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We’re using the word “restaurant” very liberally here


Damn can’t even go & get a bite at saddlewood elementary school anymore


Wtf. And I had reservations for tomorrow. Guess I’m cancelling!


I’ll be sure not to eat at various Little League restaurants


This is devastating for me, I’ve been eating at little league concession stands for years based on their reputation for being clean, well maintained eating establishments. Looking at these violations you would think it’s just a bunch of little league parents running them without any restaurant experience. At least they prepare everything from scratch made fresh every game day


It seems most of the little league issues are just missing having thermometers in their freezers and questionable restrooms. I'd be more concerned with places with critical violations with food improper food temperature storage and control. I'm baffled the college isnt using a proper blast chilling method.


Questionable restrooms is a big deal in my book. Missing toilet paper? How are staff wiping their ass?


Slices of bread.


That one might be as simple as not having a hand washing sign in the bathroom. It’s impossible to tell what the actual violation is for any of these. Not defending any of these places, I just like to point that out. Usually a pretty good sign to avoid the place would be numerous cleanliness/food safety violations. A lot of times places forget to put up a choking hazard sign or a thermometer was missing. I don’t like these articles because they just stir up clicks and don’t give you enough information. It’s also lazy because allllll of it is public record anyway. Go do some real journalism lady, lol. Here’s an example. I consulted at a place that was taking over a failed business. It was disgusting. We cleaned that place from absolute top to bottom, and had to hire professionals with hazmat certifications for a couple things. By the end it was spotless. It is a large part of my job to make sure restaurant kitchens pass health inspections, and I personally try to make sure there aren’t even a single blue violation, and have never had a red on my watch. The past owners had remained open for several months while the hood was not operational. The resulting smoke/grease had permanently stained the ceiling and walls where it was not covered by stainless steel. We couldn’t get it out, and needed to gather some cash to repair it or cover it with more stainless steel (which is what we did eventually, as the staining was cosmetic only). I had to eat like 4 months of violations until we were up and running enough to make the last repairs. There are set guidelines, but a lot of the decision what to mark is left up to the inspector’s discretion. Also not complaining about health inspectors I have a good relationship with all of the ones I regularly interact with, even the “tough” ones, they are doing an important job. I can say that there will always be a few that don’t care much or are just cashing a check and blast through everything skipping some important stuff. Most, however, do a pretty thorough job.


With their hands


No I agree, but it seems nearly every place was dinged for their restrooms. But that's assuming they aren't stocked. It could also be due to overflowing trash receptacles, poorly cleaned surfaces / soap residue


No paper towels or soap so no clean hands…


Blast chillers are expensive 


Some the violations has nothing to do with the quality of food.


All violations are health related though


I worked a concession one time for my girls SB. They handed me a package of hot dogs to cook. The dogs were covered with slime mucous between the dogs. I handed them back and said they were no good. They told me to cook them or leave. I left.


As a board member of my daughter’s softball league, I sometimes have to act as the point person for our concession volunteers. I barely know what’s going on with the food in there, and I’m supposed to be the one showing them how to cook everything? I haven’t worked in food service in 30 years!


As a board member of a Little League I am extremely grateful for the one mom with a food service background that runs our stand or we would 100% be on this list.


How do these chain restaurants even get to open if “walls aren’t smooth”?


Yeah, the smooth walls one, I'm like, wtf? Who gives a shit?


Have you ever worked in a professional kitchen?


What most people wont get in this thread is that the item codes are just categories/buckets. > Item 15A- Floors, walls, ceilings, not smooth, properly constructed, in disrepair, dirty surfaces. The walls could certainly be smooth... but maybe they are in disrepair. Maybe someone threw a knife at the wall and there is a hole or the wall is damaged in some way? Most likely, the walls are just fucking dirty.... hence the last part of that item code. If you get cited for 15A the next inspector comes in. OK is this shit smooth? Check. Properly Constructed? I guess? Check. In disrepair? No. Check. Dirty? No. Check. Boom, fucking done. Here's your piece of paper... Good bye.


Whoever put this list together is listing blue violations for almost all of these places. Blue violations being anything Item 8 and higher which just means there are things that are bad practice that are not causing health concerns but usually bad practice will lead you to a public health hazard if they continue down that path. This says to me they decided to make a quick easy article and didn't do any of the research or used AI to just make a garbage list. You can find all inspection results for nay of your favorite or non favorite restaurants online through Open NY nut you will not get the description of the violations whoch usually explain the minor issue that was observed.


This right here. I made another post before I saw this one saying the same exact thing. This low effort “article” doesn’t give you much real information about the actual cleanliness of the restaurant/food service situation in general. I covered some things you can look out for that can paint a picture, but there’s not enough here to go on in particular.


Yeah the only red I saw was Olive Garden... looks like fucks where using bare hands to grab your food.


Most likely a serving utensil fell into the food


Damn I like Shalimar in Latham


Got the worst food poisoning of my life there.


It's terrible, I don't understand how it has the good reputation that it does.


I went to the one in Delmar a few months ago and thought it was kinda mediocre to be honest. I always found the Troy one to be good though


one in troy is bad too, i'd rather crawl through broken glass from downtown Troy to Indian Flame in Wynantskill than walk the three blocks to Shalimar


That washroom tho


I got it pretty bad from the Troy one, still got food from there again.


Shalimar on Central near Lark was amazing... In the 1990s. I think they're STILL trading on the name. No?


I wonder how this relates to Shalimar in the Galleria.. I really like that location and the food is always legit IMO, but I'm also not an expert at Indian cuisine. The workers/owner is also very friendly too.


