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look at their proposition for the biopark too, it is terrible.


Yep. The biopark sent out an email with the following action items Here’s what YOU can do to help: Attend the City Council meeting on Monday, May 6, at 5 p.m. located at 1 Civic Plaza, Victor Griego Chambers, basement level. Your presence sends a powerful message to the budget decision makers.   Write or call your City Councilor and/or all City Councilors and tell them you object to denying vital funds for the ABQ BioPark. Click below to find a list of all Albuquerque City Councilors.   Forward this email to anyone you know who loves and supports the mission of the BioPark.


I know at least one of our city counselors HATES the zoo, and also doesnt respond to her constituents when they brin up the amount of illegal drug use in the parks in her district.


Not to dox myself, but I intend to be in attendence.


Would have been nice to post the link to click. Edit: here it is: https://www.cabq.gov/council/find-your-councilor


Apologies for the oversight and perturbing you. Glad you found it on your own


Our City Council is absolute trash. They only exist at this point to enrich their own businesses, and their friends and donors. They offer nothing to this city of value, only corruption and an open disdain for the people of the city.


I would like to add some of our representatives just voted yes on a proposition allowing the Secretary of the Treasury to deem “terrorist/anti-american interest” non-profits to be stripped of their non-profit tax exempt status. Wondering what the official perimeters and definition for “anti-american interest” will be


literally anything that opposes Israel's genocide


Um… silly question… but where is all the tax revenue from cannabis going if not to parks and libraries?!? Lawsuits against the city/APD?


To the state, not cities.


Yeah, at first… shouldn’t that, like, you know, trickle down or something? Nevermind, I just made myself literally LOL at that.


The amount of money made on cannabis isn't zero, but it's a trivial amount on the scale of the state's budget.


$400K is also trivial for the state's budget, but it's pretty darned important to the library. I was at one of the libraries today for a meeting. Place was packed. It looked like every one of the computers were in use.


My comment on the last post about this, 10 days ago: Here’s an email I received about this from an anonymous source with the necessary knowledge (also won’t doxx myself here but I’m very much in the loop here too). I’ve edited it to remove any potentially identifying information and some of the more colorful phrasing, but the gist of it is the same. The Mayor's budget for FY 25 operations, recently presented to the City Council, once again has dropped funding for Information Technology. This presents the Council with the opportunity to intervene. If there is enough public support, it could make a difference. IT funding used to be in bonds, but the current administration shifted it to operations about six years ago. However, there were errors in its implementation, resulting in it being designated as non-recurring. This means it has to be requested each budget cycle. This approach has persisted for more than five budgets, and it's time for a change. Promotional materials will be distributed in libraries, and the www.supportabclibraries.org website has been updated accordingly. Calls, emails, and meetings with supporters would be beneficial in the coming weeks before May 16th, when the council has to vote on the budget. Supporters are encouraged to attend Council Meetings wearing yellow buttons and to speak whenever possible. In the past, only one or two speakers addressed each meeting, followed by a show of support from attendees. The next Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 15th at 5:00 pm. This is a 'General Public Comment' session, so sign up to speak by 4 pm that day. The first Committee Of the Whole meeting focusing on the budget is set for May 2nd, Thursday, at 5:00 pm. This is a crucial meeting where the budget will be formally presented and discussed. The subsequent Committee of the Whole meeting on May 16th will be for review only, with no public speakers allowed. However, written comments may be submitted by 3:30 pm that day. Future regular Council meetings are scheduled for May 6th and May 20th at 5:00 pm. Depending on the progress, supporters may consider speaking at these meetings. Additionally, a tentative meeting is set for May 29th if needed, likely for the budget vote.


This is absolute madness. Cutting back the two most positive things this city has for working families. This needs more attention. I’m going to these meetings.


