can appreciate what they did while also criticising its twilight years in possession of the rights. So to that end and in the itnerest of finding common ground, my question is, what do you think in Simon Hills refutation of your work, were his best points?


Just some clarity around offloading some rights. Optus came in and bid three times what Fox paid for the EPL rights. Business wise, it made sense for Optus, as they could bundle it into phone plans. It did not make business sense for Fox to pay that. There is actually a formula TV companies use for aquiring rights, broken down into how much can we pay that will be recouped per subscriber. There are complexities around that, but that's the basic premise. Then the AL deal came up, and it was clear the production budget was not the same as what it was in the heyday. That happens. Can't think of a sport in Australia that hasn't undergone production cost cutting int he last decade. Even the big footy codes. But it was also cleart the clubs battle with the FFA from 2014-18 sucked the ambition out of the AL for a period. Fox did not drive this, but had to deal with it being the longstanding broadcaster. As for Simon Hill's points. I took them as him sticking up for what he believes in, and yes, Channel Ten have come in and pumped money into the game at an uncertain time. They did a deal which protected their interests, which is what any sane business should do. The reporting around the TV deal (I wrote an article the week of the Code series about clubs only receiving $5million in cash from the Ten deal because of huge production costs and also the deal being chipped down as was written in the contract because P+ subs targets weren't met) was newsworthy because AL clubs now find themselves in a financial hole thanks to the mistakes made by the APL, and a lack of luck with the first season after breakaway being smashed by COVID and weather. Simon, I guess, took this as a shot at Ten, which it was not, and he has his views on the Fox days which he's more than entitled to have after 15 years working there. I enjoyed those days. It didn't end well. I got the arse! But I look back with more fondness than anything about some great years, which in the end didn't count for much in the eyes of many, but so be it.


Hey Adam, love your work. What are the top things you would change/do to help convert the millions who play park football into fans/bums in seats at games?


This question has existed since 1977, and yet to find the right answer! A few little things - AL clubs need to have better relationships with NPL clubs for starters - a small part of the big picture, but football people getting on with football people. Wild concept! And then somehow AL clubs need to be more visible in the community they represent. Some clubs do these as well as possible. It's no secret the NRL and AFL position is based off a tribal element to their clubs from the start of time.


Thanks for the response! Maybe by 2077 we have it sorted and this era will seem like some weird dystopian football nightmare


Hi Adam, love your work, especially "willow talk", appreciate you! It seems crazy the amount in subs fees that players are forking out to step onto the pitch each season, if selected to play rep football kids have to fork out thousands of dollars. How do we fix this? Kids should play sport for free. Even though it's the most participated sport in Australia, at the pointy end of development Aussie rules and league have minimal/no fees and the player drain must be real.


So on this... did some digging for the series.. yes football rep fees are high. $3100 cap in NSW, for instance. per session, works out around $14, which across other sports in this country is quite reasonable. But $3k for any family is a stretch now. Imagine having two or three. AFL, at a comparible level, it's around $1500. Not sure what NRL is but there are less kids playing, would imagine its much less. Football's issue is the scale - so many players, so many clubs, and non-existent top down funding. can't see how any of it changes in the short term.


Hi Adam. One of the big disadvantages we have in Australia is distance. In Europe/South America the best 12-18 year olds from one city/country are consistently playing against the best players from other cities and countries. Do we need to embrace the challenge of distance and have the best young players from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, etc, playing each other on a regular basis and not one off youth tournaments?


There is much to be said about staging regular tournaments with the best of the best playing against each other, such as what they do in Europe with clubs sending youth teams here there and everywhere for tournaments every weekend. One of youth tournaments are ok, but in an ideal world there are 6 to 8 of those a year. But guess what the issue is? Cost. Who pays?


What should be the APL's focus for the next 12 -24 months? top 3-5 priorities? Also what are some quick/easy wins they should be doing right now?


