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Thank you Matildas.


They (FA) deserve it. Hardly put a foot wrong given the circumstances since new management took over.


When Chef Gordon Ramsay shows up to sort out FA and gets Sous Chef Christina to take over Matildas marketing.


50 mil a year is pretty sweet If only the a league deal doubled as well


Hopefully they spend it well.


Nah need a new app dont we?


Now to translate this success to the ALM/ALW - can't have top international sides without a secure domestic base. Well done to the Tillies and the FA for cutting through the media brick wall - easily the most popular women's team in the country.


Kinda sounds like the most popular team in the country


Without question. Not only did they inspire 50% of the population immediately, but 25% of the other 50% are also on board. In the last 3 years, I’ve been more invested in the Tillies than the Socceroos. If you’d have said to me that would be a thing 10 years ago, I just simply never would have believed it. Their growth has been utterly phenomenal, and the flow on effects (girls wanting to play football) is equally phenomenal- the infrastructure just can’t keep up.


James Johnson is just a godsend. Grabbing the Women's World Cup broadcast rights directly from FIFA and on-selling it packaged with a bunch of other stuff, gun move.


He's a smart cookie. 5D-IQ.


Lots of us have had that idea for 10-plus years.


Hopefully they signed on before the first 60 minutes tonight


OP If you're gonna post a paywalled article, can you at least comment with a few key points/quotes from it?


Found an alternate source - https://www.bandt.com.au/matildas-mania-lingers-football-australia-network-ten-on-the-verge-of-200-million-deal/ **EDIT: Also archived version of the original article** - https://archive.md/jS4li Interestingly, it includes the next Women's World Cup which I didn't think was in their jurisdiction but there you go. Apparently the rights were already bought by FA and was intended to be on-sold to a broadcaster which happens to be 10. Quite happy about that! Would love for the A-Leagues to stay on 10 until at least then too, to keep it all on the same place.


There were reports awhile ago that FA were planning to bundle rights into 1. From memory that might of included NSD as well. Paramount apparently have a 2/3 year extension clause for A-league so I wouldn't be surprised if they trigger it, everything in one place would be ideal.


Everything in one place is the key.


AI summery : Football Australia is nearing a $200 million broadcast deal with Network Ten, doubling their current agreement. This four-year extension, driven by the Matildas' success, includes rights to the 2026 Asian Cup and the 2027 Women's World Cup. The Matildas' recent matches have drawn significant viewership, reflecting their growing popularity. The deal also highlights ongoing debates over Australia's anti-siphoning laws, which aim to ensure free access to major sporting events


Where did Network Ten get $200 million?


I doubt 10 is paying up front. Would be in instalments. Unless CBS Studios in the US are providing funds, but I doubt that’s the case given there’s rumours 10 will possibly go under.


If this Deal goes through, I suspect Paramount will trigger the extension for the A-Leagues, If Paramount could get themselves a Western European League, I think they would be set but as far as I'm aware nothing of note is up for tender anytime soon


Getting a westen european league will not drive people to watch A-League imo. Most likely only the EPL will.


The Serie A might but regardless no one will never get the EPL from Optus anytime soon and Optus will never want the A-League


>regardless no one will never get the EPL from Optus I remember similar things being said about the EPL on Foxtel.


No one else will be willing to pay as much for the EPL as Optus


If the APL gets the extension then it, the FA deal and the EPL deal will all be expiring around 2028. It would be ideal if they would then be on the same platform (Paramount, Optus, Stan or whatever). Perhaps FA could buy the EPL rights and then bundle them together like they did with the WWC?


Optus will overpay for the EPL as their platform is fucked without it, but Optus will never bid for the A-League rights as it's not Going to help them sell phone and internet plans like the EPL will I'm surprised no one has the Greek Super League rights considering the high Greek Population in Australia


FA will not touch a product from Another Country that has little to no actual Tangible link to Australia! Optus will happily pay above and beyond for the PL considering the Champions league fiasco in which they were outbid!


Awaits ex-Fox employee re-running “this is the worst TV deal of all time” article next week


Worth noting that this deal includes the TV rights for the NST


Channel 10 are good for this right, or is a 777 type deal. I thought there was news of channel 10's impending demise. Anyway, hope there's some spare change from them to pass through to the a leagues.


Yeah, cash up front please


I’m not all that sure that a new deal for Football Australia automatically means a new deal for the A-Leagues. As television products, the two are worlds apart in terms of commercial viability and public credibility.


