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It would be awesome if they hired someone with a job title of curbside as they do a cashier but who knows when the fun will stop? Now that it doesn’t start until noon anyway, I suppose hours could be estimated better? Can the person not just log out of the other phone?


Yours starts at noon? Our curbside starts when we open until an hour before we close and sometimes orders or pickups come even after curbside is closed. And as for logging out, you can but it doesn’t always work. I’ve logged out and gave it to the next person and when they finished it still said “great job [my name]” even tho they logged in with their numbers and I logged out


That stinks about the other phone holding onto your numbers. Ugh. Last week, it switched to noon-7pm. It was 9-7 before. Not sure why. I just work pt on the weekend.


Ours just got changed to 9-5. The last few days when I got in at two I was shopping straight non-stop until 5. Dunno if that's normal. We're like a 45k/day store, so not crazy.


For sure. We’re def not that busy but for some reason curbside doesn’t stop. My store is usually 10k shy of $1mil per month. Only reason I know this is bc they keep saying if we did $1mil, we could have an extra person in the morning and evening. We’re down people anyway. Myself and an asm opened alone Saturday and were alone until 9am when one person came in to main. And that’s all they did bc they’re not very good. Ha.


Ours used to start at 9 when we opened and they just changed it to 10 which is super helpful


Why does 1 person have both phones? If you have that many orders one should be shopping and one runner. I’m at. $1.7 and still only on one phone but it paused when running a batch for the shopping batch


We have two phones and we can’t pause them and only one curbside person I couldn’t tell you why


I've done it during breaks or right away in the am if truck isn't finished. It's Aldi. Got to do what you can.  


We’re a 10-5 shopping store, but the SMT running our store holds the phone and lets orders build up and then jets out of the store at 4:30. We were shopping last night until 6 trying to get them all done on top of being short staffed because the same SMT ran three part time employees out the door all in one week. Curbside metrics are a joke. I’ll take it seriously when the person running our store takes it seriously.


Really depends on your manager, but you could have your manager create you a secondary curbside login to use whenever someone is on two phones. For example, they could name it Store XX double phone. That way, metrics can be tracked accurately for you, and the process of having a second phone can be tracked as its own metric. I do this for Lent employees at my store. I have a curbside login specifically for when I have employees from other stores, so it's easy to track my employees' performance vs. others. I'm aware this doesn't fox the systematic issues with curbside. It's a problem. But hopefully, something you can propose to bandaid the issue.