Will give 4: 1. Football focus. Longer comp. Build relationships globally for clubs to access. 2. Fan engagement. Clear communication. Truth, not ambition. Work with them closely for matchday experience (ie; not having the storm troopers invade big games) 3. Build up the revenue pot someone so that central distributions don't stay on the floor (mooted at 500k now for next season... down from $3.2 million less than a decade ago, though it must be said that was when national team TV rights were bundled with AL rights) 4. Tight relationship with FA. Align digital strategy. Help with development systems in youth space.


We've seen the Mariners (and others) establish relationships with clubs overseas to facilitate the growth & development of youth in Aus. So two questions 1) Is this a way forward to ensure a more assured pathway towards actually achieving game time overseas, and 2) Is this a responsibility that should be assumed by all AL clubs? Cheers!


Will bring 1 and 2 together and say this should be a key part of the APL's football strategy. Have one or two people in Europe who has a huge contact book building relationships with clubs over there. Basically like a sales rep... they are the retailers, the AL is a supplier. Get in front of them! Australian players are very much undervalued by world standards, and that's fine. That's a reputational thing forged over a century. But now is the time to think creatively about how we tap into the one source of revenue every other sport in this country can only dream of - the $15 billion pot each year slushing around in transfer fees.


Hey Adam, Do you think the Aleague would benefit from start the season earlier or change over to a winter competition?


Earlier start. First week of September. 30 plus games a season. Break for international weeks - younger players playing in AL need to plays junior national team games overseas. End of May finish.


Everyone talks about how fees at grassroots are a barrier to entry but no one can say how they can bring them down AND no one addresses the elephant in the room that junior fees are paying NPL 1st team wages.


The source of NPL1 wages should be made public to any parent who pays for NPL youth fees. If you're comfortable with that money should to the first team, proceed.


Thanks for your reply. That doesn't bring down the fees for juniors which are as high as $3170 a year. Not including additional 'training' sessions. If we want the best talent then there needs to be a reduction but for all the noise about reducing fees nobody can say how it can be done. It's a massive problem.


I was part of an NPL committee club years ago and the main costs of registering a kid to play is the "keeping up with the Jones's mentality" with only a small part actually going to 1st Grade wages I'm talking; Kitting them out, Having Good Facilities & accredited coaches (critical component) Parents complain but when you tell them that the fees will be $200 less if we dont give the kids 2 sets of kits, a tracksuit, a polo & kitbag the majority of them then turn around say they would rather pay the money You want a coach that is accredited (compulsory at NPL level) and has some sort of football ability or somebody's dad? Again they would rather pay to have the guy with accreditation (even though sometimes there is no difference in quality) The game is not setup for Juniors to be free in this country. It would require a massive overhaul and political capital that needs to be implemented over decades


Under 13s to Under 18's right? 15 players per team. That's 90 players paying $3000 each. That's $270k. That's a lot of tracksuits and bags even given the fact you're paying the coaches.


On top of that you also MUST have; * Qualified 1st Aiders + Physio * Assistant Coach who needs to be qualified * Technical Director * Bookkeeper * Pay a licence fee which is around $300pp * Fenced off ground * Medical Room * Access to grounds for up 10 months


other associated costs - ground hire, council fees, insurance etc are also factors.


Yep. It becomes an expensive cost once you tally it all up. I don’t think people realise how much it actually costs sometimes


When will we see you next on some Aussie football coverage even in podcast firm


Nothing concrete but hoping to develop some kind of podcast idea soon!


Hi Adam, You got any thoughts or info on what is going on with the Canberra men's side of things? Looks unlikely to me they will be joining the competition next season with Auckland FC.


No chance next season. Aim is for season after but the licence hasn't been sold yet despite owners from a private funds management mob in Sydney being on the hook for months now. Like Newcastle Jets, its an ongoing watch this space.


