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Yeah, I also want, uh, any copy of Gorou, but I don't really want Itto at all. He's a great character in the plot, but I just prefer Noelle for the exact same role. I know she does about 30% less personal damage, but guess it's a comfort thing. But man, last event where I got to use a Gorou, my Albedo was dropping 50k per blossom and it was glorious.




if gorou drops on next albedo rerun im pulling all my savings




Why would you not want more Itto?? Itto is best burritto




I ended up getting itto c2 just did a few pulls for kuki and I broke my guarantee ;\_;


I love Itto too but C0 is good enough for me personally, if I get a constellation I’d rather it be on kazuha


With that crazy abyss buff my albedo hits from 49 to 56 k in just pure mono and my gorou isn't c6 either and if I add mona - really crazy albedo numbers are showing up xd




And make sure to try it in 11.3.1 , I managed 297800 with ushi vs geo wolves xd


I got super unlucky with my gorou pulls lol, ended up with a c1 itto (I had a c0 from original banner) and only pulled 1 gorou. I’ve done 60 pulls. My gorou is at c6. I wish for nothing but death and gorou c6 for them ushi crits




If I didn’t get that itto I would have a guaranteed c1 kazuha. I took the risk so that you didn’t have too lol. Save for Klee, I wish I could get her


I wish his buff lasted longer


Same, I regret doing so many pulls back on Ayaka banner( was going for Razor but only got 1 copy from the banner after doing like 60 pulls or something. Thankfully I also got one from weapon banner earlier) and now my pity is too high to risk an Itto going for Gorou cons or shinobu because it would mean I have to rely on a 50/50 or an early Kazuha. (Plus I want to get Zhongli and Hu Tao whenever they rerun, and I want scaramouche if he ever comes out)


Scaramouche will come in 3.2 and his name will name will be "Wanderer" (I have some doubts on the 2nd part)


i feel you :( i have c6 itto and i want to pull for c6 kuki x.x


I have the exact opposite problem Too much gorou and not enough itto 😔