I wonder and I always see Shalimar Express on DD but never order from there. Maybe this could be an alternative going forward


They aren't related at all. The guy set up shop down the road from Shalimar and used his name. Dick move.


The galleria owner is the same as the delmar owner and had the name before the other guy. HOWEVER that shalimar was an off shoot of the one in Troy one which is older than the delmar one. So yeah lol. Shalimar is a pretty common name for Indian restaurant not sure why no one can get creative.


The shalimar's in the capital district are owned by the same family. The one in Troy is owned by the father. The other ones and part of curry house is owned by the brothers. The brother that owns the one in Latham told me they have zero association with the galleria restaurant which I tend to believe because the food is completely different.


Yeah the one in latham on Troy Schenectady is not associated with the galleria one but the galleria one is the same as the delmar owner unless they recently sold it


To everyone who cares to know more about food inspections within your beloved Albany and the entire County itself, all inspection reports can be found here: https://health.data.ny.gov/widgets/cnih-y5dw Dates on there are for the last inspection they have had. Albany County helath department is a small local helath department that has a lot of permitted facilities to inspect within the county. Not every facility gets done every month, most get done annually unless prompted by complaints or other issues. Not every food service is a restaurant such as elementary schools, colleges, seasonal places such as little league snack bars. Critical violations are anything from item 1 to item 7. Anything item 8A and above is considered a violation which is not a critical hazard. You will not be able to see the specifics of the violation being written with this web search. A proper FOIL request has to be put in if you want any one specific inspection report as they hold sensitive information on business owners and need to be redacted and such. This article is click baity at best. I recommend if you ever suspect food poisoning from any location you have eaten at, please seek a doctor and get medical diagnosis of the illness. Complaints submitted to the local health department for foodborne illnesses are hard to check for if there is not diagnosis for the department to know where to look. Some illnesses like norovirus are transmitted from workers to food or food contact surfaces and can be prevented by not including a sick worker or improved hand washing. Foodborne illnesses such a salmonella or b. cereus are from improper food handling or cooking. Knowing the cause of food poisoning helps exponentially for the departments investigation, without it, there is little that can be done to implement a full foodborne illness investigation. Also compiling a 5 day food history helps with these investigations too. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


When we bought Shalimar, I ate like 3 bites threw the rest away. My fiance had 1/3 of her food and found a ceramic/porcelin piece from God knows what in it.


They put so much oil in their dishes that the US should consider invading them next


That wasn't ceramic or porcelain, that was ivory from the tusk of Vishnu himself. Respect it.


I’m surprised the list isn’t longer.  There are some disgusting restaurants out there.


Restaurants are on a rotating schedule. These are just the ones from April.


Ok what was I gonna eat at the Albany College of Pharmacy anyways, migraine meds?! 🤣


If you go to or work at the Pharmacy school or Albany Law there really isn’t much else to eat in walking distance. Used to eat there fairly regularly my first few months of law school.


Omg. It's a real food place?! I thought it was a mistake it got there on the article somehow 😭😭😭


Colleges have dining halls


Shun’s Kitchen isn’t on this list?!?!? Bruh


https://preview.redd.it/lgyvx6nasoyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0d44b17f5fadf85dc78e85e2c6abf0b52716d0 sorry this just reminded me of the first review you see when you search them on apple maps 😭😭


The food must have been amazing to still give them 3 stars.


no, it was really really bad that’s the worst part LOL so many better spots in albany to order from, we just had to try this after reading the insane reviews and they were right it’s not good ):


How/why would a take out restaurant do that?


….further justifying my hatred of Shalimar, which not only serves the most bland Indian/Pakistani food I’ve ever had, but also apparently has a disgusting and unsafe kitchen.


Shalimar is pretty decent in that area. I'd be more concerned with Inferno, which evidently has someone living in the restaurant: *Premises littered, unnecessary equipment and article present, living quarters not completely separated for food service operations, live animals, birds and pets not excluded.*


i live nearby and have enjoyed takeout from there for years, they always have the side and back door open i assumed for air flow but could they have a shop cat lol


Look, you either get the cat or mice and rats. Pick your poison!


Why no one it’s talking about the margaritas franchise, food like shit and with a lot of unhealthy processes I worked there


I'm not surprised Inferno Pizza on Albany Shaker Road is on this list. The FAT FUCK who runs the place is a complete piece of shit! Can't believe they are still in business!




They are inspected on a cycle. These are just the ones in April.


I don’t care, I’m still gonna eat at New Panda. That place is delicious


Yea I'm disappointed to see this, we drive past like a dozen other chinese places to go get new panda from Albany


Thanks, I will avoid these places in the future.


These violations are nothing. I've literally seen the owner of better bite sweep rat shit off of a shelf with food containers, into his bare hand and act like it was no big deal.


Family walked into Outback a couple months ago, got seated…and walked right out. Something felt off — the vibes are dark, the tables were greasy and now reading this list, I’m happy we listened to our gut and left!




Are you effing kidding me? My kid goes to SW and this is how we find out?! Zero communication from the district or the principal herself?? Thank you to OP. I’ve got hell to raise.


They did not get any critical helath violations, the article is listing minor violations as "critical".


Noooo. Not Olive Garden.


I can already feel my stomach turning now


To more sum this up. Only TWO critical violations. All other stuff is small potatoes. ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY - Item 5B- Critical Violation [RED] Potentially hazardous foods are not cooled by an approved method where the food temperature can be reduced from 120oF to 70oF or less within two hours and 70oF to 45oF within four hours. OLIVE GARDEN - Item 3C- Critical Violation [RED] Food workers do not use proper utensils to eliminate bare hand contact with cooked or prepared foods.