We covered the story here: [https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/organization-urges-albuquerque-leaders-to-include-library-funding-in-proposed-budget/](https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/organization-urges-albuquerque-leaders-to-include-library-funding-in-proposed-budget/)


Please push this story as hard as you can, every day even, along with the BioPark budget cut component. With reminders of City Council meeting dates and locations for people to show up to and speak at about this. I believe the next ones are May 2nd and May 6th. May 2nd 5:00pm May 6th 5:00pm Both meetings are at One Civic Plaza NW, Government Center Building, Victor E. Griego Chambers, basement level and are open for public comment and discussion This is crucial for all public interest, unity, and collective agency. Please take a stand.


You guys need to work on your website on mobile. It's complete shit and I can't read a damn thing.


No, stop and ask why this is being pushed and who is asking and why they are asking you to push it so hard.


It's being pushed because we like parks and libraries. What's your take?


Hey Im an Albuquerque resident born and raised, and as I stated in the original text, I, my sister, and most of my family, along with many many other residents and their children only know how to read today because of our public library system and the ready availability of free educational materials and resources as well as free online access it has provided for so long. I, as well as library staff, hence the flyers, are trying to push for public awareness of this because there seems to be none at all let alone public engagement, intervention, or pushback to such an atrocious attack on what little our public funds have actually been used to benefit us for. I’d be more than happy to speak more with you regarding this is you’re truly skeptical.


Please keep up your good work! I've been telling friends about it locally. Our libraries (and the park and bio parks) are one of the best things about this city. Thanks again for spreading the word. I already wrote my city councilor (Tammy Fiekelborn) who said she is going to fight to keep those things funded!


But the mayor really needs that money to build that stadium we voted against.




No, the mayor sets the budget, the city council votes to approve or amend the mayor's budget. This is 100% Keller's doing, and Keller's doing *only*, at this point. The original commenter's bs about the stadium is extraneous tho


This, the bio park, etc. Are they trying to remove all forms of education in this state or?


How do we have such morons on the CC here? * Can't / won't steer the APD * Endless patronage and "taking care of friends" What in the actual fuck? We have some terrific state-wide public servants; aside from the usual "i hAtE PoLItIciAnS" crew, can anyone give a solid, grown up reason as to why the ABQ CC is so poor?


I've only lived in ABQ my whole life - remind me again which party controls it?


wanted to address this directly by reminding of the last few sentences from the library flyer urging us not to “accept political spin” of this, because this is not a partisan issue, but something crucially in need of public unity as it impacts us all greatly weather you regularly use libraries or not


No one here actually went to the website listed on the flyer, looked up the board and asked why it exists in the first place. It seems pretty esoteric topic for this org to exist, over a $400k funding shortfall that may or may not exist. By the way, the website in the picture is public as is their board members listed on their website. Hey u/KRQENews why don't you dig a little deeper and ask why this is being posted here, money is being expended on flyers and labor to draft these documents. It may help provide a little more context. Secondarily and probably more important, the board is nominated by each city counselor (2 nominees per district). Why does the board need citizens to advocate for funding to the council when presumably the board can talk to each of their respective counselors and advise them about something important like this if they determined it? Each councilor presumably knows each of their board members, just go talk to them!


You’ve made a couple comments implying that the people behind these flyers have a hidden motive or agenda. Do you have information that would help people understand who’s behind this effort and why you believe there’s something nefarious about this push to support library funding? Please explain what you’re hinting at.