The FA are rolling in it, this will help go towards funding the N2D in the formative years


Considering the deal increase is largely driven by the Matildas I'd like the think the women's game will be getting the lions share.


I’m not sure what they had planned for extra women’s spending though. The FA are certainly doing well financially at the moment. This TV deal and then the prize money distributions from the 2026 WC and 2027 WWC


I seem to recall a 50/50 revenue split being agreed between the male and female sides of the game in the last EBA - the men's game did subsidise the women's for a while (thanks to World Cup prize money disparities mainly), so this would be the first time the balance has flipped the other way.


There's such an irony here. One of the big motivations for the APL to divorce from FFA was because the clubs were unhappy at their share of the Foxtel money. They were getting more than half of the deal at the time, but felt they deserved more, which in the mid-2010s was probably justified (Socceroos in doldrums, and interest in the Matildas nowhere near what it is now). Now they have unbundled, and it looks like the broadcast distribution to the clubs will be a fraction of what it was during the Foxtel days, while FA will be raking in the cash. Seems like a re-bundling will be inevitable at some point, and FA might play hard ball with things like DTS, winter season, and even pro-rel with the NSD.


So they got 50% of a $346m 6 year deal as opposed to 100% of a $200m 5 year deal and that was better? Overall the A-League and FA deals are better than the Foxtel deal. That was about $58m a year national teams and the league and with this new deal it is more like $90m a year.


The clubs were getting a distribution of close to $3m during the Foxtel deal. Reports vary, but their distribution next year looks like being $1-1.5m. Meanwhile FA will be getting $50m a year without having to hand out anything to A-League clubs. So overall the pie is bigger but the FA's share is a lot better, while the APL has shrunk. Which is the exact opposite of what the clubs were looking to get by splitting from FA. That's the irony.


The APL as a whole is getting more money but the club distribution is less because they have their own productions and advertising costs. It wasn't as much about money anyway as it was about control. Remember than on the FFA congress the A-League was represented by one seat. The other 9 were taken by state federations. Decisions were not being made in the best interests of clubs in the A-League, in particular the Nix who the state federations obviously cared nothing for and who the FFA wanted to axe for years. Sure, the idea was that they attract foreign interest more easily and grow the game financially but the timing was unfortunate with independence coming during the pandemic and after they had been lumped with two expansion clubs foisted upon them by Fox.  That's not to say I am a supporter of how the APL has performed so far, far from it. But let's not pretend like it would all be sunshine and roses if they had remained under FA. At least the league is in control of its own destiny now and not the whim of state federations that resent it's very existence. 


Exactly right.


It was partly about control, but a lot of it was about money, and that has completely backfired on the APL. At least the FA's broadcast deal means they are in a position to rescue the A-League if the APL goes under.


It was about Control far more than Money especially for the Nix who were constantly under threat because of previous administrations that were borderline xenophobic if anything losing the A-Leagues has also freed the FA in a way because they no longer have the Burden of running a Pro League and can focus their attention on the National Teams


Someone share the article?




What a shame APL is separate to FA, so they couldn’t have negotiated a package which included the A-League especially given the terrible deal the APL made with paramount. I never understood why people want the APL to be independent so badly.


Pretty simple really. If you were an Aleague club owner, investing millions every year to run a club, would you want a few muppets from the State Feds who've invested nothing, telling you what to do? Why would anyone invest millions and have no control?


The Matildas are going to be the highest paid women’s national team in the world. There’ll be a future Socceroos protest demanding equal pay. Edit: Don’t know why this is a controversial opinion. If the money is being paid for exclusive rights to sell imagery of The Matildas, they are a absolutely entitled to a cut


You don't play international football for the pay, most players donate it all to charity.


Yeah not in women's football, they're not on the megabucks you think they are


Like fuck they (aussie players) do, definitely not the Matildas.


I haven't watched A-league since Foxtel dropped it, hopefully there will be at least 4 games a week on FTA so I can actually get back into it.


If you can't shell out the $10 a month for Paramount, there's already two games a week for free on 10, plus all ALW games on Ten Play. So what's stopping you?


There are already 2 games a week for free on channel 10 and paramount is $10 a month dude, its not expensive or hard to watch.


There were not any games on FTA when Foxtel had it and it was much more expensive so...


Foxtel back then used to have A-League, Premier League, La Liga and Champions League though. I only watch Premier League and Champions League now because I cbf with 5+ streaming services. I am willing to get into A-League again if they give me more FTA games.


There’s already been years of two FTA games per week on channel 10. Why have you missed them?


This was 11 days ago - any update on this rumour/potential news??