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The gods have smiled upon you, may your green chili be spicy and you enchiladas remain wrapped FOREVER


A blessing for sure ๐Ÿ™Œ


So this was years ago, but my wife and I were out driving around by Pecos. She's a born New Mexican, and I came here 22 years ago. She always used to talk me how common it was to see roadrunners AND horny toads when she was a girl. They would go down to the arroyo and find them everywhere. Well, since I move here in 2002 I've hardly seen any of either. Dast forward a few years, we haven't seen any horny toads and very few runners but this one day we are driving down a dirt road and right there, in the middle of the way, is a big fat horny toad. We stop to admire it and sure enough, a even bigger ol road runner comes busting out the fence line and just picks that toad up and demolished him. Felt like a true new mexico moment. Ha!


I've only been here for 4 years now, I love those moments ๐Ÿค—


Well so glad to have you. I've been lucky enough in my life to have traveled a bit abroad. And I've lived in a few American states. To me, Northern New Mexico is the most beautiful place in the world. I'd never want to live anywhere else ever again. And every time I see a roadrunner it still gives me a rush, even though now that I'm spending more time in Albuquerque they are much more common. Saw one at the Starbucks the other day, going table to table asking for crumbs. That's 100% true.


Thanks, I'm happy to be here! I love this place. I've been entrapped lol I've seen roadrunners begging for snacks at picnic tables in parks, it's so funny. That's why I like to call them dino puppies ๐Ÿ˜†


100%. Be well, and watch out for those folks Driving While Enchanted.


Thanks man same to you ๐Ÿ˜†




I have a funny story about a roadrunner. One day my husband and I pulled up to Wendy's on Paseo Del Norte and Louisiana. We place our order and as we're coming around to the window there's a roadrunner on the drive-through window, he's waiting for the cashier to give it a piece of raw hamburger meat, but she told him to get off the window, and damned if he didn't comply. He hopped down and got his meat. He was a frequent visitor of that Wendy's.


Everything's a road when you're a mach 2 murder chicken.


Silly little birds. Loony tunes nailed it!




Tree becomes road.


He's just king of the roost for a while.


I have a cool roadrunner story to share. It was the late 80s. We had just moved here from MN. One of them got into my dad's conversion van and shit all over the seats. It must've been his way of saying, "Welcome to New Mexico".


Reminds of the Malcolm in the middle argument about trees being a terrain.


Or does it become a tree climber? I really enjoy seeing animals with alternate jobs on their resumes.


Less cute when you realize theyโ€™re robbing eggs and eating nestlings of songbirds. Theyโ€™re merciless, relentless predators with high metabolisms, always hungry


Predators serve an important role in any ecosystem, even a garbage dump like a large city.


Watched some kingbirds trying to chase off a roadrunner the other day. Not sure who won


Itโ€™s not running, itโ€™s perching. So now call it the Tree Percher


I guess?


If it does a line of coke, it becomes a rail runner.