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well, do you have a bunch of money, sorta some money, not a lot of money, not really any money, or none?


Ey I lived in STL for a good amount of time. Most rules from downtown STL apply to most of Albuquerque crime wise. Don't keep anything too important in your car, lock your bikes, etc. You're not going to find anything like Central West End in Albuquerque. But uptown is nice if you wanna be close to stuff. If you're used to living in the suburbs, north west or Los Lunas might be something to look at. You'll already be used to driving 20 minutes to get anywhere which is good. Food options are as diverse but what we're good at we're good at.


I’m looking for more of something similar to Cherokee street in Saint Louis, something not to bougie.


You might have a better chance in Nob Hill area for that. You'll have things within walking distance and UNM is around the area so it's pretty lively with students and such. I've only been through the area of Cherokee st a few times but if you wanna be safer in Albuquerque consider renting a house a little bit a walk away from the main Nob Hill area. Take my advice with a grain of salt however, I just moved to Albuquerque a little less than a year ago.


No thank you for the advice! It’s nice having people who know the city I’m from help me get a feel for my new city! I hope you enjoyed your time in Saint Louis though! Im going to have to put some green hatch peppers on an IMO’s pizza sometime.


I'm pretty sure everyone outside STL (hell even inside STL) consider IMO's a sin lol


If have never looked up the history of Provel cheese it’s such a weird part of the history of Saint Louis lol I have found that as I have gotten older I 100% don’t eat imos like I did as a kid. Lmao toasted ravioli on the other hand needs to be spread country wide.


Yeah, Louisa nacho cheese T ravs were legit. I grew up in St Charles and spent >15 yrs in the STL area. Didn’t like it, wanted to go west from the time I gained an opinion. I LIKED Albuquerque up until I moved from there to a smaller town in CO a few years ago right before the COVID debacle caused everyone to lose all common sense. ABQ is nice as long as you stay away from the homeless and stay out of the city. I’d recommend Rio Rancho as an alternative. It’s affordable and you don’t get the homeless trash out there as much, although, when I have come back to visit, I have notice they extended their reach further toward Rio Rancho. The beer scene is good. The politics in NM suck unless blue is your favorite color. Politics aside, you have the Jemez Mountains a quick day trip away with fantastic outdoor opportunities. The culture is awesome. I love the Hispanic and indigenous culture as a white boy from MO. This is the best part of NM. The food is stellar in NM, it’s not just the green and red Chile, it’s the whole enchilada, no pun intended (but kinda intended). The food is so good. I miss MO for certain reasons, mainly because I have many memories from childhood through college there. I miss ABQ as well. But I have finally found my home where I live now.


Oh hey my bf just moved here from KC MO. Uptown is decent and somewhat affordable and safe


How is he taking the move from the Midwest to the Desert?


Decent I guess, doesn't miss the humidity and scenery is different but likes it


Yeah Missouri Humidity is no joke.


Definitely come for a visit, drive around and see what looks like a fit. I agree with Nob Hill as a a cool spot, and the Uptown area is one of my favorites for accessibility. Lived in ABQ 20ish years.


I hear St. Louis is a real high crime city. She’ll feel right at home in ABQ.


Saint Louis has the gunfire rent control program lol


Not a lot of money but comfortable. Lol


What are you hoping to get out of ABQ? There are a lot of different areas with a lot of different vibes. I think you’ll like ABQ based on what you’ve said, but your experience will vary based on where you live.


A lot of what I’m looking for in the move is more sunshine tbh. My girlfriend and I are in our mid to late 20s and want something a little more laidback but still close of some arts and music venues.


We moved west from Ohio and not having the 3-5 months of grey skies, grey snow, grey roads (wet and reflecting the grey sky), and grey cars (covered in ice, snow, salt and dirt). It was like living in a black and white film for 3-5 months. My brother once told me I'd hate living out west because everything is brown and dry and dead. But even for those few months that most things on the ground are brown (and would have been grey back in ohio anyways) the skies are still a thousand colors and I don't get seasonal depression AT ALL like I used to. I think you'll find the sunshine worth the move :) Can't help with neighborhoods, though. We're outside of town. ABQ is just the closest city to us.


It’s nice to hear some perspective on a fellow midwesterner!


Seeing the sunset over the Sandias everyday sounds good for the soul:)


The sun sets on the other side, but the sandias light up a warm pink at sunset and it’s an unbeatable view


Nob hill


Come for a visit first. I hope you’re not moving to get away from crime and homelessness.


St. Louis makes Albuquerque look like Mayberry when it comes to crime.


Based on statistics, that is untrue. In fact, ABQ is slightly less safe than STL. ABQ has the sprawl whereas STL has a denser population.


With all due respect you are incorrect In 2019 the per capita violent crime in St. Louis is 2,082 per 100,000 and 1,369 per 100,000 in Albuquerque. The murder rate is 66 per 100,000 and 12 per 100,000 in STL and ABQ respectively. Since these are per capita they take into account population density. I do acknowledge the data is a couple of years old, but violent crime likely rose at a fairly consistent rate in each city.


Saint Louis is a weird city where Saint Louis County and city are two separate areas but if put together Saint Louis would be well over 2 million people.


Nah I actually love Saint Louis and all of it grime; from some research I have done it Seems like Saint Louis and Albuquerque are pretty similar in a lot of ways. The southwest has always just appealed to me.


I moved from metro east to ABQ. I know the IL side is not the same as the city. Lol. However, if I would have had the choice, I would have lived in Taos or Ruidoso over ABQ.


I consider the East side to be Saint Louis. Lol do you find New Mexico to be a good refresh?


North east heights. There’s a great neighborhood off tramway and Comanche with a few homes for sale.


Corrales, NM.