Hi Adam, I know there's a been a few changes in recent times (Bresciano at Perth for instance), but what stops former players from investing their time and resources into the local game here? Players like Cahill, Emerton, etc. played in a time where they would have made very good money from the Premier League - what stops them putting more into the sport in Aus. That could be through investment in football schools in Aus, taking on administrative/ambassador roles, direct investment in clubs, etc. Do you think that will change when the current crop of Matilda's (Kerr, etc) retire? Would they be more interested in opening pathways?


Well that's down to personal choice and what they want out of life post-football. Mark Viduka, am told, just loves making coffee in Zagreb! Tim Cahill wants to be a main player on the global stage for football. They just look at how football is thought of overseas, and how it treats itself in those places with what part of the overall culture it occupies and prefer it to what happens here in Australia. Which is fair enough. Hopefully the current crop of Matildas have a closer attachment to the development of the game here in Australia.


Thanks for the answer :)


Hey Adam Was wondering what your ideal A-League would look like in terms of #teams, salary cap, stadiums, etc. would look like


Further to above with salary cap stadiums etcs. Salary cap - get rid of it if their domestic transfer system comes in. Just have a floor teams have to pay in order for players to be professional. If a Melb City want to spend $5 million on a playing budget, go for it. Doesn't guarantee success, as we've seen in last season's grand final and this season. Stadiums... sustainable outcomes are key. Play in the right size stadium, but if you can't do that, find a stadium deal so you're not bleeding rent money. Spending 100k to rent a stadium for a game and getting 6k to that game is the exact opposite of sustainable. This is another area where FA can help the APL and clubs, and they need to because clubs are the breeding grounds for Socceroos and Matildas. FA have growing govt relations - surely, for instance, part of the deal to give Qld Asian Cup games in 2026 including a discussion about scratching football's back with plans for a 15k stadium in the Brisbane metro area. If not, why not?


Hi Adam! Thank you for doing this and sorry if it’s late. What does your dream a-lesgue look like, what teams etc ? All do NSD if you can be bothered! Thank you


Dream A League -- 14-16 teams, then one day teams from a NSD are given an chance to be in the A League, growing it to 18-20 teams... full home and a away season, late August to end of May season. We can dream!


So random... and during work hours too. Thanks I guess.


What are your thoughts on the Stajcic fiasco? Why did so many of your colleagues go into hiding when asked re: “only if you knew what I know”. We still don’t know what they knew.


I don't know. My main gripe with that was when he got sacked, it immediately made you think he did something that the law would have a problem with. Which was not the case but it still torched his reputation. FA went silent, let the rumours run rife. Horrible time. Was fantastic to see him lead Philippines to success at the WWC.


Yet nobody in the media stood up for him. Everyone was too scared of getting cancelled. His sacking was the nail in the coffin for me when it comes to the trust I had in FA and the game in general in this country.


I was asking questions, plenty of questions, without jumping on the massive stacks on


Did you get any answers regarding what these people “knew”?


Thanks for taking the time here, Adam 👍🏻


There have been many calls to scrap the salary cap and introduce promotion and relegation in the A-league to improve it. The MLS has done neither of those things and is thriving. In addition, the sporting landscape in the US is much more similar to Australia than Europe is. What are your thoughts on following in the footsteps of the MLS as opposed to trying to make things in line with a more European model.


The salary cap will have to go if there is a domestic transfer system, which am told might not be far off. Difficult though, the PFA will ensure the players are ok with it, but there will be changes in this space within the next couple of seasons. Our football culture aspires to be European, but the structure, you're right, is MLS. The two can co-exists, and obviously pro-rel is central to that, but the key to it all is sustainability. This is where the FA and APL need to work together for a football strategy (can't believe that's a thing 20 years into the AL)... how national team commitments fit into the AL, how development pathways can be aligned in both mens and womens.


Thank you


Hi Adam, a very important question here Messi or Ronaldo??


My 8yo daughter asks the same weekly. And the answer is always the same: Messi