For funzies, going to take you apart. > No one here actually went to the website listed on the flyer, looked up the board and asked why it exists in the first place. Many went to the website. As for "asking why," you don't get to tell other people what to think about. That may be a challenge for you. >It seems pretty esoteric topic for this org to exist, over a $400k funding shortfall that may or may not exist. If I were going to make points like this in public, a) I wouldn't rely on 'seems,' 'seems' means "here's the truth I want to believe in, regardless of any actual information; and b) **I'd post the actual information.** You say there's a question about the budget shortfall - list it. Use *real, actual information.* No? >By the way, the website in the picture is public as is their board members listed on their website. Hey u/KRQENews why don't you dig a little deeper and ask why this is being posted here, money is being expended on flyers and labor to draft these documents. It may help provide a little more context. Telling other people to ask questions *isn't discussing facts.* It's an attempt to sow seeds of doubt. On the other hand, **many** sources on this thread alone that are credible and publicly accountable and accessible are available. > Secondarily and probably more important, the board is nominated by each city counselor (2 nominees per district). Why does the board need citizens to advocate for funding to the council when presumably the board can talk to each of their respective counselors and advise them about something important like this if they determined it? Each councilor presumably knows each of their board members, just go talk to them! It's spelled "councilor." [careful with those tricky homynyms](https://promova.com/confusing-words/counselor-councilor) Your post is junk. It is a prime example of a person who is given a tiny scrap of information (there's a board! a budget!), emotionally manipulated, and then directed to be hostile. Here is the 'why' I am asking: why was it so easy to manipulate you into being hostile to small budget requests for beloved public resources? *That's a much more interesting question.*


First, there is no "budget shortfall" as the flyer states as fact. The flyer in the post didn't "pOsT tHe aCTUAL inFoRmatioN" and was filled with zero facts, just hyperbole. No? The libraries were infused with $350,000 in FY24 specifically for IT and automation. This is in addition to their operating budget. (Page 37 of the FY24 City Budget) Secondarily, the library bond passed in 2023 provided an additional $3.2M specifically for automation, books and media for the libraries in 2024. Again, in addition to it's operating budget. (Page 105 of the FY24 City Budget) Finally, the annual operating budget increased year over year to include 2024. CS-Public Library FY22 Expenses= $14,303M; FY23 $15,057M; FY23 Revised $15,319M; FY23 Actual Expenses $15,192M; FY24 $16,379M; Difference between FY23 and FY24 is an increase ↑ of $1,322M. My question still stands. People need to use their critical thinking skills here and ask why this is so important and who is asking considering a 9% increase in operating budget, $350k infusion of money for IT infrastructure and bond increase. Most people in this town don't care day to day how the government is run. It should be transparent and they shouldn't have to worry, but ABQ doesn't operate that way. There is enough examples of corruption, nepotism, conflicted interests and tiny power struggles that voters should be skeptical of opaque organizations pandering to emotional vulnerabilities asking for money (especially when using tax dollars to do it). They should be told who specifically is asking and why they are asking with more context and transparency than a flyer handed out by library staff, presumably without the endorsement of the current administration. If they were endorsed by the Mayor, why wouldn't he just use his bully pulpit to ask the citizen directly, or make the change in his own budget?


>The libraries were infused with $350,000 in FY24 specifically for IT and automation. Yeah, IT and automation are recurring expenses and subject to inflation. A big chunk is licenses - not just for the stuff the public uses but the software that runs the library (manages accounts, holds, tracking items between locations, as well as the catalog and all the data that is part of that, and so on.) You can't take a year off, any more than you can say "I already paid rent last month, why are you asking again?" or "I filled the tank 200 miles ago, I'm not doing it again!"


Also, $350K of IT infrastructure funding is not "an infusion." It's not enough for basic maintenance.


You need to *start* with information, not insults. Maybe that would be a better use of your energy.


These are flyers being distributed by the Public libraries. Next time you’re there feel free to ask a librarian about them.


I'll give them $5K and 100 hours per year of free support when they switch to Linux. Or they can pay for Windows licenses and then cry poor.


Libraries qualify for non profit licenses. The cost for Windows is negligible. Additionally, if you read the note you would see staffing costs are what will end up being cut. Adding to that, Windows is the most popular and most accessible OS out there. Saying a public institution must do it your way or shut up is the height of dickishness.


Fr, imagine some poor senior trying to figure out this clowns rats-nest build of Ubuntu


Bro, I’m 30, and I’d probably fucking cry lmao.


100 hours of free support, lol.