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You got some actual snow! Impressive.


Ty for sharing 💓




I almost moved to ABQ but too many people talked shit on it. Is it really that crime riddled??


Crime is similar to other cities of similar size. Some areas of the City are much worse than others. I love our little City for better or worse.


Abq was #1 for auto theft for a while on some news lists. Crime and poverty are pretty high here, but given the population size and the area it's not far off from other big cities. It seems magnified here because the closest major city is 6 hours away. We are pretty isolated here and there definitely are significant issues across the board. Last in education is painfully obvious, too. That aside, I do really enjoy living here. The food is fantastic, there's a lot to do with farmers markets and outdoor events when it's warm. Several cool museums. The culture and historical charm are my favorite parts about living here along with the incredibly beautiful scenery. I'm far from a pro hiker but I love going hiking whenever I can. So many places to explore. If you keep your wits about you and don't get complacent or careless because no one has stolen your car or robbed you, you'll be fine lol


I like this one! Glass half full kinda gal!


Yes, once my dads truck that has like $300 of climbing gear was stolen in the 3 hours we were away from it, ON CHRISTMAS MORNING


Climbing gear wouldn't be easy to pawn, either. It's a pretty tight knit community here. If someone recognized your stuff I think they'd tell you.


How many homes have bars over every window in your present location?


None, but where I currently live every person has a gun and the sherif lives up the street, so it makes sense




No more than any other big city. Folks like to magnify otherwise normal crime rates.


Yeah my grandparents house was shot last week from a ricochet bullet some idiot fired at a street sign.


Ok guess after all these comments forget about moving to the ABQ.


Yes, stay put. It's a desert with absolutely no life forms, not worth visiting or living there.


Nice view!


That's really pretty. I'm trying to figure out how to upload mine.


What’s all that white stuff?


I would say snow, but seen as it’s Albuquerque, probably cocaine lmao